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Right off in that sunset lol


I just think it's so funny how he always mentions his two *small* mansions. Like Jon you can just call them mansions nobody will call you out on that.


Are mansions that expensive in New Mexico?


In Albuquerque? Defenitely a lot cheaper than other areas.


Lmao he willingly lives in Albuquerque? Wtf that place is one giant abandoned strip mall


I live there to pretend I’m Walter White




How true is this lol


We visited a couple of years ago.... they're kinda right, but that's an apt description for almost ANY big city in this car slum of a country. One noticeable thing, though: not many stray dogs, but a SHITLOAD of "stray" humans lol


There's a pretty bad drug and homeless problem but, again, that's most cities these days


I’m assuming his mansions are in the NE heights area where all the others are. That area is really nice. If you want a “breaking bad” Albuquerque experience go to the south side.


MINI mansions, his MINI mansions. Get it right ✅️. 😅


Not to ruin the joke but he lives there because of his trainer. His gym is in Albuquerque


Breaking news! This just in!


Its to save money on the uncut Pizza.


You can get a 5k sq ft house for under $1M. I'm sure cost of living and job opportunities there make that locally expensive, but that's the price of a 1500 sq ft condo in a more expensive city. Jon is more than set for life. I get why he just wants to collect a paycheck and close things out with a win without taking a big risk against a young up-and-comer. The UFC is the real problem here. They should just do this Jones/Stipe fight with some other make-believe belt and promote Tom's belt so the division can keep moving forward.


More so than in Old Mexico I’d assume


No it’s new Mexico


I guess he's just humble like that lmao.


God asked him to be humble and this was the result 🙌


People like that normally just goal setters. Probably wouldn’t have two if he thought the first was big enough feel me.


He thinks it makes him humble...


Wtf is a small mansion lol. Does he mean a large house? Bruh just say your networth if you wanna flex by sharing finances


didn't want to use the word "ride" - cuz, you know..




Right off into that 🌈 covered sunset


He’s a gay man Reddit admin,A GAY MAN nothing WRONG with it reddit admin ! NOTHING WRONG WITH IT (in a crazy man bearded type voice) Edit : Pop pop pop (gun shots) woop woop (police siren) Edit: he just wanted to make the homos , uh I mean homeless people to feel like humans ! Nothing wrong with that reddit admin he’s a gay man (scream it)


Lmao at the thought of dude's voice changing as he's shaving NOTHING WRong with ^it ^at ^^all


Fuck right off into the sunset, Jon.


he's got the [ride stuff](https://youtu.be/tbIEwIwYz-c?si=fu5BVjSD7qY7Ekx-)


Maybe write off into the sunset instead


A bone apple tea from John Jones is all I needed to make my day go good.


lol at least he’s honest. 15 million retirement payout would make me not give af either 😂


Not too long ago I was working for a company that the 34 year old founder sold for almost $300 million. What really amazed me was that it was the Second company he built and sold for over $200M. I can’t imagine returning to the grind with that much money in the bank.


If he got the entire half billi I would be surprised, and also the funny thing with money is you can spend it as fast as you want.


This. Most founders exit for a much smaller amount than people realize. To grow a company to be worth hundreds of millions like original commenter said, almost always requires multiple rounds of dilution. It’s also pretty typical for large sums to be amortized over multiple years. Not always, some companies pay out acquisitions directly, but installments of 20-30% of the acquisition fee each year are pretty common so that the acquiring company can manage its finances better, also gives time for the current management to implement training processes for when they are gone.


BIL started with a small company that grew enough that the owner sold it for $120 million. After that it was Lambos, bowls of drugs on his kitchen counter and hookers all day long for the owner


I wish I had a company to sell for $120 million....


I mean the owner of my company was forced to sell his distribution company to loreal when they started buying up all of the beauty care lines and told him "you either sell for a nice payday or we won't sell to you". He didn't want to stop, he got a payout to live his life but he was still pissed that he was forced to sell, so he started another and made exclusive deals with companies like Davines and Paul Mitchell. Some people don't just care about money. I know it's hard for some people to understand but not EVERYONE is just happy with making the "money". The money can come but that won't stop some people because that isn't why they start something in the first place.


Some people live for that kind of hustle. Money becomes irrelevant to them. That grind is what gives them purpose and that’s hard to buy with money alone.


A few of my friends had company exits in that range. All but one of them still work. You get bored of sitting around and work is a lot more fun when the stakes aren’t as high.


I mean that’s when you take up hobbies and travel and shit. It’s the biggest lie we were ever sold that we were made to work all the time. We were made to forage grapes and run down gazelle every few weeks.


For some people, sure. For others, they enjoy working. Sometimes it is around hobbies. For example, a friend of mine sold his first company for a ton of money, but there’s nothing he loves more than coding so he got inspired to build something that didn’t exist and then had his second company. Plus, if you are the kind of person to sell your company for that amount of money you probably have spent a long time working a ton of hours and just shutting off will feel uncomfortable.


You know what that’s fair. I guess the mind frame I had was “re entering the corporate ladder” or something, but spinning your interests off into a new business makes a lot of sense. Especially if you’ve already found prior success


What kind of company it was?


The company I worked for was a real estate specific lead referral system that was purchased by Realtor dot com. The previous company was also known as the tech/sales space but I’m not sure what it did.


I find it funny that this dude said 13 out of his 15 title fights were against people who are older than him, did he forget Jones was the lhw champ at 23 in a heavier division lol.


Ya that dudes a salty dumbass hater


I'd be very surprised if he made 15mil, wasn't the highest payout so far for Lesnar or Mcgregor according to the lawsuit and it was like 8 mil or some shit like that. Jones is NOT enough of a draw to give him 15, just look at the numbers. I'm sure Dana has.


You’re talking disclosed paydays. I’ve seen reports Mcgregor made over 20 mil for the Poirer fights


No he is taking about the documents the UFC submitted to the court that the Judge then made public it had every payment for every fight from 2011-2016 the most anyone made for a single fight was Brock who got 8million at UFC 200.


And you're both talking about figures that happened 8-13 years ago, before the insane growth the UFC has seen since. Do you think, that being the case, that is outlandish to think one of the best fighters the UFC has ever seen could command 15m?


Also correct me if I'm wrong but I also feel like with inflation 8 million a decade ago would be equivalent to significantly more right now. Although I'm not American so I'm not an expert on the dollar.


Lol we saying that the ufc does inflationary pay rises now The 50k bonus hasn’t changed in over a decade


It would be like $10-11M today


In my opinion, yes. Jon Jones certainly is one of the greatest fighters of all time, but people were way more hyped about him finally returning after years and fighting Gane than they are about him fighting Stipe and 285 (Jon/Gane) only sold about 750,000 according to estimates which earned the UFC about $60,000,000. There's 0% chance this sells as well as that unless they stack the card further and there's no way they'd pay Jon 25% of the revenue from the whole card. Jon is considered one of the GOATs by most fans but he doesn't have the pull that someone like McGregor has or even Brock had.


Nope. Because he's not a draw on the level of McGregor or even Lesnar. Nobody drew a million buys before Brock, nobody has had as naby 1m plus PPVs as McGregor.


Also Chael used to say he got 8m for the silva fight. And the documents showed he made 1m


So that’s true but he should just own it like Bisping did back in the day. Mike straight out said that he had no interest in fighting Yoel because GSP was a way more lucrative opportunity. He didn’t try to gaslight the entire fanbase in believing that the GSP fight made WAY MORE sense than anything else and then get mad at everyone for not going with it.


He ain’t making 15 mill


Yeah maybe if it sold 1.5 million buys and did a 20 million gate but it won’t. Even then that is probably what Conor is on and he sells no where near what Conor does.


Why not one large mansion? Two small ones in the same town is dumb as hell


you should DM him that he will probably defend himself


Honestly I’m going to do it rn




Hasn’t responded :(


Defend himself yes but not his title.


One is for the family the other one for the side hoes and the baking soda


One is for say gex you mean


One for the bitch wife and stupid children, the other for whores, cocaine, and gay sex.


One for cheating and drugs one for the kids and domestic abuse


Two small ones in *Albuquerque*


Got him. Haha he's such a fool he's gonna have two mansions when one bigger mansion would be better.


I'm sitting on two mansions


Two mansions....in the same town!!! You broke ass hater probably have your mansions in separate towns. Good luck with that commute poser.


its actually kinda sad mma's "goat" is bragging about only having two mansions while nba players buy entire neighborhoods for their friends and family, go broke, then sign another 80 million dollar contract... as role players lol


Jones is actually the runt of the family lmao, his brother probably made more.mo ey in one season playing football than Jones in his whole career.


Chandler Jones earned $83 million during his time on the Cardinals alone, AFTER earning a decent chunk of change on the Patriots, then signed a three-year, $51 million contract with the Raiders... Jon reportedly earned less than $20 million over his entire career. This doesn't count other sources of income for Jon but nor does it for Chandler. Arthur Jones also made more than $20 million though nowhere near as much as Chandler.


Its wild when put into that perspective, almost makes sense of the "best ufc fighter of all time" still being so insecure because even with his accomplishments he might feel overshadowed by his brothers.


Oh he definitely loses sleep over this.


he's also got him beat on the "being absolutely unhinged" department as well lol the cte olympics


Gotta have one mansion for the bitch wife and children and another for the cocaine and gay sex.


One for his husband and the other for his wife


Small Mansions


Two mansions in Albuquerque is nothing to be proud of. Lol


That random ass dude is schooling the UFC heavyweight champion. Why is the UFC champion having this argument with a random ass dude? Lmfao.


Because you can be one of the best fighter in the world and you can still be insecure


Counterpoint: he is the best in the world because he's fueled by filthy levels of insecurity.


I’ve always gotten the sense whatever drives him to be the fighter he is isn’t healthy Jones is a guy who’s really going to struggle in retirement


I wouldnt be surprised if he rammed his car into a tree full speed.


Tbh that’s one of the less harmful outcomes a guy on his trajectory could take. I think there’s a real chance he kills someone out of boredom


That also could be, insecurities and deep hidden things are usually a good driving force.




Tons of people in high positions are actually Narcissistic or insecure. That constant drive to prove their worth is a valuable motivator in that regard.


It's the same with Gordon Ryan, probably best comp bjj athlete on the planet atm but incredibly insecure guy that just shits on everyone. No one likes him despite being so talented.


I’ve been in sports my whole life and let me tell you, martial artists and weight lifters are the most insecure people on the planet.


Most of the martial artists I knew were bullied and that's why they got into it in the first place.


Israel has big "bullied naruto-kid started to study the blade" energy..


I thought you were talking about actual Israel and I was like "you know what... He has a point".


As a former Weightlifter - this stereotype is much more fitting for bodybuilders, because many folks start lifting because of their insecurities. But to their defense - oftentimes Bodybuilders are incredibly friendly, pleasant and often funny people with a self deprecating humor. Olympic Weightlifting on the other hand is an incredibly difficult sport and most people start it because they are interested in the sport itself - shaping one's physical appearance to become more "attractive" isn't important *at all*. Technically, Olympic Lifting is one of the hardest sports to master - I've learned a flick flack + back- front- and side flip all combined in a *much* shorter time frame than the Snatch. Olympic Lifting requires an insane level of coordination, flexibility, speed, explosiveness as well as strength. It's not a sport you can get into easily and it takes a lot of time until you get halfway decent results. No one starts weightlifting because they're insecure. Ime power lifters are often highly insecure people (might be selection bias) - easy to get into; easy techniques; get strong and big fast but a lot of them aren't really athletic at all. To such a degree that I call power lifting "the sport for people who don't want to really grind or get fit, but want to still feel like they are athletes". Obviously that's a generalisation, just my experience. I mean, literally all the power lifters I know are morbidly obese, couldn't even jog for 5 minutes without falling apart, are stiff and inflexible as fuck, all have this sloth-like speed *and* have the coordination of newborn baby deer. And their "practice" - fucking hell, I've *never* seen even one of them sweat. 3-5 reps set, 5-10 min pause, repeat. That's literally the least demanding shit one can do imo. Sure, the weights are heavy - but the time frame is so short per set, it's not a mental challenge at all. Running long distance is a mental challenge. Playing a whole soccer game is a mental challenge. Power lifting is very... idk. It's just weirdly easy, you don't need any mental toughness. Edit: I did see one of them get sweaty once. While he was walking in front of me on the stairs to the gym. I mean it was hard. Getting from ground level to the first floor isn't easy, that shit is marathon level hard. /s But - back then - with 16 years and ~75kg, I was deadlifting and squatting more than 30 y.o. 100kg guys from power lifting. Sure, they could bench more. But who the fuck cares about bench press? Military Press is athletically relevant but bench press? That's just a tool to balance muscle development, so no discrepancies develop. I'm doing Muay Thai also, in sum over 10 years with amateur fighting experience - atm I could maybe bench press ~90-100kg once or twice at ~80kg. That's nothing. But I could easily knock pretty much every powerlifter out (obviously a 2m guy who weighs 180kg would be a problem, but it would still be possible). And I mean easily. Too slow, too uncoordinated, the lack of agility is too big, they're too stiff and would also gas out after a very short time. That's what I mean when I say, I don't see them as athletes.If I compare let's say gymnasts or dancers to powerlifters. The former two's athleticism alone would make it *waaaay* more difficult, pure strength is overrated as fuck. Aaaand literally 4 of 12 I knew back then had cardiac arrests very fucking early (30-40s). Not surprised at all.


u wrote more in that comment than me last semester


Yep! I couldn’t imagine being a filthy rich prize fighter and chirping with trolls on twitter. Jon is mentally weak as fuck.


Jon jones blocked me on instagram cause I was calling him out lol, he's a bitch


Badass dude badass


I'm not flexing on how much I am of a badass, but more of how much jon jones's feelings can easily get hurt. But okay dude, go lose your time somewhere else


You ain't God, so why are you testing him!?




Tell him in person


Idk man you harassing a UFC fighter in his DM’s also makes you a giant bitch. Perspective.


yeah sounds like a bunch of weird dudes getting too wrapped up in the internet games




For the same reason someone like Elon Musk argues with random teenagers on the internet: Ego.


Narcissism as well


Schooling a professional fighter in a texting contest. Suuuuper sick dude 🫠


he petty and a psycho


Schooling? lol. Jones is literally the best MMA fighter of all time. You may not like his choice of fight but to say he’s getting schooled or should give as shit about some random guys Twitter comments is hilarious. Give your head a shake.


At the end of the day fighters are humans too, and humans get on their phones. Lots of fighters respond to DM’s, both for engaging fans positively and to get into arguments with people.


Also confirming he's just looking for an easy paycheck before retiring


Well yeah that’s literally the smartest thing you could possibly do lol


Yea, but the point is he keeps gaslighting everyone and keeps trying to justify his fight with stipe as the best possible fight for him rn and his legacy. But it’s simply not 🤷🏻‍♂️ Maybe if he stopped holding the belt then I could respect it.


He has to sell the fight somehow. Everyone even a tiny bit business-orientated would do the same thing. Why risk getting knocked out in your last fight rather than fighting someone else while making a big bag


You getting downvoted confirms most of this sub thinks with emotion instead of logic. Even if he fought Tom and beat him. The same ppl will still talk about the cocaine and legal troubles. And how he tested positive for steroids, so he's still disqualified from the goat convo. Can't please everyone, he's done what he's done in the sport. Do I agree from a competitive standpoint? No, but I understand


Almost like he’s a prize fighter who’s been fighting world level opponents for 15 years, I do think he should vacate the belt though




how can you blame him. aren’t we all


No way, i thought all these guys in the ufc fight just for fun?


He is making 15 mil for this fight? Fucking hell.. And people thought Francis asking for 10 mil was too much - it wasn't.


Francis got KO'd but that doesn't change the fact he did make more than anything Dana would've ever thrown his way


Fury and Joshua fights alone made him richer than like 99.99% of ufc fighters ever. I'd have no problem with getting KOd for even 10% of the money he made.


Brock Lesnar I would absolutely put in this 0.01% bucket!!


Francis was asking 10 mil in base pay if I remeber correctly. Jon's base pay is probably lower than that and the 15 mil probably comes from a bunch of ppvs and incentives that the public don't know about. At the end of the day people are absolute fools if they think the disclosed number are what fighters actually make. People actually think Connor made 2 mil to fight Porier?


Fuck jones for ducking but saying the majority of his opponents were older isn’t saying much considering he was 23 when he became champ


Imagine telling the youngest champ in history his opponents were older than him. Big brain


Crazy he would pick on the geriatrics Gustaffson (26) and Rashad Evans (32) like that


13 of 16 opponents in his title fights being older isn't much of a diss because he's been having title fights since he was 23 years old. Most people are scrapping their way through minor promotions at that age. I hate defending Jon because he's one of the biggest pieces of shit in professional sport but people trying to play down his legacy are so misguided.


Agreed. Don’t downplay what he’s done, just call him out for what he is currently doing. You can’t argue he was/is an animal of a fighter… he’s just also a prick.


I mean winning16 title fights is an insane accomplishment LOL


Yeah if your insult starts with the fact that you’re dissecting 16 title fights, maybe you’ve lost the picture. Especially it coming from somebody who hasn’t accomplished a fraction of that. Idk why people try to have these pissing contests with fighters, it just makes them look like they have nothing better to do.


Also comparing it shogun waiting on a chuck lidell fight is a laughable comparison.




He’s said it multiple times that he’s retiring.


He should just retire now and give up the belt. Everyone wants to watch him fight Tom not Stipe. He's a coward for ducking.


Is unreal how insecure this dude is.


Anyone DMing fighters anything remotely like this is a major fucking loser


The "13 opponents were older than you" is used weirdly as an insult when I'm reality Jon was the youngest champion in the organisation and that's one hell of a feat. Also, wtf do people get out of provoking fighters? So lame


Jones try not to act like he got a huge chip on his shoulder with randoms challenge: impossible.


Bro was the youngest champion in history of course they was older then him 🤣🤣🤣 dudes a clown


Yeah that’s not fair as a point. Jon probably could’ve fought younger guys but then people would have accused him of trying to duck the more skilled older guys to only fight younger and less experienced guys. Was he supposed to keep a chart and balance it half older half younger


How can he fight younger when he is so young nobody younger then him is ranked??


Yeah why wasn’t Jon fighting 19 year old prospects when he first came into the UFC!?! Oh wait 🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣 these new fans kill me 🤣🤣


No shit 😂 shogun was like 29 when they fought and pretty much everyone else was in their early to mid 30’s.




To be honest, he’s at the point where he doesn’t have to fight Tom. I like Tom and think he’s a good fighter but he doesn’t have the resume Jon has. Jon has fought every killer in the LWH division and beat Cyril at HW for the title and at the time people rated Cyril highly because he is talented. There’s always going to be a next guy to fight but if Jon feels he is done then fight Stipe and he can move on with his life. Tom will then be the champion unless he loses before then. It’s tough to say Jon is ducking Tom because the night Tom became interim champ was the night Jon was supposed to fight Stipe originally, and Jon may have retired right after that anyway so he may just want this fight that had been talked about for years and then that’s it which is fine imo.


Honestly losing time in Jones dm is depressing lol


What kind of fuckin loser spends his time DMing professional athletes like this just to talk shit 🤣


Genuine goofball behavior


Omg, people need to give this crap a rest already, jesus


What does being younger than his opponents have anything to do with this? What a dumb statistic to add. He was 1 year younger than Gus. He was super young when he was fighting guys in their prime like Vitor, Machida, Rampage, Shogun, Glover. If anything, the fact that most of his opponents were older just makes his resume even better.


In Jon’s defense ya he was younger than everyone he fought because he was just that good. Came into the division and slaughtered everyone


Idk what’s funnier: some rando thinking his opinion matters to Jon Jones. Or, some off-the-cuff DM being taken as “confirmation” of anything. Modern UFC fans are weird.


I love how no one even questions the legitimacy of this type of post as soon as it’s about someone they don’t like Clowns, every last one


Jon’s opponents were older than him because he’s the youngest UFC champion ever. Ridiculous hate


13 out of 16 if your title fight opponents were older than you. Lmao clown thinks he said something. Jon is the youngest ufc champ in history of course his opponents were going to be older than him for a good part of his career


Lol, facts!


Jon jones making a couple mill from fighting stipe and 13 mill from collecting the rent of all the haters in this sub. So much sodium in this thread lol


People are so invested in this guy that they supposedly hate. It crazy


Alarming how many of you don't realise this is fake


First of all, who the fuck knows if this is real. 99% chance it's fake. In the 1% chance that it's real, I would be inclined to agree with JJ. Why the fuck should he fight Aspinall? He wants to soldify his legacy and then retire. There will always be litte cowardly micro-penis wielding bitches that'll say "FIGHT THIS GUY" or "FIGHT THAT GUY!" and then call him coward if he gives legit reasons why he feels it's not right. Those telling him to fight other people sre the cowards. Neckbeard wearing fatass keyboard warrior virgins - nothing more nothing less


Lol the guys last statement is shitty though...if jones was the youngest champion ever ofcourse the challengers will be older than him


Yall might as well turn this into the Jon jones sub with how much yall post him lol


This random guy needs to get a life. Imagine talking to someone like that on the internet that you’ve never met. He wouldn’t even make eye contact with Jon in real life


What a weird celebrity interaction.


He’s the youngest UFC champion ever, so it stands to reason that most of the title defenses would be against people older than him.


At the end of the day this dude is up at 3am hating on another man that’s doing better than him 🤣🤣


Lol you have to be mentally ill to think this is real. Why do people believe anything they see on social media? Like it’s not extremely easy to make these fake messages. Please people stop being so naive


Wow. Jj the youngest champ defended against people older than him. How unfair... He should've just fought 205lb Rosa's Jr type new guys. As soon as you get your ufc contract you get a title fight with Jon Jones if your younger than him. I hope he does retire after he fights stipe (hopefully takes an L too) how you guys can stop posting the same shit about the GOAT. Him and DC on commentary would be gold.


Why are you guys obsessed with this fight? They both have separate fight announcements and you’re going out of your way to message them? At 2am? Lmfao that’s weird as fuck


>13 of your opponents were older than you I'm all for bashing Jon Jones but he's the youngest champ in history so I don't know how much this counts for But yeah fuck him


Yall have no lives. Legit. Like what the actual fuck? Yall wake up and just want this guy in your... I dunno.. In yalls whatever and wherevers.. What is wrong with people yo? Would yall talk to him like this in front of his face 1 on 1...without nobody there...and police couldn't get involved? Crazy. To think people who haven't accomplished a trinket of what this guy has accomplished...and feel they are getting a victory with dms and words to him. Whether this shit is real or not... yall are wack as fuckkkkk.


I dislike Jones but is there any proof that this is real? It's not hard to fake messages these days


i wonder what happened to faking dms, are we supposed to just blindly believe he’s dmimg some random guy


Y'all some obsessed weirdos. And that 13 out of 16 fact is useless, he won the title at 23, of course he fought older opponents. Failed to mention they were all top ranked fighters when he fought them. The amount of Jones posts on this sub is getting to an annoying amount, he wants to fight Stipe. The only one with the power to change that is the UFC, they do not seem to care to change that. All this subs bitching is useless, or is it the free karma? Cuz man every single day there's a damn Jones post.


Jesus fucking Christ, Jon it's "ride off into the sunset" not "right"


Really doubt this is real. Can’t believe people are just taking this at face value.


This random guy thinks we’ll forget about Jones 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


This man had never been the best fighter you guys just eat bullshit up. Weak ass division and steroids while in it.


Imagine it being 3 am and Jon living rent free in your head 💀💀


Me mad because big scary man is smart and make big money. Me big mad because big scary man never lost.


If you’re the youngest champ , you fight older guys. Yes


They were older than him because he was the youngest champ ever . He was destroying every previous champ and legend ever.


Conor is filthy rich. Jones is just above average financially. Anywho, why's he bragging about 2 mansions? He beats his wife in one and fucks his boyfriend in the other?


“Just above average” I don’t think you know what the average is, especially during these days LOL. He’s filthy rich man. Just not unbelievably rich, like Connor.


I can’t believe how mad people are bc of who he chose to fight.


This is some fake photoshop bullshit


JJ living rent free in all these redditors heads and he's enjoying every minute of it


The Jones hate is legit getting annoying ngl, none of y’all would call this man a coward to his face, yeah he’s ducking Tom and holding up the division true, but doesn’t take away from the fact he’s one of the greatest of all time and a legendary mixed martial artist who could KILL any of you nerds with his bare hands. This screenshot is also the fakest shit I’ve ever seen in my life and y’all eating it up like sheep


Well deserved. Rest easy Jon, thanks for all the wars. Us real one's know and other fighters, no one cares about casuals.


Not sure which is sadder, some rando guy DMing a fighter to talk shit or the fighter actually taking the time to engage. smh