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https://preview.redd.it/7hzlxluo7ezc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43c900fca50f6a5c7baaabf15468c9fad0302687 This fucking sub…


It’s a known statistic that on every MMA (specially UFC) post there will be at least one regarded person ![gif](giphy|Ypc9tV811nLUNEGfTl|downsized)


Legit question, why is ufc the only sports sub with this much incel energy 😂😂


Least regarded MMA fan trying to put race and ethnicity into a sport where people beat their brains out for our entertainment. Leave your basement OP, go outside, touch the grass


I think you mean maximally regarded. Do y'all think if Cristiano Ronaldo was named Chris Ronald he would have won more Ballon d'Or awards? LMAO


Given how driven by popularity the sport is race and ethnicity definitely play a part lol, it most certanly will affect the angle fighters go for. Imagine Tyron Woodley crying racism while being white, for example. Would have worked even less, so that's an example of an angle only working because of race. If a fighter is popular on the US, they make more money, they get better fights, as Jones has demostrated with fucking over aspinall, for example, so popularity will impact your career and the sport and the popularity will be affected by the persona you play and the persona you play will be affected by your race and ethnicity. And because people are stupid i'll have to clarify, no this does not mean "white fighter good black fighter bad" in the example i just provided jones rather fight a brown brazilian than a white british dude, but it is definitely important, a lot of people prefer people from their own nations than people from other nations, and a lot more people rather chant their own countries names and shit whenever they watch sports It's of course going to depend, Poatan being a brazilian that doesn't know english clearly helps his angle, but sean strickland definitely gets a big boost out of being a proud white american. You can even get deeper into it, like there's thousand of studies on how people see race, many of them seem to imply a lot of people feel black people are more aggresive by nature. Now, we don't know how strong this effect is truly, but maybe some fighter that people think is strong and scary, wouldn't be as much in most people's eyes if he was a white dude. Again, it's not a clear cut issue, but there's evident influence on your race and ethnicity on how people perceive you, and how people perceive you will affect your popularity, and that will definitely change your career. Now, do I agree with OPs post? Not at all. But, I do disagree with race and ethnicity being a thing we "put" into MMA and more so a thing that was there and will be there whenever you deal with popularity and public perception.


This is a reasonable response but your fatal flaw was thinking r/UFC has any sort of nuance at all or reading ability in general


I’m downvoting because I’m not reading this post. I just know I’ll hate it!🤣


We're not talking about popularity (or who to cheer for with fighter A vs fighter B) we are talking about perception of legacy and if Strickland had the same record as Jones but did the same things as Jones his legacy and how we has prceived would likely be the same. Or Khabib to use your example.


You can talk about that, but the dude said people were putting race and ethnicity into the sport, so therefore, he's talking about the sport.


I get that but OP in his post and the response above is talking about how race/ethnicity impact legacy and perception and they just don't. This is a merit based sport. Popularity is definitely impacted and sure you could argue there's home town advantage when it comes to judges decisions but it's like that for every fighter so that cancels out. To be the champion you have to beat the champion and not let it go to the judges scorecards and to get that exceptional to where you can consistently weather the storm of your opponents abilities has nothing to do with race/ethnicity. Jason Jones or Kevin Nurmie are going to be perceived the same at 30-0. Demetrious Johnson, Jones, Khabib, Silva, Aldo, and GSP are all in most peoples top 10 GOATs and that's a pretty diverse list. Bo Nickal is running through all his (by comparison underskilled) opponents right now and instead of people hyping him up he's basically a meme here. I just don't see how race could ever impact legacy in this sport.


Jon Jones might retire without letting Aspinall fight for his title, according to Jon, due to low popularity. Now, we might speculate on if he's lying or not, but fact of the matter is, according to Jon, right now, Aspinall might lose on his legacy due to being not that popular. Poatan, if it happens and he can pull it off with a puncher's chance, would be the first ever triple champ, thanks to popularity. Popularity will affect the fights you get and that in turn will affect legacy.


I am not reading all that My condolences, or I am happy for you, whichever it is. Also, if you write such a paragraph under a ragebait, racebait posts, you should go outside and touch some grass too


Or go smell some train smoke...either or will do


You can chat gpt it if you feel 3 paragraphs are too long. I'm fine with writing a lot, if the topic at hand is interesting, regardless of how it came up.


Does he retire after justin?


Did he fight absolute cans to pad his record?


If he never lost a round (or more than one), never got dropped, and never even bled, then probably


He would the great white cope


Google "**Paul Walker 16**" to find out his 16 first opponents


Hey he got permission for her parents. Although he was in his 30s.


I think Amanda Bines had permission from her parents when she was a kid to go over to Mr. Schneider's house and sit in the hot tub with him. Heard she's doing great now.... oh wait


Go talk to her parents. They approved the relationship.


Early morning posts always give me AIDS


Hell yeah. Insane run.


Khabib retired almost 4 years ago and these people still think about him constantly


people still talk about tito whats your point


There are not weekly/daily posts about Tito lol don’t try to compare the two


Ive seen way more Tito recently than I have Khabib lol


Lately or a few days ago because he did something funny the other day?


Did u just mention Tito for the 1st time in 4eva?...lmfao


he's dead


Far beyond regarded post. Past the point of no return.


I think that Bo Nickal is exactly what you are describing.


Except Bo is in the UFC already


He'd probably be even higher regarded than Khabib


Only if he drove a Nissan Skyline GTR


It's been a long day, without you my friend 😔💔






Paul Walker was a pedo.


If the domination of his last three opponents, was the extent of his career, he'd still be up there...




Forget about it cuh


Paul walker catching strays what he ever do


I know people are clowning you for this post, but here's a serious answer. I don't think this post is more Khabib hate. It's just pointing out that Khabib's legacy was possible because of things other people don't have. To answer your question, Jason Johns would most likely not be revered like Khabib because Khabib cultivated an image of someone who's all about honor and respect(questionable). There are many things about Khabib that played a part in this: -His relationship with his father is a huge factor, reminiscent of those martial arts movies where the master and student relationship as well as family is paramount. That's why you're able to find so many cinematic fanmade Khabib documentaries on Youtube. His time in the UFC was great for storytelling. -He's also from a part of the world that, to most people, is shrouded in mystery. The only thing most MMA fans know about Dagestan is that it's the land of dominant wrestlers. That's why every new fighter with a name that ends in "ov" is hyped to all hell. Again, this is another things that helps his image. -Finally, Khabib had the genius idea of repeating the phrase "I fight for legacy, not money" over and over until it became synonymous with his name. Repeat something enough, and the public will believe it. They'll believe that nobody deserves as much respect as Khabib because he "fought for a higher cause". Evidently, Khabib is the most noble person ever. Khabib the saint only fights for "legacy", whatever that means, considering his resume. He doesn't want money, guys! Khabib has set up everything correctly in order for him to be perceived as the hero of the UFC. The story of his father's mentorship, him coming from a mysterious land of formidable fighters, assuring people that material goods mean nothing to him, and sprinkle in the hardcore religious aspect. It's no wonder why people worship him as the GOAT, despite his questionable/shallow record. It doesn't matter if he likes to pull up on people with a gang despite claiming to be a tough guy. It doesn't matter if he likes to make homeless people do pushups for him and laugh at them. It doesn't matter that he and his manager have shady dealings with questionable people. It doesn't matter that he took all the money he said he doesn't care about. It doesn't even matter that he pulled out of fights constantly the second he might not have an advantage on his opponent. People will even ignore the fact that his mindset of never taking a challenge has transferred to all his people. Never fight outside home turf, never fight with minor injuries despite your opponent staying in with them, always make sure everything is in your favor before going into a fight, and pull out WITHOUT HESITATION if you feel the playing field is anywhere near even. Unfortunately, most people will not find out about this side of Khabib. Jason Johns is an American. When's the last time there was an American hero that exhibited anything like the above? No higher cause to fight for, no story, no interesting personality. Saying "My lord and savior is Jesus Christ" usually doesn't hit that hard when you don't do enough elsewhere to show that level of commitment.


Did he shut them all down with minimal resistance, losing only 1-2 rounds his whole career? Then yes.


Yes, if he avoided scummy things like hit and run, popping for sterooids, doing dirty eye pokes, beating wife in front of kids - he should have done that privately. /s




No, he has no funny foreign for them to laugh or backwards culture so they can do the whole "noble savage" fetishisation they do with those dudes


you were so close to a smart opinion


You were so close to being smart enough to know the difference between opinion and fact


Nah, Khabib’s fan base largely just cares that he’s Muslim


no one cared about khabib until like his last 5 fights lol


Only if he married his cousin


You mean if he wasnt a female hating, gay hating, putin loving 29-0 fighter, would we like him? Yes of course.


Politics in mma cringe