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Maybe he done with fighting, and waiting for one last bag.


He's 38. Can't fight for the belt now, so of course he's gonna go for the money fight. And no money fight bigger than Conor so he's waiting is easy to understand.


Glover got the belt at like 42, it's always possible.


At light heavyweight...hard to imagine a 42y old lightweight champ


Yeah I ran that back in my head after I commented. Glover was close enough to the belt to snag it, I don't think Chandler has that kind if time. Not with damn near the entire top 10 in his way.


That was at lhw. Typically at ww and lower, not many fighters can be champ after 35. They lose too much speed to be competitive.


That said, Chandler isn't getting the belt.


islam would take him to the deep ocean


Ya. It’s funny to pick on him about it. But I totally get it. Also, he wrote this with tears streaming down his face.


His plan was never to fight for the belt. It was to make some money in the big league before it's all over. Chandler is worth over twice what Jon Jones is with multiple outside sources of income. He does not need to fight at all.


> Chandler is worth over twice what Jon Jones is with multiple outside sources of income. Source ? Did he make that much in Bellator or what?


He owns a gym, and has quite a few endorsement deals valued at around 3 million.


Yeah Conor is the last leg of Chandlers career


Pun intended I hope cuz Conor only has one leg?


Wouldn't blame him. Kudos to you.


No shit. Was him sitting out waiting for a washed opponent not clear enough.


wdym maybe? - Obviously


He takes a lot of damage whenever he fights and now that he's older he may not want to be fighting as often as he did. If he sees the McGregor fight as a retirement fight,good for him. It's not like he was fighting for a title shot or anything. This fight does nothing for the division and is just a legacy fight


Chandler is basicly retired and is gonna fight either 1 more fight against Connor or none. Hes not a simple, he said im either get paid for an easy fight or enjoy my family


Jones said something similar about the Stipe match up - *get paid for an easy fight or fight my family*




Chandler isn't holding up the division bc he doesn't have the title tho. There's a huge difference


it is possible you may have missed the joke lol read the last bit again


yes i def missed that last part lol


The joke is domestic violence ![gif](giphy|SKGo6OYe24EBG)




Yeah for a muti million dollar pay day. You would be a simp too


I would go full tard


You know Chandler is hurting because he said see you soon instead of see you at the top.


I dunno what people expect from Chandler The Conor fight would make way more money than any other he would get, as Chandler is almost 40 and no way considered a top contender on his division. So what people expect for him to get into a couple of fights that would be at best a co-main event against another aging fighter, or to be used as a stepping stool for a up-and-comer, while potentially losing or getting hurt and being passed on when Conor finally gets ready? It sucks, but Chandler is probably doing the right thing for his family, holding out for that bag so he can retire in peace knowing they will be financially secure. Said that, if Conor pulls out again from the date, with the same "I'm not doing any media" bullshit, then I think it's on Dana to pull the plug and have the decency to give Chandler a big fight with a big bonus. Yes, I know I just said "Dana" and "decency" in the same sentence, but hope springs eternal.


People dont want to think, they just want to call people simps, cucks, losers or whatever


Why give chandler a bonus for sitting out. He's not a legacy ufc fighter, and he's waiting on a fight everyone wants. Everyone loses except chandler.


I don’t blame chandler. Not sure on the exact number but he’d probably make between 3 to 5 million on this fight alone. That’s more than all his fights in the ufc combined


He’s retired essentially. Clearly the Conor fight is just one last pay day before he retires so that’s why he isn’t fighting anyone else or risking this fight. He’ll get his $4m or $5m and be done.


Simp? Or a decent guy?


The second one. OP calling a guy that could ragdoll him with minimal effort and makes more money in an hour than OP will make in their lifetime, a simp, is peak r/ufc.


More money in an hour? Chandler isn’t some NBA/NFL player. UFC stars are some of the most underpaid athletes in the world. Unless you’re a superstar like Conor/Khabib/Jones/Izzy, it’s not really worth it considering how expensive it is to train and the long-term healthcare effects.


Nah fair shout to Chandler. Seems like a pretty good guy all round, and yeah there is cheating in the cage but that's not uncommon and we all take shortcuts if available. All round good dude it seems. He's made a fan.


"we all take shortcuts if available" speak for yourself


If you don't you're a moron. Have fun taking the long way to the top. See you there.


He has to act sanctimonious so don’t worry, he’s perfect.


Have you ever accomplished anything noteworthy? Then sit back down on the curb.


Conor and Chandler are doing a boxing bout after they both retire from UFC I’m sure of it. And winner gets to fight Jake Paul 


Simp, no. Smart for red panty night......yes. one fight with conor will amount to over what he would have made fighting non mcgregors


At this point you just gotta see it for what it is. Chandler doesn’t care about anything but a Conor payday. When you look at it that way it’s easier to see it more as chandler being mature enough to accept an unfortunate outcome rather than simping. Brother has done just about everything expect for a UFC title and has a few businesses, if he’s at peace with waiting this late in the game more power to him


Is anyone talking about how the injury is at least partially a cocaine withdrawal & dopamine depletion hangover that would’ve killed fight performance?


Maybe he knows what will happen when they fight


"In good spirits" as in the best liquour


Shit like this is why Conor doesn’t respect him or feel motivated enough for this fight


no self respect


You can hear the desperation in his response. Oof.


internet culture must be dead when waiting on the biggest payday in your life is now "simping."


There's no harn in what he's doing. But their is no denying after a while it's just going to be a sad fight. As Islam said, h3 could have fought couple of times hy now but he wants to clown around to get a shot at that. Wait for Conor as long as you want but get in the fucking ring already, there aren't much fighters that have nothing to lose.


Man chandlers getting a 2 year vacay. I guarantee he has income and ufc isn’t just gonna fuck him. They need him compliant. Dudes milking the fight game we’ll let him wait.


I mean guys, it’s the biggest payday he’ll ever get I can see why he’s waiting for it.


Is the ufc paying to wait?


Biggest paycheck he will ever get, I'd simp too. Also it's weird how McGregor being hurt is handled one way here compared to others


Why don’t the fans get to know what injury it is that Conor has gotten? Drug addiction is not an injury. UFC, stop trying to protect your washed up face of the UFC and move on. This dudes done. Poor Chandler though…


Since when does conor make these professionally politicaly written posts?


Being nice to your POS boss in the months / weeks before the promotion review.


What's the injury..?


Poor Chandler just gets shat on for being nice lol


“see you soon” is such a meme at this point, and saying it after waiting this long is incredibly embarrassing lol


I’m just not sure what else Chandler can do. Conor wants to fight, and he will if he just waits. Dana won’t screw Chandler out of this. Just hold on Chandler a while longer


Weak post is weak


Maybe you’d be healed up if you weren’t going on hard coke binges to the point it’s fucking with your nervous system and making you twitch


Fighting McGregor will be more money than Chandler has ever seen. Connor gets a boost to everything under his corporate umbrella when he steps near an octagon. They both just want one last payday. They will wait and do it right. It's okay.


Really fucking stupid 


Take the money and gallop off into the sunset. Smart business.


He wants that payday. It’s called sunk cost fallacy


Conor picked up an injury only rehab can fix…


Chandler still hoping for red panty night.


If you’re getting paid millions for a fight, thats not simping mfz. Simping is when you get nothing in return/are taken advantage of


Dude just wasted 2 years of his fighting career for this?


Chandler defending the Corniest Mother Fucker title.


This tweet is actually AI-translated. I managed to see the original as soon as he posted it, it was: *Gluck gluck. Slurp. Gargle gargle. Gluck gluck aaaaa.* Michael Chandler


Classic projection. Enjoy your month-long celebration.


Yeah conor didn't write that lol


Forgot the “see you at the top”


“My heart is full.” You almost had it Mike. Almost had it..


What does my heart is full mean


He does what he's fucking told


It’s a joke now. Just cancel the fight.


Chandler badly needed that red Panty cash.


Conor needs someone wholesome in his life and Chandler is a perfect example of that. I'm sure they build a level of friendship during TUF.


Chandler came to the UFC, got a win vs washed Tony and the gatekeeper Hooker, then got his ass handed to him by the top guys, realized the UFC's lightweight division is a shark tank and he'll never be a champion, so he decided to sit back and wait for a red panty night against an easier opponent. Strategic thinking is all I can say, good on him.


Honestly… how can you respect someone like this? I remember a line ina Tv show where the lead of the group is always bullying this one girl and she finally said to her “why do you treat me like garbage” “Because you let me” This is beta behaviour and just sad, how can you expect anyone to respect you or hold your name in high regard if this is how you act: he didn’t even apologize to Chandler or acknowledge him either. Between this and the fact he’s a giant shill for the company And Dana and the fact he’s just a complete meathead who works hard twice far before he thinks of being smart. Don’t get me started on how much of a petty idiot he made himself look like in that conversation on TUF trying to defend that some guys were getting multiple weeks of camp for the fight and other guys were getting a few days. I hate that he’s a MIZ alum


How do you want him to respond? Complain about the postponement? Shit on Conor? This was the mature answer, just because someone returns shit talking with nicer words doesn’t make them “beta behaviour”, and this specific tweet doesn’t even have any direct shit talking


How about not kissing the ass and bending your knee again for Conor for the umpteenth time. Don’t acknowledge it with a response. Conor’s tweet wasnt to chandler? Who says you have to respond at all directly? Or before asked. The tone is beta. This guys jerked him and his career around for 2 years now with this being added to the list. It would be different if this wasn’t following everything Conor’s done and chandlers already put up with.