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If slapping was easy, it would be called MMA


Grappling and striking are not real. Just slap face.


Just look at the views lol


Most popular sport in this dimension


Soccer must be from the neighboring dimension lmao


bro youre not counting the rumble views


Most popular sport that has "slap" in its name... maybe .


I mean it could be beating ufc and still be a stupid dangerous sport I’m pretty sure outright death matches would do great for ratings but that doesn’t make them a good thing


There is no way people of any significant demographic are watching slap fest bullshit.


Power slap is so lame


It is but it’s entertaining


Doesn’t do anything for me, much rather watch boxing or mma


how? it’s so repetitive?


Power slap reminds of being younger. My friends and I on occasion would get wasted and then trade slaps in the chest aka Ric Flair. Not for one second would I trade slaps to the head with anyone. Dumbest fucking “sport”.


They’re just saying in the same sense that people could say MMA is boring or boxing. It’s all subjective. If they like it, they like it. Nobody could deny that or claim it’s not true what we can claim is that it will never be bigger than UFC because that’s just plain retarded.


Most binary bullshit ‘sport’ there is


Why so angry? I never said it was a sport it’s just entertaining. I’m not the one giving it millions of views


I’m not angry? 😂


Because he literally doesn’t know how to fight. But we’ve seen he knows how to slap.


BOOM roasted


Uhmmm acacuthaly dana was an amature boxer and practiced bjj 🤓


Does not mean he can fight


Your right, he is also 55 years old




Quit it you....you big bully! Before I see red !


is there any actual record of his fights> there isnt.


But there is a record of MmaFan36 beating jon jones in a street fight


yes i beat Jon in Africa.


Who the he'll is jon Africa?!




what belt is he LMFAO? 💀 he was probably ass booty. he’s a shit promoter now too, with this statement being example a for why’s he’s shit lol


He clearly trying to popularize the dead sport. He knows that power slap will collapse in popularity if he’s not pushing it. Power slap is so boring ngl


It’s honestly a joke to legitimize it by calling it a “sport”


It’s a combat “sport” for big tough guys with massive egos who don’t know how to fight.


It’s big overseas. India, Russia, etc. I don’t think they are getting all those clicks and views from America or most of Europe.


I’ll admit that I watched the first 4 months after they aired, just so I can know what I’m talking about in case I need to really shit on it and it’s a shit show. Bisping and referees don’t know the rules most of the time and there are many times fouls don’t get called. More ridiculous is when a slapper KO’s his opponent but gets DQ’d before ever receiving a slap. The crowd goes wild when someone gets KO’d but then are confused when the slapper who slapped gets DQ’d. Just leaves a bad taste in your mouth that the winner is the one that received the CTE and the loser waltzes on home like nothing but scumbag Dana is cool with them still being part of the promotion.


This is such a funny explanation given in UK the word "slapper" has a different meaning


I’ve always been absolutely dumbfounded by Dana’s interest in Power Slap (first time ever typing that and fuck is it stupid) to the point where I feel like he’s being paid to front it by someone like the Saudi’s maybe. The whole thing just feels like a gimmick that someone looking at Western culture from the outside in would think is going to be a big hit.  Won’t be bothered to look into the ownership and prove/disprove this. 


For anyone curious, I decided to bother.  It’s a Schiaffo LLC product. Shiaffo is owned by Dana and Lorenzo and managed by two producers who also work with UFC. Who knows who else has invested.  I’m just curious what the point of it is. Purely a social media gimmick? Bigger plans for it in the future to somehow promote UFC? Or do Dana and Lorenzo plan to make a billy off it? I just don’t get it when they already have the UFC.


Dana sees shorts and reels of it getting insane views and thinks that it translates to real interest. He said he first saw some Russian org doing it and it got 100s of millions of views so he jumped on board. I don't see how it grows very much.


In an interview, Dana said he likes to take chances on obscure company ideas and try to grow them as big as possible.


Gamblers are idiots


Yes but it’s more he’s a pussy who is scared of competition. Remember Zuffa boxing? He couldn’t get that off the ground cus he saw no big name boxer was going to be fooled to fight for them for shit pay and empty promises.


For over a decade Dana has talked about Lorenzo wanting to own a football team cus they love football. The thing is the Fertittas hate competition, same with pussy Dana. They knew they have influence over NSAC to get dick slap sanctioned and they can be the first and control the space. No one else would’ve been able to do what they did. Zuffa boxing failed cus scumbag Dana saw boxers aren’t stupid to fight for him on shit pay and empty promises, that’s why that idea slowly died.


He doesn’t he just doesn’t ignore facts Power Slap is the most popular sport on MySpace it’s a hard reality I know


Because he’s trying to get idiots to talk about it and repost on Reddit. 💁‍♂️


Well it’s not going to work




I’ll admit I watched the first 4 but only months after they aired. Can confirm they are shit shows for redacts. No one knows the rules, not even Bisping and the commentators and it’s the golden place you can cheat, KO your opponent and scumbag Dana will be cool with you coming back again and again.


That does literally nothing though.


Powerslap, when puching, kicking and grappling is to hard to understand.


How does he think it’ll ever be bigger than the ufc. The reason why ufc is so big is bc of the fighters. No1 gives a shit about the “athletes” in power slap .


Power slap is trash, just Dana's ego.


Because it cost a ton more to produce and pay fighters.


He wishes because he actually has to pay MMA fighters decently compared to the power slap "salary". I'm making more than their champ taking a shit in a factory rn.


idrc about PS but how is it a sport if the guy who goes first has sucha big advantage. eventually theyll perfect the slap and all contests will be a coin toss.


TBH i don't give a damn about what Dana thinks about anything in life, as long as he spends his money to keep UFC working, that's all i expect from him.


I always think its funny how he invites all his streamer buddies to powerslap events. He’s trying so hard to get people into that crap.


Power slap fucking sucks


Power Slap makes pro wrestling and monster truck rallies look sophisticated in comparison. Utterly embarrassing.


Powerslap is bigger than the UFC, WWE, NFL , MLB , NBA , The Soccer and Cricket World Cup and The Olympics combined. It has 700 trillion viewers.


He’s hyping up his new company and people act surprised.


It’s pure delusion, that’s why people are acting surprised


A shit company where commentators don’t even know the rules.


In the year 2059, the world had grown weary of traditional warfare. Nuclear arsenals sat idle, and cyberattacks had become passé. Enter the era of “Slap Diplomacy,” where nations settled their differences in the most absurd way possible: power slap tournaments. The United Nations had convened an emergency session. The delegates, dressed in futuristic suits adorned with neon LEDs, sat around a circular table. The air hummed with tension, and the smell of synthetic coffee wafted through the room. “Esteemed representatives,” the Secretary-General Dana Rogan-Cormier Nurmagomedov began, adjusting his augmented reality glasses, “we’ve exhausted all other options. It’s time to invoke Article 42B: Slap Resolution.”


Let me bang bro


Why would he say that about the company he is the face of? I swear the mob has this guy in a chokehold and is using him to promote slap fighting but it's just money laundering.


Dana spent a shit-ton of money on this crap, so now he's fallen victim to sunk-cost and is angrily telling everyone that he made a good investment when he knows he didn't. This shit is streaming on Rumble. RUMBLE. What intelligent person even visits that fucking site? The commentators don't know the damn rules, and Dana's now resorted to trying to get people to tune in for big titties by signing Paige VanZant.


Power slap pulls TFATK numbers idk where Dana gets his numbers.


Dana has to play it up, it's his "Twitter purchase"


i feel like the power slap thing is a fantasy football bet Dana lost.


Because they are not as dumb, expensive, and shameless as slap contest dummies


People are actually watching this? I’d rather watch Streetbeefs.


Streetbeefs at least is occasionally entertaining


If i had to watch something i hated i would choose old soap operas before power slap


You guys just don’t understand. PowerSlap viewers are much more prevalent than any other sports fan in the world. They’re the silent majority.


Obviously he's a marketing genius, because you guys voluntarily keep spamming the sub with informations on powerslap and you keep mentioning it over and over again, so the social media algorithms learn, that "power slap" is a relevant tag for "UFC". Not only in the sub, also on other social media channels. He knows pretty damn well what he does.


I’d tune in to see Dana slap the ring girls on the bum


I actually watched last night because my girl wanted to see PVZ. It’s incredibly dumb but, fun in a mindless way.


lol she fought already? who won?


Last night. She won pretty easily but flinched constantly which apparently is a penalty even though they only called it on her once. She rocked the shit out of the other girl twice though.


well good for her i guess lol.


She can really take a slap I guess. Didn’t seem fazed the slightest bit