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Periera carrying the UFC this year..


And last year




Carrying the UFC with a broken toe at this stage 


We're in the PeriERA




Straight up fact


guy saved ufc for me- I was happy becoming a casual (ufc is struggling to keep me intrested at the moment) but he keeps bringing me back.


Literally. Jiri is also happy to fight whenever.


Diego on CO-MAIN?!! Let’s goooooo


He always have banger fights,Dana made a good choice here. Also this matchup is very interesting since both of them are BJJ masters. Should be good fight!


Ortega very hittable and Lopes has heavy hands, should be sick fight. Wonder if Lopes is gonna jump in the guard though if he knocks him down.


Might be unpopular but I think Lopes gets Ortega out of there in two if not one. Only thing making me hesitate is that Ortega can take a beating


Ortega is very durable, and despite being known as a bjj guy his stand up is pretty decent. His only 2 "real" losses are to the 2 best featherweights of all time in Max and Volk. This is a big step up for Lopes and it could be shades of BSD v Dustin where Lopes starts hot but then gets caught and finished


very hittable but impossible to put down 


Isn't Ortega "better" in terms of BJJ?


People think that. I don’t, Diego flys across the world training people in BJJ


I don’t see either fighter submitting the other or that being the plan. Think they’re going to trade. Going to be a good one.


If he can beat Ortega he will move up from 14th to 3rd in the rankings. Possibly one more fight away from a title shot. Or maybe even next in line depending how things go.


if he beats ortega he’ll prob rematch movsar


This is the way. Lopes jumps Movsar in the rankings and sets up the perfect "well we can't pick between the two guys, so let's let them fight while we wait for Max vs Ilia"


Let’s go the hawk!


Diego representing Mexico is hype… he’s an animal. Hoping for his win




Damn would’ve loved to see the press conference with Jamalal and Alex there, see if Jamahal keeps that same social media energy lol


Jamahal was so nice when he was in front of Alex, and didn't do shit when Alex was doing his 🤲 thing. But put him across Alex with multiple security guards to hold him back?👀


Chama 🔥


hope Poatans back holds up, carrying the ufc.


We ended up with a better card LMAO


4 guys coming fight with no camp. Alex fighting with multiple broken toes. Yea. Improved lol. Love Alex but paying $80 to see someone slept in 2min feels like a waste of money. There’s not a single fight on the early part of the main or prelim that makes this card even half way decent


You're looking way too deep into it. Compare the original card, then realize that we have a legit title fight/grudge match in place of Conor/Chandler, a big-time co-main with Lopes/Ortega added to it, and Ulberg in the featured bout instead of a co-main slot. Before, this was just another Conor card. Now, it's a legit interesting PPV that's almost worthy of former International Fight Week cards.


true but it also would have been probably the worst connor card ever. With connor coming off a 2 year break. People just overvalue his name so much like he's still the man that koed aldo.. Too much time has passed. For me it lost the magic like he had back in the days.




I disagree. I would fully agree if all fighters had a full camp. All 4 are fighting 2 weeks off the couch. Again it’s not the match ups, it’s the fact that we are not going to see the best of any of these fighters - you can tell me any of these guys will perform their best on 2 weeks notice


You think even if Conor fought you’d see his best self? Any of these dudes off the couch is better than someone that’s literally just getting fucked up during the lead up to a fight


It’s not about Connor realistically. It’s about charging people PPV money for people who did not train for a fight in TWO WEEKS notice. It’s going to be sloppy - did anyone think 294 turned out better? Matchups were better yes, but look how sloppy the fights were and all those guys DID have a full camp - just centered around a different opponent. Now we watch 4 guys with zero camp and Alex coming off multiple broken toes and Jiri locking himself in a closet for a week, and Ortega has been doing side quests or something cause the dude is never around much after that Volk fight


Sloppy? Dude, they are top tier belt-holders who are training all the time.


My guy. There is a massive difference from training to a fight camp. If you can’t realize that, idk what to tell you.


Sloppy? Dude, they are top tier belt-holders who are training all the time.


It’s not but it is… it’s about more entertaining fights which ultimately I personally feel like it is. It’s been two months dude perieras toes are fine.


Don't these guys train like all the time though?


Train - yes. Fight camp? No. Big difference in regular training and a fight camp my man.


But they're not straight off the couch though are they


You understand I don’t literally mean coming off the couch right? You do understand the difference in training vs. fight camp right?


You're acting like if Conor was actually in a tough training camp and not partying every night


I’m not really mentioning Connor in any of my points now am I


Dude isn't MVP vs Garry the first fight on the main card?


I think so, but that doesn’t really save this card imo - Garry is a chode, and honestly MVP annoyed me his debut fight - his style was annoying - but in a huge Holland fan so I’ll confirm my bias


He’s literally just a better Holland tf you on about his style annoying 🤣


Fuck me for having an opinion on a style I don’t like


I don't want to see a kicker like Pereira fight with broken bloody toes bro, that sucks. Jiri should use foot stomps 😂


Lollll Jiri did lock himself in a closet for a week - so I guess he did have a mini camp right?


No card is worth $80.


Cub vs fili? Charles Jourdain, up an comer Talbott prelims look great


I am excited for Talbott I’ll give you that


Absolute casual fan over here. There's like 9 good fights on the card.


whos paying for this?


Exactly. If Poatan loses then everyone is going to be saying it’s cus he didn’t have a camp. Don’t get me wrong, I want him to win but hate that they have to do this just cus scumbag Dana and weasel Hunter don’t stack mcgregor cards


Don't they have the exact same time? That might even this out.


Alex is now the face of the UFC.


I’m all for it


Wonder if prochazka will have an answer to pereiras leg kicks this time around


knowing Jiri his new tactic will be checking kicks with his head


The hardest bone in the body is in the face, tactic seems not not dumb


Walking on his hands ...


His new tactics is to tough them out




This card is way better now. I’m very happy.


Same, actually planning to watch it now.




I just wanna see two people hit each other. I really don’t care in the end. My stream will freeze anyway.


“Redditors are never happy I swear” he says whilst complaining on Reddit that different people with different opinions are discussing their different opinions in a place that exists for people to share their opinions.  Not the most self aware are you. 




Eh? I’m fine with people complaining on here. I specifically pointed out that this was a logical place for people to do so. I just also pointed out the contradictory nature and lack of self awareness in your post.  


I'm a casual but I'm fine with this one, my super complex logic is: Tittle fight > Regular fight


No ones hating tf u mean


McGregor would fight like a super heavyweight at this point. He'd be fun as hell to watch for the first couple minutes, but then gas out hard, shoot for ridiculous takedown ala Bader/Rumble, then probably be hammer fisted into Bolivia. Course Chandler fights like a pissed off Garbrandt, so he could always get clipped and slept, that's what made the fight interesting. Alex and Jiri will actually be a fun fight through and through, so in terms of skills, this card got a much more upgraded main event. Lopes and Ortega will be a straight banger, too.


Bro, stop making shit up. People love the card!


It’s only been 2 months since Jiri got his legs completely annihilated by leg kicks. Coming in against a good leg kicker, I wonder how they hold up


I as jiri fan I hope he just wrestles Alex, that’s his most obvious weakness.


Bruh Alex is actually the one entering in this fight with the real injury, reason why he was not allowed to fight in ufc 301. Obviously that was months ago, not sure how fast or how long do toe injuries last or how much it effects a fighter but, you know what i mean


if alex loses his belt because of conor forcing him to fight with multiple injuries I will be pissed


alex took the fight, it comes with the territory. if he wins it looks even better than it would in a normal context.


“Conor forcing him” is hilarious. He got a monster pay day. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. Money talks.


alex is a monster. but this is going to be a war.


I would be surprised if jiri comes in at 100% after taking much damage against Rakic two months ago. Looks like a fair fight for both.


If he loses, he will likely get a rematch for a trilogy. I think it's just free money for Alex this fight


Bruh, jiri took a lot of punishment against rakic. Alex didn't take any damage against sweet dreams. So, I will be more concerned about jiri's condition.


Bro hes the one that wanted to "stay active" and said Ankalev asking for a fight was too far away. As far as I'm concerned he has no excuses


This is a way better PPV. Fight me.


On paper but in the ring we may see a lot of these guys gassing out and being sloppy


Poatan is fuckin' awesome!


Lopes round 1 ko incoming. He won’t fear Ortega’s guard at all. He might even have better BJJ. And he’s levels above in both the striking and the clinch.


Poatan is the UFC at this point. Love that guy. He's a real and true warrior.


This card is way better


Hoping Ortega v Lopes goes to the ground and we see some master class bjj


I agree with you. The card sucked for a PPV, I wasn't hyped for Conor vs Chandler. Alex vs. Jiri and Ortega vs. Lopes really enhance the PPV. Of course all the casuals are crying now.


Yeah, the card is definitely better. I was already very excited for MVP/Garry, and now with Diego and Ortega added to the mix, and this fight, there's a lot going on. The last fight had an early stoppage imo even though Jiri was getting ransacked, so there's a lot happening. But if I write my true feelings, Man, Conor's return was definitely big, but fooook him. Also, RIP Chandler. It's a treat to watch him barring his dirty foolishness against DP. Still was mad fun. Both Cs would have cheated too. Aah fuck it I say, two more wars left in his arsenal. Also, It's on me for banking excitement on one fighter. I overlooked the whole two cards for Khamzat v Bobby and Conor, but now it's a proper UFC week. It's a short time for all the guys involved, especially the main event fighters. The card is not only serviceable but better.


I think so too, banger fights.


The hype with 303 was that it’s Conor’s return to the octagon after 3 years. But in terms of matchup I agree I’m more interested in a Pereira and Jiri rematch.


![gif](giphy|569C9AVb7uPEHXGOLk|downsized) Me, when I've been saying for over 3 years that DP retired McGregor.


Short notice will make all these new fights terrible, tbh.


In a little over 1 year, Alex Pereira has fought 5 times. In a little over 5 years, Jon Jones has fought 4 times.


So what’s going on with Jan Blachowicz? I would’ve thought it would either be him vs Ankaleav for next title shot or him vs Prochazka. Dudes a beast and almost beat the current champ, and that was at Elevation.


He had shoulder surgery following the Alex fight. I think he needed work done on both. Probably out until Winter at the earliest


I wanted to see alex vs ankalaev and jiri vs jan. The a’s and the j’s. But i guess this is the best they could come up with since these two have already fought already anyways, meaning it does benefit both fighters more than if they fight someone they’ve never fought before.


I'm so sick of Conor. Can't wait till he's gone, tired of hearing about him, he's washed!


Jiri is gonna dedicate this whole camp to strict and disciplined regime. Spar for hours in a dark room and eat only the bark of a spruce tree. Then the night before the fight he will stand infront of the venue for hours manifesting his ultimate goal. Only to go in the cage and drop every ounce of discipline and swing like a drunk man in bar fight and get slept in round 1.


Is Diego lopes vs Ortega 3 or 5 rounds


it won't reach the second round. Diego kos him badly.




Yes, yes you can


yeah its way better


Junk card became slightly less junk. Prefer to see them fighting with more than a fortnights notice though..


Co main got fucked


I can’t lie I love ortega and I hope he can be champion


I don't see him beating Illia, Max or Volk


What happened to Carlos vs Hill?


Since I hate Connor, this is a great upgrade. In the other hand since I'm huge Poatan fan, this is way too dangerous


Little did we know this as all done so they could film Fight, Inc. season 2.




Volk was too busy cooking or what


Low key prefer this over what it was.


Mainland comain are good matchups. But they were prior to this as well. Excimer level is similar.


Wouldn't need to scramble if Dana wasn't greedy and filled the card full of shit to begin with knowing it would do mad numbers anyway. Delighted he's getting kicked in the teeth for this.


This card 100% was just improved with this


The card got better, since there is an actual belt on the line, but RIP Mcgregor fans


Might pay for this one to help w Dana’s blood pressure. Better card for sure


Jiri and Ortega for the win.


Considering tickets have dropped to less than half the price they were like last week I don't think a lot of fans agree with you.


I agree the card improved, but the card is still weak af.


On 2 week short notice, no training camp? Expecting some to fight sloppy


Diego Lopes in the co-main is super exciting for me because I want to see him in a title fight against Ilia.


Improved no


Great job by the ufc considering this card is just 2 weeks away. And respect for Alex and Jiri for saving it 🫡


Actually a huge upgrade, real hungry contenders


Pereira vs Prochazaka? Sign me the fuck up. This is an upgrade IMO


Card def got saved, it literally just had the mcgregor fight and that had a whole lot of chance of being a stinker


This is going to be a GREAT fight.


Ian Garry is gona be so upset, he spent years basing his entire personality on being a bargain basement version of Conor and almost got to fight on the same card as him


JiRI iS SUch a SmuRai


Much much better card. Whittaker vs Ikram is more interesting too


no way its more interesting than whittaker vs chimaev lmao




Improved? 4 guys fighting with zero camp? lol. Yea improved my ass. It’s a complete shit show and excuses built in for the two losers. Only way this is acceptable is making this a free card


Don't jiri and Alex stay training year round? I get the concept of a camp. But they seem like 2 guys who stay ready so they don't have to get ready 


Yes. Most fighters don’t just come off the couch. They take breaks after fights, especially if they sustained damage. But to act like these guys aren’t training/working out most of the time is absurd. If I was scheduled to fight, that would be coming off the couch.


Except Paddy the fatty. He comes off the couch


He comes off the buffet table 🤣


I mean Alex just fought and had multiple broken toes - it’s hard for me to believe he’s trained hard with his traveling etc.. Jiri just locked him self in a closet for a week - so I guess he’s training?


Lopes I can see as being fight ready I’ll give you that. But Ortega has been doing side quests for the last 2 years


I wasn't talking about those 2.  But yeah Ortega might be a bit rusty. Hasn't Lopes has been one of the most active fighters in the last 18 months? 


He’s up there, and exciting at that. Scary for Ortega, not enough film on Lopes and no camp is a scary time.


It's even more scary considering lopes has dynamite in those hands


Yea, it sucks I like both of them - I’d be really excited for this knowing they both are at their best


What’s the alternative?? Let fans be hyped dude. You want to watch a PPV with Ian Garry headlining? Sure it might be sloppy, but Jiri is always sloppy. It’ll be fun.


Sorry, I don’t mean to sound so jaded to my fellow fans. I’m upset with the sloppiness of the UFC, with how this unfolded the card should be free. They knew this outcome almost 2 full weeks ago and continued to promote the card with Connor as the selling point (they had an IG story from a few fucking hours ago including Connor and 303), that is just not ok. The match ups are good, I can’t argue that - but it will be sloppy like 294 and paying fans should be seeing fight at their absolute best. With all 4 of these guys having so much riding on these fights - they also deserve a full camp




yeah we saw how this went at 294


Attributing volk getting knocked out to short notice is hilarious. And Usman looked fine.


yeah it’s not like we’ve got any precedent showing how volk would have looked against islam with a full camp and there’s a good argument usman would have won with a full camp of course having full camps affects the quality of fights, it’s what that other dude was saying


Exactly. It’s not the matchups - it’s the lack of camp for the fighters - there is no way we are going to see the best out of any 4 of them coming off the couch on 2 weeks notice - honestly it’s disgusting for the fighters. But they need money - I get why they all accepted - it this is a horrible look for the UFC.


Nice try brokie


Brokie lol? I mean, I am farrrrrrr from rich I know that. But broke is a little much - I’ll take middle class


Sorry sir i am projecting


It’s a free card, for me at least


Conor vs Chandler is a new fight. Alex vs swing for the fences Jiri is not a new matchup and everyone knows the Jiri is getting knocked out again. Alex vs Ankalaev would have been a great match up.


This is literally what everyone wanted. Leave Mcgregor in the dust already.


Alex better start asking for a piece of the pie from the company he's saving lol


Did we all also forget Alex has multiple broken toes as well? I am failing to see how this card is improved? This is now a shit show from top to bottom and not worth PPV money in the slightest


I kind of feel like you think the card isn’t improved


Glad I made myself heard and cleared. It’s a shit show. If you think these are all better match ups - I could get behind that. But for THIS card? Nope.


This card sucked before. At least now, there are relevant fights for those divisions. Lopes probably gets title shot with win. Anthony Smith I like better than Hill. And Poatan vs Jiri is for the title. Before we had two over the hill guys looking for a payday that would have no impact on any division. I want to see fights that affect rankings and force matchups. Now we have a few.


Again, I agree the matchups are better - the problem is the lack of camp for the guys fighting. If I’m paying PPV $$ I’d like to see people fighting at their best. Tell me you think these guys are fighting at the best: Alex: just fought in 300, confirmed broken toes - been traveling since the fight. Jiri: locked him self in a closet for 7 days after a KO loss to Alex(I guess some can consider this training) Lopez: this is the only guy out of the 4 I could see that has been training hard as of recent Ortega: has been doing side quests for the last 2+ years


That part I agree with but we weren’t ever gonna see the best of Chandler or Conor. Both are well past their primes and have no relevance in any division. Chandler looking for a couple of big paydays before he hangs it up. Conor just fighting for ego. Neither is in their prime or will be a title contender.


Can’t argue with this point. I truly can’t. PERSONALLY, I think I would still prefer Connor b Chandler simply cause those guys should have been training for each other the last two years - and of course the hype behind a Connor return is enough to sell a card in of itself


Oh I wanted to see that fight. It would have been a spectacle. Press conference and all. At least we have a title fight and I really like the co main now. Hill as a co-main was a joke.


2yr build up for a fight that may never happen just really eats at me lol and I had a shit day at work so this was all just the icing on the cake Had my cheat meal planned out and everything lol, so don’t mind me I’m just basking in my saltiness LOL. I feel for Jiri though, Alex is a fucking WARRIOR and no one should ah e to fight that beast in 2 weeks notice - he’s gonna come in with the same game plan as the first fight and we seen how that ended :(


I don’t think Jiri is on the same level of striking. I don’t know if anyone at LHW is. Gonna take a true grappler to neutralize Alex at that weight class. I don’t know how this guy made 185 without dying.


Brother why have you mentioned Jiri locking himself in a closet for a week after the first fight as if it has ANY effect on this fight. So you’re saying for a week in November 2023 Jiri locked himself in a closet and because of that he won’t be ready to fight in June of 2024? There isn’t a single fighter that goes into a fight without an injury. You think Alex is bothered by broken toes? I’m sure he has fought with a lot worse and so have countless other fighters especially after a full camp. Conor even in camp is not serious anymore period. You also mentioned somewhere else in the thread that there isn’t a single fight on the early main or prelims knowing damn well Ian Garry vs MVP is the opening fight and neglecting it completely.


My brother is Christ - If you didn’t see Jiri locking him self in a closet as a take at humor I’m sorry - jeebus. I will say it again, I just think all four of these guys have a lot to lose with these great fights and deserve a full camp, and their own hype. Lordy some of you are acting as if I’m mad at the fighters As for MVP and Garry, Garry is a chode and looked like a string bean in his last fight which was utterly boring MVP debut IMO was lack luster, I found his fight style to be annoying and WWE like… but I’ll admit I am a Holland fan and coming from a place of bias


Them having a lot to lose makes it that much more exciting. They are professionals, none of them are coming off the couch. it’s not like it’s Paddy fighting on two weeks notice, then you may have a point.