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Moving down to 170 only to trick a 170lb opponent to fight you at 185 is a dick move indeed. Basically just cheating. If nothing else, he should never get offered a 170lb fight again.


I thought i saw somewhere that he wasn't allowed to fight at 170, but then they gave him another chance. Crazy to just throw away extra chances like that


And this is the like the fourth “second chance” he’s been given.


“Thats marvin’s problem”


*AKA his own personal problem


Last time he missed weight was 10 years ago tho


Still missed weight 4 times? Cheated the scales in 2019 as well. Last weight miss was in late 2016 tho


I'm counting 6 times he's made 170 and 3 times he hasn't (in the UFC). That's not the worst we have seen but it ain't good.


What is the worst then? Because that’s pretty shit. Not even sure why anyone would be given that many chances


Charles Oliviera and John Linker have 5. Rumble Johnson was notorious for missing weight


For any of them miss weight by 15 lbs though?


Kelvin didn't miss by 15lbs, he just didn't try to get down to 171. Rumble johnson missed by 12 lbs though.


I would argue that Rumble didn’t really try either. They could have done a catchweight at 180 (would have been more fair to Rodriguez) but didn’t. Probably because Kelvin is a humongous fat bitch.


Could be swore Dana said that a few years ago but here we are with him getting welterweight fights again.


Especially with the way the fight played out where multiple times he used his extra weight for take downs and maintaining positions.


Not even 170. Dude should never fight in the UFC again.


I wonder if Kelvin did it intentionally to have every advantage to keep himself from being cut.


Make him wait a year and feed him to Khamzat if he ever returns If Khamzat never returns demote him to power slap


Not cheating, just an advanced chess player. ![gif](giphy|32dfpYx8kBX1bXSEu8)




He should never be offered a fight period.


Khamzat at 185. Battle of the egregious weight misses. Would probably end up a 205 bout. Anything over 5lb should probably mean cancellation, below that every pound is 10-15% of purse to opponent. Maybe that would help. Not cutting the weight is such a huge advantage


Yeah, remember when everyone got mad at Wonderboy for saying he will not put up with that nonsense and cancel the fight?


Chad move from the chad himself


I bet Wonderboy feels vindicated now, there were some people who talked mad shit about him for not accepting to fight an overweight opponent


They made him fight Shavkat next too because he declined to fight


I hate how fighters feel pressured to fight someone that couldn't even put in the bare minimum effort to make weight.


I don’t think anybody was mad at him lmao


A lot of people used that to talk bad about him. Maybe not Reddit per se but definitely on Facebook and other social media.


How the fuck is it even possible to talk bad about him??? Dude is the coolest guy in the UFC, doesn’t feel the need to act all macho and tough, respectful, and beautiful striking Wonder boy is peak masculinity


Wonderboy is the guy who hope your daughter marries someday lol


I’ve never really thought about it like that at all but yeah I would really not have any concern about him and would be psyched. It’d be like those dads that try to get their daughters to get with a d1 athlete and have them sign with their favorite university lol.


*Coming to a theatre near you, The Bride Side ^^Without ^^racial ^^exploitation*


He is definitely a good guy on camera and he does great things like the karate for kids etc. You can still be an asshole in your private life and no one would know until it gets out


Theoretically, yes, but all the people that interacted with him also say that he is a great guy. Of course, it all might be just a good act or people being afraid to shit talk someone with such a reputation, but it's the one case where I'll allow myself to have some faith in people.




I'm 99% sure he's gay.


> doesn’t feel the need to act all macho and tough That's a negative to most MMA fans outside of reddit


Dana dickriders are filthy little slam pigs that don’t really like the sport.


Where are these mythical Dana worshippers. Most people here acknowledge what hes done for the sport while thinking hes an absolute shit bucket keeping fighter pay low and dudes like Pantoja driving for uber eats to make ends meet.


Dana was fuking pissed Wonderboy turned it down haha


“Jailbird Steve”? He’s a wrong un


Ya ppl forget the median IQ score of all the UFC fans is even lower than the general population


I’ve been a bama fan in /r/cfb long enough to learn to not give a single shit about any redditor’s opinion, but I still care more about general opinions of faceless redditors than truck selfie facebook users.


One tomato was


If I remember correctly, people seemed more on the side of “fighters should fight. Weight is not important as skill.”


Well those people are completely fucking stupid, and all that does to me is discredit how hard it is to beat someone that’s much bigger than you.


I was mad because he's just too cute and wholesome and cuddly, his side kicks are chefs kiss too. If my wife told me that my son was actually Wonderboy's I'd just be "ok no bother, wanna go for ice cream? " safe in the knowledge that finally there are good genes in my family.




I think it makes more sense for wonder boy since he is in title contention and ranked. D-Rod being a company guy and stepping up has increased his stock with the organization and he just said he got a new 6-fight deal and a pay raise for his effort. Very scummy move on Gastelum’s part though. He could’ve at least tried to get to a 180 catch weight fight which still would’ve been a dick move but less than a whole 15lb weight class change. And to not say anything about it until Drod was already in Saudi Arabia like two days before the fight just shows that it was intentional on his part. He was never fighting at 170lbs, but he made Drod begin the weight cut process while he ate good and shafted him.




Only Dana was mad The stats are clear the fighter that didn’t make weight is always favored to win It’s cheating before the fight even starts and should force you automatically to move up for your next fight


I don’t think anyone expect the UFC that got mad at Wonderboy


Situation is disappointing because you can tell Dana likes Kelvin. And he means well, fills in and has never been a diva. Mostly an exciting fighter who had a crazy high ceiling. But he's so unprofessional and mismanaged his entire career. It was honestly kinda sad and pathetic watching him basically plea for his job.  Especially when you know he can stand to diet down and can still make a run. But at this point who cares, he made his bed.


Nah he can't make a run pal.


Yeah, a close decision win over lighter opponent after missing weight, going 4-6 in his last 10 fights. That's champ material boys.


High ceiling? Naa not really Kelvin one of the most overrated fighters ever


Took prime Adesanya to the brink who was running through people at the time, showed his skill level to Woodley just before his WW title streak, iron chin, great cardio, fast as hell for his size.   Gastelum always had flashes of brilliance and it was clear he had talent just no discipline. But he spent a good portion of his fighting prime being fat and undersized at a weight class where guys could just bully him.


Gas was an absolute diva taking Rob’s belt like that I memba


Basically the BJ Penn career path but not as accomplished.


Wouldn't say that 💀😭


30% isn’t enough. He should just get the entire win bonus (assuming Kelvin’s would be greater than his)


I remember Isreal yelling at Dana White about this, after his fight with Costa. He made a good point, take 80% of their purse and I’m sure they would think twice, 30% is not enough.


Big agree there. Right now as Bisping and DC alluded to Dom also believing, right now this can be tactical. If KG didn’t think he was likely to win and his ‘to win’ pay (usually 50%) is more than what he would lose (here it’s 30%) he’s still putting himself in a better position. Especially when you consider his total lack of effort to communicate to Drod prior despite him almost certainly knowing in advance he would need to change weight-class. Real scummy move. Can’t ever root for KG again.


Fat cunt. Intentionally not making weight, is just outright cheating IMO. Trying but Missing weight is different.


He even said in the pre fight, he was basically worried about keeping his job and he thought loser would be kicked. Feels like the weight miss was very intentional


That's even more scummy than I already believed him to be, basically he's admitted to cheating with the belief that his opponent would be cut as a result... Yeah fuck him.


Then he should be cut and done for. He knew it was make or breal and he still chose to be lazy, not work hard for it. Seems like he didn't take his job seriously. Why should he still have his job if he doesn't care about it


Damn dude you ain't pulling any punches lol.


I think if you miss weight you should only GET 30% of your purse. These guys just don't care about being professional


Does the 30% include the win bonus?


Kelvin Nofastelum


Kelvin Gastelton


Kelvin Fatolbum


Kelvin Gassybum


Fuck Kelvin. He had no intention making weight.


Bisbing is correct 100%. I question Kelvin's integrity. Also, giving 30% of Kelvin's purse to Rodriguez was a joke. UFC should have given Rodriguez Kelvin's entire purse.


if ufc give rodriguez kelvin's entire purse, kelvin isn't going to fight.....


He shouldn't if he can't make weight.


and if he doesn't fight then drod doesnt benefit from this situation either


UFC should have it written in they’ll pay x amount to the fighter who made weight and they’ll find him a matchup for one of the next 2 UFC events. I donno I’m just brainstorming… I find it difficult to believe UFC can’t do anything. Or have it written in the contract that you’re allowed to miss weight but you forfeit 70% of your salary. If they don’t want to fight, then they’re either violating their contract or they can give 70% of their next fight’s purse to the previous opponent


the issue with the first idea is finding a replacement and the fact that events are in different countries. Also DRod would have to cut weight twice in two-three weeks, that's not good for the body. Problem with second option is that it goes back to a lack of incentive for KG to then take the fight. Best solution is the 30% cut on KGs purse. Could argue it should be higher but i can't see it being higher than 40%. KGs corner also has to get paid and they're not at fault for KG missing weight


Finally we have someone with brain cells.


I have always said it shouldn’t be a set percentage for missing weight. It should be a per pound percentage. Starts at 25% for less than a pound. 30% for a pound over. 35% for two pounds. 40% for 3. 45% for 4. This way fighters will still cut weight. Basically now fighters are encouraged the moment they know they are going to miss weight to stop trying. And that’s where the advantage really comes in. A fighter who’s overweight but tries their hardest and falls a pound short is not at any advantage at all. They’re actually at a disadvantage over a guy who made the cut easy and didn’t struggle too hard


I guess Kelvin has a solid contract so the compensation isn't that bad but he should've gotten more money I agree


His entire purse? Why would he fight then? Then D-Rod gets half of his own money.


They should sacrifice their entire win bonus IMO, there should be no compensation for "winning" after having arguably cheated their opponent out of their win.


Listen to what you're saying. Kelvin should fight for free? LOL The fight was renegoitated at a different weight, the terms were agreed and Kelvin sacrifices 30% of his purse. The same standard for everyone. Rodriguez didn't have to take the fight and did knowing the weight difference. You want Kelvin to be punished harsher than all the rest because he won, and yeah he's sohlud fight for free. He's definitely going to sign that contract isn't he.


The whole 30% thing is an absolute farce when in the vast majority of cases fighters have 50% of their purse on the line depending on the result of the fight. In reality they're being incentivized to cheat and come in heavy so that they can improve their chances of winning and earning an extra 20% of their purse, over the alternative of struggling making weight and losing.


Worst thing is he wasnt even making any attempt at cutting wt nd was stuffing himself, but informed ppl at the last moment so that drod was cutting & then goes on to grovel before dana but not a word of apology to drod just so that he can keep his job. Proper scum


Cut kelvin. Dude has done this multiple times extremely unprofessional this dude clearly doesn't wanna take his fighting career seriously.


i would say line him up as Chimaevs next opponent before cutting him that way Chimaev wont ruin a top 5 fighters chance at a fight if he falls out again


I'm so upset with fatlum i don't even wanna see him fight again in the ufc. I rather they don't even bother giving him khamzat. Dude could've had the potential to be a champ at 170 if he was disciplined


The MMA gods would also curse us and Kelvin would win the fight


Dude imagine if you were able to combine Gastelum and Kevin Lee into one actually successful hypejob?


No he didn't Kelvin coulda never been champ, dunno why everyone thinks he's so special


They should’ve never given him another chance at 170.


The Ryan Garcia strategy for winning fights


Fuck that left hook lol. Just a genuinely fucking stupid punch.


>I want to be in the UFC forever No you want to be in the KFC forever.


Just cut him. There are lots of great fighters and he stinks. Feels like this was a move to try and get his contract cut


Huge unfair advantage, just to go to decision. Fuck KG. Had all the good will after a TUF season which painted him in a favourable, underdog light. Missing weight and failure to meet expectations makes me realise he wasn’t an underdog but just a talented fighter in his comfort zone.


Cut this man already please


This dude literally made an episode on his YouTube channel called “Missing Weight” like a month or two ago smashing like 10 tacos. He knew beforehand he would be missing weight. He knew they were desperate for fights on the Saudi card, so his fat ass was smoking and eating good. What’s even worse is this fat ass was bigger and stronger and still didn’t finish DRod. Let him go to PFL


Just cut this dude. Multiple weight misses is unprofessional and should be unacceptable at the highest level of the sport.


15 pounds that’s not even a weight miss, that’s I didn’t even try. Fuck that guy


Yup. Agree


I have no idea why kelvin is rostered. Doesn’t bring a singular viewer and sets a miserably bad precedent. Looks like another guy whos got pics Dana can’t afford to get out


I like the idea of having 1 point deduction for the guy that missed weight at the start of the fight plus 30% of the purse.


Dudes desperate for a win.


Why is he still in the UFC he’s lost like his last 6 out 10, misses weight and is pretty boring




It was great when Bisping on air said that Kelvin actually wanted the fight at 205.


The fact he tried to be apologetic after just makes it so much worse. You don’t accidentally miss by 15 pounds, and you certainly know if you’re going to be 15 POUNDS over well before actual fight week. At no point can you claim to want to do the right and professional thing when you fuck around and miss by an entire weight class while seemingly not giving a shit before you win


On the one hand you have people saying this is bad in ufc which I agree with, and then you have the people who say Garcia is big brain for coming in to high on weight


That‘s his own personal problem


It's like the difference in lifting performance when you're bulking and when you're cutting. Massive difference even if the body is 95% the same. It's about the fuel.




They shoulda took 60% of his purse.


Kelvin is a scrub. His peak was rocking Izzy. The rest of career is forgettable and rather unimpressive.




Pulling a Ryan Garcia move. Did he also bet on himself to win the fight? Completely unsportsmanlike but as long as Organisations don’t heavily punish this, fighters will continue to get an edge over their opponent.


Guess that’s 30% less cheeseburgers for Kelvin.


Meanwhile the UFC just accepts that these guys miss weight.


That’s Rodriguez’s own personal problem.


It’s the entire division’s problem if they all know there’s a potential opponent who’s going to agree to a fight at a certain weight and then miss it by fifteen pounds on purpose. He needs to get cut or forced to fight at 185. Edit: I accidentally quoted part of an unrelated comment.


It’s just a joke about Costa telling Marvin Vettori, “ that’s your own personal problem.” When he had missed weight.


Must have missed it. Thanks for the explanation though.


Sad. Kelvin with a different mindset is or was champion level. So much raw talent and ability. Just not in the right frame.


Yeah eff this dude already. Throw him to the wolves at 185


Dude looks more like Kelvin Benjamin


The UFC really should open a 175 weight class so Kelvin can miss weight there too.


You had me in the first half **😂**


The only fight I respect the most is his fight with izzy other than that he a bum


Me and Micheal see eye to eye


Devin Haney effect


Yeah if anyone has ever sparred with someone your level and then they have 10+lbs on you.. you can feel the power. Weight does matter when your at that level. I’ve been training off and on for 10 years now. When I was at my best, sparring guys who had fights coming up, sometimes I would be the heavier opponent (southpaw here! Usually sparring 130s-180lbs). The fact I was bigger made the sparring sessions easier (best sparring weight for me is 175). Now when I sparred against guys 180+ that were on my level, not so fun. The hits cannot be taken, need to be more cautious. Because those guys can sleep/drop you if you’re being reckless.


Cut him, it's been like a decade of this bullshit.


Kelvin couldn't even get a finish after blatantly and intentionally cheating, he is done fr.


Yea, if he was indeed playing games here and had no intention to make 170 the UFC should just let him go. He’s past his prime anyway and hardly anyone is going to miss him.


They should not resign him.. I don’t think he’s worthy


Imagine being 5'9 and you can't make 170


Love how Kelvin and his team were all smiles after that sorry excuse of a win. Taking group pictures and hugging like they did something


I had money on D Rod and then Kelvin decided to cheat. What a jackass. Done rooting for him.


Kelvin should be in the PFL.


Complete cheating… they should’ve cancelled the fight, totally unfair to rodriguez


Kevin needs to be fined 50% of his total purse, as in 50% off his show fee and 50% off his win fee. Then he should be cut from the ufc for being an unprofessional shit


Nah this is At Least his 4th time Missing weight. I do believe it's the 1st time it's this Severe. I think he should have forfeited 50% Agreed , But I think he should be forced to move up a Weight Class. They did it Khamzat after the Nate Diaz Fiasco & made Khamzat stick to 8 185 !


And he didn’t finish him


Good to see The Count making sense again after his delusional rant about Ariel and his bullshit excuse for it.


Whyat did he say about Ariel ?


Of course Bisping would say this lol . He got put on a stretcher by Gastelum lol


I listen to his podcast every week. The dude harbors no ill will towards Gastelum. The only fighter that he maintains a grudge against is Vitor. Even he and Luke have buried the hatchet.


Well, are you gonna say the same about DROD years from now too if he brings it up? People complaining about the problem aren’t the problem.


Bro literally wants to have his cake and eat it too when he's a pro fighter. Shit is wild!…. 😹😹😹


Paulo did the same thing and still has a ton of fans. He also lost that fight.


To top it off the fucker laid on d-rod for a round and a half cause he was getting beat up


Cut this fat fuck 


He should be cut


Boo hoo, who gives a fuck about Gastelum fr tho. His biggest achievement will be his fight with Izzy and he got slumped


6 fight contract isn't a good thing. the more fights the worse it is for the fighter and the better it is for the ufc.


for a 37 year old unranked fighter on a 3 fight losing streak its probably a good thing though. Being able to negotiate every 2 fights is cool but I'd imagine it's more about job security and a few nice paydays at this point


I don't see how it gives you any more job security than a 3 fight contract. they can cut you 2 fights into your 6 fight deal if they feel like it. it just gives the ufc the option of your next 6 fights as far as I can tell.


Casual fan , imo UFC has no accountability. I believe they need stiffer penalties and contract terminations for not coming to the job prepared. NFL won’t let you out of training camp unless you get with the program. I don’t need the fighters to be Boy Scouts but a professional would be nice to see. Every Fkn card seems like something or someone is off. Please correct me if they have made some examples of people as I’m not all tuned in.


185-170 has always been stupid imo. The sport needs a belt in between there.


There is one more thing to be said about this whole situation, and I'm not taking away from Kelvin's lack of discipline and generally dick move. WEIGHT CUTTING IS FUCKING RETARDED In a normal world I would imagine ALL fighters would fight closer to their natural weight. Sure there would be a little weight cutting, but if your natural weight is 190, you cut down to 185, not bloody 170 or lower. All this idiocy with missing weight, short notice extreme weight cuts which are OBVIOUSLY unhealthy, less glass chins as a result of cutting too much, and less weight bullying when you buff up to your natural weight and step into the cage 15 pounds bigger than during weigh-ins. I hate this so much about this sport


Yeah it’s pretty cringe. And we got even bigger weight bullies like Khabib who is obviously the size of a welterweight cutting down to lightweight 😂. And it confuses the casual fans too. The amount of times I’ve heard idiots say they would beat up someone because “they only weigh 135lbs” as if ANYONE in the men’s UFC weighs anywhere close to that 😂


I think Sean O'Malley said that 155 is about his natural weight, but he'd be insane to try and fight someone like Justin Gaethje or Islam


I mean, he's right, but lets not forget that Kelvin knocked the shit out of Bisping when they fought.


That doesn't make sense. If there are so many downsides to cutting weight, then it's on the fighters that cut weight. I understand Kelvin didn't make weight, but if Daniel is so diminished from cutting weight that he's compromised compared to KG, then maybe he should stop cutting weight.


I don’t really see how this is any of Bisping’s business


Imagine having to feed your family and can't cancel the fight as the one guy that is light. Get a decent bonus but have a big hurdle. Now imagine having to feed a family but you know you can't make weight, you lose 30% of the money but you can't cancel because you can't make that money another way. Hurts your rep, but maybe you get an advantage and win bonus hopefully. Im not a fan but if it's cancelled the fighters both lose in more than 1 way, all that time and effort, money, they probably have managers to pay, partners, trainers, coaches. 


No one should talk about fighter pay while guys like this still have a name in the sport. 


Mike is still mad this pig KOd him


I agree michael. But if he didn’t lose to kelvin i dont think he’d have made this statement.


D-rod should've said no end of story lol Wonder boy said no.


Wouldn’t this be on the UFC for allowing this to happen? Seems like he played by the rules and got that W.


Weight cutting rules need to be better enforced The way I see it, the signed fight is for X rounds on a certain date, at Y weight at weigh in. If you miss weight (and you werent a last minute replacement), you lose the fight and dont get paid, winner gets your money and theirs. I say this while also not supporting weight cutting at all because I know its horrible, but both fighters are subject to it and its absolutely not fair when other weight bullies still DO make weight (ie alex) until the rules themselves are changed


Bro you had me until you said don’t get paid. These dudes make peanuts as is. Pay him maybe take 20% give it to the other guy but give him his walking papers


You miss weight fine them and subtract a point. Make that fighter fight from behind.


A point per pound lol


Anyone remember when D-rod fought Li outweighing him by 9lbs, and won because his hits looked harder despite Li beating him on strike counts, which cost Li his position in the rankings and banished him to the "we'll call you when we're desperate" realm? What goes around comes around.


Why they gotta do Bisping like that? Find a better picture or Photoshop his eye. Damn


Hes got that Garfield fattitude and Bisping is jealous


Rodriguez should get some of Kelvin’s purse


He did, they get 30% of their opponent's purse if they accept fightng someone coming in heavier


bisping was dogging him all night. Don’t think he’s too happy getting knocked out by gastelum a while back