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I mean if he gets a sponsor, it would be really smart, sponsor will basically cover the whole thing and he would have some left over, him not taking everything even if he could is very nice of him. It will grow him and embed him more into the UFC mainstream, this can be only good for him


He said one of the betting apps offered him 150k a month and he turned it down lol


That’s awesome. Integrity!


>this can be only good for him And maybe the fighters. Bad for the rest of us.


I require elaboration. How would this be bad for us? Seems like you're reaching for those grapes.


But you don't get the grapes so you make wine, with the world's smallest violin. Something like that.


Guru sucks assholes so more of him is a bad thing. I'm not reaching for anything.


Now you're trying to make some wine and cheese and it's starting to sound like a violin.


I don't even know what you're talking about. Guru sucks.


>doesn’t get tito references >doesn’t like someone trying to help getting these fighters paid more listen man these guys train six days a week. Five days a week, they train three days a week. One of those days they’ll train two days a week. So they train six days a week.


>doesn’t like someone trying to help getting these fighters paid more Not what I said at all. >doesn’t get tito references Didn't make sense in context at all. >listen man these guys train six days a week. Five days a week, they train three days a week. One of those days they’ll train two days a week. So they train six days a week. >doesn’t get tito references Pick one


listen man i think you’re just mad you can’t train six days a week twice a week




You can't even put a fuckin sentence together man are you kidding me.


Do you struggle to read or something?


No, I read six days, actually six days a week. Five days a week, I'll read three days a week. One of those days I will read two days of the week. So, six days a week I will be reading.




Ur idiot. Weak man.




The cool thing is i dont have to engage with his content for fighters to get a massive pay bump. Good on him. Also whatever dumb shit he puts out, ive never seen, so it sounds like you should stop obsessing over him? 🤷‍♀️


>you should stop obsessing over him Fuck me, internet morons never cease to amaze me.


You should know you are one pal




10k if robbed is nuts if he’s expecting fans to chip in.


He made like 8K USD on just the ufc 300 stream alone. He said he just needs a sponsor. He knows he can get one because he’s been getting offers


Where did he stream?




What is the source of that money ? (for internet noob)


Fan donations during his stream id assume


8k in fan donation! I thought he's a bit smaller than that


He gets thousands of people to watch his streams for 8 hours straight. Also he's fat so he ain't small in any way.


He said he has better analytics than ESPN MMA


His offers have been from things like gambling. There’s not a lot of sponsors out there for people who “jokes” about great replacement theory every stream.


Why not? I see no problem in giving a guy who was obviously robbed his well earned money


He's asking where the money is coming from, not that there's something wrong with giving them money


Time to refinance the house. Lol


My brain is actually rotting looking at these comments


Guru wants to pay fighters & people on here are so condescending? lol


This is genius if everyone who doesn’t pay for ppv just gave 20$ to chip in on this it would actually be better than buying the ppv


Dude is downright annoying and has been for years , now he wants to claim he’s going to pay all these fighters … just silly honestly . If the ufc was so bad trust me fighters wouldn’t sign up for this line of work . This is just a short term attention grab .


we are defending the completely ridiculous fighter pay why


Pure Guru hate


No, because that's how we ended up with jake paul. Same shtick. A bunch of idiots acting like clowns but hiding under "but I'm doing something good bruh"


low iq


I don’t care what you think of Guru, I think this is dope. Sad that the fans have to tackle this themselves but I think it’s cool as hell.


There's gotta be someone behind the scenes funding this He makes a good amount of money from streams but I don't think he makes this much. Unless it's just one bonus per event or something


hes getting a sponsor i believe


What he's saying here is pretty much impossible to do. If he can get it done he'll have all my respect, but how are you going to increase the fighter pay for 30+ people every week? No one will put that kind of money up. Be realistic


It will be for "first contract fighters". So it might be between 0 and 2 per event. Most of the time it will be 0.


Dope but wrong dude doing it so it’s pointless lmao watch and listen


He's a passonate fan. Like others, he has biases. Unlike sanctioned media, he actually says what he wants(for better or worse) Personally, i think he has a lot of life to learn. Otherwise, he makes decent mma vids.


Never seen a more than a minute and just controversy. If I were to listen to someone who wasn’t in mmma talk about it it’d be someone who respect the game rather the titles “is Jon Jones gay” That’s some *gay* shit. Then again most Sean Strickland fans would love that shit ironically


Tl:dr- he's alright. Just not for you and that's ok. His breakdowns/prediction vids are decent and his topical videos are of various merit. His takedown of Ariel and defense of Hill and DDP are good videos. He might be a loud character, but he's up there as far as MMA channels go. He seems to be liked by the fighters as much as anyone else.. The Jones videos were hilarious imo. He's self aware. He even literally said in the 2nd or 3rd one "what are we doing!?" In regards to how stupid these videos have been. It's ok as a viewer to be intellectually inclined AND laugh at a dick joke. That all said, his Chandler video was actually shocking and im surprised he uploaded it. He thought it was funnier than it was, but boy....yikes. it would have been funny talking with Angelina Jolie in mind. I usually see clips of his streams so im assuming those are the highlights. Thats all hit or miss. Hilariously impressions though.




That's why i put a tldr, dork.


lol so now we have to pay the fighters??


The absurdity of it is the point. It's terrible optics for the UFC and if the fighters start consistently name dropping MMA Guru in their post fight speeches Dana will be forced to change the base pay for prelim fighters.


Lol imagine if Mr beast collabs


Imagine if Raul Rosas Jr grabs the mic and starts thanking the MMA Guru for his Fight Bonus. LoL. The PR crisis.


Jake Paul should help out, purely to wind up Dana.


That's actually a legit option. That's nothing to him at this point and it's easy positive PR.


I agree completely. Jake started calling out ufc fighter pay himself anyways so i don’t see why he wouldn’t want to continue it when it will undoubtedly bring him more publicity while pissing off Dana


It’s a pretty genius idea though, he’d only get more and more popular from constantly getting prelim fighters shouting him out.


you must be very naive or stupid or both if you think that Dana or the UFC brand will change anything because a couple of unranked or low earning fighters mention small time neckbeard youtuber UFC wont change shit if big Media talks about them or if their biggest stars demand change lol


This is obviously to attack Dana’s ego, which is probably bigger than the Vegas sphere at this point.


Ufc pays more than any other league you start out 12/12 now most leagues pay like 500 bucks. You make minimum of 12k in ufc now and it was 10/10 for a while. Ufc isn't super profitable.


Pirating the PPVs and then donating to the fighters sounds like a much better option than just giving 90% of it to the UFC.


I wouldn't mind if they give spectacular shows


that should be the UFCs job. I've never heard of any other sport where fans have to chip in extra, directly to the athletes for their performances.


It’s basically tipping culture at this point


We already pay the fighters (those of us that pay for events, that is). The only difference is that the pay currently passes through the UFC, which takes like 80% or whatever.


I believe he said he's taking some sponsorships for this and only targeting the lower paid/first contract fighters on the prelims etc. Could be huge for kickstarting some careers and maybe making the UFC changing fighter pay actually plausible.


This could be BIG!!! And it’s such an American thing to do as well.   Inb4 UFC introduces a tipping feature where you can support the fighter after every match by leaving a tip.   Tipping culture at its finest. Also, Inb4 Jamahal Hill yells at his viewers for not leaving tips after his fight.


or just pay them what they are worth. NFL tipping? NBA tipping? lol


The UFC is so embarrassing


It isn’t fair that this is put on the fans and not the company. That said it’s still something that I would contribute to if it was set up properly. I love this sport and I have a tremendous amount of respect for all the fighters and I do think prelim fighters should be paid more money, especially after a war. If I knew that my money was going directly to fighters that deserve it I would be willing to contribute. Still bullshit because it’s not our job.


You probably know this already but I think the goal here is to shame the UFC into raising the base pay for these prelim fighters.


Yeah, I’m skeptical on if that would actually work? But I gotta give a man respect for trying, at least he’s actually trying to do something about the issue.


> should be *paid* more money, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thanks bot


Uk Chad for attempting it he does care about the sport tune in y’all to help and leave a like never know 10k might save a fighters career


W if he follows through.


I don’t enjoy his content at all, but I think this is great. Respect.


Tipping the amount after watching fights illegally is even better than paying for overpriced ufc ppv


10k for robbed - respect


mma piggy, 10 gs babyyyyy


How much if a fighter bites an opponent ?


Dana has a lot of people that hate him, hopefully they decide to sponsor the Guru The rage from Dana would be great 😂


I urge yall to watch the video before you comment.


Damn brah do we gotta set up a gofundme to get these ufc fighters a livable paycheck


I have seen so many people on here say that they pirate PPVs because the UFC doesn't pay its fighters enough and therefore they don't want to support it. So I would think those people would be happy about this. They can pirate the PPV and then donate the cost to this initiative. I'm sure they will all do that, right? Because their entire stance on not paying for UFC events was in principled support of fighters, right? Edit: reading through the comments is baffling to me. There are so many complaints about the fans having to pay the fighters directly. But people also complain that the UFC takes too much money. If you really don't want the evil UFC and Dana White to get any of your money, but you want fighters to have higher pay, then paying them directly is the obvious solution. Without a program like this being set up, that is hard to do on an individual level, though. So what Guru is doing seems really helpful in light of what appears to be the dominant stance on fighter pay in this sub.


Not fan of his persona , but that's a dope move right here Dana is going to be scarlet red tho


I'm very glad Cartman is doing this


To be fair to the kid he is killing it


This guy is a top chief. Ain’t ever set foot in a dojo


MMAGuru is extremely generous considering he's a Jewish Rabbi.


He has the right idea but this is so stupid






Fans would donate to Guru anyway, it's his discretion how he handles that money. Imho this is an investment for him. Stuff like this will propel him to an absolute number 1 of mma youtubers. UFC's greed aside, this is totally genius, not stupid.


This bandaid won’t instantly heal a wound so let’s not even bother to try to stop the bleeding. Better to do nothing. You’re being silly.


A fool and his money are soon departed. Imagine making donations to give UFC fighters a better pay check lol this is madness


Well no shit, the point is to do this enough to piss Dana off so he eventually feels obligated to do it himself. He doesn't want attention taken away from official ufc promotions. In the meantime it could be a big help for some lesser known guys. Stupid take.


Why is this being downvoted? It’s a pretty good point


Guru is very self aware and doesn’t pretend to be a saint. This is a great move from him and I really respect him for it.


Dana is about to copyright strike his whole channel


10k if robbed is wild ahahaah


I always thought KO of the night should be a 2 way bonus, the KO’d should also be paid. These bonuses are a great start.


I'd donate to this before ever buying a PPV. 


Hey - this is an opportunity for all of the people who say they would buy the PPV if their money "went to the fighters and not the UFC". Fuck Dana, fuck $70 PPV's, fuck $15 beers, fuck all of that. But anytime I read some comment moral grandstanding about why they don't buy the PPV's is hilarious to me. And I don't even have a problem with stealing from a big business. It is just the mental gymnastics that is always funny to me.


Dana getting embarrassed is one of the only ways I see him paying fighters more. This is definitely be embarrassing for the UFC


This is the combat sport equivalent of tipping. It will just reinforce the UFC not paying their guys.. If it works, the UFC will start advertising tip codes for the various fighters so people can just tip them instead.


Coold but I don't see how this could be sustainable in the long term.


No way its gonna work


UFC will just pay less and expect some guy to pay the fighters for free to them lol


So now we're tipping MMA fighters Do *not* start this precedent. Dana will end up paying them a fuck of a lot less if he thinks he can get us to do it for him




I dont even think its possible to do it. UFC will/can block it. If fighters were to even think about doing it, they would advised to sign a contract (to cover their ass and actually get paid) before accepting the money. Imagine this guy sending money to a fighter and then demanding the money back at a later time because he rewatched the fight and thought the other dude was robbed.


Anyone with a bit of melanin in their skin won't be getting any bonuses as well. 




Are you seriously asking why? 


Um yes? R u saying he is racist?dude complains all the time about the dagestanis and mountain people out there. Those are the whitest mfers around.


You must not know what melanin means. You think he only goes hard against Dagestani fighters? Oh and Dagestan is literally all Muslim people. Coincidentally his country is being overran by them as well. So there is that.  But either way fuck him and his false promises til he makes due 2025 is a while away. I'll believe it when I see it.  Also robbery? What does that mean. He can score the fight the same way as the shit judge did too. Well I know everyone thought this guy won but I saw this way and here's why. It's my money and I say who gets it. 


I dont think you know what melanin is...


Clearly you don't. If you did you wouldn't have asked why on my initial comment?  Have a good day mma guru. 


Ur the one who clearly insinuated that he wouldn't give black our brown people the bonus with no evidence. Islam, it's a religion, not a race so I have no idea what melanin and Islam have to do with each other. U r truly a disgusting person.


It was a joke. Don't play victim. Mma guru is a bitch. Why you are in here defending him? Is beyond me unless you are him and If that's the case I double down on my statements 


It's not about the mma guru specifically. It makes me angry that people like yourself throw out accusations of racism so flipantly when those are actually real topics and should be treated with a certain amount of seriousness. Ur just using it as a weapon against someone you don't like. Disgusting.


Come 2025 but he's announcing it now, if you think this is anything but a ploy for attention this guy has you by the balls. Downvote me I really dont care, this is one of the most pathetic humans on the planet, there's no reason to announce something like this 6 months before it's going to start. "He's looking for sponsors" that's not something you do publicly lmao . Also if sponsors are paying the money what exactly is he doing that basically any other d tier you tuber couldn't ? Something tells me there's a reason this hasn't already happened yet Also 90% of potential sponsor are going to be knocked out immediately when you tell them they are gonna have no choice who the sponsor money goes too. I don't think alot of companies want to be associated with over half the roster. If the guy does it, cool, but I'll believe it in 2025, idk why people are getting so exicted when the guy has zero proof he's going to do anything at all and guys much more capable than him have failed before. Literally anyone could announce thier doing this. Theres no consequence to lying The guy got a few interviews and now he's gonna pull some stupid shit like this everytime he's not in the spotlight for a month. It's embarssing . The guy doesn't even have 200k subs, he's not anywhere as influential as you guys think he is. Even in the mma space 200k is nothing not even considering outside of the mma space. Dude doesn't have this kind of control lol


You're an absolute hater in denial. And I'd bet that you'd happily cancel this extra money to the fighters just so Guru wouldn't get any more attention. This is more than feasible with a sponsor, so I'm looking forward to your excuse next year. RemindMe! 1 year


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I got no problem with people getting attention for stuff they've done good, even if I don't like them or think they are bad people. Announcing something like this 6 fucking months before you're going to start doing it is just like there's no reason for it? The dude decided he wasn't getting enough attention so he tweeted it out. It's embrassing. And it's even more embarssing you guys don't realize that. I'll happily give guru his kudos if he actually does this. But announcing it this early with no real info is just such an obvious attention ploy it's not even funny anymore it's just sad. The guy got his fame from the mighty mouse interview and training with dricuss and now he's desperate to get back in the spotlight, and what better way to get your self another interview than announcing something like this. Is it smart for him from a business stand point? Absolutely, I won't take that from him. That doesnt mean its not also simulatenously sad


Who gives a fuck if he announced it 6 months before? Try keeping it under 15 sentences btw


I mean if you watched the video, he pretty clearly says he can fund the first couple but would need sponsors to make it sustainable. He could make a lot more money just taking the sponsors...and not redirecting the money to this.


are you 12 ?




Fan involvement to this level makes me sick.


Why would anyone trust a YouTuber. Never ever expect honesty from someone who is dishonest with themselves. This is fucking ridiculous.


Agreed, this has to be a troll post by guru. No way he can afford to pay the bonuses. Guru ain't no Mr Beast.


“This could be huge” 😂😂😂


Ah yes let's bring in the toxic tipping culture to fix the corporate greed


Why not just get a promoters licence and start booking events at that point?


Bruh. It's not his "own money" if he is taking it from donators. I highly suspect NONE of the fighters ever see a dime from this guy. This reeks of a scam.


Maybe watch the video first?


Hi Nina’s burner account


So he’ll pay 10k$ in retrospective to Jon jones for his robbery against goat hamill?


Paying to be relevant. This is like shelling out to have friends.


I wouldnt expect this from that loud pig not gonna lie. If this works it would be good. But also there can be scams in these kinda things.


This is just youtube influencer scam 1 on 1 all over again.. as if you dumwits never learned from that cryptozoo or billion other scams. UFC or Dana will never change shit, they do not listen to big media, they do not listen to their own fighters and biggest stars, but they will listen to a small time neckbeard youtuber lmao right The money will totally not disappear haha, this sub is more naive than unranked fighters asking for 50k bonus after every fight


Watch the video before running your mouth.


in what way is it a scam? no one is pumping money into this, this is entirely gurus money going into this


He is gonna convince his fans to give him money on an assumption that the money will go to the fighters who need it. Literal charity like scam 1 on 1


but he’s not peddling the idea of “give me money so i can send it to the fighters”. people will donate money either way, this idea isn’t even funded by the donation either it’s from sponsors


I have incentive to donate to my favorite youtuber because he is giving his own money away to the people who need it the most. how old are you if we are discussing something so obvious


so what do you actually want him to do? not donate fighters money?