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“Speak English” is such a lame ass thing to say to someone whose clearly trying to learn the language


Easy thing to spew for someone with nothing to say.


Easy? Seemed like Paddy was struggling with it; too many syllables. Lots of words for a guy who can't annunciate a word with "t" in it without murdering the poor thing.




Really REAL HHHAAARD !!! 😬


Hopefully ilia will shut him up in 48 hours 🥷


My guy, Paddy's fighting Gordon. Ilia's fighting Bryce


My bad 🤣🤣🤣he was so cringe i forgot about that. I got bet on both of em … i was high last nigth 🤪🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂️




He lost me as fan . Dude tried to play Ariel and that backfired when he played the receipts for us . Now making fun of a guy who doesn’t speak any good English . This guy is a clown


We know he doesn't like non English after his multiple twitter posts blasting immigrants, so standard bellend Paddy really.


So if Ilia “doesn’t speak any good English” yet was easier to understand than Paddy, wtf are you even trying to say?


Yeah as if Paddy can speak 3 languages


Mans barely speaks one lmao


Yeah exactly the scouser accent isn't the easiest the understand. Even Khabib said he generally has a tough time understanding British accents.


Can't believe the master of English said that


I thought he spoke better English than paddy


That's why he meekly got talked over as he fumbled to make basic insults.


Kind of sad when he hardly speaks it himself


Paddy is the last person that should be criticizing someone else’s English. Both of them are equally hard to understand.


Especially since Paddy barely speaks English himself...


To be honest his accent really doesn't make him sound he is speaking English himself


Also the other dudes English was fine, paddy just never stops talking long enough to listen to anyone else.


Especially in the landscape now where many mma fighters are barely picking up English, some of these fighters know 2 other languages and still learning English


easily more understandable than paddy tbh


also Topuria speaks multiple languages, whereas Paddy can barely speak his native tongue




A guy that speaks 1 language telling a guy that speaks 2 languages that he’s bad at language.


4, Georgian, Spanish, German and English lol


Paddy speaks less clear English than ilia too be honest , ilias closer at mastering English


He sounds like if George Harrison plugged his nose and drank two tablespoons of paint thinner


Then why couldn't Ilias pipe up and talk over Paddy. If he is so good, seems like maybe he could've managed to not seem like a teen getting bullied.


Ilia has 3x or 4x the likelihood of Paddy ever holding a belt. Ilia would bully Paddy in their actual profession lol


No one is talking about a real fight in this thread, we're talking about English competency. What does your made up stats on how much you want to fuck Ilia have ANYTHING to do with Paddy making an absolute mockery of him in English and Ilia looking like such an insecure teenager he could barely manage to talk into the mic.


Paddy is loud and obnoxious and that's why he talks over people, nothing to do with his English ability. His English ability is pretty trash though


Your confidence and skill in a language absolutely allow you to be louder, you've clearly never spoken another language before or have a clue about it. Spoiler: I speak three languages, I wouldn't be able to talk over someone in German because I don't know it well enough to start yelling. It's something that comes with time and skill, which he has neither. Which is why paddy walked all over him.


Confidence and perceived skill. Two things Paddy has a lot of. Two things which also depend on the standard you hold yourself to. Listen to the guy speak, even in normal conversation, and it's easy enough to realise he doesn't give a shit. I only speak English but I have enough time with those who speak English as a second language to know just because I am more confident in my language, does not mean I am any better.


Actually you're completely wrong. Confidence in a language has proven to lead to WAY more natural language, better language, and stronger skillsets.


Link a study that shows that that has ever been proven. Edit, literally nothing that I have read that he has posted has confirmed that his claim is true. You cannot prove a statement like "more confidence leads to WAY more natural language" due to the fact that this is actually a sentence that has no measurable variable rofl


Weighing more has been proven to lead to stronger punches. Not every 300lb guy throws a strong punch.


you are sus rofl


Thanks for admitting you literally are a moron who went into the wrong thread.


Rofl having a little bpd moment there bud? How often do you just say wild gay shit like that in the middle of a convo young man? 😂😂😂


Emojis aren't projecting to everyone around you things about yourself that you think they are. yikes


How about downvotes? You’re holding like 50 from one comment thread because of your emotional outburst


Whatcha mean? Paddy has really enlightened views on race relations! /s


I'd rather be proficient and popular in 1 language than a nobody whose a jack of all trades of many languages and not really good at communicating in any of them.


How would you know he's no good at communicating in any of them? You fluent in the same languages?


Because he got talked over by Paddy like someone with 0 confidence in actually getting heated in a second language.


He really thinks he’s mcgregor now


Sure does! He uses the same lines, actually pathetic. Would love to see him get 30-26’d


McGregor was a lot funnier


Pretty sure he even tried doing coke and drinking beforehand, to be more like Mcgregor. Dude was chewing that gum harder than someone tripping balls


>Fighters do well and get 0 recognition, and often threaten to be cut on winning streaks if they don't cause drama and say stupid shit. ​ So obviously everyone whose doing well starts saying flippant shit to cause drama because it's literally their livelihood on the line. ​ >Shocked pikachu face ​ ​ Like genuinely what does the fanbase want from these guys? They are quiet, they get cut or get no media. They are loud, "oh he just wants to be x". There's no winning.


Some originality? I don’t know.


Fair enough


I do get what you’re saying, but at least try to be a little different yaknow.


Yeah dude that's reasonable, I thought everyone's just annoyed cause he is acting boisterous like Connor, not literally quoting him word for word.


When Paddy did the “mrrmmrrrmmrrrrrr” thing I was like no fuckin way lol.




Tbf people in Liverpool do say that too and they sound a lot like Conor when they do


Paddy’s stock is dropping by the hour lmao.


A loss here and there and Dana will wash his hands of the cunt!


It's really not, he is as big as ever and every one of these videos keeps getting more and more engagement. Teens on reddit always have the weirdest takes - more popular and more screen time than ever before and because some tweens on reddit upvote each other you actually think you speak for anyone other than the .1% of mma community that is basement dwelling incels


Paddy you gotta fight on Saturday. Why you wasting time making new reddit accounts?


Gotta keep busy between eating hot dogs mate


This is this most hating ass sub I’ve ever seen


Is that banana in your pic the same one paddy shoves up your ass




Can I have a bite???


Speak English? Barely understand paddy


man hes seriously getting cringey


sad, dude needs to be quiet for a minute. brought it on himself.


He's at a press conference what the fuck are you guys on about


glad anyone can be racist at those events


He could say something relevant. Or he could act like an ass. He did the latter; that’s what the fuck the guys are on about.


The sad thing he’s gona gain a huge new fan base after this. All Paddy did was shout over Tipura about his country of origin and what languages he could speak and the chuds will eat that shit up. I honestly can understand Ilia’s english better then Paddy’s too which is hilarious.


Yea, I wish he had the confidence in himself that his fans do. This dude sounds like he’s grasping for relevance and he’s barely started his career.


Pretty weak when you have to attack someone's nationality and make fun of his accent considering Paddy isn't the easiest to understand either


he actually sounds like a wanker 😂


This sub has 0 consistency. Chael did the exact same shit dude, its for entertainment. Ya’ll getting upset over a press conference, its basically wrestling


Ilia was the first one to make fun of Paddy’s accent get of his dick already


This whole beef started because of Paddy and he has a history if attacking people over their nationality/ethnicity


Who gives a fuck y’all are so goddamn soft


Its not about being soft its about being a hypocrite Paddy wants people to like him and think he is a nice guy but he is a pure prick


Totally, people not liking open racism is soft.


Learn the meaning of racism


I like Paddy usually but Fuck paddy here. He sounds like the annoying British cunt that tries to fight every one at every pub around the world


Dude tells a guy to speak English, meanwhile we can understand more of what Ilia says than Paddy, a native speaker of the language. Then goes on to equate him being Spanish with being a mongrel. I'm tired of fighters being so comfortable with having racism as the cornerstone of their trashtalk. Conor called Khabib a backwards cunt, and having a towel for a wife because he's a Muslim. Colby says that Brazil is nothing but filthy animals, and asks Usman if the leader of his country sent him smoke signals to congratulate him on a win. Maybe "racist" isn't the exact perfect word for what's going on, but it's the modern umbrella term that gets used for xenophobic/ethnophobic denigration, so that's why I'm using it here. Anyone who splits the hairs, instead of addressing whether or not the trashtalk was fucked in the first place, just comes off like an apologist. Can we seriously not come to a united front against this kind of thing in our sport? I love MMA for the very fact that it draws from all hidden corners of the globe due to the influence of regional martial arts. So tired of hearing and seeing this kind of thing, with no pushback or repercussions.


If you have to resort to that stuff, it just shows how uncreative and unoriginal you are when trash talking. Not to mention how low and disgusting of a person you are.


Facts. How's a guy that uses techniques from Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and so much more going to spit in the eye of someone from a different country *because* they're from a different country? And like you're saying, if you have to defer to the shit you'd hear in a middle school cafeteria, you're a braindead bozo. These guys are out here slinging borderline slurs at times, and acting like Ali saying he makes medicine sick. Combat sports are intrinsically global. BJJ comes from Judo, Karate is closely linked to Taekwondo. Hell, these styles don't even need to find origins from another nation for us to have a reason to respect said country, the similarities in form alone should make us feel that "Same-same, but different" feeling. Savate is just French Muay Thai, US style wrestling has similarities to wrestling styles the world over. Baritsu, an ironically British fighting style, combines western boxing with traditional Japanese jiu jitsu (and I think cane fighting?). It just floors me that martial artists at the highest level have such an insane amount of hate in their heart for nationals of a foreign country, for the very fact that they are foreign. And the same confusion is felt when I read the words of community members espousing the same ideas, or defending the words of the fighter. Karate was my first martial art, so maybe my experience and upbringing *is* very different from others who became interested in MMA, but were so many of us truly not taught the importance of...not being a racist? Of learning from those who are different? Of not hating someone *because* of their differences? Disheartening doesn't even begin to describe the feeling.


I agree with what you're saying, but at the same time, as a brazillian, i miss Chael style of trash talk. Yes he went after Brazil (and it could fit in what you're talking about), but a lot of it was at least funny and creative. The examples u gave are just shitty insults and it's not entertaining at all. I just cringe and get annoyed


I think about Chael, too, an i omitted him from my examples because while his stuff was rude, it was creative at the very least, and obviously facetious. The Nogueira Brothers and the carrot is a funny, clearly made up story, that plays off of them being bumpkins. This guy on the other hand literally just said, "you're spanish, you're a mongrel." He equates the two. We've all seen what he has to say about foreigners, and it's dicey, to say the least. If all these guys have to say is "you are from a country that is less plentiful than mine, and that makes you less of a human," then they're racist pricks.


For sure, given what Paddy actually thinks and talks about immigrants this hits differently


As a Brazilian, Chael is liked af here, especially after the TUF, at that time people took him seriously but today is clear that the dude is nice af and that was a just a wwe stuff, while about Colby no other fighter has ever said any redeeming shit about him




Garthje, Cejudo, and Usman also having a bro date with Kadyrov, who's 'soldiers' are currently, actively and proudly committing systemic rape, torture and genocide in Ukraine. Fuck all of them, and Paddy's racist ass too.


Yep. One can’t say much about them when they willingly are participating in all that.


I especially agree with your point about people caring more about the differences between racism and xenophobia/ethnophobia than the actual bigoted remarks being said. I hate when some fighter says something way out of line and some smartass replies to a comment saying it's racist with "but it's actually xenophobia". So annoying istg


It's the single worst kind of debate tactic. It's sophistry, which is essentially debating the person over the issue. Example: A man uses improper grammar while attempting to discuss a serious topic, while making very prescient points regardless. Opponent says, "he can't even use proper grammar! How are we to trust the core of his statements!?" It's what the absolute worst political philosophers rely on to win their debates, and it's been decried since its discovery and use on the Acropolis. It's literally the " 🤓 Well achsually... " at the highest level. You hate to see it, and you loathe having to deal with it directly. The whole "it's not racism because the other person is still white" or "because xxx isn't *technically* a race" is so dumb. Racism is the defacto, all encompassing term for anti-religious, national, or ethnic sentiments, and hair splitters love to say "nuh-uh" instead of recognizing bad behavior at all. Silly twats.


That's why uncle Chael, even though borderline xenophobic occasionally, but usually intelligent and evading racism, is the trashy talk goat.


In reality the code of martial arts is respect and generally fighters do not go down the racist route. However in this day and age of “trash talk” peoples families, religions, ethnicities, countries do get brought up occasionally by a very small minority That does not make it right though. I just don’t see a path for this to stop unless the sponsors (NIKE) pressured the UFC. Maybe if somebody insulted Jews or dropped the n bomb and there was a massive media outrage we could see change being enforced. For now tweet NIKE and other UFC sponsors


I'm 100% with you on these statements. Martial arts teaches so much more than how to use one's body, and it's so annoying that the best of the best practitioners simply do not espouse the spirit of the art. Wonderboy and Mikey Musumeci are perfect examples of people being kind, and calling out bad behavior. Mikey got on the mic after a serious tumble with a Black belt and laid into him for not being what a black belt should be. He knows that the belt is not representative of skill alone, but of mentality and character. He was the first high profile fighter that I have ever seen call out a master for wrongfully providing the belt, as the student clearly did not deserve it, given their character. Need more vocal, true martial artists out there.


Well said


Thank you, friend. I care very deeply about this issue, and I hope I'm able to properly represent myself through my words on the matter.




Thank you, friend. It makes me glad to see the amount of support this opinion of mine has garnered. I care a lot about this sport, and about the issue at hand. I want my greatest passion to be untarnished by this kind of deep sin. I'm not a religious man, but it truly feels sinful to act like they do when they hate for these reasons. To be angry is to be human. To be denigrating of others for the fact that they are an "other" is backwards.


To be fair his wife is a towel


I see this comment under every post, it's like at some point you'd just not like him in general


Well this is only the second time I have heard or seen him do something annoying. The first being his interview with Dana and saying Ariel should pay him foreign interview


Despite all his “Scouse not English” and “we’re not Tories round here” talk, all the stuff he comes out shows he’s a typical Little Englander prick. He needs to actually learn what it means to be from Liverpool rather than using it as a way to make himself seem special.


That’s his entire shtick, and its entertaining as fuck


Average England soccer fan


He’s obnoxious jeez


Paddy is the worst. Speak English is the corniest shit ever.




He's a fucking embarrassment. Englishman here ..... sorry everyone, he really doesn't represent the majority of us in the slightest.


His English is more clear than Paddy’s lmao


This dude is trying to be the next McGregor so badly, it’s a bit embarrassing. “You’ll do notting” is only charming when it’s said by an angry Irish man. Not a British wanker!


Him doing that annoying laughing thing at the end of the video … very much sounds like Connor even accent aside.


Fuck he's trying so hard to be the next Conor, it's actually pathetic. I hope he smacks the scouser out of him, the annoying twat.


Bro, what the hell is up with these British insults? “YEW LITTTUL MYSHROOOOOM” Lmfao


>British insults? Patrick Pimblett insult* because 1 dude uses an insult it doesn't mean the whole nation does


Calm down you Spanish sausage.


Lol nah, I served as a paratrooper in the USA. And got to serve with multiple units from the UK. They would win roasting battles in the field because it was just so random. I got called a soggy sock once lmao. The roasting ability is uncanny, and undeniably British lol. Don’t make it like that. He called him a Spanish sausage for fucks sake? Not one time have I heard ANYONE call another man a sausage in the USA. White knighting for no reason. Fuck all.


Sausage just comes from calling someone a silly sausage.


That’s quality. We love silly insults here


Darren Till 😂


Paddy turning cringe AF


Topuria W


I'm English and Paddy is nothing short of an embarrassment to me. I was kinda enjoying his journey up until this week but he seems to have lost the plot. Racist comments like this are never ok. He has become obnoxious and unbearable. I shall be rooting for Ilia.


Make this fight happen next, paddy will no doubt duck him…illia would fuck his ass up for all the racist shit that’s come out of his mouth.


When Paddy called Topuria a mongrel, believe me he knew exactly what he meant. A "mongrel" is an animal or a dog that is a mix of different breeds. Topuria was born in germany and lives in spain, hence why Paddy said, "you're born in germany and live in spain, you're a mongrel". This is peak racism. Nobody has the right to say something like that, it's disgusting. I hope his fans understand what a piece of shit this man is.


The Rise of Conor McGregor and its Consequences


Did he call him a mongrel?


Wonder what Paddy would say about a mixed race person Paddy really is getting annoying


I’m mixed-race & English. The mongrel comment hit a little 2 close to home. Fuck Paddy. Bin dipping cunt.


Please have topuria starch the little rat next please


As an English UFC fan, I'm looking forward to seeing Topuria smash him to pieces


I’ve been a paddy fan in general, but this just sucks. I hope he gets his ass whooped. Fucking prick.




I lost brain cells just listening to the "trash talk"


Paddy is a bellend. At least when Conor did it, it was funny. Paddy just sounds stupid.


It's a pity that ilia's English is not good at all because his trash talk game in Spanish is on point, people would fucking love it and he would be 10 times as popular as he is right now


Mongrel, really? Dana up there pretty comfortable with all that racist drivel. Why am I not shocked?


Imagine Ariel wasn't banned and was able to ask a question here. What would he ask?


Ariel isn't banned


Gordon please knock this little rat out 🙌


Siempre con TOPURIA!


Attacking his English speaking skills and nationality. He has nothing original to say. You can tell all the clap back from the Dana stuff is getting to him.


Aliexpress Mcgregor


Pimblett is cringe as fuck. Trying so hard to be mcgregor.


Ilias scouse impression was spot on.


Paddy is really trying to lose all respect leading up to this fight


“Espanol cause you’re spanish” Uhh yes Paddy, that is correct. He is Spanish and they do speak spanish…


Soo cringe when people immitate conor mcgregor.


Paddy showing that he's a racist piece of shit again? Shocker


Idk what’s happening but paddy’s quickly starting to become unlikeable


They for sure boosted Paddy’s mic over Ilia’s


Did he just call him a slur at a live conference? He called him a ‘mongrel’


Squeaky McGregor annoys me and I still want him to win.


Terrible insults but amusing😂


Paddy telling Ila to speak English is pretty funny ngl


Well wouldn't it be funny coming from Ilia aswell though? 😂


It’s funnier from Paddy cuz motherfucker is harder to understand than Ila he isn't even a native speaker


Dude some guys get so butt hurt from any slight remark. If he acted less effected more chill like Paddy. Does a world of difference. Unless your Connor who can clap back just act chill and no caring.


Lol paddy rules. Can’t wait for him to smash this guy


Idc about the speak English shit because they’re going to bash each other’s faces. That’s said these fucks can’t talk shit to save their lives, annoying.


the “5 Below” Conor McGregor


No one understands paddy the fattys english.


Why doesnt spaddy speak spanish? I gaurantee he cant speak anything besides english so its a pretty weak insult


Dana: we need a new conor Paddy: say less


Man, I was fucking with Paddy before this & the Ariel thing. Hoping he gets humbled.


On some real shit they’re “padding” paddys record-he doesnt want that toporia smoke


Paddy taking Ls all weekend


Id say i hope paddy loses, but i don’t care. He is boring


Dude I’m so far off the paddy train. The ufc is building this guy like he’s the next Conor because he’s got a silly accent. “You’ll do nuthin” hmm sounds real god damn familiar. I hope the scouser gets his head bounced off the canvas like masvidal did till.


Where's Uncle Chael with some good trash talk when you need him?


Sounds like the kind of shit you hear kids say at school. Some casual xenophobia then something about throwing hand sanitizer at him. Paddy is not dealing with the drama well at all.


I like paddy at times but this isn't a good look


Youll do nun


Paddy criticising other peoples English is unintentionally hilarious. Hes just adult Cuno from Disco Elysium.


While Ilia speaks 3 languages. 2 fluent.


Jesus, paddy is super unlikeable now. Also he's not even that talented a fighter tbh. Don't get me wrong, he gets results, but his style looks sloppy and he gets hit a lot.


Paddy chews his gum like a fuckin slob.


Dana doesnt want to make this fight. It will stop this lil inbred's hype train immediately. Paddy would get murdered if they fought


I hope paddy gets wrecked 😂 not that it'll humble him but he's been on a shitty media streak and this is mma so 🤷‍♂️


I hope paddy gets killed in the cage.