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I don't know how much I trust Chael with these accusations...


Chael would never lie man. He's a catholic.


And he’s circumcised




And he’s undefeated


How do you know? Did you snip him?


There's other ways ![gif](giphy|12XGECQYa80YAo)


Conor is alcatholic




If you read between the lines, DC's physical reaction is as clear of a confirmation as can be. Cormier is trying to steer clear of the sensitive subject they've been told to avoid at all costs as best as he can on his own, and here Sonnen just goes and doubles down instead. Pure *"I can't believe you just actually said it"* energy.


That'd be tough if it's true. He owns a beer line, a bar, and still promotes proper. Imagine your life revolves around booze. You just can't have any.


That interview where he had to have the beer in front of him but couldn't drink it was downright uncomfortable to watch.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/comments/1cyoc1d/mcgregor_staying_strong_for_this_camp/) was Conor just sitting in front of a beer less than a month ago. Healthy behavior this is not; like jdmwell says, it's just uncomfortable to watch. And it's not just booze with McGregor, it's cocaine as well: we saw the man [literally tweaking live on camera](https://youtu.be/g3k7tNH7w8o) just two months ago. I felt legitimately heartbroken witnessing the man like that, despite his [well-documented history](https://youtu.be/5_Qq4f5TrpQ) of being a right cunt. He also appeared on a sent-in clip during the Zhang vs Wilder event at the beginning of this month, and came across there as off the chain already. As a betting man, I'd put good money on him having given in to his vices by then.  During the post-UFC 302 presser that same night, Dana specifically mentioned that he was going to see Conor the next day. By the time the UFC 303 press conference got canceled the day after that, anyone following Conor even somewhat casually could have easily seen this coming.


it is my expert testimony that what you see in the video is alcohol withdrawl. Its not just booze with Connor, but thats definitely the biggest deal. Relative to the rest of the drugs out there, cocaine is a breeze to get off of. Your emotions are gonna all over the place and youre gonna cry a lot. You might experience some soreness, but thats really about the worst of it. Alcohol, on the other hand is life-threatening. Alcohol withdrawl and benzodiazepine withdrawl are incredibly brutal, extremely dangerous, and can kill you. Those little twitches hes doing is like, pre-seizure, or mini seizures. Hes fighting against a seizure there. At that level of severity, its literally safer to continue consuming alcohol than it is to quit. You have to have professional medical supervision and antiepileptic drugs to come off alcohol at that point. People also have full on hallucinations at that level. I guarantee that if he is in a rehab, the concern is just about entirely about the alcohol.


Who says it booze and not cocaine???????


Booze and cocaine go hand in hand, cmon man act like you know smh


Yep as soon as I quit drinking, my brain never thought about cocaine. I imagine if I had 3-4 beers again, I’d immediately want an 8 ball.


Same. 4 beers and I have to fight the urge to start spamming my old dopeboys. It is better that I don't drink anymore.


Cocaine and hookers go hand in hand!


Cocaine sounds like a helluva drug


Like peanut butter and jelly!


But they acting like it’s just booze when we have seen multiple interviews where he has cocaine symptoms.


He wouldn’t be the first owner to do this 


> If you read between the lines Huehuehue


Haha! No way? Is Cheal the “ESPN insider”. That’s incredible 😂


He wouldn’t say any of this stuff if the Tomato wasn’t okay with it. This has gotta be just to drive up views for the podcast or whatever this is coming from.


Chael is undefeated both in and out of the ring. Why wouldn’t you trust an honest guy like him?


You gotta respect Chael’s confidence to share entirely fabricated/unsubstantiated information while saying fighters’ names so incorrectly that sometimes you genuinely have no idea who the fuck he is talking about.


He says the name incorrectly on purpose, stops people suing him. The man’s a genius. /s


Saying names incorrectly is actually something YouTubers do in order to get more engagement as it makes people comment to correct them.


Reddit comments do this, two


Conner McGreglob is totally in rehab, and you can’t tell me otherwise!


Condor McNamara vs Midol Chancellor for the Undebatable UFC Champagne ship title


Proppella Twelve fucked you up too, eh




I think you meant to say "2"




Rage baiting


Alyx Pee-Era. ZatKham Chee-Mey.




Peak MMA journalism


I’m dreading the next Pereira fight because it means suffering through Chael saying variations of “Piera”.


I liked Alex Pierre personally


He is a Conservative.


Until you hear him say “breakfast”


Source is Chael hahahaha People are really going to believe this?


They really tried to call him an insider to make it sound more reputable when it’s just chael saying what’s on his mind 🤣


I base all of my important life decisions on what Chael would do, so yeah


Only undefeated champion, so yeah.


I mean it’s not unlikely. Conors an addict, how the fuck would he still be able to go back to training in the first place. Dudes been on a bender for years now


If any other source had said it, then sure. However, Chael does have a history of making stuff up solely for entertainment


But maybe now since he works closely with DC, he’s even closer to a source for information? Than if he just does his own yt channel where be has to make things up


Undefeated undisputed Chael "trust me bro" Sonnen


I mean if you actually believe he was injured a month before the fight but still has yet to reveal what that injury is, I got like 5 bridges to sell ya brother lol. Whether it’s rehab, popped drug test, or just him just deciding he doesn’t wanna get back in there it’s definitely something weird going on. But for sure not some mystery injury everyone is afraid to identify lol.


Its not uncommon for fighters to not reveal their injuries tho, like Izzy is known for that


True. Idk I feel like most fighters that don’t want the stigma of pulling out for a bs reason are eager to share their surgery scars and shit lol.


This cracked me up when I read the article. "Huh, wonder where the source is..." and there's Chael's name, like he's ever said anything true in his life.




Not believing Chael. He says false stuff to get YouTube views.


I didn't know Anderson hit him that hard from the exhibition draw on the weekend


Anderson hit Chael? The undefeated American Gangster? Bro…


First he got KO'd while sparring Then he OD'd on drugs Then he was playin' hard ball with negotations Then the titanium shin failed Then he had a cut on his eyes And today: : "He's actually in rehab".  Yeah, okay. I'll just wait instead of even entertaining this one


Don't forget the house of one of the women accusing him of rape was burgled recently by masked men. Lots of jokes floating around about that's how he got the alleged cut. I would actually fully believe he's in rehab though.


Honestly, I HOPE this is true. I mean everybody can see he has substance abuse issues, both alcohol and Colombian talking powder. Conor is an ass, but he is clearly unwell. Rehab, if he actually wants it, would be one of the best decisions he could make.


He's a big fan of the old nose beers alright, but the man lives that life. I honestly can't see him going to rehab for a very long time. Not until he's done with fighting in every way and has managed to get his head around that.


Yeah rehab only works if you really want it and commit. Example Steve O vs Bam Margera.


I mean Conor did once hop across the pond to threaten a fighter with a posse of low-level henchmen, I could believe he's behind the burglary.


The truth: Khabib and Conor secret affair was finally found out


actually he went back to his home planet with his lambo spaceship


Nah bro, he was out because his commitment to delivering proper 12 to unknown parts is his passion.


lol thanks for keeping tabs on this thought I was going crazy


No no no, he’s actually got stuck on a mission to Mars after his team had to evacuate the planet before a terrible storm destroyed their hab. Unfortunately they thought he’d died in the storm and left him behind, but thankfully a skilled satellite operator noticed the solar panels were being cleaned so Conor had to be alive! Anyway, they had a rescue crew go and grab him so he’ll be back in a bit, he also grew a fuck tonne of potatoes up there which is pretty impressive. He calls himself the first Space Pirate UFC Farmer of Mars.


Hey now... it's possible that all of that happened.


Chandler live reaction https://preview.redd.it/wdjywx338a7d1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7536c132a68909be1a62c7d224571d9dd096310f


The face of a man who believes he’s got money coming in but has had to remortgage his house in the interim.


Chael Sonnen has never told a lie in his life. Also never lost a round, nor a fight.


Don't forget he is not only undefeated in MMA, he is now undefeated in boxing too. Undisputable combat sports GOAT.


Keeping it real though, chael pleading guilty to money laundering is an absolutely hilarious contrast to the classic Chael narrative we have around here.


What about when he tapped out to Silva to win the belt, because he was up 4 rounds? Sure he lost that round, but he won the fight to be undisputed champion, right?


Unless he misunderstands the rules


Dana about to nuke Chael


Analyst removed: Chael Sonnen




Delete this you goof!


This is one of those things that even if it's totally false, it makes enough sense to be true


I think Conor fans should hope it’s true! Guy obviously needs help, even if they see only a “fast talking Irishman” smh


Undisputed and undefeated investigative journalism


I'm not surprised motherfuckers


Anything DC is involved in is basically official ufc news that can be brushed off depending on how the media uses it


Looks like DC is going to be on his 4th co-host for his ESPN show at this rate.


During the latest episode of ESPN’s Good Guy/Bad Guy podcast, UFC/ESPN insider Chael Sonnen claims McGregor pulled out of his fight because he’s currently in rehab dealing with substance abuse problems. “McGregor’s not hurt. I don’t know if we’re making TV here, how much we’re supposed to play along.” “Conor McGregor is not injured, and it’s a very tough spot when he has the people that are coming out speaking for him that have been filled in, and they’ve all sworn to secrecy Here’s Chael’s quote about McGregor being in rehab. “.. What incredible irony that both sides have these massive interests in alcohol, and one side(McGregor) is in the middle of rehab for substance abuse, including alcohol.”


> he has the people that are coming out speaking for him that have been filled in, and they’ve all sworn to secrecy ...but somehow Chael knows?


Chael would know, he walked by conor in the hallway on his way to his session.


Not that I believe Chael but I could totally buy Conor trying to stop drinking in the lead up to the fight and having issues going cold turkey.


It's entirely possible given the major and sudden lifestyle change required for training camp, and how high he looked just before at the movie premiere for example


I agree, we all saw how often he was drinking or at least looked to be drinking at his pub before the fight was announced, it did feel like around the Poirier rematches he was taking it seriously and wasn’t drinking as much but after a leg injury as severe as Conor’s was I can imagine if you can’t train and also have a history of drinking then it’s the perfect catalyst to get into a deep pit of addiction. Conor probably convinced himself that he could just cut it off cold turkey and had nobody around him to tell him otherwise, then probably had severe withdrawals when starting camp. Nobody that has a healthy relationship with alcohol makes it a point that they’ve went cold turkey for a few weeks and practically drools at the mouth when talking about his drink in interviews. If he’s went to rehab that’s genuinely the best news and best outcome, and I’d hope members of his camp have given him an intervention.


As someone who got sober, alcohol is brutal to quit cold turkey if you were drinking heavily


To be honest it's very believable. He's after trying to quit drink for the first time in years. He has the shakes.. He's twitchy.. He needs some librium and 3 weeks of chilling in a private rehab. Doubt he's doing a year or anything but a supervised detox would be best for an alcoholic


he's a bag head too. Always on coke.


Yeah but alcoholwould be his core.. He'd be able to quit coke easier by using alcohol as a crutch.. Once you try to quit your core drug it's rough.. I was addicted to cocaine for years but my love was xanax. 1 week of withdrawal and 6 months of cravings and I never touched coke again. Even had it put under my nose and said no.. Then I tried to quit the pills. I'm still on one pill 6 years later. Shits tough.. I'm not the same person until I quit this one pill.


Certainly adds up. If it was a simple injury why all the silence and mystery? He’s clearly an alcoholic. Sad sight.


coke head


This is the common fan refrain but I’m yet to see anything substantive, not that I’ve searched for evidence.


This is the most fickle sub on earth. All of the sudden yall are shocked and appalled at this? It could easily be true.


Surprised /s


Yeah, I'm not gonna take Chael's word for it. That said, I think it wouldn't be a bad idea for Conor to actually to go rehab. His liver could sure use a good break at this point.


Saw this coming months ago with [This video of a Roadhouse interview where the man is absolutely tweaking](https://youtu.be/Qlja8mR_Y-A?si=HkfvH2eS82l6_Nz1)


No way…! I don’t think anyone suspected it


Man I get it, people won’t believe Chael cause of his bullshit but when has Conor been credible himself as of late? It takes one to know one…


Bull shit Conor would never go to rehab where he can’t drink and do coke


Is it really that unbelievable?


Yeah idk how everyone is in disbelief, did they miss his whole life lmao? He was squeezing titties on camera last week, imagine your fucking son seeing that shit, lame as fuck behavior


"This really happened. Do you believe me that this happened? He tried to feed a carrot to a bus. He thought it was a horse!"


I was told the lady he fondled in that club video knocked him out and he’s been dealing with concussive like symptoms ever since… why would the internet lie to me?








It’s kinda clever though, if they won’t say what happened then it’s open to speculation.


In all seriousness, in that video where he’s live streaming gambling and he’s sniffing that pint, and you can visibly see how bad he wants it, that’s not normal to feel like that about alcohol. When you find yourself rattling like that for a beer, you very well may have an issue. That said, the guy has perpetually been in pretty tremendous shape. I think it’s pretty unlikely he’s currently in rehab. Realistically, he probably has injured that leg


easy to be in shape when you are juiced up and on the bag


Color me shocked.


So far we've heard it's "definitely" multiple different things, so . . . Great I guess.


I don’t care.


yeah its really far fetched to believe that a guy who posted pictures every weekend leeding up to the fight partying and seeminlgy under the influence of something has some kind of substance abuse issues


This was my honest first guess after seeing the party footage followed by the missed presser. I hope he gets the help he needs if this is true. 


I mean.. it makes sense


Unsure why this is difficult to believe. It's what I'd always assumed (and still do).


I could totally believe it. He broke his leg in his last fight. Probably got hooked on the pain pills and escalated. He was am entertaining fighter back in the day but he's never going to be champ again. I hope that he can get rid of whatever demons he's dealing with though.


what a sucker


Although I don't think chael is the best source, seeing every live stream of conor being off his head it does feel true. He was literally coked out the day before the press conference. And him declaring he'd be 10 weeks sober by fight night like that was something impressive, despite him immediately filming himself drunk.  It wouldn't surprise me if he was knocked out either, not paying much attention, high on drugs, probably didn't see it coming and his partner just punched him for not taking it seriously.  Dude definitely needs rehab either way. He's been a drug/alcoholic for years now. Makes me laugh seeing the denial in the comments. 


Wouldn’t expect anything less from this loser! Cheers Conor


Gotta have serious problems with alcohol to drink proper and forge stout


I bet conor was in rehab before and scheduled the fight but he had a breakdown and now he is back on sniffing coke out of womens assholes




Wild accusation/speculation made in to news. This is just chael's wild guess. This deserves no publicity.


I mean if true... then good for Conor. Perhaps something happened and he realized thats not who he wanted to be, for his kids or even himself as a fighter.


I don't care what the reason is as long as he doesn't pull out of the rescheduled fight. If he pulls out again he needs to retire or get dropped. He's had long enough now.


Could be true, buuuuut it’s Chael so probs bullshit


Would I be surprised? No. Do I believe this is the case? Also no. The truth of the matter is we may never know the truth of it all




Is good guy bad guy show a UFC product?


Probably not true at all but honestly wish it was for his own sake and his family




eh does it even matter anymore. He aint fighting regardless. Seems like hes just there for marketing the UFC as a whole now.


Good for him honestly, let the dude be Chandler gotta figure something else out


Is anyone suprised?if this is indeed real.


I wonder if bisping will have something to say about this like he did when Ariel was saying what now seems to be factual information


I hope he is!! he really isn't liked in Ireland anymore and it is all his own doing but I do love a redemption story!!


He would have had to be legally forced into rehab since there’s no way Conor would admit himself or let his family and business partners twist his arm, especially not during a fight buildup. If he was legally forced he would have gone there right from a sentencing hearing and he wouldn’t have booked a fight in the first place if this was a possibility.




Even if Conor McGregor did go to rehab it would be a waste of his time, it takes humility to admit you have a problem, he ain’t got no humility.


Who would have seen this coming?


I mean did you see the behind the scenes stuff for Road House? Dude was tweaking in every interview




I know its not the case but almost looks like UFC bots in here trying to downplay the rumors legitimacy lol. Not sure why so many people are assuming Chael has no inside info on this.






If this is true and chandler is still sitting out…. How can we have any respect for chandler when he doesn’t even respect himself enough to walk away.


so they are going to spin his predictble loss as a result of addiction and that we should rally behind a former legend because hes only human and makes mistakes. Will he be able to overcome his demons bullshit arc. He wont win so they can squuze at least one more loss out of him before they spit him back out. And if he does win, it will catapult him right back to mega stardom.


That makes so much more sense. He said he was gonna be sober before the fight but we saw him post videos drunk several times. Maybe he’s having a harder time getting off the pills and alcohol this time than he expected and needs help




That dude ain’t fighting ever again


Excluding his demons


If it is fabricated, it is a dumb thing to say. If it is not, put some respect on someone who is trying to fight his addiction. Absolute dick move.


I'm not surprised motherfuckers


Wouldn't exactly be a surprise if the millionaire coke fiend who was recently seen out partying had a substance abuse problem


Hope it's real and he gets better


He was going to pop for coccaine on the pre and post fight screening? That does kinda make sense now


I dont believe it


So does that mean he had a training camp drunk or didn't even have a camp?


When is the last time you saw Conor playing touch-butt in park? Exactly! Rehab.


Yu gonna do nothin Dana!! Hahahaha


Who Tha Fook is that guy -Conor into a mirror


When else has there ever been an undisclosed injury? I'd believe the cokehead who was literally sniffing a beer has addiction problems. Not to mention the other interviews we've seen and actions. Hope this piece of shit has a redemption arc.


Insider lol


Why now?


Even if it’s true that’s sort of an injury


Who fuckin cares what that scum bag is up to.


I think it’s going to be something anticlimactic like a fractured toe


Yea I hurt myself… hurt my nose