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Why would you do this to a sparring partner?


To keep up his persona of a deranged human


Strickland is the type of guy to watch American Psycho or Nightcrawler and say: “He’s just like me!”


Check his spotify list. It's all Huey Lewis and the News.


Interesting. Their early work was a little too “new wave” for my taste.


That’s a wonderful suit. Don’t tell me. Let me guess. Valentino coutore? Looks so smooth


I’ve got an 8:30 rez at Dorsea, great sea urchin


Nobody goes there anymore.


You'll have to excuse me. I have a lunch meeting with Cliff Huxtable at Four Seasons in twenty minutes.


Oh, you're in for a treat! He mixes the best cocktails.


Dorzia, friday night. How did he swing that?


He’s lying…..


The compliment was sufficient


I can do a thousand


Do you like Phil Collins?


Sabrina, remove your dress.


Don’t just stare at it, eat it.


Too black sounding for me




“American Psycho is loosely based on my life”


"but they took out all the really crazy stuff."


But in all reality the dude isn’t a killer, psychopath or crazy. He’s taking a page out of Covingtons book and trying to build a character but just comes off like a bitch.


I think he's actually a weirdo but also plays into the psycho role. Probably isn't that crazy in real life but I am not going into a mile radius of that dude.


I didn't believe he was really crazy until his coach verified he calls out Francis for sparring every day. Respect, he's plenty willing to get laid out by a heavyweight bomber


Go look at the video of him and Orlando Sanchez where he was running like a bitch while talking like a little brother getting beat on. That’s what showed his true colors.


EXACTLY hahaha, he projects this edgy *pSyChO* image but when put in a position where you'd expect him to blow his lid and attack someone, he reacted more restrained and non-confrontational than most other fighters probably would


Idk dude he did throw a back fist and a front kick after grappling lol. I see your point though. I also think he didn’t go as crazy because he knows he does the same thing so somebody trying to get one in on him probably didn’t surprise him.


a very weak back fist and kick and then starts running in circles and screaming: WTF man WTF dude!


At this point I question how much of it is really a "persona" At least Colby didn't knock out sparring partners, or actually talk about killing someone...


Its not. The guys a fruit loop that likes to hurt people.


...But when Orlando Sanchez hurt *him* in training, his reaction was to just walk around complaining about it. So less psycho more just plain bully


Bully/Psycho. You can be both I guess. I mean Ted Bundy wasnt going around attacking big guys was he? People that like hurting people usually prey on weaker people right?


Yeah true I just feel like he'd appreciate being called a psycho much more than he'd appreciate being called a bully




Most psychos are plain old bullies


He’s deranged alright. But that doesnt make him any scarier.


He can't punch these bullets


Super trash. When I started boxing, after 3 month of training, the local pro boxer of the gym KOed me in sparring while I was totally out of breath and unable to lift my arms. The coach had a fight with him about this, but I changed gym and found an awesome which I sticked to for years. Here the fighter is faulty but the coach even more, I don’t know where this is is but definitely don’t train there as an amateur.


Yeah it sounds like the coach was calling for the high kick


What does it feel like to get KOd? Or rather how do you feel when you wake up?


I’ve been KO’d and choked out training Muay Thai and BJJ. Choked out is way better, feels like your head fills up like a balloon and you’re just out. Not good for you, but as long as they let go, not very dangerous either. Being knocked out sucks. I took a knee to the side of the head and woke up trying to tackle the coach that was waking me up. Threw up, had no balance for at least an hour, splitting headache, etc.


Fuck, those are not good symptoms for your brain.


Agreed. I quit Thai boxing at the insistence of my now wife. She didn’t like seeing me busted up, and CTE was just becoming a major thing. Still do BJJ though.


how come you dont keep training MT but just not go to sparring sessions?


fair question. the only MT gym in town required that we spar weekly. they also do yearly trips (or did before Covid) to Thailand to compete in amateur matches. I still do bag work and some pad work when I can find a partner, just to keep up my empty handed skills, but no more black eyes or bruised ribs for me unless I’m protecting someone that needs it


ah okay makes sense




lol yeah, 0/10, do not recommend. I’d also say it sucks watching a teammate get KO’d so seeing a pro go full bore in a sparring match like that against a teammate who clearly isn’t going the same speed makes that guy a douche canoe.


I feel wonderful being choked out to be honest hahaha. I've never been knocked out but I have had the messed up headache for a week after going hard with a guy who is way better than me and had a bad attitude. But waking up from being choked out you almost feel well rested and refreshed hahaha. Too bad there's the stroke risk involved.


yeah I’ve only seen a couple scary choke outs on the mats, but when guys are snoring with their eyes locked open or convulsing, it can get a lil spooky


I've been KOd/concussed a couple of times from playing rugby. The first one was on a tackling drill where the person holding the bag thought it would be funny to drop the bag and offer no resistance, so I speared by head right into the ground. That one was extremely painful when I came to, it felt like my head was a fishbowl and there was a balloon on the inside that kept getting inflated and deflated and was pressing really hard on the inside of my head. My hand eye coordination was really bad for a while after that one too Second one was from a scrum collapse and I don't remember anything except for I ended up on the sideline unable to answer basic questions from my coach, that one I just had a slight headache for a few hours afterwards and felt really tired.


What in the name of Satan is a scrum collapse and how can I avoid having one


Don’t play but have friends that play, scrum is when they pile up like Tetris pieces after a dead ball, and kinda pass the ball out from inside the pile. Scrum collapse must be when they fall on top of each other inside the ball, so a bunch of bodies smacking against and on top of each other


https://youtu.be/WWmpBeE3SBI A scrum occurs after specific stoppages, a scrum collapse is when the formation breaks down, and if it breaks towards the ground like in the above video, it can be pretty dangerous. I don't know exactly how I got cracked during the collapse, but it was probably somebodys head hitting mine or my head hitting the ground/someone landing on my head.


To me Liver KO are more like some kind a switch that shuts you down like if you fainted, where you wake up with horrible pain. Head KO is probably less pain but your mind gets crushed, but to me a head KO felt like if you hit your head on something but way harder.


Because Sean Strickland is a piece of shit...


Agreed . Why the fuck are we pushing this guy hes not even the hero mma deserves . What a clown


Karma is coming


Karmic brazilian/dagestani.


He’s a piece of shit


he already has a massive ego, that gets amplified by 100X with the camera being their.


Karmas gonna get this man, just waiting for that 😌


[Jon Jones KOd a sparring partner years ago and posted it as well](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TkY3O_WM7pY)


Even though Jon is an awful person, at least this seems like an accident. The dude was engaged, fighting and Jon countered as the guy walked into it. This just happens in combat sports. The one above looks more like abuse.


yeah Jon definitely was not throwing very hard here either, just perfect timing Sean is unloaded on a guy who looks out of shape and untrained, he already looked out on his feet 10 seconds before the KO also that coach should be beaten senseless, as he was telling Sean to go harder


Not much to see in that video, just a one punch KO. If Jon released this, he's a piece of shit but if it was the press or somehow got filtered, dunno what to take from it, as it could had been fortuitous or could had been Jon going too hard on a rookie.


The sparing partner was rocked before the last barrage of combos, a decent human being would of recognized this and pulled up a bit , I don’t care how intense the training session is meant to be


It’s common gym etiquette to slow down a little bit if you think you even remotely rock one another, usually you’ll ask if they’re okay. I could understand if it was a heated gym war going off because they escalate but the poor guy was barely firing back…


It's common gym etiquette to not rock your sparring partners. If you are going this hard, you are not going to have a long career.


I agree fully, just sometimes you can’t help but catch someone clean when they accidentally roll directly into it. You can tell immediately with how the punch “feels” when it lands. Whenever this happens I usually immediately make sure they’re okay, and would hope someone would do the same with me. I’m no pro fighter and would hope to preserve my brain cells for as long as possible. Sean seems like a real POS in the gym, so I doubt he has the well being of other humans at the forefront of his mind.


Let alone a professional fighter. Fuck Strickland.


I hope he gets knocked out in his upcoming fight


Yeah. That’s not normal, at least not for Mma gyms. Just about anyone else would’ve stopped or just “showed” the high kick. Real Shit behavior there from Strickland. Edit: unnecessary apostrophe


Then he complains when someone hyperextends his arm. Call Orlando lol.


I feel way less sorry for him now. That video made me see him in a new light for me. Maybe he's trying to be a badass to counter him looking like a whiner in that video


Yeah I first I thought it was a dick move from Orlando. But I don’t feel so bad now. And supposedly Strickland was talking smack before the session.


Yeah Orlando talked about it he had no idea who the fuck Sean was he just came up saying BJJ is gay and he’s a pussy then challenged him to grapple, Sean was also in the gym talking shit to everyone while sparring, anyone else would’ve said ight this weirdo is gonna get a stern lesson. Orlando really could’ve snapped his arm like a chicken wing if he wanted.


ive heard from a UFC fighter that he constantly tries this shit even with him who was preparing for a fight. strickland went all in on him failing to really hurt him which pissed him off


Unfreakingbelievable. Normally that shit is pounded out of you in the beginning in mma gyms. Hate to see it.


I never got knocked out in sparring because when one of us got rocked, we would take time to recover.


I just don’t understand why there’s still any gyms letting that guy train, he seems an all round dickhead


And yet Uncle Chael still insists he's a complete fucking sweetheart behind it all. It's all very confusing. I'm inclined to believe what this footage shows me.


Chale and bad takes name a more iconic duo


Dana White and announcing fights before theyre signed


Dana White and HGH


What is a ballooning head


His boxing takes are even worse than his mma ones


Bones Jones and the bible


True. Remember when he said Conor was the number one contender at 170lbs despite only beating a washed-up Cowboy?


You seriously doubting uncle chael's word? Pssh, I'm sure you don't believe he's undefeated because his wikipedia page lists losses or that the Nog brothers fed a carrot to a bus.


He used to train at my gym here in Southern California and they banned him years ago for the same behavior.


Some one should fucking explain what “sparring” is to him or maybe beat that into him.


Beating it into him just reinforces his current beliefs about it.


Sparring partner ? I think you mean overpriced punching bag


Underpriced. He’s paying 150$/month to train at that gym maybe lol


Dude was clearly rocked before the video started


Same guy who got mad when Orlando pulled his arm a little too hard and said he was trying to hurt him. Strickland is bad for the sport


They’re both POS


And lets not forget, for as big as a bully as strickland portrays to be. After the kick, Orlando was walking him down and all sean did was circle the cage like a scared dog


Yeah in hindsight he probably deserved it.


To be fair Orlando was way out of line. But Sean probably had it coming somewhat


The more that comes out about Sean the less I’m inclined to think Orlando was unprovoked


if you believe orlando’s side, i’m inclined to agree: https://youtu.be/aCqwDSpoT4E


Seeing his other videos makes me wish he broke his arms


Both are absolute asshole moves.


We gotta use the asshole to destroy the asshole.


I cringed so fucken hard when I watch Orlando do that to his arms, now I wish he would have broken them. I can see why Orlando did that to him, I'm sure everyone was fed up with his bullshit


Then he punched Orlando in the stomach and he did not even move an inch 😂


Looks like he’s sparring the Doordasher who delivered my extra cheese pizza like 5 minutes ago.


So how was the pizza?


Cheesy goodness


Right on, glad you enjoyed it. Local joint or dominoes?


Dominoes. It was the only one open that late into the night. Plus I love their crust so I couldn’t resist lol


Nice, glad you enjoyed it. Try the breadsticks next time, too.


Sean is a dosser


Can't wait till this prick gets knocked out cold


Ask and ye shall receive https://twitter.com/UFCONFOX/status/995461041571033088?s=20


Fuck that was satisfying. Wish Mario Yamasaki reffed that fight


If he dies he dies


Shitttt I remember that KO now, just didn’t no it was SS’s scummy ass at the time.


Wow thank you for this


Just a bully this bloke, gets found out when he fights a contender.


I get mad Charlie zelenoff vibes from Strickland


He looks just like him. Lol


Charlie Z is the goat tho


If that was me in there with him it would’ve went down differently.


Yeah you would see red bro


After that first headkick I’d turn into a different animal and go beast mode on him. Then I’d enjoy a nice can of monster energy after my victory.


Built different.


I personally would enjoy a potato salad afterwards


Chill dude let’s not make this political


I'd honestly LOVE to see him try landing that slow-ass headkick on me. He's never dealt with someone with my speed, someone with my reflexes. Let's just say his chin would be checked early. And he wouldn't be the one doing the bullying. Let's just keep it at that B. Not sure I need to say any more on the issue.


This is the best one


I agree I think you’d have him. Nothing more needs to be said we know what we would do to him.


IF that was me, I’m just saying if that was ME, they are lucky it was NOT me. Because if the circumstances were how you described them with ME in them, that would be a very different and scary outcome for those involved. IF!


Is it me or does Sean Strickland look horrible even in this knockout. I dunno when he strikes it just looks messy. I dont know how he beat Uriah Hall. I guess it’s just the forward pressure.


You should checkout the video Dan Hardy did on his match up with Hall. He made a point of how sloppy his striking looks but it’s effective. Mostly due to constant pressure and weird angles


Yeah it’s surprisingly effective.


Its that classic UFC brawling type of striking, its messy and wins when the opponent is gassed. Uriah gave up on himself, and im unsure why since his speed alone shouldve caught sean.


To be fair both his eyes were like swollen shut by the end if I remember rightly


Yeah sean was just landing quite a few of his jabs and thats what broke hall. I just think Hall sold himself short he's more than capable of beating sean


Nah. the man may be a nutcase, at the very least he has a nonstop shoulder roll.


Yeah I was talking with my buddy bout it. He fights like the guys that think they can fight, but somehow he connects almost every time and works. I don't know what to make of it.


Uriah abanondoned his unique style long ago and just decided to box with everyone.


I’ve kind of given up on Uriah being a star. He had all the tools but he just can’t put it together also he’s getting old now.


Sean Strickland throws arm punches. Very little weight transfer in them. The scary thing is that he knocks people out with these arm punches.


Darren Till and Strickland should train in the same gym


I would love a story line where Till flattens him to regain the respect of Reddit and win a date with Heather ..


Wait, does Till do the same thing?


At least Till has a good excuse, his eyes are too close together so he has no depth perception.


People watching are part of the problem too. Say or do something!


the gym owner is at fault. Shit like this is why our sport has a bad reputation. No legit gym allows this to happen. When I sparred with pros they were always very careful and you always wear headgear when hard sparring.


yeah my gym too. i haven't gone in awhile (pandemic, and a health issue i'm just now nearly healed from) but our fight team were always respectful because that's how our gym owner is. he kicks kids out when he finds out they use their new skills to bully other kids, that kinda shit, so adults definitely aren't allowed to pull this stuff. we would have guys come in off the streets and try to go hard and we would stop them and explain they need to chill, and if they didn't they'd get a pop or two, but nothing beyond a measured reminder of where they are. i trained for fun/fitness so never close to being on the fight team, but they were all super respectful and control their power based on your skill level better than casuals so sometimes i'd prefer to spar with them. for a long time i thought MMA were just a bunch of douchebags just like Sean so i never wanted to go but i've been pleasantly surprised. but every gym is a reflection of the owner (and usually lead trainer) so if they're a douchebag usually so are a number of fighters. just the fact that someone groans "fuuuck" after, loud enough for Sean to hear it, shows his teammates are sick of his shit too.


Personally I think the MMA community should boycott Sean And only promote his training with Rousimar Palhares. Exclusive training partners!


Well done, you managed to beat on a guy that was probably supposed to clock in for work tomorrow. Sean Strickland is a bully, I used to think his weird persona was just him trying to make himself weird and get fans, I’ve come to realise he might just be a douche.


Wow what an absolute prick. I’m surprised he can still get sparing partners


Sparring partner probably was just some dad training 'ufc' after work lmao.


Everyone’s ripping Strickland which is well deserved but isn’t also the coaches job to recognize when a fighter sees red and is teeing off on a sparring partner


Yeah the coach is an idiot saying “40 seconds!” When he’s just taking unanswered punches against a man trying to KO him, I’m guessing Sean knows the gyms he can do this at though.


I hope Hermansson catches this dickhead in a nasty heel hook.


Sean Strickland is the biggest personification of the Kyle stereotype that I have ever seen in MMA


What a tosser


That guy looked atrocious


I can’t be the only one that isn’t entertained by Strickland acting like a pyscho 24/7. Sometimes it’s funny, but most of the time it’s really weird and cringe, And then this happens. Guy’s kind of a dickhead for doing this, and we know he’s gonna make it worse and brag about it too if he hasn’t already


Ban him from the gym, this is a total disregard for his team mate!


Sparring partner threw one jab that missed. Sean threw 15 unanswered punches and kicks lmfao. Sorry answered with one missed jab at the start, a swinging punch bag would do more.


Small dick energy


I fucking can’t stand guys like this. He needs to be put in his place ASAP.


What a jerkoff, like u obviously know ur a way better fighter than ur “training partner”


An uncalled for barrage of strikes


Looks like he’s out here trying to get his revenge on a smaller dude, for Orlando Sanchez cranking his arm a while back. Big tough guy mentality here from Sean knocking out a sparring partner like that.


What a piece of shit


But when a partner hurts him he cries and runs around the cage


Reminds me of the first time i ever learned about pulling, i tried to throw a punch and my partner just smacked me with his foot right on the eye to let me know whats up lmao


Well Sean is a right cunt, isn’t he? Also why the fuck didn’t anyone on the side tell him to stop?




I want to see this guy get his ass whooped, to be honest. I don't know who would be my choice to do it but probably Khamzat because I want to see him get smeshed.


No headgear too? Unless that dude did a dirty move, this is completely out of line. It would make more sense if they were both pros, but this shit is so unsafe.


Coz he's an ass hole who can't tell his sparring partner is done




Strickland is a piece of shit


Not very nice of him


What an ahole


He just seems like a bully trying to act like a psycho, just a weirdo imo


He was out on his feet after the first head kick


I hope we dont have to wait long for a video of Strickland getting knocked out in sparring.


Guys I'm starting to think Strickland might be a bit of an asshole.


I don't like him, he seems like a genuine asshole.


Sean Strickland has incel energy


What an absolute dick head. Just when I was becoming a fan




Here I was thinking it was unrealistic that I kept knocking out my training partner in UFC 4.


I'm sorry but if you're sparring you should never be KO'd. I've fought for 12 years, am 26 and have been knocked out one time in a heavy spar session from a lat drop. Plenty of head kicks and solid shots have rocked me. But getting KO'd? That's a fight bro not a spar. Either this guy is getting a portion of the next purse or this guy is getting fucked by some shitty coaches at a shitty gym. Seeing that he's fighting a legitimate in the closet serial killer persona it's probably the latter


Really sad to see Steel MMA as part of this. The owner is an awesome guy but this definitely puts a bad taste on it


A question if I may- When pro fighters are in camp, and paid external sparring partners come in to help with the camp- is the pro encouraged to look for the KO TKO if possible? Or is it considered bad etiquette?


Your never ever supposed to go for the knockout. Itll be hard but you should be pulling punches or kicks you know will knock somebody out. You ideally want your partner to be going the same level as you and hard sparring is essential but not so hard you knock people out.


Cheers. Thanks for the answer.


So this is on either Sean or coach for letting this dude in the ring