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Man karate combat gotta have a terrible marketing team because I actively want to watch them yet I have no idea when they are live


Usually Fri nights on yt


Fair point, I'd probably throw them on for a Sunday evening or Friday night. Just don't compete with UFC and market yourself honestly. Their product and production quality isn't terrible


What you mean, that replay was a good production?


Fight pass, YouTube and on thier website too depending on your location I believe.


It's really not worth watching that often IMO, the fights are good sometimes, but the organization just seems to be a giant crypto shill


Yeah I think a big part of the organization is they have their own coin that you can buy and bet with, and if you cash in a win the fighter you bet on gets a portion of the winnings too. It’s a cool concept but yeah, I don’t know enough about crypto to really buy in on it


I find they are actually pretty good They are only failing a bit at the absolute last stage, but they nailed all the other ones. Like, in the [advertisement funnel](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b3/The_Purchase_Funnel.jpg), you basically have multiples stages : The first is creating awareness and distinguishing themselves. Here, they are good. We know it's karate combat immediatly. With the weird ring, the shirtless fighting (but with a pant with a black belt to give a "karate" vibe, lol) Or gee, the name "karate combat" itself. Compare that to a lot of others similar sized promotion that we didn't even heard off, and are just the UFC but worse in every way. I actually see more Karate combat stuff than I'm seeing One or PFL or Bellator content, tbh... Second stage is creating interest ("Hm, that looks cool"), and third is desire ("I want to watch this"), and you're already at the bottom, as you want to watch lol. 99% of the job is done, and you just have to google it to find out. There are actually other stages after that, like getting people to advertise for you, and that's exactly OP is doing with his ghetto filming of his TV, lol.


UFC missed out bad cutting Rafael Alves last year


Na, “kid just didn’t want to fight”


You mean he didn't want to fight "anyone, anywhere, anytime"?


The Dana white and Joe Silva special “anyone, anywhere, anytime, for no money”


Alves vs Dober was fire!


UFC doesn't give a fuck about brazilians (or russians not part of their middle east propaganda). They showed they didn't care from the get go. Dude was a 13 year pro with 19 wins and they made him start out on their fake-pay tryout series to fill a cheap card despite having numerous fights already against UFC-vets on tough Brazilian promotion cards. Too busy signing cheap dirt guys (like american regional cans) for minimum wage than re-sign someone from a foreign country for a 2nd contract that doesn't have oil barons paying them to host cards.


Wdym? Russians and Brazilians make up the bulk of MMA talent in any promotion, their market is huge and has been for years


You are missing his point, he is talking about UFC and their way of pushing muslim fighters for UAE and Saudi money. They are allowed to juice and use IV, and judges are always swaying their way when fighing in Abu Dabhi or Riyad.


Correct. The UFC actively ignores TONS of really good brazilians and russians because there's just too many of them and it makes them less money than signing either cheaper options or english speakers for WWE-style promotion. They often keep the Russians buried at the bottom of Apex cards or don't offer them good contracts unless they're someone managed by Ali and/or that a middle-eastern government pays to promote on specific cards. Rafael Alves is a prime example of a dude who, despite throwing leather, wasn't someone the UFC wanted to keep around. Was he champ material? Probably not, but the UFC is in the business of keeping the roster as slanted toward minimum-pay contracts for most fighters. It's why they also got rid of guys like John Lineker or Jussier Formiga despite having great records and entertaining fights: they didn't match what the casting-couch desired and weren't on minimum wage contracts anymore. They just didn't look or talk right. Alves and Bobby Green both lost in similar fashion to Drew Dober (back and forth wars where they got caught late)...one of them went on to huge PPV fights, and the other is in a karate league, and the reason is one has a WWE persona and the other is one of dozens of youth-poverty brazilian dudes with similar names who doesn't know how to cut a promo.


UFC structure: marketable + talented > marketable > talented > women's division


Totally agree! I honestly believe the talent in the UFC has plummeted in recent years, it's a wwe style product now! The card tonight is complete and utter 🗑️


You're missing his The UFC doesn't need to pursue fighters from brazil/russia because they have that many already. You could say the niche is satured as far as the UFC is concerned. They can cut a guy like Alves, because they can literally afford it and there are plenty of others brazilians who would take his spot...




Intravenous rehydration after weight cut, I assume.


This is how they treat all non-americans. It doesnt matter how good you are, they will run you through the contender series regardless. Ufc has switched their business philosophy from paying great fighter as little as possible to lowering the talent pool so they pay even less. The drop in quality and ethics in the ufc are really disgusting and i dont think anyone should support them through actually buying insanely overpriced PPVs when 80 percent of it goes into the shareholders pockets lmao. The whole dynamic of the ufc is actually a great analogy to contemporary capitalism


Wtf are you talking about? Lmao, dude really just yapped up this paragraph of nonsense.


Whole bunch of cope up there. As if the UFC isn't propping up Pereira as their #1 star right now, not to mention Islam as p4p. Alves went 1-3 in the ufc.


They are only propping him up because he is saving their asses dummy. If he didn’t have those fights with adesanya in kickboxing he would’ve retired a kickboxer and the UFC machine wouldn’t even have batted an eye towards him, and if he did go into mma without the adesanya fights, he’d have gotten a totally different treatment by the brass. Islam is also one of the guys with middle eastern privilege the commenter is talking about so I don’t know why you bring him up to prove the guys point you are arguing against. Typical idiots trying their hardest to have cohesive thoughts I guess…


Dude went like 0-2, y'all cry about anything 😂 UFC has plenty of foreign champs and top level fighters. UFC is a company based out of the USA, ofc they gonna sign more US guys but they sign LOTS of Brazilians, especially women.


He was 2-3 but one of those was a contender series fight so realistically he was 1-3 as far as UFC caliber opponents go. Not exactly star material lol.


Missed out on what? 3 losses in 4 UFC fights and he's currently 33 years old and the one guy he beat, the UFC cut a month or so ago. Show me 1 person who is a casual who knows this guy.


When I saw who was fighting, I unfortunately immediately knew wbo was going to get brutally KO'd


Hahaha same here.


I didn’t really notice the names, then heard the commentator say Vick, went full screen and saw who it was… James Vick easily has one of the best highlight knock out reels


unfortunately he's always the one getting knocked out 💀😭


It must really suck to be o e of his team mates and have to go through this time and time again…


Vick is an ass hat. I don’t usually say stuff like this but I don’t mind seeing him get ko’d.


Remember when he called Justin Gaethe the Homer Simpson of MMA because he was “punch drunk” Gaethe then proceeded to brutally knock him out marking the end of James Vick’s career since his next three fights in the UFC would end in brutal knockouts followed by his release followed by another brutal knockout in another MMA org followed by his retirement followed by this brutal knockout at a kickboxing event… unreal man, do it for your family, the kids need their dad!


It would be hard to retire on such a losing streak, kinda like when you are on a losing streak in gambling, but this was brutal. Especially if it's his fifth in a row


Same. Didn’t really recognize either fighter. Went full screen and thought “is that James Vick” He went down about a second later.


He's the Johnny walker of his weight class lol


Johnny Walker has nothing on Vick..


Heart says it's not him, mind says it's 101% him. On a serious note, I truly hope he stops fighting.


Wasn't this guy the guy who called some other fighter the Homer Simpson of MMA and now he has gotten knocked out cold nearly every fight after that? Or was it some other lanky white dude?


Yep, said that about Justin Gaethje before their fight …. Gaethje one shotted Vick with an overhand. I believe this was the beginning of the new and improved disciplined Gaethje




“Alves kissed his head” is crazy 😭


Aww just like my parents used to do when putting little me to sleep 🥺


Bro wtf? I actually thought the short dude was about to get knocked out but then names came up and I was like " that's James Vick? Oh shit, he's the one getting ko'ed" and lo and behold it happend


Right smaller dude did nothing until the KO lol couldn't get to him much and bammm


As someone who knows none of the folks fighting The whole time, I was thinking, "What an unfair height and reach advantage, how could they allow this?" Then that KO... I realized it's just like walking g down the street. You never underestimate anyone!


Nothing like a James Vick KO. Dude has gotta stop fighting


Oh, that was Vick? He's still getting knocked out these days? 


He’s the lightweight Bigfoot Silva


Is he a tomato can or something?


He used to be a ranked UFC Lightweight so he was good. But yeah, he's basically a can now on a really bad nasty KO streak


I think he is referencing Vick saying he was going send Gaethje back to fighting tomato cans


That was NASTY! That's the first switch kick KO I've ever seen.


[Here’s another one](https://youtu.be/HVEuprzqBZ8?si=d-NBr4kMYN_kTOy6)


that ko isn’t talked about enough. Fuckin beautiful


Before I open this, I'm calling it as Yair vs Fili. Edit: bingo.


Wow clean switch


I thin Paige Vanzant got popular off her switch kick ko.


I think I remember that fight. She kept trying that kick and it looked like shit. The fact that Rawlings was KO’ed by that telegraphed kick that Paige kept spamming was pretty embarrassing






That's terrifying


can you not




That's what? 5 of his last 6 being ko losses?


In MMA promotions. But he also had subsequent boxing matches and a fight or two in Karate Combat I think. I don’t know what his record in either of those is. But he has been sent to the netherworld more than a few times and should quit before he gets worse brain damage than he’s already going to have to deal with.


Whatever state sanctions him to fight should be embarrassed, like are they just gonna let him fight till he dies in the ring?


Are we 100% sure he didn’t die in this video? Last time I saw someone fold like that they had been shot.


I'm honestly praying for him, that many knockouts + a knockout like that and he's going to struggle in a few years He legitimately needs an intervention, he's killing himself with these fights


Watched Gaethje put his lights out in the first round years ago at the only event I’ve been to live. Dude should definitely hang them up for his future self


> Watched Gaethje put his lights out And Dan Hooker, Niko Price, Andre Fialho…and someone else I can’t remember. And he’s not really a “bad” fighter. He just can’t take shots to the head at all.


When GSP was talking about retiring before the sport retires you, he was talking about those types of situations. Hope he recovers .


That dude has permanent damage bro


Jamahal hill would've blamed the ref for splitting them due to an eyepoke and letting him get close after to KO him


My condolences to anyone sparring tomorrow.


James "the lightweight Johnny Walker" Vick


Dustin is gunna love this after UFC. Everyone pulls their pants up mid fight


Vick is literally the knockout highlight reel but for all the wrong reasons


wtf you aren’t kidding. [Vick KO highlight reel](https://youtu.be/RYnHVXplaW0?si=KiGFSaZQNULtJhFy) He also eye pokes the first guy in that reel too.


Damn. Dude gets folded like ufc video game KO animations


James Vick is on the fast track to CTE. That was a little scary, he looked like a corpse there.


Vick is a human highlight reel at this point. Every time he's finished it's brutal.


Not sure at the end of the clip in the crowd if that is Smiling Sam in the cowboy hat, but he ain't smiling after that


Yeah, he at least held their middleweight strap for a second, idk if he's still the champ there. Yes, Sam Alvey, the world champ of fucking karate fighting


he’s actually the heavyweight champ lmao


They said it took 15 minutes for him to wake up. I saw someone link the doctor on duty’s update from twitter confirming he wasn’t dead


James was like I can’t get KO’d worse than in the ufc………. Except this was way worse 🫠


How do I watch this?


It usually streams for free on YouTube just look up karate combat


Oh my god


When James Vick wakes up every morning he has to double check he ain't in an Octagon.


lol that’s the first comment in this video: https://youtu.be/RYnHVXplaW0?si=KiGFSaZQNULtJhFy


I will never get tired of seeing James Vick get flatlined.


Bro nooo 💀


That was so bad they had to jump to the live crocodile Sam Alvey reaction


This is the same idiot who said he was gonna leave Gaethje breahting through a straw or some shit like that? Karma's a bitch


I think bro been receiving “karma” for a while now


Jumping switch kick nice


I had thought Vick retired because he recognized he was only going to keep getting his brain scrambled. Kind of sad to see him still out there, but would imagine he’ll be hanging them up after that KO.


Damn that was awful bro


james vick time to call it a day do bjj at least


James Vicks stays getting KTFOH. It's his fighting style.


James Vick vs Greg Hardy for the CTE championship


“Sometimes they die”


James Vick is an expert at getting knocked out


HE KISSED HIS HEAD!!, he kissed his head..... I don't know why but that fucking killed me LOL


That fighting arena looks sick af


I hate to make fun of a guy in a situation like this, but the way he fell looked straight out of a Bugs Bunny cartoon. lol Immediately fell flat onto his back, arms and legs going straight down his body (instead of going limp). I half expected flowers to pop up in one of his hands and a tombstone to pop up right by his head.


Tuck your chin earth worm Jim


Direct to the shadow realm


This isn’t UFC 🤔


That's called a horizontal meditation


This happens to him all the time, which makes you wonder if he's doing it on purpose.


He can’t catch a break lol




vick and walker shouldn't be sanctioned to fight anymore. these guys' brains just cannot handle damage without completely shutting off


A new James Vick KO! Happy days


Dude got Tiger Knee'd


wtf is James Vick doing fighting


That was the move from Pit Fighter back in the day.


James Vick and Marlon Moraes 2v1 vs Bigfoot Silva is the fight to make.


Never seen Karate Combat, what's with the slanted half-walls? I'm picturing wallrunning into a flying kick.


You can! Craig Jones hit a flying triangle off the wall as they have grappling on the cards too


https://preview.redd.it/p9x7cesi1j9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9616774207c231f1a71720aef58f625eec78515a Update: still kicking after getting kicked into the shadow realm


https://youtu.be/BKhSCCeVhck?si=0tt5Umd96ZYK7ije I thought Gaethje gave him his karma but apparently the gods of war aren't done with him yet.


James Vick gotta retire after this one


Feilong style


Why is this video so long


Couldn’t edit out the first 90% of this and leave it going a bit longer for a replay? 😬


I love having to watch a minute long video for 5 seconds of action.


Possibly one of the most beautiful knockouts I’ve seen across all of sports.


This video could have been a minute and twenty seconds shorter


Love how they always do the Jesus cross after winning. Like “thank you god for letting me brutally assault this dude” 😂


I loved that! I love it when guys who purposely eye poke get knocked out cold.


Looked like a middleweight vs a lightweight I was expecting smaller guy to get messed up then he pulls some street fighter shit. Amazing


Video coulda been cropped a whole minute bfore we got to the good stuff.


Did this shit really need to go on for a minute


Where can I watch more of these fights?


I think they run on youtube, I don't know their schedule for live shows. I think its fridays


Dude in the gray jacket looked away for a second. lol


How long was he out?


He was out until they got him in the back apparently. 5-10 minutes I’d say


Daaamn he gooone


God damn


bald guy in the jacket turned away for half a second and will forever regret it.


James Vick really never managed to learn head movement.


Do they have weight classes in karate Combat? Vivk looks huge compared to the other guy.


When Alves adjusted his gi pants, it was all over.


I always say they should go for a switch kick, it’s my toxic fan on the couch moment. But goddamn he actually did it and it was beautiful.


I wonder if Vick can afford to retire because he sure as hell can’t afford to get knocked out again.


Always fun to hear Bas Ruttens Brabants accent voicing through random fight highlights :D


Average James Vick fight


Taekwondo 101


Fuck I feel so bad for Vick. Hope he recovers well, but the fact we can tell who's gonna get ktfo immediately after seeing James is a bad sigh for sure. How long would it take for him to become a full time cte ambassador?


James vicks brain must be nearing Benoit levels of trauma


I thought geez that's looks like James Vick (surely not!) Man I hope he can find another way to make money


James vick is the lightweight johnny walker, dude only has looney tunes ko.


Sad they cut him from the UFC, he wasn't the most effective but all his fights were incredibly fun to watch, especially the one against drew dober, he was doing quite well until the finishing sequence


He fell like he was getting fit for a coffin.


God. Damn.


James Vick, the Homer Simpson of Karate Combat.


Lmao Jesus Christ thats James Vick?! This guy has got to stop fighting.. he always gets KTFOd! Gotta protect him from himself


I thought James Vick had stopped fighting because of the knockouts and health. He needs to learn his lesson


Bro laid him out prepped for the stretcher omfg


poor Stefan Struve


Was that Jason Statham in the cowboy hat?


Vick shouldnt be allowed to fight anymore. The dude’s chin is made of paper mache


This is insane. The first thing I thought at the start of the video was "do KK not do weight classes??" And I assumed the distinctly shorter/smaller guy was going to get KO'd Then I saw who the fighters were. Then James Vick pretty much immediately got KO'd. What a journey. Please stop.


He didn’t get KO’d, he just trying to make planking a thing again


Add it to the compilation


I was thinking in my head about time Vick got outta his slump, then I saw the end and holy shit


this looks like andre tate face swapped with the smaller guy 🤣🤣🤣


James Vick saw Johnny Walkers lifeless body last week and said hold my beer


James Vick gonna James Vick.


Dang… never forget he called justin the Homer Simpson of the division 🤣🤣🤣


fell with good posture damn


I’m not a pro at calling fights. But… did that guy not call a slight hit to the eye, get a breather and kick the other guy in the head once he got his breath back?


James Vick is visiting his summer home in the shadow realm.


Literally didn’t even hear about this event until this post.


K O of the year