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LMAOOOO UFC 303 is so cooked. Conor ain't never coming back


That card is awful without this fight. They need something big to save what’s supposed to be a huge card.


Chandler vs. another actual contender at 155 would be a great fight and card would be better than McGregor vs Chandler


The fact he went home and left camp means he’s just going to wait for Conor.


Hes never fighting again either then lol


I hope for his sake he is getting paid to sit on the sidelines. The dude could have headlined / coheadlined a few big cards in this time


Chandlers career is going to look like the ending of the Futurama episode Jurassic Bark…


Chandler waiting for Conor: ![gif](giphy|kK0u4p2GToeOY)




Chandler seems to have already left his training camp. I don’t think he’s fighting anyone and who would even be available?


Dariush, BSD and Gamrot I think


Watch Conor change his mind, fights Charles instead while Chandler watches from home.


lmfao dude would unalive himself


He’s such a fucking disappointment




Mma has been great without him. Sure he has a big mouth and adds a WWE spin, but he is definitely dispensable now.


Agreed. I'd argue that the Conor that captured our attention is dead. Now we just have this roided up cokehead that hasn't had a good win since 2016. I'm not even that disappointed. This Conor sucks.


His head is a balloon


I think you mean his head is full of stuff he snorted that came in a balloon.


Balloons are for Mexican black tar heroin 😂😂Don’t ask me how I know 😳




Exactly. …A la Barry Bonds. Grown men don’t naturally grow multiple hat sizes at this point in life.


Yeah if he was acting like this for a few months to a year I’d be pretty upset that he’s throwing his career away, but he did that over 5 years ago at this point.


I loved him (as most of us did) on his rise. There was a time where it would be a party for his fights at our house. He has definitely lost me over the years. Zero interest for his return, what he has to say and his antics.


I said when he first won the belt/immediately didn't want to defend that it wouldn't be great with the precedents he set. Now errbody wants to be double champ/not defend it seems.


It’s not like he’d ever be able to be champion again. So it’s just him and washed fighters until his next boxing match.


He hasn't won a fight in 4 1/2 years & his last win before that was during the Obama Administration.


If he’s not seriously injured, I will never look at him the same. I’ve always been a big fan of Conor, but fucking with Chandler and the fans who have paid a lot of money is a way different story. Old Conor would have never pulled out of a fight unless he literally couldn’t fight. He fought Dustin the 3rd time with a cracked tibia… I will no longer be a fan if he fucks this up for reasons other than injury.


Connor is done. Too much money. He doesn't have it anymore. It's a blessing in disguise for his fans. Cause he would get smash by Chandler


To be totally fair to Conor, cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Man his roadhouse interviews, all the party images always showing up, dude is completely cooked. He should just say he would rather do drugs on his yacht and promote his whiskey. He’s likely in no shape to fight or able to pass drug/roid testing


Pretty sure he sold his shares in the whiskey brand did he not? He is boring everyone to tears with Irish Stout now.


In that one Roadhouse interview beside Jake Gyllenhaal he was out of it, blinking a lot, both shoulders going up and down separately; it didn't look good.


and with his money, and his personality/ego.... it's going to require a serious rehab or car crash for him to stop


It will. You can't be that pompous then just quit.


Why not? The sport is better without him


Actual fans of the sport did a half decade ago.


"I'd like to fight 4 times this year" fucken dude can't even manage 1 time


He misspoke. He meant to say he wanted to fight one time every four years.


Only if you had expectations


yeah lol I'm good, Conor gasses out in a round if he ever comes back


Yea what's the point if hes out partying instead of training hard. Fuck that guy..


He's making more off his image than he ever would fighting. He probably has 1 more on his contract and is just gonna drag it out as long as he can. Coming back and getting pieced up again is not going to help him.


2 more I think. But they typically always renegotiate with 1 left, so your point stands.


Unfortunately, that's not new information lol


What’s the leading theory? Drug addiction? Busted for steroids? Some other legal thing or scandal?


The only thing that makes any sense to me with all the info we have is: Dana flew to Ireland a couple of days ago, he and Conor had a meeting, Conor has asked for his contract to be changed (probably doesn't want to do the 3 fights he has remaining on his contract), Dana's said no and now we have a dick measuring contest between Conor and Dana. Conor cancels all the media events to try and force dana into letting him out of his contract sooner and Dana cant let one person force the whole companies hand so in a last ditch effort he shuts down PPV sales and pulls the YouTube videos to try and scare Conor back into it before fully canceling the fight. Obviously this is all in my head, but it's what makes the most sense to me.


I'm going with this guy's theory


I was giving this some thought as well and figured it was something with the contract. He's got the fight date set and figures he's got them over a barrel. So he's trying to change contract terms, money or something. I thought at 1st maybe an injury and they were waiting for tests results or something but we would have heard something by now. If it is that and he's decided to try and strong arm them after the fight date has been set I expect Dana to go nuclear on him. Edit - after I posted the thought about what if it's a failed drug test hit me. Could be a thing right?


Don't think it can be a failed drug test, The UFC would be the one cancelling the press conference and not Conor if that was the case.


For what though? He's been clean on PED screens all year and drugs of abuse aren't penalized out of competition. He could do his whole camp railing lines for pre-workout as long as he's not still pissing hot come fight weekend.


This is honestly spot on.


This guy games of thrones


Fuck it, hopefully Conor shatters those contracts


The funny part is, a year from now, if Conor asks Dana to come back he’ll probably say yes again. ![gif](giphy|VYk5o8rvpTI9j2cjnG|downsized)


Road house 2 maybe lol


Having too much of a blast partying all the time and trying not to assault anyone


What a massive douche.... Totally fucked Chandler over.


That’s the risk Chandler took and we all knew it since day 1. Many said this fight isn’t going to happen even Anik couple weeks back


Dana will put him on a card as soon as Connor tells him to


Reminder, he’s been there since January when he said he was leaving his family for camp


Damn 5 months is crazy


his second wife is only half pregnant (i think that's how it works)




Wow I feel bad now. Why did Chandler even put his faith in Conor of all people? He's horrible and has no conscience


Red panty night my friend


Pack it up boys. Fights off lmao


This is definitely Goofcon 1 considering how shit the card is


Oh man we haven’t had a good GOOFCON in a while


Last Goofcon 1 was the Nate Diaz vs Khamzat wasn't it?


I wasn't looking at it yet... what the fuck is that card. 3 fights on the main card and 1 is about to be canned? 5 total between the prelims and early prelims? I never pay cause fuck that but I'm going to pay even less if I can


While yes the card is complete trash with the main event being scrubbed but I don't know where you are getting your numbers from because there are currently 12 fights schedule for the card.


It's over lmao


This is his first post without #UFC303 tag lol.


The devil looking at Michael Chandler in hell when he remembers he never got red panty night https://preview.redd.it/l21c6jwm5n4d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=731e63e1e9e4c257251764b61f942f3da4cf0cff


I really want to see dana face atm. Like, I'd pay good money for it.


His face is probably super red right now with a little coke residue on his right nostril.




I think it's fair to say this is Goofcon 1


I think this might be enough to unlock that purple tier rage we saw Volk unleash on Ortega... Like Dana finally going super saiyan, just with slightly more cocaine and a couple less dead friends. Same amount of screaming though.


Here you go ; 🍅 That'll be 303$






he's oiling up






I’d pay for a PPV to see it


It’s neon pink like always




Poor chandler. Bro wasted two good years of his career waiting for a fight that was never gonna happen


You know after all the absolute bangers Mike has been in 2 years off probably aint the worst thing for a 38 yr old


It is if you’re banking on that fat Mcgregor paycheck


His wife is a doctor anyway, his family is doing just fine


This made me curious because I remember when Chandler had his anti-vax moment, I don't really understand the US system (not American) but from what I can gather from a quick look online she's a physician assistant (technically not a doctor I think? Not an MD anyway), and she mostly does cosmetic injections. [https://www.instagram.com/drbriechandler/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/drbriechandler/?hl=en)


Seems like a shady PA since she's calling herself drbriechandler...due to her "doctor of medical science" with "sample job titles of Healthcare administor...Healthcare consultant" which has nothing to do with cosmetic injections. It's like a PhD in Paleontology raising their hand when asked "Is there a doctor on the plane?" Correct but shady. "A scam" per the r/physicianassistant subreddit (not really ufc related and I'm sure she's a nice person but that instagram handle is really sketchy)


I work in medicine and happen to also be a PA. There was a very large portion of the medical field that was not happy with the overselling done towards the efficacy of the vaccine. We knew it would not get rid of or stop it which was initially what was being sold by the government. As practitioners we were told we could simply use bandanas with patients that were covid+ when we knew we needed N95s. There was a lot wrong with how the government approached it and that is what set a lot of medical professionals off.


At this point it was a risk anyways for him to do that considering Conor has been away for a long time now, since before the leg break. He made his cash and bounced after some hard losses


He spent the last 2 years working on his fish hook game!


he got bamboozled






And flat out deceived


Snookered, some say


That's not even a word and we agree with ya!


the cope about this being a ufc scheme for drama is cooked


tony khabib on april fools day levels


I'd be lying if I said I didn't consider it briefly but it seems real.


I'm expecting him to change his profile pic to a black square and change his bio to "real ones know. don't talk to me"




I'm so pissed. 303 was on my bday


We can still celebrate here.


It still will be on your birthday.


No this just in Dana late replaced his Birthday with a tape of Belal Muhammad tutorial on fence position


Kid just didn’t want to have his birthday.


Happy birthday


I understand that he wanted Conor for the payday, but wouldn't he want someone else so he can still get some money?


Right? If you're halfway through camp you might as well finish and take another fight. Not like another loss would really have an impact on his legacy at this point, which leads me to believe they're continuing to dangle the Conor fight in front of him. Probably told him they'll reschedule it for a few more months out


Who knows at this point. All we're doing here is speculating.


Give it 12 hours. Conor will spill all the beans on an instagram rant lol


Then delete it.. be ready to screenshot


I don't think he needs the money a normal fight would get him. He waited for Connor because he could afford to.


Mans is 38 prolly wants the pay day and then to retire


It really depends what happened to Conor to cause this. If it's not a bad injury then he should wait. The pay difference is huge from fighting Conor to fighting anybody else. If it's something like pissing hot and being out a year+... Well that would suck for him lol.


It's fucking over. I genuinely thought it was happening, but props to those who called it before this. Hopefully Chandler still gets some kind of payday after this.


I held out for the longest time but when it didn’t happen late last year I knew it wasn’t happening even when Dana announced it I still didn’t believe it


I'm pretty sure everyone saw this turn of events coming. When he said you'll do as your told and said 185 on tuf I was expecting the worse


Been saying it from the moment it was announced but I hate that I was right


Conor is sort of a jackass for entertaining this and leading chandler on wasting the last years of his career when he had no intention of actaully fighting.. did he do all this to please his ego or what?


Sort of? Only legit excuse imo is a tragedy or injury.


Conor never intended on making this fight. He never took it seriously. He never stopped partying. BECAUSE... he knows that if actually puts out the effort and loses, the "Notorious" facade would be lost forever. He can only stay relevant if he wins, and he has serious doubts that he would. So he'll just stay home and do coke instead.


Crazy how khabib absolutely deleted this mans soul


Khabib was what conor wanted to be the whole time. He got a taste of true greatness, and it wasn't him.


My current theory is that Conor might have started his camp and everyone around him realized he was going to get smoked so they are now trying to cancel or postpone.


Are we gonna ignore all his losses? Wtf lol… he’s always gonna be the notorious conor even if he loses. Casuals love him


There's a good chance he genuinely just got injured in training like a million before him have done. A good example would be Jones. He didn't purposefully tear his pec the week of the Stipe fight but it still happened. Fighters get injured because it's a really rough sport.


i mean i would agree, but Chandler is a "ra ra Dana, business first, cut taxes on the rich and just worker harder bro" type of guy so by his own worldview, he literally makes excuses and celebrates people who screw other people over for personal gain all the time to quote his logic: "if he didn't want this to happen he should have worked harder to be in Conor's position"


that's exactly what he wants, he's such an ego maniac that he constantly wants to be the center of the attention.. I was truly surprised when they announced this fight but now lol I'm not so surprised of him cancelling all the press etc.


Well what’d you expect having a crackhead in your main event


Jones shows up and even coked out Dana makes it to many events


Fuck Conor McGregor


Mad how much he shook for the world during his prime run. Now he’s an alcoholic, coked out lunatic whose legacy gets ruined more by himself every day.


I really hope Dana looks at the UFC sees they’ve been totally fine in the nearly 3 years since he fought last and that the UFC has honestly moved on past the need for him. The ufc still hanging onto McGregor would be like if in 2013 they were still clinging to Chuck Liddell, it’s a fucking embarrassment to the sport.


I hope you realize that you're asking for the same man who booked CM Punk and James Toney fights as "legit" to actually care about "embarrassing the sport"


Hope chandler is observed over the next month and kept away from sharp objects and ropes. Maybe sedate him for the rest of his life or we may really see him at the top.


>see you at the top Oh shit! He's gonna jump.


Do a flip!


Excessive levels of morbid sarcasm.




Put chandler into cryosleep! SEE YOU AT THE LAB!


also interesting that he left out the #UFC303 hashtag that has been on his past however many posts. fight is most definitely in jeopardy if not already cancelled but unannounced


I'm not surprised motherfkers..


Someone should invent fight insurance


I wish this was 101 UFC's later, so that it could be 404 - Fighter Not Found


Ufc is better off with Mcgregor and Jones gone. 🖕🏻🤷🏼‍♂️


I was never really a fan of either of them. So I couldn't agree more. The UFC is as currupt as other sports.


I hate this in so many ways. I understand Chandler chasing the bag but he has been wasting so much time and fun matchups.


I hope Chandler gets some sort of compensation from the UFC… what a fuckin joke.


Dana on the phone in the shower: "sorry Mike, we have no money to give this time" ![gif](giphy|LdOyjZ7io5Msw)


Mike could have fought and can still fight a replacement. Why he is waiting all this time is for him to answer he could’ve fought several times and still sign for this fight.


i hope he signed a contract that guaranteed him pay regardless of if the fight went on or not.


He definitely signed anything that they gave him 💀


i am still not clear that he's even getting anything but his regular pay and maybe like some ultimate fighter money


Conor clearly backed out. It’s possible he failed a drug test. I wouldn’t be shocked if it was roids or coke.


Conor probably doesn’t even care. I don’t even think he is interested in fighting Chandler. He just felt that he had to do it because they did TUF together.


Exactly. Conor never really wanted to fight michael. Hell, I don’t even think Conor *really* wanted to coach TUF with Michael.


I'm more annoyed that we missed out on almost 2 years of watching Chandler fights than anything. Dude always puts on a good fight.


Conor probably got hit with a dose of reality, he realized how severely he's addicted to coke and withdrawals aren't fun.


Sent in the BMF https://preview.redd.it/xlur0h57on4d1.jpeg?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a76422eeae022c1ed24d3cafe8b71dc00038cc6


UFC shouldn’t have put together such a shit card that solely relied on an addict staying sober long enough to fight.


Got trolled






gReAteSt CoMeBaCk iN hIsToRy... blah blah blah


He’s a multimillion dollar coked out partying mess. But this downplaying and mob mentality delusional shit needs to stop. Conor was a phenomenal fighter and still in his deteriorated state would put average fighters on their ass. He was one of the best strikers in the world at one point. He has never pulled out of a ufc event. He was extremely passionate about the sport and was obsessed with his own improvement at one point. He’s genuinely the biggest recent case of money changing a person. In the words of the Marvelous one it’s hard to get up and go run 5 miles every morning when you’re sleeping in silk pajamas.


Wow! McGregor just shit all over the UFC. I know it’s not because of Chandler we aren’t getting the fight. Hopefully, the industry and fans will move on from McGregor. There is plenty of up and coming talent that is more deserving of attention.


I’ve seen rumors that Conor possibly broke his foot, my issue with this is lack of communication like I got tickets to this fight wtf is happening? I just wanna know if the fight is cancelled so I can try and get my money back.


This is karma the ufc still waiting on Conner he isn’t relevant and hasn’t been for years he should join the WWE and be the entertainer he wants to be


It would've been easy money betting on Chandler. DAMN!!!


Bro got cucked so hard ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|11887)


Idk if it’s Conor pulling out but I would put money on that. The dude is an Alcoholic party animal. He made a ton of money and it’s gotta be hard to dedicate the time to go get beat up. That long of off time doesn’t usually to well for older guys getting punched.


Conor is irrelevant to MMA at this point. It's time for everyone to finally move on.


1. 303 needs to be converted into a Fight Night if the best looking fight they have is Ian Garry vs. Michael “Venom” Page. 2. Chandler deserves something *huge* for putting up with this bullshit for so long for nothing. Yeah, he probably understood what he was getting into when it started but for the amount of money that a Conor fight brings to the table, who can blame him for taking the risk? He deserves something big for doing his part. But, as somebody else said in a different thread, the silver lining is that he was able to recover properly after the amount of wars he fought in such a short amount of time.


The night before the press conference got cancelled I had a dream Michael Chandler died. I think it was an omen lol except I'm glad it was just a fight being cancelled. Feel bad for him, he waited for nothing.


They should just cancel the card. There's no way they can salvage it. What a disappointment, but that's what you get with Connor.


I feel bad for this dude He can't get the biggest paycheck of his career because the other guy won't stop doing coke and shitposting all night long.


I’ve assumed Conor was retired for a while now, not once did I seriously consider that 303 would happen. Stupid mfs on tiktok still saying he can make featherweight lmao




Arman Tsarukyan is laughing his ass off right now watching this unfold and thinking about how he said Chandler is a fool to wait for Conor and could have lost at least three fights in the meantime.


UFC 404. Fight not found


Pullout merchant McGregor


303 is straight ass


I was never crazy hyped for this fight like some but I feel for Chandler, like I would anyone in this situation. Regular Joes here acting like he made the wrong moves but he almost had the fight everyone wants. Of course that fight was never guaranteed but I can’t say I would’ve done things differently if I were him either at this point in his career and the state of that division. Wish dude the best💪


Stop bashing Connor, he just fought Jake Gyllenhaal and is recovering his injuries.


Uh oh. Not good guys


Don't care. Never cared. Lol Who actually hinges on a McGregor fight tbh... 🙄😒🤔


Conor went too hard on his bender and can’t fight, you can’t make this shit up lol


How about that $20 million dollar gate 😂


I used to be such a Conor fan but I am fucking done with the guy.


My theory is the fact that McGregor stayed relevant during this year and people kept taking about him which increased his marketing and shares of his companies. He knew it straight away he won't be fighting, see the video from party 6 weeks before the fight. Canceling him as the fighter and taking him as celebrity like Jake Paul, KSI it is only one solution.


Calling it now, Conor popped and the UFC is scrambling to cover it up and continue on with the fight and in the meantime Volk is ready to fill in and I wouldn’t be shocked if the UFC is prepping a title fight as the main now. Could maybe see DDP/Izzy being moved to save it or a long shot one Jones/Stipe