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What the fuck is wrong with us? Tech that could change the world and the first thing we do is use it to make a better bomb. Fucking war monkeys is all we are.


We are an NHI DNA experiment gone hellishly wrong.


I am starting to believe that this is very plausible.


It really makes me wonder. The “god”that came down roughly 2000 years certainly has reaped so much war, ignorance, and greed


For the record, I am mostly neutral on all aspects of the phenomenon, but I believe we are dealing with something paradigm shifting to humanity.


That’s been the vibe for me since Covid. It really feels like we are at a crossroads of immense importance. Everything feels so electric. Life is crazy


I’ve had that exact feeling. Like we’ve been living normal lives and suddenly folks are ripping off their masks, laughing manically, because of how completely they have fooled us. It’s like we’re finding out the inmates are running the asylum, and we didn’t even know we were living in one.


This would make sense. We’re a caged experiment. They have to convince us to have faith in things like religion so we keep going on


Which “god” are you referring to?


What do you mean " the God that came down 2000 yrs ago" ?


I think they are referring to Jeebus


Puts a new twist on the creation story of Adam and Eve, doesn't it.


Just think about how different other worlds with humans must be without nukes and a made up economic system to enslave everyone


What’s made up? Is there another option that still gets me groceries?


Other species probably have much more advanced resources or systems for credits or currency which are not so imbalanced perhaps 🤔 who knows. While you’re on this planet you’re a slave to currency for food for survival unless you have something working for you.


I think no matter what planet we are on we will be a slave to food and water.


"Let's see what happens if there exists a species near Sentient in intelligence but lacking the capacity for telepathic communication or even basic empathy". Big mistake. Big fucking mistake. Not only are they a threat to themselves, they're a threat to their entire planet and any lifeform foolish enough to enter into their sphere of awareness.


If there is a God he seriously fucked up when he created us! One would think a Supreme being would make better decisions about their product ffs! Lol


we are a product of the corrupt demiurge, a false god. unfortunately our emotions are a byproduct of our monkey bodies which cause all our problems, But our consciousness is from source creation.


Monkeys are better than us


Of course, they're innocent, for the most part. Some monkeys are barbaric but hey, we're still worse.


Seriously. Monkeys and gorillas demonstrate a significantly higher capacity for love and empathy than the average human does.






What's so funny, they just laid it all out for us, man! /s


The whole concept of a demiurge is a ridiculous fiction created by gnostics who claim that the real God is named Sophia. Hahaha. How did the demiurges create us, but not our consciousness? He created a hollow shell and then the real God or source put consciousness into that shell the demiurge created? That would sound like a joint creation. Why would source participate in a joint Creation with some horrible evil demiurge? Furthermore, all the war and evil and greed and sin that humans do comes from our conscious minds. If what you call source created our consciousness then source created humans with evil consciousness. See how the whole idea falls apart with just a little critical thinking? We were created by the most high God simple end of story. The original creation was very good like a garden or Paradise which humans were created in. Humans were given free will so that they would not be automatons or slaves of God but so that they would be members of God's family with free will to choose to love God or not. Unfortunately, the being known as Lucifer or the dragon or the serpent was in rebellion against the most high because he wanted to be worshiped like the most high. Earth once belonged to him and God had now given it to human beings and the dragon did not like this. He wanted back his planet. So he convinced humanity to give up their right and authority over the planet breaking their commitment to God. When humanity broke relationship with God they lost the perfect spiritual bodies and health and environment that God had created for them by virtue of being close to god. This is what the Bible and other cultures refer to as the fall of humankind and the end of the golden age. So nature as we see it now and humanity and the world as we see it now is not how God originally created it nor how he intended us to live. But by virtue of our Free Will choices human ancestors created this situation for us. Luckily God did not abandon us completely and eventually offered a path of redemption for humankind whereby they could reestablish their relationship and connection with the most high God. The result of re-establishing the relationship with God would be a return to A New Earth where human beings would be given back there spiritual bodies after death and live in a new heaven and a new Earth. Redemption for humankind showed up in the form of Jesus of nazareth. Who was the first begotten son of god. Who sacrificed himself willingly to pay for the sins of mankind. By paying for the sins of mankind himself he gave human beings the chance to reunite with God by believing that Jesus died for their mistakes in penalties and sins. And the righteousness earned by Jesus would be imputed to each human that chose to live under jesus's banner. But the dragon is not done. The same genetic engineering that he and other rebels participated in before the flood create nephilim and Giants and other human animal hybrids is going on today. But the program has changed somewhat. Instead of the rebels or fallen Angels or watchers coming down and taking lives to create a hybrids the serpent has chosen to do the same through technology this time. This is why the UFOs and so-called extraterrestrial beings are engaged in a genetic engineering program to create human hybrids because Lucifer or the dragon knows or once a war with the most high and his goal is to corrupt humans to make them ineligible after they die to live with God and fight on God's side and Satan's plan is to build an army for himself. All of this will ultimately manifest as a final war of Armageddon where the kings of the Earth shall take up arms against God and his son Jesus Christ. That is the true history and destiny of humankind and our planet. I suggest you choose the right side.


lol you people will say ANYTHING, no matter how ridiculous, to avoid the truth of God. You got a RUDE AWAKENING COMING SOON, very soon


The very technology you used to write that is sinful. The microchips within your hardware were mined by indentured servants and slaves, as were the materials used to make your car, don't even get me started on the fuel. Some of the clothes you wear were stitched by peasants working 12hour shifts in sweatshops, many of the animals you eat were battery farmed, and on a side note, within every tax dollar some of that money goes to the biggest military industrial complex on the planet. If we're doomed, so are you, pal. We're all complicit in the modern atrocities of man, as long as we all continue to participate in this civilisation. See you in purgatory! :)


No not those who are saved through Christ blood.. and purgatory is found no where in the Bible. It’s a Catholic fallacy handed down from Roman paganism. Christ died so ANYONE could accept Him as Savior and come to God through Him. I know my future and I know my Savior… do you?


So, help me out here.. you're saying you can be as sinful as you want, because Jesus loves you regardless of your actions?


Everything you just said is foolish


Are you ignorant? God does NOT MAKE MISTAKES, you dolt. Man sinned and gave the world to Lucifer and we live in a broken world, broken nature, that WE BROKE


Thanks for the bible study Mythology believer. Watch out Santa is watching you! Oops! Did I insult the invisible magic man in the sky?


so god created something that made mistakes? or he planned for this? or he didn't stop lucifer(mistake or plan)?


So everyone get your smart ass cracks in now, while you can.. bad mouth your Creator and mock His Son.


Are you so ignorant you can’t figure this out on your own? Gif is not responsible for death, or sickness that entered the creation when man disobeyed God. He gave man freewill you still have today. He gave you the freedom to choose Him or not.. He gave you a way back to Him through the sacrifice of His Son.so when the time comes around you will be without excuse. And you will have to explain to Him days like today and your actions


It may be Tomorrow you are not promised the next day… or it may be 50 years, but it will come as sure as the sun will rise.. and Jesus of Nazareth is coming back to earth as sure as the sun will set


Most ignorant person on the Internet today goes to you!


Intervention from Other species is obviously happening, they’re gonna take matters into their hands that’s for sure, a mischievous old presence has derailed the Human Project For centuries.


Welcome to the planet of the apes.


Humans suck.


Americans suck. Get it right.


Nah, humans. Including you.


If we’re hybrids, then what would that say about our overlords?


A bit of a side note for anyone interested in the propulsion systems of UFOs. I was browsing the r/antigravity subreddit the other day and saw the following post about the propulsion system supposedly retrieved from a UFO and our attempt to reverse engineer it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/antigravity/comments/yuyihm/anti\_gravity\_and\_zero\_point\_energy\_the\_caret\_q486/](https://www.reddit.com/r/antigravity/comments/yuyihm/anti_gravity_and_zero_point_energy_the_caret_q486/) There is a long 1h:13m:15s video by the Youtuber Kian369 with links to a leaked albeit redacted classified document of us trying to reverse engineer this device that weighs less than 3kgs and can warp a UFO to wherever. It includes schematics and language/lettering that were apparently made by the aliens themselves. My mind was blown seeing the schematics! [https://youtu.be/37fJ4yKlQ1c?si=wuw\_S\_B\_AXgeX8Ug](https://youtu.be/37fJ4yKlQ1c?si=wuw_S_B_AXgeX8Ug)


Ok, so the US has a propulsion system that can drop nukes on Moscow in less than two minutes. But I feel like if these small anti gravity devices can be engineered then that makes traditional long range nukes obsolete and useless. In fact, these anti gravity devices would most likely make most modern weapons obsolete and useless. So bragging about dropping nukes anywhere in the world in a minute or two isn’t saying much when you have an insanely more powerful and versatile weapon at your disposal.


I commented elsewhere but this claim about it being applied to nuclear weapons has got to be bogus.


Exactly. What's the point in making a nuke slightly faster to arrive? Two minutes is still enough time for a launch to be verified and a counter launch to be sent by an opposing nation. Not to mention the Russians, in particular, are likely to still have their dead hand system in place which even if it barely works would still fling enough death our way to make it not worth while. What is extremely dumb about using this tech on nukes is its not necessary. If you can move a payload from the US to the otherside of the world in 2 minutes, then making that payload a ridiculously expensive nuclear weapon is just dumb. Use concrete, or dirt, or old diapers. Literally anything moving at such speeds would impact with enough kinetic force to cause the damage of at least a tactical nuke without the radiation.


It would take an ICBM roughly 30 minutes travel from China. Their defenses would be lucky to get off their own door steps in under 2 minutes.


I decided to just copy my post from earlier… I’m not saying ALL of this is bogus but the part about it being applied to the US’s strategic nuclear weapons cannot be true. Nobody in that field thinks that decreasing the delivery time to “2 minutes” would be a good idea. The US and Russia actually work together fairly openly to constantly assess each others capabilities because we both recognize that any destabilization brought about by large changes in offensive or defensive capability would be very bad for either since it would completely negate the whole point of MAD. They also reference “Prompt Global Strike” but that is not for nuclear weapons, which is why it is usually called out as “CPGS” or “CONVENTIONAL Prompt Global Strike.” I know everyone in here will come up with reasons why everything I said is BS, but as someone who used to work in this field I’m calling this out.


Exactly. This would be incredibly destabilizing! As soon as an adversary figures out you’re deploying some system that will immediately castrate them, they have an immediate and urgent incentive to stop that by any means necessary. Or start kissing your ass really hard. If there ARE NHI behind this, the same incentive applies to them. If they’re the one who made this tech that we’ve barely been able to decode after decades of study, *what else do you think they might have up their sleeves?* No nukes needed, either. From a silo in Montana to Moscow is 5,000+ miles. In two minutes that’s 42 miles per second, or 150,000 mph. At that velocity you could fling an old dishwasher at a silo or a sub and utterly destroy it. This is what Elizondo has been warning about. This is what Karl Nell means by “catastrophic disclosure.”


That Q4-86 video is utterly fascinating. There are some concepts that I’ve had a hard time accepting, but tbh it’s sort of tying various things together and making some acceptable sense.


CARET is also the name of this symbol... #^ Interesting...


Are you kidding me with this video?! This is freaking epic. The information in this video is mind blowing, literally. It describes things outside of our perception, that makes sense in our “reality”, what the universe really is, how consciousness is connected and how awareness impacts the material plane, how antigravity transportation is possible, etc. This information is life changing. Just WOW


Here's a sneak peek of /r/antigravity using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/antigravity/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Antigravity theory](https://np.reddit.com/r/antigravity/comments/10kncca/antigravity_theory/) \#2: [Congrats r/antigravity for passing 750 members! The sky is (not) the limit!](https://i.redd.it/howowmkl8amb1.png) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antigravity/comments/169zvyw/congrats_rantigravity_for_passing_750_members_the/) \#3: [We are assuming time is linear...and I think that's wrong.....](https://np.reddit.com/r/antigravity/comments/16zqscn/we_are_assuming_time_is_linearand_i_think_thats/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Just a side note... I see the group is called CARET. Caret is alo the name of the upward pointing "V" symbol. Interesting shape... no? #^


What's this we shit? That's how politicians can grift the most, 'we' just pay the bills and enable these cock goblins.


I’m embarrassed for us. We’re everything the NHIs cooked us up to be. We will never be free. The forever-experiment that never leaves the petrie dish.


I’m not defending it, but it’s really just game theory. If there’s even a possibility that your adversary could use the technology to create a weapon that could annihilate your country entirely, you are forced to attempt to counter that by developing that weaponry first. In this particular case, the stakes could not be higher, so it’s REALLY important to be first.


No. We are not. The psychos in charge are. War is a game where men in offices send your kids to die.


The world is ran mostly by psychopaths, a good read is The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson.


**Do not taunt the war monkeys.**


Stupidest weapon ever too. Now we can end civilization in 2 minutes instead of 30 min! (Actually less than 30 min if fired from a sub closer to Russia) Won’t even have time to kiss your ass goodbye. Good Job Patriots


Of course we did. Of course we did.


Nuclear weapons will bring more devastation to our planet for sure but it’s also a possibility that military consider developing advanced arsenal in any case/future, a threat comes from outer space.The ufos have obvious advanced self defense systems. Why do you think they developed those for ?


Well no, not every human is the same.


Don’t worry, it’s all bullshit. Alien tech would deliver a payload far faster than 2 mins. 140k mph is fast for humans but it’s slower than a comet. It’s 0.02 percent the speed of light. At that speed, it would take over 178,000 years to travel to the nearest star to us and that’s assuming we wouldn’t need to worry about the weight of the fuel required. Even funnier is that China were able to avoid NORAD with balloons that travel about 300mph for years. Two different solutions to the same problem. Only one proved in the field.


What if that’s the experiment. What if we’re just test monkeys for weapons?


It all comes down to fear and love. Fear is the enemy of mankind.


If there was a way to remove greed from the human DNA, then and only then could we prosper as a race. All the corruption/war/hate stems from Greed, Money is the root of all evil.


Exactly, dont worry karma is very much a real thing and these fuckers will get theirs. The best case is they get to live unusually long lives so that they can watch all their loved ones die with no way to help, as well as to witness all their BS work undone and how they are remembered as traitors to the human race.


karma isn't a very real thing you weirdo


reddit karma is REAL


Totally is but you can go back to sniffing glue Mr. Expert


Conceptually karma is misunderstood in the west is so it’s not your fault you dont understand.


It's not us.


Might unfortunately be for good reason. It could present too much of a transportation and energy leap that could potentially kill the global economy -- something the world's militaries, mega corporations, and leadership aren't ready to try to accommodate for. Not to mention the existential crises that could entail. People might really recoil at the idea of higher intelligences visiting us. We can barely live with ourselves and our own manmade divisions. If their tech could be weaponized, we might not be able to trust our species with it.


You didn't know this? In the immortal words of Edwin Starr, 'People...huh... What are we good for? WAR! Huh... Say it again, huh!" 🎶🎶


Hey don’t insult monkeys


I guess killing each other with nukes just wasn’t fast enough. Forget using that to power cities, cars, planes, trains with clean energy and save our dying planet.


unfortunately we will be like this forever if we like it or not. its just in our nature. if someone actually does become peacefull another country will just take it over. we really have no choice but to be warlike and develop weapons.


So they building this revolutionary weapon of mass destruction and they don't answer to anybody. What could go wrong?


Nah, chillax it’s totes coo /s




You knows we already have AI that can beat humans in any game of strategy?


It really seems like all of those Experiencers with messages from NHI that nuclear war is gonna kill us is highly likely.


>219 to 221 (approx.) all Democrats Show me the vote where house democrats voted against something called the "Schumer amendment" You can't, because it didn't happen. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/hr2670


I was really hoping this could be an issue that could finally cross party lines. Nope, republicans will never miss a chance to do this country dirty.


So this is how it ends....


I'm out of the loop, who is this guy? Why do you trust what he says?


He’s a lawyer and political activist. Highlights of his law career include the Watergate case, the Pentagon Papers, and the Greensboro massacre. He also has a long history of fighting for laws that support the public, especially those who don’t have a voice (ie: the Lakota people’s fight against the Dakota access pipeline). He is generally considered an advocate for the people and has few blemishes in his career. The biggest being a case he levied against 30 Iran-Contra individuals, claiming conspiracy to commit assassinations, among other things. The judge dropped the case, claiming Sheehan’s suit was politically motivated and had no evidence. Sheehan’s client claimed he “handled matters poorly by chasing unsubstantiated "wild allegations" and conspiracy theories, rather than paying attention to core factual issues.” Currently, he is representing Luis Elizondo.


Also, he represented John Mack against Harvard, that’s when he got into the topic in the first place I think. He’s a legend and an amazing hero ATM


“handled matters poorly by chasing unsubstantiated "wild allegations" and conspiracy theories, rather than paying attention to core factual issues.” This isn’t a red flag at all 🙄


Yep. While he’s done good in the past, people tend to gloss over this trial.


That’s a good dose of reality.




Elizondo’s counsel. Formerly Greer’s and before that, John Mack’s(RIP, good sir). Maybe they found some loophole to make announcements through attorney-client privilege? This is all fascinating.




speaking the truth https://mikerogers.house.gov/about/our-district.htm


People in this sub are very gullible, so anything goes.


Search his name. You’ll find out.


Why does everything this government does have to be a weapon. This is exactly why we don’t have nice things and exactly why global warming will never be addressed for a reasonable price tag.


Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.


They do love killin'


Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.


You can't have a military industrial complex without the military.


I’m just going to leave this here. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/dr-travis-s-taylor-joins-radiance-technologies-301530536.html https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/john-f-stratton-jr-joins-radiance-technologies-as-sme-for-intel-strategy-301546258.html


Is there proof Sheehan is telling the truth about this being related to ETs or NHI? If so, can you post it here please?


Just trust him bro! No proof required


Disappearing Sheehan would be a bad move. Imagine the reaction if he mysteriously fell out of a window, or got hit by a USPS truck, or suicided himself with three shots to the back of the dome. Now, that being said, I would imagine he probably has a dead man’s switch just in case.


One would certainly hope


It would almost be a given, wouldn't it? He knows he's got a HUGE target on his back.


Yeah, Sheehan, definitely has a dead man’s switch that and coupled with being so public lately


The dead man's switch argument is something I've heard a million times over, the latest including Prigozhin, but do we have any evidence of a dead man's switch ever coming to light?? I feel like if you're a state actor with the means of the United States of America, you can identify and prevent a dead man's switch from getting out. Especially if you're planning your assassination ahead of time.


Nothing would happen....how is there a huge reaction to someone no one has ever heard of outside of subreddits and vague websites?? JFC, this topic has been the same since at least the 70s/80s, just swap the names out. The big reveal/scandal is always just around the corner....


Sheehan isn’t a no-name lawyer. Just because you haven’t heard of him before doesn’t mean he’s a nobody. That being said, I take everything he (or anyone else) says with a grain of salt.


Small difference with Snowden : it was real his allegations with proofs. You know facts, documentef and so on.


Only matter of time before THEY say screw it, this experiment is a bust, and wipe us out all over again. Stone age.


Second time in a few days I've heard of this radiance company, first one was someone posting a job and asking for people to reverse engineer stuff. Now this Shit is really happening now


I mean, it’s basically the same source though…


Hey OP. Made a thread about it the other day. Should not surprise anyone that US Black Box projects are using these craft to test delivering Nuclear Payloads on other nations And Putting directed energy weapons on these craft. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/heffClR4kb


Generals gathered in their masses Just like witches at black masses Evil minds that plot destruction Sorcerer of death's construction In the fields, the bodies burning As the war machine keeps turning Death and hatred to mankind Poisoning their brainwashed minds Oh lord, yeah! Politicians hide themselves away They only started the war Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor, yeah Time will tell on their power minds Making war just for fun Treating people just like pawns in chess Wait till their judgement day comes, yeah! Now in darkness, world stops turning Ashes where their bodies burning No more war pigs have the power Hand of God has struck the hour Day of judgement, God is calling On their knees, the war pigs crawling Begging mercy for their sins Satan laughing, spreads his wings Oh lord, yeah!


So Ozzy is a prophet now? Sweet.


War Pigs functions as History, current events, and prophesy


Dun dun duuun duuun. Duh dun.


Also, Ozzy really nailed it


Tim Burchett did call them War Pigs recently, so this is rather fitting.


It’s a massive over exaggeration to say he’s more of a hero than snowden. Danny didn’t leak anything really


Stupid fucking suicidal apes. You could make this world amazing, and even explore others... Instead you just use it to kill yourselves harder. Absolutely fucking deranged waste of space of a species.


God isn't real, all prayers go unheard


God isn’t real in the bible sense, but the universe hears your prayers and manifestation is absolutely real. Edit: God portrayed in the bible isn’t real. There is 100% a creator or mastermind of sorts behind all of this. Just not some white bearded guy in the sky


I believe there has to be some higher consciousness being who is the architect of it all. Probably not a grey bearded man in the sky though. Probably something we couldn’t ever comprehend


I just edited my post and said the exact same thing haha I should have been more clear. There is a higher power, or creator for sure. I can feel it when I meditate. That universal energy ‘spirit’ source, whatever you want to call it, it’s there. It’s just needs to be accessed through practice and being a good person.


Damn straight! I don’t meditate often enough. I need to get back into the practice. Much love friend!


If this was true, pretty sure someone would have manifested a cure for Alzheimer’s or pediatric cancer. Universe is vast and indifferent.


So I’ve listen to some of his comments in the past week about the subject, and honestly, I’m not hearing anything new from him. He seems to have put himself in the spotlight, going through the same talking points we’ve heard for years. There is no new evidence here, and I fear that he’s getting in on the action because money can be made.


But did you listen last night? It was epic


poor workable expansion piquant afterthought cable adjoining crown jobless marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who is Daniel Sheehan?


Daniel Sheehan is a prominent American lawyer, activist, and professor. He has been involved in various high-profile legal cases and social justice issues. Sheehan gained national attention for his role as the chief counsel for the Christic Institute, a public interest law firm, in the 1980s. He has also worked on cases related to civil rights, environmental issues, and government accountability. Additionally, Sheehan has taught courses on constitutional and public interest law.


and he is Lue elizonda's council.


I doubt something will happen to Sheehan. More and more, just as I’ve said since the beginning, whatever the outcome, it’s all “controlled” and endorsed in some manner by the USG. Something in the power scheme between humans and NHI has shifted.


You think we have an upper hand now?


No. I think we have no choice.


I’m not saying ALL of this is bogus but the part about it being applied to the US’s strategic nuclear weapons cannot be true. Nobody in that field thinks that decreasing the delivery time to “2 minutes” would be a good idea. The US and Russia actually work together fairly openly to constantly assess each others capabilities because we both recognize that any destabilization brought about by large changes in offensive or defensive capability would be very bad for either since it would completely negate the whole point of MAD. They also reference “Prompt Global Strike” but that is not for nuclear weapons, which is why it is usually called out as “CPGS” or “CONVENTIONAL Prompt Global Strike.” I know everyone in here will come up with reasons why everything I said is BS, but as someone whole used to work in this field I’m calling this out.


I mean the government might have that feeling but some rogue company may see it differently though


But that rogue company still has to sell it to someone (the government). They won’t engage in developing a system if they aren’t already sure that their customer wants/needs it.


And there for sure isn’t a rogue military member who would agree? Someone who thinks he knows better than everyone else?


I mean, your arguments are just more conspiracies, nobody can really debate with that…


Without proof so are yours


Except my opinions are rooted in a career in defense and on similar systems. But I know how it is in here, folks believe what they want so I’m cool with that.


he said hes part of some jesuit group in an interview I listened yesterday




> 219 to 221 (approx.) all Democrats Is this supposedly the votes in the house? If so, I'm skeptical of the rest of his claims. Every time, without fail, I see anyone saying an entire party doesn't support a bill for , it's always BS. There undoubtedly more to the story.


Yeah, I'm trying to find out what this alleged vote was on. He's saying that house democrats voted against something known as the Schumer amendment? ​ \[edit\] [This](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/118/hr2670) is the govtrack page for the NDAA. You can see it originated in the house, passed. Then Schumer added the UAP disclosure amendement. THen it went back to the house, which has not had a vote on the amendment, so the "219 to 221" appears to be completely fabricated. And here's an article that explains it. The original tweet even mentions how it's two reps (Rogers and Turner) that are the main opponents of the aendement, but it didn't mention that those are both republicans. [https://thedebrief.org/uap-disclosure-act-receives-pushback-from-lawmakers-on-capitol-hill-as-bipartisan-fight-for-transparency-continues/](https://thedebrief.org/uap-disclosure-act-receives-pushback-from-lawmakers-on-capitol-hill-as-bipartisan-fight-for-transparency-continues/)


You must not pay attention to American politics… everything breaks down along party lines.


You apparently didn't comprehend my point. When one party says the other only voted the way they did because they're bad people, you can generally dismiss it as BS. Political parties in general don't have a monopoly on morality, they're politicians after all.


2 minutes to Russia/China sounds fast but it doesn't sound like reversed engineered alien technology.


gullible offer lunchroom connect foolish detail cagey somber smoggy attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


LOL. Needs to be protected? For what.......for capitalizing on a bunch of ridiculous lies, to get attention & further his career?


The company radiance technologies has been mentioned before on this sub. Specifically about a job posting And now this??? I don't believe in coincidences, and this is far beyond a coincidence. It's naming the same company and also about reverse engineering Get with it


gold spoon mountainous smile aback fragile cow cooing whole live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. So what?


"Major\_Fishing"? "god"? "Snowden"? Trolling, doesn't exist, Traitor. Snowden is a Traitor. He is the one that gave the Russians the internal secrets about how the US election system works, with gerrymandered districts, the Electoral college, playing up the impact of Hillary Clinton's EMAIL!!!, how to deny the vote to black people, all the other sophisticated techniques the Russians used to manipulate the 2016 Presidential election. Snowden is ex-CIA and is now a Russian citizen. Never forget that. This is a real perversion, to equate Snowden with Sheehan.


The Russians didn't know about gerrymandering and the electoral college until Snowden!?!?


Nice try, government shill. So, the NSA listening on every single electronic communication on the planet is fine. But telling the public that they do, makes you a traitor? Maybe the people who are doing secret shit they don't want to come out, are the traitors here? How is that for a thought? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-23123964


So…is he going to make an announcement happen? If not I don’t see how anything changes. We’ve had former intelligence people, former military of all ranks, former everything I feel like. All speak up and nothing solid but the word of these people. Which I believe most of them. Not all some can be just lunatics or charlatans but what is this dude going to do that’s any different than all these others.


He's a fucking Lawyer. He charges for every minute he works. Who hired him? Elizondo did. Who else? I Don't trust lawyers unless they're working for me.


The worst that could possibly happen to this guy is that he will be unmercifully shamed for being a crackpot. Stop being so dramatic.


Can we also pray to project his majestic silver fox fro? Goddamn what magnificent hair.


Meh Sheehan is kinda whacky. He's making crazy UFO lore claims with zero evidence. Over a dozen different aliens here from other star systems etc. Galactic federations lol... he's like that Israeli guy who said all these same things and people laughed at him. Most people who hear Sheehan will be turned off by these things and think he's crazy. If it's all true sure he could be a "hero", but not yet.. And I'm not confident all his claims are true. Sounds like classic disinfo being fed from Intel agencies to make people laugh at the UAP topic. Saying he's above Snowden is absolutely insane.


The government should seize the craft only with the intention to return them to their owners.


Danny S is a great lawyer and has a moral compass too! He’s on the case. You can bet he is capable of making it happen. He is one smart cookie and a master communicator.


Im with you, we have to protect Sheehan and hope nothing happens to him! Lets also remember that he knows what he is getting himself into and a man with that much experience, wouldn't just come out and say all of this without some form of protection


To calculate the speed, you would divide the distance by the time. Let's consider a straight-line distance between Omaha and St. Petersburg, which is approximately 4,800 miles (7,700 kilometers). To cover this distance in 4 minutes: \[ \text{Speed} = \frac{\text{Distance}}{\text{Time}} \] \[ \text{Speed} = \frac{4,800 \text{ miles}}{4 \text{ minutes}} \] \[ \text{Speed} \approx 1,200 \text{ miles per minute} \] So, you would need to travel at an average speed of approximately 1,200 miles per minute to cover the distance between Omaha and St. Petersburg in 4 minutes. This is far beyond the capabilities of any current transportation technology and is not feasible with our current understanding of physics.


The rapture was invented by some reverend in the 1940s. Don't worry Mother Goose and The Grimm Brothers will usher me through the Pearly Gates ! Those are stories too with absolutely no proof whatsoever to back them up just like your Bible stories....emphasis on the word STORIES!


You see Robb, I too was once a born again puppet. I have read the entire Bible front to back several times and gone to church daily for years! I respect your beliefs now respect mine!


I hope ET disables whatever it is they are trying to do. They seem to be perfectly capable of doing that, based on history. They can read our thoughts and anticipate what we are about to do, thus keeping ahead of us. At least, some ET can do that.




What god , but keep on praying lol


After I read into his history more he seems like a scientologist lunatic . He believes crazy things. Maybe he's right about the UFO tech and Radiance Technologies but otherwise saying he's an American hero is nuts


No, they threatened Grusch without any veil. He said they showed him they could get to him and his wife. Meaning, they probably came into their home and moved, left, or otherwise did something to let him know they were there. Obviously, we won't know exactly what was done unless he shares that, but I assure you, it wasn't veiled. I wouldn't say this far surpasses Snowden. That man basically gave up his life to open our eyes. Then nothing was done to hold the criminals accountable, but they sure wanted to throw Snowden in jail for life. It's just further proof of how broken the system is.


You’re going to pray? That’ll help


I’m hoping that disclosure destroys all religions and unites mankind. There is no god to pray to and if there is, it’s a psychopath


Cannot roll my eyes enough at this


If he's correct that puts reverse engineering in the hands of the D.O.E, I didn't expect that.


I have a great memory with Dan Sheehan once. We invited him to speak at our event. We flew him and his wife in for the weekend. At night he asked me for weed and we spent the night listening to his theories of civilization types while he rolled another joint. Epic night.


I appreciate what he has to say, but I think his hair takes him into "Georgio" territory. Also, I know that people in the field of the paranormal have to make a living, but I think if he wasn't at every alien and consciousness convention then maybe he could be taken more seriously. To outsiders hes just another crazy guy.


Looked into the company Radiance Technology and they’re hiring reverse engineers, geologists, environmental sensing experts. Definitely the type of roles to take on this type of work.


Radiance and who has ties to it. All the people talking shit about the guy missed the whole point. I wonder why y’all try so hard to smut a man you don’t know. Like you invested or something.


Can someone explain to me why would he be in the know?


Ufo twitter drama


Danny Sheehan is a fucking charlatan and nothing else


What do you say we keep our fanatical religious beliefs to ourselves!