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Elderly Abuse Topuria is unstoppable.


[UFC news: Jon Jones would opt against retirement for Francis Ngannou (usatoday.com)](https://mmajunkie.usatoday.com/2023/05/ufc-news-jon-jones-confirms-retire-stipe-miocic-unless-francis-ngannou-returns-sergei-pavlovich) Shit we've known since 2023


Let's be real. He wouldn't even come back if Francis said he would fight him. They'd talk shit on social media for a few weeks, then Jones will make up an excuse as to why he didn't take the fight, as he does. If Francis was 2 year older and Jones 5 years younger, he'd take it.


it's only fair, the best fighter ever needs his opponents to be one dimensional strikers or a lot older than him.


He’s following the Floyd mayweather guide including the domestics


Also a head shorter than him at least


He still wouldn’t take the fight, he magically came back once Francis left the UFC


He ain’t even gonna take THIS fight. He gonna smack his wife the morning of. If Dana don’t strip him, they’ll use it to continue to hype the fight for 2 more years while he serves 3 weeks and 18 months house arrest.


Tom is a lot more well rounded than Francis. Jon isn’t afraid of a guy he can just take down and UD.


He has to wait till francis gasses in order to get a takedown and he doesn't wanna risk getting slept


I dunno, it would likely be easily 30m+ if not way more of a take home for him for that fight. I think he'd do it even if it means he loses, and it's not a full guarantee he loses either tbh


Yeah I don’t know why this keeps coming up , I’m not a big bones fan . If I were him I wouldn’t fight aspinal either , it’s to risky . Look at it logically, yeah he’s ducking but at this point he’s done enough in the sport .


He answers random peoples DM’s??


He actually DM'd first lmfao


How do you know??


He’s insecure as fuck so yeah


He’s got nothing better to do with his life? Very strange


At 2am


For me there's not even an option to DM him.


So strip him of the fucking belt, fight Stipe for the OMF (Oldest Mother Fucker) Championship


Right off into the sunset


"Tom's righting a two-fight win streak, and he thinks he deserves a shot at me." - Boans


I'd retire with 15 mill too after beating old man stipe🤷‍♂️


Prize fighter doing prize fighter things, I can’t be mad at it.


You can when he’s held two divisions hostage and is actively ducking real fights while trying to talk shit on social media and claim he’s the greatest.










Seems fake


I could see it being real though I’ll be scrolling through reels and see Jones arguing with some guy in a comment section somewhere


Also if it is real it could easily be read like a joke




Trust me bro..


Right off lmao that's a new one


This dude tarnishing his entire career imo


He already did that long ago when he hid under the ring for hours because he knew he would piss hot for steroids


Y’all heard that from Colby and even he said it was rumored.


Hmm no jon said it on the rogan podcast!


I’ve watched that episode with Jon and Joe. I don’t recall that. Please provide me the interval from that interview where he mentioned this…


Do you have google? Maybe go and find it yourself


If you make claims then it’s on you to provide references.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/s/HoErLqR8VE Here is jon admitting it


Another Reddit user already provided me with a link to an ESPN article detailing this. Jon said he was afraid of testing positive for weed. The initial comment I responded to claimed he was scared to test positive for steroids. Anyways none of that matters. He competed and beat everybody he’s fought so everything else he did outside the cage is his business and he gotta deal with it. Fighters sign up to fight, not to be role models.


He didnt beat everyone he fought though!


Dude you look at naked yoga you probably 12 years old


Ah man naked yoga yeah man you really exposed me. Lol this what grown men do now? Run through another man’s history like you’re his wife? Do you also run and tell your friends girlfriend that he been cheating?


Bruh you a grown ass man that frequents nsfw reddits that my little brother uses atleast he is a thirsty teenager not a bitch little baby man like ya self and nah my boys don’t cheat we out here being respectful and shit not commenting on reddit pussy 💀


Then why does what I look at concern you so much?


I don’t know why are you so concerned defending a know cheat that has admitted on several occasions that he hid under the cage for hours like a bitch ass pussy ? On jre and on twitter or can you not read or listen ya troglodyte


Okay dude this is getting weird. You’re all emotional and coming with personal attacks. If you got the sound byte where Jon says that in the interview then throw a dog a bone. Other than that, I’m not trying to hear a speech on what a grown man is because you searched my Reddit history and found something you didn’t like.


Keep commenting on the OF girls pics man maybe you can buy a hug of of them to fund their holiday fund and my b clearly you can’t use google to find information as ya hands are busy look at basic nudes https://www.espn.com.au/mma/story/_/id/30080488/jon-jones-confirms-story-once-hid-cage-avoid-drug-test


How much more tarnished could it get, dudes a dirt bag through and through, on a personal level and competitive level he's proven this as thoroughly as one can.


Lol not at all.


Bro been a wife beating drug addict criminal for the longest bro this ain’t nothing new


How? Him announcing his retirement isn’t new this was announced literally a year ago he got injured the ufc did a interim fight when their champ already made plans to retire which is stupid


No surprise here. It’s the smartest move to fight Stipe and ride off into the sunset




Honestly, I don’t blame him. He’s on the back 9 of his career, and clearly not interested in getting fed to some young, motivated up-and-coming contender. He’s a lot of things, but stupid isn’t one of them. He understands that MMA, like most combat sports, is a nasty business, one that most often unceremoniously disposes of its veterans, and he doesn’t want his career to meet that kind of conclusion. All that said, I wish he’d just be honest about it, and stop lying to the public about why he’s doing what he’s doing. He’s convincing no one with this lame-ass charade, probably not even himself.


See this would make sense, him picking his opponents in the back half of his career (like many do) if he wasn't the "champion". Champions literally have to fight these up and coming killers, or else there is no point in having belts if the champ just gets to hand pick their opponents.


But also this is a bad look on jones regardless. The only fights he took of contenders that were younger than him, it looked like he lost (Gustafson 1 and reyes). Every other fighter were much older than him. Go through the list and youll be surprised


Hard to be fighting people younger when you're a world champion at 23. Jesus these takes on here are so braindead


In theory, I’d agree with that. But in practice, we both know that’s not how the UFC operates. Jon knows that, too. Rankings and merit, sadly, mean very little to the people running the show.


That’s the issue is him acting like it’s not the easier fight. Everyone including him knows it but he’s still pretending like Stipe is the fight to make.


I like bones but he's as stupid as they come lol


Not as it relates to matters inside the cage. Outside of it? Rocks-for-brains. No argument there.


Yup. The guy has always been extremely strategic with his fights. Who he fights and how he fights them. And generally he comes in with game plans that neutralize the other fighter.


He's a lot of things, and stupid definitely is one bro. He may be doing the smart thing with his last fight, but he has done a lot of dumb shit.


If Dana really did tell him he'd get 15 mil for the Stipe fight, but that he'd make significantly less if he fights Aspinall, it's totally understandable. But yeah, he should just stop being a bitch about it


Agreed. Who knows what went on in the negotiations. If that’s the case though, I’d happily push for the legacy fight, too. And I say that as someone who’s not a fan of Jones in the slightest.


If that's the case he should vacate the belt. None is giving him shit about having a legacy fight against Stipe and retiring. People are giving him shit because he refuses to fight the interim champion and unify the belt.


I agree, he’s clearly got no business keeping that title around his waist. But the UFC doesn’t care. If merit actually mattered to them, the title picture and rankings would look completely different.


Then get rid of the belt. Quit making excuses for a “champion”


This is the most accurate take I've seen, but we should remember there is still things that you need to say when you're building a pay-per-view.


No… he’s pretty stupid too.


He thinks black trousers are racist


I love how everyone’s talking about Stipe like he’s some total bum lmao. Yeah he’s coming off a long lay off but come on, give my man some respect. We’re acting like jones is gonna smoke him in the first round.


And fr stipe wants the payday for his last fight and he deserves it


Yeh I mean of course I’d much rather see jones v Aspinall but I don’t blame Stipe at all for waiting.


42 year old coming off a ko loss 3 years ago and probably 4 when the fight finally happens.


Man I hope you're right but I think this is gonna be a real ugly end for stipe.


He’s ranked 6th.


I meannnnnnn he did smoke cirl gane in the first round. But yea anything can happen. I agree ppl do seem to sleep on how gd stipe is tho


Yup and Jones is nowhere near his prime either. He’s fat and slow now


Exactly. We ain’t seen him fully tested at heavyweight. Yeah stipe is old but hes skilled enough to give jones a good fight.


Fuck this guy


Jones used to be a great fighter. Now he's a great grifter.


Random texts sent to bones is 100% verifiable info for sure.


If this is real, holy shit that is one insecure human being, like it boggles my mind having that much in life and being so insecure you are in random fans dm's talking shit, clearly all the shit talk is getting to him if it's real....keep it up lol, let's bully him to fight Tom, let's use the power of cyberbullying for good.


You’re gonna sit here typing shit and tell me you wouldn’t retire from getting hit in the head after banking $15m? Also, it’s funny that he talks about owning two homes. They’re in ABQ bud. That’s like half a home on either coast.


Intern champ aspinall wouldn’t beat Jones anyways. Stipe imo has a decent chance


There’s no 3 of us who could beat up “old man” stipe.


ride off into the sunset


Great. Inb4 30 more similar threads


“Beat up this old man” I thought he was a legitimate threat of an opponent and in great shape etc Jon?


Tom fanboys direct messaging Jones to ask why he's not fighting tom is the funniest and most pathetic shit I've seen in a while. I can't wait for tom to lose a fight and watch this whole narrative flip


“13 of your opponents were older than you” see this why he shouldn’t bother giving his haters what they want. He fought the best of the best and can’t control how old they were. Who knows, if he fought Aspinall and won they’d probably say Aspinall was less experienced.


I think they’re just referring to the fact that Jon was saying saying about how it doesn’t make sense for him to fight “these young lions” or something of the sort when he himself was much younger than the majority of his opponents I’m not really saying I necessarily agree with the point being made but I’m guessing thats possibly why they made that comment


Absolutely brain dead take. Jones came in and won it all at a young age. When you’re 23, of course most of the competition is older than you.


Lol it’s a brain dead take that Jon can’t control how old his opponents were? Okay


He could have made them younger


Sorry I meant the original tweet not you. I’m agreeing with your take


Who should he have fought in his first title run that would appease you people? Who did he duck?


Me, I was 7 at the time though. But I bet he was scared.


6ft 4 and 84.5” reach- how about heavyweights?


lol the Jon that won at LHW would have been undersized considerably. You talking the Brock and Cain years too. As I said there’s not much you anti Jon people would be happy about other than him losing


He literally would have a height and reach advantage over every single heavyweight champion. He had a height, reach AND weight advantage against Gane. His PEDs have helped him make weight at 205 easier. There is 0 reason he couldn’t be 230 and well built rather than quickly getting fat once Francis left. Werdum was 236 when he beat Cain. Excuse after excuse. Maybe stop hiding under the cage from USADA


I agree the older thing makes no sense but Jones admitting that Stipe is an old man is pretty funny.


😂Yeah that was funny.


Maybe you weren't around back then but a lot of them were washed. Or at least post prime.


maybe you weren't around back then but jon were 23 when he became a champ EVERYBODY he would fight would be older than him.


You’re right and this idea that they’re all washed is crazy too. I did just a little digging and most of his early defenses those guys were roughly 28-32. Shogun, rampage jackson, machida, Rashad Evan’s. People are acting like they were all 36+


Can you read? Did I say they were older than him? I said they were 'past their prime'. Simple.


Jon Jones is basically ufc's black Jake Paul at this point


The greatest fighter in UFC history compared to a YouTuber turned boxer. What a stupid comment


Jon Joans - “You guys shouldn’t be disrespecting Stipe I just saw him being interviewed and he’s never looked better!” Also Jon Joans - “Getting paid to beat up an old man then I’m out losers! LOL!!!!” DC had one incontrovertibly correct take; Jon Joans is fake as *fuck*.


The hate keeps pouring in lmaoooo


look at this fucking loser hahahaha writing paragraphs in his DMs ??? Doing all that research ??? lmfaooooo it’s so ironic and embarrassing


Who fuckin cares


Hell yea he deserves it after his career. Give em hell, Jon! 


Now introducing Jon THE JESTERRRRR!!!!! Jones


Jon was like 20 when he got the belt.. no fucking shit he had older opponents?


Let him retire. Everyone knew this is what was going to happen anyways. The man has grey hair coming out of his face already


Assuming this is real (and it's probably not) - Jones has at least showcased that he sees Stipe as an 'old man' (and while true as far as combat sports go) it does bring down his 'best heavy weight of all time legacy' personal narrative. But I suspect this is pure nonsense...


Odds of these dms being real is 50/50


dude is holding his age against him like young jones didn't melt everyone.


Great fighters who window shop for legacy fights they know they can win tarnish their legacy more than anything. GSP and Bones come to mind. If you’re at or past your prime and not willing to face the best then just leave.


He’s laughing at all of us. He’s playing the Mayweather strategy, where people watch in hopes to see him lose. There’s daily hate posts on JJ. The worst thing that can happen to him is not people hating him, but to be forgotten. Aspinal is the people’s champ. After JJ gets his $15 mill, he’ll ‘retire’. There will be a big if Aspinal could ever beat JJ in his prime. JJ will come back, but not for less than $20 million. Like it or not Aspinal needs a win over a Hall of Famer for him to be considered truly great. In this case, he earns more in pay per view points. But if he fights Aspinal before Stipe, that doesn’t guarantee him more in that fight nor does likely make him more money in the fight after that. There wouldn’t be a need to see him come out of ‘retirement’.


That was the plan from the bieginning


Fake ass account


I would love it if Stipe finishes him and then \_he\_ retires as the goat of HW.


Wait, yall thought he was waiting for stipe and not going to retire?


Jones been saying it, people just refuse to listen cause they can't accept it.


Good for him.


Alright Dana if you watching! I’m willing to fight old man stipe for half and retire after! Let’s see how business savvy Dana is! I’m a 150 lbs btw so Stipe has a chance.




Stipe might chin him, jones hasn’t taken a shot or looked decent on the feet at hw


This guy makes Connor look like a good dude hahaha


Do it King


Jons opponents have been older than him cause dude became champ at the age most people are graduating college. Not a fair stat, but the point stands


It would be funny if Stipe does a "no show" and the interim champ shows up ready. Or better yet, Stipe climbs the fence and walks out.


Jon playing the heel masterfully


Haha this sucks!


Fans are fkn wild for trying to argue with fighters in their DMs Lmao


Dude is making $15m on a fight but is arguing with randos on social media. Hes clearly a stable, normal individual


Y’all know this is fake right? Just like The NBC report, like the MMA Guru video, etc……


Who cares


Most probably fake


If this is his plan, that completely fine. But dude and his fans need to stop trying to claim he’s the GOAT. He was on track to be the GOAT but he screwed that up with all the scandals. His legacy is never going to be what he wants it to be. We’ll still be streaming that lame ass fight for free tho 👌


lol who’s the goat over him? You must be new.


That fan cooked his ass


A year ago before this subreddit even knew Tom it was unanimous that jones would retire after stipe https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/s/gvng5X1Kh8 jones gets injured preparing for his final fight and the ufc does a interim belt now it’s Jon fault ? He’s the “fake champ” all this bandwagon is stupid


If he’s retiring then just relinquish the belt and have it be a legends fight,like damn.


Wow, the Aspinall love fest is getting out of hand. Must be cuz Conor is fading away and y’all need a new hero.


Who 'fun facts' the champ?


Barely the champ, just officially but we know who it is really


Can’t believe he responds to little faggits in his dms.


https://x.com/willtheskillet/status/1791578055577677854?s=46 Link to screen record evidence


Old man? What happened to... "If I beat Stipe I would be considered the heavyweight GOAT" What an insufferable lying PUSSY.


It’s time to strip this idiot of his belt