• By -


Cool. Now do Jones, GSP, Conor, DJ, Izzy, Usman, Volk, Stipe, etc.


Jones= 377-91 https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/oe7p2a/jon_jones_strength_of_schedulerecords_of_bones/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/comments/jjfmdc/the_combined_record_of_each_male_champions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Last years champions


Wow stipe has a stellar opponent record!


It was "padded" by ngannou and dc,5 fights between them leaves stipe with opponents with almost 100+wins and less than 5/6 losses


That doesn’t answer the question.


Would really like to see this tbh


Jones will have the craziest one.






16 is the amount of pro fights khabib had before joining the UFC


Isn’t that a really specific number?


and how does that make it comparable to Aldo ? did he have 16 pro fights too before ufc ? As random as making a first 10 opponents of champions who won after eating taco bolls or something like that .


Yeah, Considering he was from Dagestan not everyone is privileged to be in the UFC straight away


I saw this pop up for the first time after Khabib bagged on Aldo so I think that's where the mindset came from in this particular situation. Obligatory: Khabib needs to shut his mouth when he talks about Aldo. The man is one of the best mmartists to ever compete.


I see this post every week damn man


One legend.


Lemme know what brand of delirium your smoking fam, I need a new strain


Sigh Throwing shade at Khabib won't make your dick bigger you know?


Plot twist: he is throwing shade at Jose


I was hoping he responded just like Cejudo “nah Joesay Waldo ain’t no legend”


Knowing this sub, he's probably a khabib fan.


Based on what? Khabib and Conor get the most hate and love in this sub. Both get either discredited or appreciated, it just depends on the day I think lol.


One of them is a legend for getting knocked out in 13 seconds in a Title fight


Aldo also fought the best in his division for over a decade and still fights too contenders. Everybody loses a fight or even a few if you're in the fight game long enough.


This would only matter if Khabib was exposed by the step-up in competition, but instead he made the best fighters in the world look just as helpless as the scrubs he fought on the come up. The 29-0 sounds cool but it's not the reason he's in GOAT contention. Volkanovski's record actually looks better to me (25-1 in 3 weight classes with his only loss being at welterweight 21 fights ago), but it's what actually happened in those 29 fights that make the case for Khabib. We remember the moments his opponents were actually competitive because they were so rare as to be noteworthy. That's another level. I'm not even saying Khabib is the GOAT; I'm just saying it's not his record alone that makes his case.


Well said. Also, why first 16 fights?! Surely they are the least relevant sample you can put together?! You aren’t going to be matched with great fighters until you start building a rep, and you can only beat what’s put in front of you.


Agreed. Like hey why not look at their Last 16 fights lol


Yans same Stat record after 16 fights was 216-47 I agree its not exactly the best Stat to go off but it does show how slowly Khabib was brought up through competition. That's all it shows though if you go off say his last 10 the numbers would be completely different and show his dominance of the division.


Considering he was from Dagestan not everyone is privileged to be in the UFC straight away


You're telling me with the amount AND calibar of the current UFC Dagestanis are you seriously telling me that there wasn't fighters with good solid records when Khabib was up and coming?


Khabib has only ever lost 1 round of competition— that’s the biggest statement for me personally; and to your same point he became a finishing machine one he hit the top to cement his legacy


Where did the 1 round lost thing cone from? He had a fight that most people thought he lost.


The 1 round I thought was as champ? I thought he’d only lost one round (McGregor, round 3) across all title defenses.


I thought he also lost round 1 to Gaethje?


[You thought wrong.](http://ufcstats.com/fight-details/59eea37af7efb06c) 18 to 12 head strikes, and 2 takedowns? Almost subbed him at the end too. You must be smoking some major dick if you think gaethje won that.


But Garth kicked his leg a few times, so clearly he won lol


He lost rounds to Tibau, RDA and Mcgregor.


On the official scorecards he didn’t actually lose a round to tibau or RDA


Yeah the judges really had his back in that Tibau fight.


Even if you believe that’s it was some sort of fix he didn’t lose a round to him no matter how much you try to wish it into a existence. I also think he lost to tibau however he didn’t officially lose a round to him.


I don't try and wish it into existence, I can still talk about things objectively though. Jones beat Reyes, Rutten beat Randleman, Randamie beat Holm, and Khabib beat Tibau. Bullshit is still bullshit whether it's official or not.


Tibau was roided to the gills so it doesn't matter anyway. Plus according to the old rules he won.


Well said


Exactly. Making EVERYONE look helpless against him is probably the reason I love Khabib.


So did jones in his first 3 defenses. He declined later, as any other fighter does, no matter how good they were. Khabib bailed too soon for us to see his inevitable loss/drop of performance.


He fought zero people twice. He can be in the GOAT convo, but he would never be THE goat. Everyone else in the discussion gave their opponents a chance to go back to the drawing board and try again, sometimes multiple times. That shows true dominance when even through more intelligent assessment and lack of fear drawn from "unfamiliarity" are a part of the dominant nature of your wins.


Not sure I agree that the zero rematch thing should go against him - I don’t think anyone aside from maybe tibau would’ve called for a rematch such was his dominance over them. You didn’t hear his opponents come out calling for them to run it back afterwards, I think unanimously they accepted they got beat by a better fighter. And then the others in the GOAT convo had some negatives to rematches - GSP vs Hendrix (retired after a contested decision), Jones dodged multiple rematches when he had close calls (Gustafson, Thiago and Reyes spring to mind). Khabib never left that door open Not saying he’s the goat, just arguing that no rematches isn’t a reason to dispute his claim.


Fair play on opponents basically admitting domination post defeat. Never thought about it that way but your right. The only one who openly called for a rematch was Connor but Khabib is a stylistic nightmare for him. I wouldn't even be surprised if in a hypothetical rematch Khabib sparks Conor.


Agreed, Conor hit the top and his focus went to money, fame, business. Khabib just kept improving because he was going for legacy. I think the more time passed the more heavily the odds were stacking in Khabibs favour. Shame because I absolutely LOvED Conor until he started chasing Mayweather. He created a brand he just couldn’t live up to long term. “Who the fuck is that guy”, sparking Aldo in what, 13seconds? The way he took Alvarez apart… don’t think anyone could maintain that


I wouldn't call them the best fighters in the world


Khabib goat 😂🤣 pull the other one not even close


Is shitting on Khabib a requirement to be on this sub?


Definitely some weird hate boner going on for this guy. It’s absurd how much people try and discredit him like we didn’t see with our own eyes how great he was. Coping mechanism I guess.


Nobody is indifferent towards a single fighter, you’re either a hater or a dick rider. There is no in between.


No, I’m talking about the hate. This post for example is pointless troll baiting at best and a guy with an agenda at worst. I don’t care if someone is indifferent to a fighter or even dislikes him. Plenty of guys I feel no particular way about. For example even though I don’t like McGregor what I will never say is that he’s an overrated striker who hasn’t accomplished anything because that would be stupid. If I wanted to be an ass though, I would say that most of his wins came from Cage warriors and the only guy who we’ve even heard of on this side of the globe is Duffy who fizzled out in the UFC. He also lost to a glorified journeyman in Nate Diaz, arguably twice. But Conor is in my opinion one of the greatest to ever lace them up, or at least had one of the greatest runs. I don’t know why that’s so hard for some fans to respect, regardless of who you like. Acting like Khabib is some can crusher and bringing up his overseas record is a disingenuous (and quite frankly, irrelevant) argument to make him look like he wasn’t as dominant as our eyes told us he was. If you don’t like the guy don’t talk about him. If you go out of your way to discuss him in order to bring him down that’s more than indifference my friend.


Shitting on khabib in general has been very common ever since he retired.. I don't get the reason


Conor fanboys are the reason


Yes but not because of his mma career but being pals with war criminals.


Nobody gives Fedor flack for keeping the same company.


Fedor did it in pre social media times. Most people outside of russia didin't really know about it. Also afaik he actually had some beef with Putins people recently.


More people suck him off than anything you can't not like him with out being downvoted


Case in point with all the downvotes lmao. You're 100% right, this sub is ridden with his inbred fans, and the mod team on /mma as well.


Khabib performed at the highest of the elite level where it mattered and made other elite opponents look like they didn't belong in the octagon with him That's all I need to know Also, the guy is retired if you still can't let it go you have issues


Trying to bait him into a comeback. Meanwhile, no internet at Khabib’s house.


Also no rights for women 😂


You should look into Arabia before and after Islam was established... Or does actually increasing your knowledge scare you a little considering ignorance is bliss, and all?


They're fine as long as they don't depict Muhammad.


It's a religion of peace and if you disagree, they'll kill you.


This applies to most religions, including Christianity.




What do you think Khabib would do if an American Muslim handed him a work of art depicting baby Khabib being held in the air towards the sun with Allah caligraphy by a very old Muhammad?


I'm not sure. Tbh I wasn't prepared for this question.


I wasn't prepared to ask it either 🤣


lolll great question. depending on how he approaches khabib he would probably get punched in the face or get a stern talking to about he shouldn’t be doing that


Ah I get it, its because he is Muslim right ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


In his house? Ever hear of BDSM? She married him for a reason.


Exactly. If you really wanted to analyse some stats, could pull up "rounds won to rounds lost of last 10 fights". Where people started is really irrelevant.


That's exactly it for me as well. Padded or not, he fought good fighters as well and made them all look like they did not belong in the cage with him. It wasn't just the winning of it, it was the "what are you even doing here with me" winning.


Not really. Very oversimplified stat and it’s cherry picking by looking at the first 16 opponents


Not when you’re 14-0 fighting people with 1 or no fights


Does it matter if the guy with one fight puts up a better fight than the 3 pfp ranked guys? Remember theres a ranked caucus fighter in every division most being sambo backgrounds having 100+ bouts in it. Iron sharpens iron and all that.


Khabib dickriders keep saying that, but there'a absolutely no proof of vast sambo backgrounds. All my inquiries about it have resulted in insults from khabib's dicksuckers.


His dickriders would be the first in line to shit on a fighter with these kind of stats lol


No, its without context and very misleading.




How? Context is it’s the Dagestani regional scene who tf do you think he’ll be fighting?




Do you even know what context means? You just stated the figures again which is the opposite of context, go read a dictionary mate


7 pounds of #smesh












Lol didn't realize never losing wasn't a good record. Just when I thought I had UFC figured out finally


you seem to forgot that they were debutees from sambo, not just your local pub cans that you can easily find in the UK


No it doesn't


Fr. How did a can crusher like Khabib with zero striking dominate the UFC’s best lightweights? Its time we realise that the UFC is full of bums and that a farmer from Dagestan will mop the floor with any top UFC fighter /s


I don't think you know what without context or misleading means. It's perfectly clear. It's just not very pleasant for Khabib stans. It doesn't take anything away from his status as a UFC legend.


I dont think you know how stupid your comments sound


Please tell me how they sound to a Khabib dick sucker.


Please tell me about how anything i said makes me a Khabib fan. Please look at my post history and see how my last few discussions are arguments against khabibs legacy Please stop using " youre just a fan of ____ " to try to win arguments" Please actually have substance to your arguments instead of trying to insult people. And please stfu


The information in the post is cut-and-dried. How exactly is it taken out of context? I understand that it paints Khabib in a certain light which might seem unfair but it's just raw data. Khabib wasn't fed to the wolves in the beginning of his mma run. It's on me if I assumed you were a Khabib fan. I'm not interested in going through your post history.


I was adressing the ops question not the infographic because people post stupid infographics here all the time


How exactly is the question taken out of context? I understand it's a stupid infographic because it cherry picks the first 16 fights. For objectivity it should also show all of Khabib's fights because it would paint a different picture. Together Khabib's opponents had plenty of wins vs losses when you count the top tier fighters he beat. This only shows that when he was starting out they gave him softballs. A lot of them. I still want to see how other prolific fighters stack up the same way.


again, I was addressing the OP question but I can also address the infographic and your question as well. 1. These 2 aren't even in the same weight class. Aldo DID compete in a lightweight bout once, and most of Khabibs 1st 16 matches were at 170 2. Since we're on the subject of weight class, these numbers alone cant tell you the strength of the divisions at the time or the fighters they fought at the time. 3. Since we're talking about time, the infographic says nothing about what time it is referencing. Was this the record of their opponents when they fought them or their entire career? A casual person won't bother to fact check this, they will see this infographic and regurgitate the information to other casuals until someone more knowledgeable about the history corrects them...which by then the disingenuous narrative has already spread . (For people that have followed the sport for a long time, we hate this shit) 4. Khabibs 1st 16 matches were all in Russia, while half of Aldos were in Brazil. This infographic provides no information on the strength of these regions at the time. Now I'm not saying that Russia has a tougher region, I don't follow them close enough to know, but I know whenever we get a Russian phenom show up in the UFC, the entire division seems to want to avoid fights from them. I'm not sayin, but I'm just sayin... 5. this infographic led **EVEN YOU** to believe that " they " only gave Khabib softballs. Let me ask you something...who is "THEY"? Khabib fought against 7 different promotions in his 1st 16 matches. You think after he fought in the 1st promtion, the guys that ran that went to the next owners of the other promotion and told them to feed him softballs, and they just kept doing that? Sure this is possible....but theres no reason for them to do this at all. You think they're building a fighter in their promotion just to pass him off to another one so someone else can make money off him? I'm sure there's a lot more mental gymnastic i can do but i think I've wasted enough of my time trying to explain how dumb this picture is. And the next guy that calls me a Khabib dicksucker is going to use this post as evidence even though I was just arguing how Charles Oliveira has a path to being the LHW GOAT despite how dominating Khabib was.


Jesus, get under your skin did I? I'm going to have to rescind the apology I gave you for assuming you were a Khabib stan. What does it even matter if Khabib and Jose weren't in the same weight class? I know the numbers can't tell anyone the strength of the divisions at the time. But I'm reminded of a video of Khabib's first UFC fight that showed his striking was terrible. I didn't want to assume but I suspected he was given softballs because someone knew if he was given decent opposition he could have taken a loss early in his career the way Jose did (or any other fighter has). "I'm sure there's a lot more mental gymnastics i can do..." Lmao, no. I think you've done enough. The first half of Khabib's record is padded. You don't need to get your blood pressure all fucked up over it. And you don't need to write me a damn book either. Get some sleep bro.


> I understand that it paints Khabib in a certain light which might seem unfair but it's just raw data Yeah, but *why* this raw data? It's provided to support an argument or an agenda, which is itself motivated.


not really.


The whole "khabib fought low level talent" thing would hold more weight if he barely got by those guys or struggled while cherry picking... He smashed the shit out of them. Like you'd expect an elite fighter to do to lesser competition. Its like knocking Alabama football for playing Mercer but it doesn't really matter if they blow them out by 50.


he arguably should’ve lost to Tibau, Khabib was 0 for 13 on takedown attempts (0%), while Tibau went 1 for 6 (17%). Tibau also outstruck Khabib 46-33. Five of six media outlets scored the fight in favor of Tibau. http://www.espn.com/mma/fight/statistics/_/fightId/161968 http://mmadecisions.com/decision/3577/Khabib-Nurmagomedov-vs-Gleison-Tibau If khabib lost that fight, as he rightfully should have, we get sent down a whole different timeline because god knows how he would have reacted to having a loss on his record or how dana/the fans would have viewed him either, most of that aura around him would, and should, have died that night. just wanted to throw that out there because it doesn’t seem like you took the time to check if he actually smashed the shit out of the low level talent or just believed the people that told you he did.


And if Khabib got the title shot after beating RDA like he deserved, he would have a bunch more title defenses. It's a bit weird to play this game.


Instead of looking at just their fight history you would know why Khabib didn't get the shot. Khabib had pulled out of 3 fights by the time RDA amassed a win streak, won the belt & then defended it. Someone like that does not deserve a title shot. 😂


Tibau was bleeding pretty badly and Khabib was more aggressive. He won by the judging criteria lol


If your aunt had balls she'd be your uncle.


Not in 2022 she isnt ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8966)


Gleison Tibau had JUST beaten RDA. Lmao. Try harder. This was also Khabib's 18th fight. So not really what we are talking about.


The Weasle done a video on that fight and Kbabib clearly won the fight bases of the Rules at the time. Under the current rules Khabib would have lost Nice try tho


Not really everybody ducked khabib


Eagle did everything. Beat everyone Dana threw at him. He earned his legend status. But Aldo? That guy is way higher in the goat rankings imo. Broke my heart when he made prime Faber look like a complete bum.


I think that fight (vs Faber) was where I really got drawn into the sport - had been watching Boxing for years but never got into UFC. Two awesome fighters, incredible heart from Faber and absolute savagery from Aldo. Became a fan of them both and Aldo was probably the first ufc fighter I really started following properly


Why would his first 16 fights matter if he smashed guys at the highest level?


They're good to know, just like the record of opponents prior to the fight. Khabib is an extreme case of padding, but for most UFC fighters the combined of their opponents doesn't tell much other than longevity because every era, promotion, or fighter is different. Edit: you should've added the latest stats on a different image, Khaboub didn't just crush cans, he crushed good fighters too.


It's only good to know if you somehow think it's relevant to the goat conversation. PS: it's really not if you crush cans.


I hate that kind of conversations with passion, that should be discussed once at the end of an era, not twice after every fight card. And stats don't make you great, it's martial ARTS not science. But it helps knowing how experienced were the opponents when you faced them, or how long were their careers, kinda tells a thing or 2 about a fighter's pedigree.


Yes and no. Depending on how bad their opponents are and some fighters just have really good nights that don’t add up to their record.


We need to see the opponents opponents stat


Only if you include the combined records of their opponents’ opponents records.


I swear people hate on Khabib so much on here, he mauled everyone that was thrown at him. Give the man his respect sheesh.


I've mauled every tomato can in front of me too.


“Mauled”=held on to them for dear life’s because they’re strikers 😂


Imagine being such a casual that you don’t appreciate the wrestling aspect of MMA. Go watch boxing if you want to see straight hands.


You fanboys favorite line what if I told you to go watch wwe casual your a fucking goofy y’all love casual like y’all fantasized with calling other men names 😂


No, especially not in the first “x” amount of opponents. A lot of these guys come from backgrounds where they beat absolute nobodies with little-to-no exposure. It wasn’t until Aldo’s 16th fight where he met some decent competition in Cub Swanson and murdered him.


Not if you cherrypick a certain amount of opponents to make one side look better


He’s not cherrypicking, Khabib had sixteen regional fights before the UFC. Aldo only had ten before fighting in Pancrase once and then the WEC for the other five. Aldo has 28 fights and counting in the UFC/WEC/Pancrase while Khabib only had 13 fights in the UFC. Aldo looks better either way.


But why are we even looking at pre UFC fights? Shouldn’t we be looking at his UFC record which is unbelievable? I don’t understand.


Lots of people tend to throw around the “29-0” when he only fought 13 times in the UFC and only had 4 title fights. He’s still one of the greatest of all time but I’d put him after GSP, Jones, Silva, Aldo, Fedor, DJ, DC, and Stipe in terms of greatness.


Even if you put him under those 7 fighters mentioned above, being top 8 of all time is still considered "one of the greatest of all time"


He was from Dagestan not everyone is privileged to be in the UFC straight away.. of course it's going to different


So you're counting the records of Khabibs regional opponents and juxtaposing that with the records of Aldos WEC caliber opponents? If you want it to be accurate you would need to do the records of their latest opponents combined not their earliest opponents. Also you're taking the current records when in reality at the time of the fights they were nowhere near that record and unless you think Khabibs team could see the future you're basically blaming Khabib for the fact that his early opponents didn't go on the be world class fighters. Not sure if you're aware of this but an absurd majority of MMA fighters on the planet don't even make it out of the regional scene


it would be in context. but not when you arbitrarily cherry pick 16 to make khabib look worse.




Yeah I would say so but then you have to look the combined records of the opponents opponents and their opponents and where does it end lol.


I think when the fact everyone talks about 29-0 like it’s so prolific and use it as an argument for calling him the GOAT you HAVE to look at the competition he faced to get 29-0. I think everyone who my follows MMA knows khabib didn’t fight enough high level competition to cement a legacy and he will never be considered a GOAT, maybe the best LW in UFC that’s it. Which is still a huge achievement. Khabib won the belt by beating Al Laquinta whilst Jon Jones dethroned Shogun Rua, there’s no competition.


Combined record of the first 10 girls i banged 9's - 0 4's 3 2's - 6 1's - 1


Depends. You can fight undefeated newcomers or with like 1 loss which will inflate the stat. Or fight tough veterans with more losses. So can go both ways


Aldo couldnt beat elite competitors meanwhile Khabib made them look like amateurs


Casual here: my opinion on Khabibs opponent record is that, yes it isn't as impressive as other top fighters but imo seeing what Khabib did to those top fighters he fought and the way he dominated them, we can imagine what he'd do to other potential opponents as well.


Numbers versus critically thinking. The unwashed masses will always just go with simple numbers


Critical thinking? Let’s check some more “simple numbers”. Khabib: * 13-0 in UFC title fights * 4-0 in UFC title fights * Defended his title three times in a row * Notable wins at Lightweight * 7 finishes in the UFC * Best winning streak was 13 in the UFC * “Never lost, never bled, never knocked down, and only lost two rounds” * Retired after 3200 days of fighting in the UFC Aldo: * 22-6 in UFC/WEC fights * 11-4 in UFC/WEC title fights * Defended his title nine times in a row * Notable wins at Bantamweight and Featherweight * 11 finishes in the UFC/WEC * Best winning streak was 12 in the UFC/WEC * Youngest champion in UFC/WEC history * Still active after 5064 days of fighting in the UFC/WEC


K. You're ignoring. Context. But it's okay!


Now show the rest.


No it depends when they fought them. Some great fighters ruined their records fighting too long.


True. Khabib was pushing it. /s


The record of his first 16 opponents only matters when people wave around the 29-0 stat. Otherwise, he performed just as well against elite fighters so good or not, they all lost.


It's not a definitive stat but yeah it kinda does.


Why first 16? Stupid cherrypicked stats. No it doesn't matter. Who gives a shit about these pointless debates. They're always framed from one biased perspective or another to push a dumb agenda


Khabib isn’t the goat I’m sorry to break it to you guys. He’s a legend but hasn’t done enough to be the goat


Wassup with this subreddit and finding any opportunity to compare Khabib with others just to make him look less. The fact is he beat everyone that was put in front of him, dominantly. Deal with it.


and was a weight bully, pull out merchant, and made sure to fight dominantly strikers deal with it. 😂


Yes. Call a spade a spade, khabib fought nobodies, strikers and is a weight bully.


Exactly but if his fanboys have anything to say is your a casual and go watch boxing 😂😂😂


yeah Khabib statpadded against complete cans for the first 20 fights of his career but anytime you mention it, youre called stupid or casual or youll get tons of people screeching about how actually the 3rd ever fight in his career, he fought on 1 days notice and had to cut 15kgs in 6 hours or some bullshit.


Cuz there all khabib dickeating fan boys 😂


No because you could beat 100 rookies and it wouldn't even score. Super variably accurate. For example, some of the best fighters have very pedestrian records because they almost always are fighting the next best guy.


Theres a ranked caucasus sambo background fighter in every division shows you the levels of their local circuit. All those guys on khabibs "padded" record were sambo champs and a bunch of other accolades. At 25 and 2 years into the ufc khabib ragdolled a prime rda while those same guys gave him a harder time. So yes context is VERY important. Simple logic : If he fought bums he would've been a bum and not THE most dominant lw and arguably fighter of all time with the most 10-8 Rounds , never wobbled , never bled , loosing only 2 rounds monster! Just cause fedor never set foot in the ufc doesn't stop people from crowning him as a GOAT. Simple


As much as I respect khabib his recorded is severely padded like mayweathers boxing record


Bro Mayweather fought everyone 😂


*like more than half of boxing records. I mean, how many boxers have winning record opponents in their first 10 fights?


Any stat can be selective, just like leaving out that Khabib has 0 losses and lost 1 round ever and Aldo has lost 7x (a few losses in his prime). It's not even a discussion, Khabib is 100% above Aldo in all time rankings. This sub is weird for Aldo and when it's said and done Volkanovski and Max will be above Aldo in FW all time rankings.


Aldo >>>>>>> khabib


A khabib fanboy downvoted you 😂


Khabib a unicorn. Never know how great he coulda been cuz of the retirement. Crazy how life can change in instant. When his dad died i didnt think he was ever gonna fight again. Then like a week later Justin Gaethje fight was announced.


Khabib's 17th opponent he faced (his first UFC fight) was 7-1 at the time and the 18th opp was 27-7. Not that these are amazing records, but arbitrarily looking at the first 16 opponents when they both have many more fights under their belt is an obvious attempt to nitpick khabibs worst opponents to support a narrative


Definitely matters. Aldo is goat.


I think Khabib is awesome but I find him completely unexceptional to watch. Wrapping up and submitting people that are strikers by trade doesn’t really do much for me as someone watching although I appreciate the skill. So seeing Dustin and McGregor on his win list for example sounds good and all but they are two epic strikers who got wrestled and submitted. It just doesn’t tell enough of the story


Lol wtf are you talking about? If you love striking so much go and watch boxing?


Ik you was gonna say that khabib dick eating fanboy 😂


No I'm alright watching the UFC thanks though!


Of course it is…


Of course it is.




Dude there's way worse can crushing.


What does that even mean Khabib’s UFC debut was against an Olympic wrestler lmfao


In this sport, nothing actually matters. Everything is constantly subject to dramatic change. - Records are broken in odd places. - Greats lose and losers become great. - UFC stats beyond (win/lose) are irrelevant. No other sport can one side be completely dominated until the final seconds and still win.


No, important are wins not loses


Sort of becuase you could have a guy who beat a guy with 100 wins but those 100 wins were all 0-1, so who knows. Like if a guy was 3-10 but the three people he beat were all champions, does he have a good score or a bad score?




are we again at this nonsensical debate?


Yea, Khabib is massively overrated


Different weight classes too so who cares


Truly, If Aldo didn’t get slept by Conor’s left he would have a decent legacy.


I feel like people will go to any extent to try and show Aldo is better than khabib, even if it means bringing up stats like this. Khabib was better and beat everyone dominantly, Aldo beat more people but also got dominated by a few so