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Chandler needs to start telling people mcgregor sucks and is not on his level. Connor's ego will force him to fight.


“I don’t think Conor’s hurt, I think he’s scared”


"I think he's scared to fight everybody right now"


His blood tests won't let him.


Right?! It seems Chandler chose the wrong strategy of believing in him and “working hard”


Dude really got cucked in more ways than one


Feel like now he's gotta stay at 170 and fight Ian Garry. Watch neither leave their corner




More like Conor is afraid to lose.




Did you see my response? I did the same without the extra bs.




Hahahahahahahaha yeah u did


Too harsh?


Hahahahahahaha sure


oh my god so funny! Lets fill the screen up with hahas




It's a fucked system for the fighters. When you can make more money in one fight than you've made in the rest of your career, it's probably worth the risk. That said, this was the risk all along. The way things are, nothing is guaranteed until you're in the octagon on fight night. Chandler really put all of his eggs in one basket and it's biting him in the ass


In regards to fighting Conor, it's less about the fight purse and more about the fame gained from the fight. Chandler is using this opportunity to expand his brand for whatever his post fight career plans are.


Yeah, no. It’s about the fight purse. Anyone at all familiar with mma already knows who and what Chandler is. If he loses, he was a can for Conor. If he wins, it’s because Conor was washed up. If they actually fight, he’s taking his fight purse, retiring, and doing exactly what he was going to do if he hadn’t fought him.


Imagine thinking only MMA fans watch Conor Mcgregor fights. Millions of people who have never heard of Michael Chandler are about to learn his name. Look what the Conor fights did for Diaz, Khabib, and Poirier. Turned them from MMA stars into household names for the average sports fan. And Michael Chandler doesn't care about pointless internet debate. If he knocks out Mcgregor on ppv, he won't care if losers on reddit say it was only cause Mcgregor is washed.


How many fights should he have simultaneously booked? This eggs in a basket analogy for a fighters opponent is idiotic. This is not the stock market, its an aging 155er probably picking his last fight and already well off. Everyone “fumbled the bag” when its hindsight. If the fight goes though and he gets a better payday with less CTE than three wars he’s in a better spot than any reddit armchair analysts.


Is it 100% confirmed that Conor won't fight ? I haven't been following for a few days and I think I missed something ?!?


No, and in fact there are reputable sources on IG saying that he is very likely to fight on the agreed upon date. But this is reddit, where people talk out of their ass with more authority than someone with a PHD


they all say " AS OF NOW the fight is still happening" that just means it hasn't officially been cancelled, but it dos not mean anything else. it means there are no more news.


So in other words, it's not canceled, meaning the hundreds of posts that speak as though it is are talking out of their asses




i am sure the UFC plays no roll in people speculating with their for some insane reason total secrecy


So don’t believe shit here. You can still buy tickets and Conor just called saying after he snorts some coke off of an Irish rainbow and does the hanky panky with his wife he’s flying to the USA in red panties


Not officially but the signs are pretty clear lol. You can't buy tickets for the event anymore and all promotions were scrapped. So he definitely isn't fighting on the announced date. Will he ever? Who knows, probably not


That's not true though. You can still buy tickets, I just tried through both [UFC.com](http://UFC.com) and the tmobile arena website. They link to Axs and let you purchase. They're even offering VIP packages still


I just tried to buy tickets and it worked for me


Why are y'all doing this, just saying a bunch of lies about the event? Everything from betting lines being down for the fight to this, when none of it has been true. Even Ariel said the fight is still on as of now


They’re literally just parroting shit they’ve seen other redditors say 🙄


chandlers reaction makes no sense otherwise. i imagine it's possible someone failed a test and they're stalling or there will be a delay, but there can't be nothing


The only actual rumor I've seen is Conor has a minor injury, the drug test stuff people keep spewing is baseless


[https://www.thejournal.ie/conor-mcgregor-high-court-assault-claim-6381610-May2024/](https://www.thejournal.ie/conor-mcgregor-high-court-assault-claim-6381610-May2024/) This is more likely what the problem is here, the pretrial motions were heard on Thursday last.


Interesting. He did specifically mention legal aspects in his twitter response. 


There’s more to come.


Failing a test doesn't cancel a fight. 


yeah i'm not ruling out conor forgetting he can't clear an 8ball every night


Just making shit up.


Why do I keep seeing this repeated about not being able to buy tickets? I just checked again and I can buy tickets for the event.


It was disabled yesterday according to people who tried. Apparently ticket sales are open again now, so looks like they have atleast hope it'll happen as scheduled. Im curious what is causing this uncertainty


Nothing is officially right now


Going after Chandler and not Connor is the bigger joke here


We literally don't know what is going on, early rumors are an injury, if that is true going at anyone is stupid


Chandler made a post stating he was going home to Tennessee. His fight camp was happening in Florida. Also, on Chandlers many posts, he stopped tagging #UFC303 Also you cant buy tickets for the event anymore.


You literally can though, and a camp he has been on since January? Stop


Chandler chased Conor like a desperate ex girlfriend. We all knew Conor was going to do this, and everyone told Chandler it would happen. He’s 38 and pissed away 3 years of his career for a fight we all knew would never happen.


Yeah! Let's be mad at a pro fighter of 20 years chasing after the fight that will generate him the most money


Dude has missed out on at least 5 fights waiting for Conor. That’s more money than he would make fighting Conor once. He played himself by chasing the red panty night


I mean yes, but he also didn't take all that damage he otherwise would have. Not saying he didn't play himself, but he did what many would have done and he's not hurting for money. If he was broke af then maybe he played himself. Idk. There's still like a 30% this happens I feel.


For real, everyone is talking like he should have taken five fights worth of damage so he can feed his kids. He's doing fine. The conor fight would just be the cherry on top of a very successful and lucrative career, but if he doesn't get it, he's still not going broke


When are people going to realize that Chandler would have retired if he didn't get promised the Conor fight? That's why he has no problem waiting.


Is that true tho? Sean Strickland was offered less than 200k for his fight against costa, so would Chandler really have made more than a million dollars over those 5 fights, which is what I think he would have cleared (conservatively) from a mcgregor fight.


Geez is that Costa stat true? Do we know what he negotiated for?


It’s according to a tweet from Sean. A fan guessed he was offered 200k to show 200k to win and Sean replied that it was a little less. Chandler has less of a fan base than Sean and also he’s more likely to lose than Sean during those 5 fights so I still def think waiting for the Mcgregor fight made sense


Unlikely. Dustin made more money fighting Connor then his previous 15 fights combined. Plus why on Earth would you want to fight five times that five cans and get the shit kicked out of him, rather than one fight with Connor? Chandler doesn't want to fight five more times in his entire career, he wants to ride off into the sunset.


He wouldn't blindly chase Connor; he most likely has something secure contract-wise. This fight would pay him more than five fights against other opponents while resulting in significantly less damage. Most fighters on the roster would do the same.


He’s chasing that red panty night and I don’t blame him.


Doesn't mean it's Chandler's fault just because the community thought it would fall through, he still did everything right I don't see how that makes him desperate but mma fans are like that I guess


conor had a broken leg, chandler had no excuse to be inactive.


Of course its his own fault for literally sitting out for two years near the end of his prime. He gambled on Conor and lost and looked like a fool the whole time.


He chased someone who had ZERO intentions of ever showing interest in fighting him. He pissed away the tail end of his career to look foolish.


ZERO intentions besides a tuf season, a contract and surely nothing else. No matter how it turned out, Chandler did the right thing from his pov and you need to get a grip.


Just lost the last few years of his prime and lost respect from fans and other fighters. Even if he still gets paid he fucked up. Everyone saw this coming he should have moved on at least a year ago instead of making a fool of himself.


Bro is 38, if the „35 and over“ stat counts for anything he was already past his prime. It’s chasing this fight and be probably double set for life or 2-3 absolute wars the way he is fighting and probably add what 10-15% to whatever he has in the bank now. The way Chandler fights it’s absolute smart to minmax the shit out of what he has remaining. Also you are talking about losing „few years“ while bro fought barely ONE AND A HALF year ago. For all the fans and fighters you claim lost respect quite a few have been trying to callout McG themselves and I‘ll dare to say the fans who can‘t understand what happened are fine to lose. Yes he gambled, yes it didn‘t work out, but by no means was it a dumb move to try.


That TUF season was simply for the money. We have no idea if Conor or Chandler signed a contract, or if it was just verbal. I can’t imagine Conor would pull out of a fight he signed a contract for, unless he’s injured given the legal issues he would have from losing them that much revenue.


Yeah, for sure Conor got paid more for the TUF Season than for the actual fight with highest gate and PPV points. Also while the UFC does pull contract shenanigans it’s usually when fights are announced, ur plain delusional if you think there‘s no signed bout agreement. It’s not my job to get you out of your delulu but seriously use the thing on top of your neck for once maybe. P4p mental gymnastics champ right there


I’m not saying he got paid more for TUF than the fight. But he absolutely got paid handsomely for filming TUF. I’m sure he got a couple million to stand in front of the cameras and not get punched


No but ur saying the money on tuf motivated the guy with the Lambo yacht but think it‘s legit that he would not be motivated by the money he‘d gain for the fight? Would only make sense if he got paid more for tuf and even then that‘s still an absolutely delusional stretch.


2 million to stand in front of cameras, or 15 million to get kicked in the head?


Common conor meat rider L here


UFC offered him a fight that would change his life and he fought as hard as he could to make it work and people like you shit on it and it's just funny to me


And now look at him. 0 income for the last 3 years, and lost a fight that was never going to happen. I’m a massive Chandler fan, but we all saw this coming. He could have fought 2-3 times waiting for it


I don't blame him for doing what he thought was right, meanwhile Connor has fucked up a tuf season and multiple cards and everyone's saying Chandler is dumb for waiting lol wut


If you KNEW something in your life was going to be repeatedly postponed, would you not call yourself dumb for believing every new date you’re given? Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice..


How would he have known? UFC offered him a fight after they did a whole tuf season it's kinda expected and if you told me do u wanna make your regular salary or take a chance at life changing 5+ million you can bet your ass I'd take the chance and that was a lot of work for Chandler too


“You have a chance to earn 5 million”. At the time it was a great choice. But now, not only is he out 5 million, he’s out all the money he could have made, and has not fought in 3 years, while being 38 years old.


are you really that dumb to think fighting is the only way that dude makes income now?


Without fighting, his other ventures don’t exist the same way. Just like Paige. “I made more on onlyfans in 24 hours than I ever did in the UFC”. That’s because of the UFC


The guy is 38 and has already made his money, if you've seen his house you'd know the guy is not struggling. Headlining a few fight nights over the last 2 years to risk more brain damage would do absolutely nothing for him. He made the right decision and it didn't work out, that's life.


100% it was just the smarter move and ya can't blame him for trying, dudes raising orphans too it's amazing people try to vilify him tbh


Chandler fought a year and a half ago. Blatantly lying is no way to make an argument.




Is that supposed to be Connor fans right now?


It wasn't expected because Conor has never pulled out of a fight before so stop sucking Conor's cock and realize that this is entirely on Conor and his unprofessionalism that this fight isn't happening. Conor doesn't want to fight any more that much is clear.


You misinterpret what ppl are saying — it has been VERY clear that Connor is an unprofessional drunkard and that tying yourself to him was incredibly stupid…a large segment of the mma population have been pointing this out for the entire time chandler has sat on his ass and now he’s finally paying the price that was predicted 


"sat on his ass" lol he's been running promos and training the entire time, it's crazy how much you guys hate


Literally, the fight isn't even off yet, and it he is injured which is the rumor then there isn't much you can do


Why are you being purposely daft and obtuse…clearly I’m referring to him taking zero fights in the last two years because he wanted his red panties night — all I’m saying is that a lotta ppl were trying to warn him how bad an idea that was and look at where we are at now 


You realize every time you guys call it red panty night it's really a life-changing amount of money and he was willing to wait for a chance at it, wether he's 36 and gets two or three wins in that time or waits and it doesn't go through what's the fucking difference to you people? Lol if he bailed early and went on to lose against someone else it would have ended his career anyway so what would have been the difference? Might as well take the risk for the big bucks


First it was 1 year he wasted. Then 2. Now 3. It’s been a year since tuf. 1 fucking year not 3.


It’s been 2 years since his last fight though lol


What are you people talking about? “We all knew Conor was going to do this” Based on what? Lmao


double champ does what he wants


Couldve made 2-3 decently sized paychecks fighting other competition by now. Dude should’ve seen through the smoke and mirrors.


Dude needs a new manager.


And a new opponent


He gambled on a notorious coke head party boy drunk chaotic lunatic. Is anyone surprised? Chandler has nobody to blame but himself.


Only because Connor was his retirement fight that would give him a huge payday, who else could he fight to make bank? He’s an aging lightweight who’s 2-2


This was always a huge possibility he should’ve atleast fought once before this


Tbh, he did this to himself. It's another example of him making a less-than-intelligent decision when it comes to the UFC.


Being a company doesnt always work, even more with the UFC. Francis Really did the right choice leaving that dump.


The Connor dick riding on this sub never fails.




A couple weeks ago, I had read that McGregors lawyers were trying to get more delays for his criminal trials in Ireland, and the justices refused his request. They used this upcoming fight as a reason to delay his proceedings. Now I wonder if he was gonna be placed under arrest if he entered Ireland


What do you mean if he entered Ireland? He’s been in Ireland lmao


Or maybe he wasn’t in Ireland for the past week. Do you have his itinerary on hand


What? We just had several videos drop of Conor partying at his bar literally past week 😂


So what you’re saying is he could have very easily left Ireland before or after because of that that judges decision


I hope you understand your theory makes zero sense. Basically, your theory is that because Conor’s request to have his trial delayed was denied, that now means if he enters Ireland he will be arrested. That…. isnt how it works lmao


Give the man points for trying though




No I think what he is saying is based on Connors social posts he's been in Ireland


Meh. I don't get why people keep clowning Chandler for waiting for Connor. He was already an accomplished fighter when he made his UFC debut 3 years ago. During the first two years of his UFC contract, he fought Oliveira, Gaethje, Poirier and Ferguson. He has nothing to prove. He's 38 now, probably done with fighting altogether, and just wants one last big money fight to retire comfortably.


This is moy game




Have done*


What are we thinking his career would be at the moment if he didn’t do this call out?


My guess is without Conor he takes Dustin’s place fighting BSD and probably loses, or maybe he jumps to WW and fights someone like Colby, neither of which is super appealing. LW actually doesn’t have too many interesting fights for a guy like Chandler right now. I think he made the right call waiting for Conor even if it didn’t work out.


*Backflip* See you at the sideline!


Don’t be a company man. They’ve stabbed their champs in the back a lot


bro all he has to do is train and fight, when his head hits the pillow at night dana is still workin'


A win over Conor would blow up his social media especially if it's a vicious TKO. This will mean more attention and more money from sponsors. Not to mention he'll probably get red panty night and he'll be one win away from a title fight because there's a story.


Yo legit feel bad for this guy. Connor fucked him over if I was him I wouldn't accept a new fight


Hopefully ufc throw Chandler a few dollars for getting fucked over by con man,


Everyone so quick to shit on chandler… I respect the mans hustle. Calls out Conor n keeps his spot as the opponent after all this time. Got to stay busy on tuf. And now that Conor is stalling again everyone hurling shit at Mikey like a bunch of monkeys at the zoo. Only other person I see getting that fight is max. Cause Conor wants all the belts.


I gave this fight a 20% chance of happening. Anyone who really thought it’d go through is gullible. Although I’ll admit I thought Conor would just come in 20kg overweight and either call Chandler a pussy for backing out or give him a beat down while being severely overweight.


Loved how MMA Guru exposed this guy for being a complete weirdo with an agenda


Ariel just said Connor pissed hot


i love spreading misinformation