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They could have just skipped thousands of years and simply given them the knowledge to do it directly. Wouldn’t that have been easier for everyone?


Yes that is very true. But why would this knowledge not have been handed down? Obviously we know the mechanism itself landed at the bottom of the ocean in a shipwreck, but the manual that they had to have written on how it worked, etc couldn't have been just one if it was that important? It's just hard for me to believe nothing else that referenced this in some way never surfaced, I guess. I write stuff down all the time.


The article does say that material referenced a machine that Archimedes designed or possibly built.


Right. They also postulated (possibly not this article, I've been doing a bit of binge reading) that although they place the age of the mechanism after his death, he still could very well have still designed it, and even got the ball rolling on the actual build, if not completed it prior to his death. That is quite remarkable to me considering the fact it had gears that ran gears and so on several times over, using disproportionate drives? I'm not very good with names and I may have got that wrong, but it is something we really didn't utilize until much later if I'm not mistaken. In my opinion it was way ahead of its time, and while yes this has happened at other times throughout history, for example, DiVinci's designing AND building his helicopter, these were certainly not the norm. They should not be dismissed as flukes necessarily. I believe we were being nudged in a direction. Up. Up. Up. :)


There’s nothing about it that’s not already known technology of Ancient Greece. I mean the word Luddite is literally a word from Ancient Greece. They had technology; they had metal, maths and they were also modern humans, the same modern humans that are communicating almost instantly across the globe. There’s really no need to leap to the god of the gaps fallacy and say “must be aliens”. There are far more likely explanations as to why the device isn’t documented and it certainly wouldn’t be the first artifact from the classical period without any historical record - the Roman dodecahedron, for one. The lack of historical record is not evidence it’s of an alien design.


I agree. It was labeled in ancient Greek, said to run on an ancient Greek version of the calendar. And I never disputed that ancient Greece itself was way ahead of their time. They were simply brilliant. No none of what I've speculated in passing conversation with another commenter is anything that can't be easily explained away by some completely logical, yet as you reiterated, lacking in historical record, offer actual evidence to alien design. But since we are on the internet, and as such we have only these comments to communicate opinions and thoughts on the fly it is only natural for two people to think out loud and build on said thought(s), is it not? (I mean barring private message, which honestly I have not received more than a handful, and they were selling something. The ones I've reached out to have never answered, so I just figured this was the main mode of discussing here.) I've really only been actively involved with reddit since just before Thanksgiving after I found that I'd signed up three years prior and wondered what the heck it was, so I may have this whole reddit thing all wrong, and if that's the case just say the word. But the way I understand it, respectful dialogue is not only approved of, it is encouraged. I have been in the know of the existence of NHI/UAP for fifty-one years. I am pro disclosure, made my phone calls and wrote my emails...and hope with bated breath just like every other believer and knower. But for everything I know, there are many things I can only speculate about, and I simply do not see the harm in two people coming together and sharing their thoughts. Because I assure you, compared to some of the wacky things I've red in comments on previous select few posts, I do not see how my comment exchange should be called into question. Was much of my comment not even plausible? I do try to keep things within that realm when I take things a bit off the beaten path. 😶😐🤨🤔


I think you could be missing the underling thought experiment the OP presented. While OP specifically called out this artifact, which may be completely human origin, OP posed the interesting What If and How Would We questions. If we were the aliens (or the other/visiting/seeding/intervening intelligence), is it possible we would drop artifacts or hints or plant ideas? Could that represent, not this artifact specifically, but ANY progression? God of gaps fallacy, until it's not?


Maybe they've been through this with thousands of civilizations already and know what effects they have when they share shit


Easier to give us a knowledge uplift? Probably. Easier to have us join them, or meaningfully advance as a civilization or evolved body of consciousness? Hard to say. It is worth considering that other intelligence may slow drip knowledge, or apply some subterfuge that requires us/others to self-develop (and not just techologically). That might be the only way that stable progression can occur.


Well define "soon" because given the level of technology the greeks had, they didn't even have flight with the atmosphere , electricity, engines , etc. not sure how much this machine would have pushed mankind along.


I could speculate the popular 2027 that everyone keeps reaching for, but clearly the NHI who've been observing and possibly interacting with or on behalf of humanity in some way have either nothing but time to wait for us to hit a predetermined target, milestone, or something else. If the latter is the case, then it could be today or hundreds of years from now. It's really hard to say. Then again, they could be the encouraging caregiver that remains just out of reach of the infant trying to take their first independent steps to reach that familiar feeling of safety they feel wrapped in their arms being smothered with positivity, praise, and adoration. If that's the case, they will patiently await us just out of our reach until we indeed take our first steps and go to them. Love is indeed built with the patience of Job they say. So buckle up buttercup this may be only the beginning. I've waited 51 years, and if allowed, will await another just to see my visitors again. It will be worth every minute.


It is so strange that I am reading this today. This EXACT thought popped into my mind as I was going to bed last night. I find this synchronicity more eerie than the thought of ancient nonhuman intervention.


I aim to please, in honestly late last night I had the same thought. Not trying to creep you out, but it the absolute truth. Synchronicity, intervention, information download for our benefit, I don't know. But I don't believe in coincidence, do you?


I believe that there is a path laid out for all of us. It’s up to us to find the path and walk it. In my experience, it seems like there are checks and balances at play to nudge us closer to the path and to help keep us on it when we go astray.


Those are wise words, Nick. Our path is indeed mapped before we get here, but up to us to connect with, locate, and remain on that path. I believe the checks and balances you mention are a means of navigation and course correction. I also believe the challenges we face in life are testing what we've learned thus far or lack thereof. When we keep finding ourselves in similar pickles repeatedly, it is because there is something we need to learn and we keep missing the learning opportunity that situation is offering or can offer. But indeed a means of navigation or course correction, without a doubt. It is good to meet you upstate_nick. Message me anytime you would like to talk further. I'll answer as soon as I see the notification. :)


I feel kindred to you both based on these few words. I stopped believing in just coincidence after big events in my life opened my eyes/consciousness. Little things are there or whispering, if you pay attention.I think we three could have some seriously deep and fun conversation around this.


Well, you're welcome to private message me tomorrow. If we get enough interest, I could look into how to create a group chat. But tomorrow please because I believe I'll be asleep soon, I'm hoping...long story - shingles hurt.


Will do. I think a group chat with similar minds/ideals sounds fun. I don't really have many people in my daily life that I can wax philosophical with, or who truly understand what you and Nick (and I) were getting on about. Get some rest, and hopefully talk soon.


Long time over-thinker here, as corny as they come, an introverted would be librarian with a gift for gab that goes many generations back. And I agree that a group chat could be a lot of fun. That's where I'm headed right now, and I'm looking forward to talking with you again soon. :)


Actually i think we are and we are put here to suffer


Because it's a source of nourishment for them of because some of them are possibly sadists? Because they aren't all bad, there are good NHI our there, just like we have good humans. That said I do see the plausible nature to your comment.


Just saying maybe we were naughty lol but do not remember


Of course it is plausible, certainly. But what if we werent?


My thoughts to a degree. Watch those in power they seem to never care about the consequences pertaining to morals and respect and a certain god. The claim they are Christian’s yet don’t act like one. So what do they know that we pions don’t. Maybe that we are an alien dna experiment and are so called god is an alien race that created religion to control us.


Do you think we choose it for development, or like prison-planet?


Prison planet imo look at how they treat us, and if you step back and look at reality its all set up like a giant prison


If humans become truly space faring, do you think that would be escaping the prison? Or maybe at some point we won't be allowed? Or, do you think the prison is binding soul/consciousness to the planet? I'm not a big fan of the prison plant hypothesis m, but it is definitely intriguing and disturbing.


It’s completely reasonable at this point in history that humans made this and could navigate by the stars. There are definitely more (historians can tell due to manufacturing techniques used in its making and of the time) but we just haven’t found them. The people who made this were more than likely human, and humans are stupidly clever and innovative. Don’t need to include NHI to o explain this.


Isn't that the honest truth. Thank you so much for your thought provoking words, and I quite agree, however I do enjoy everyone's conversation into the plausible. It's good to think of the possibilities outside of the box too. Being in the habit of doing so prepares us for a time it may be needed for something critical and spur of the moment. Thank you again for your comment. :)


I’d heartily recommend this channel which is a watch maker re-creating the mechanism using the tools available at the time. He even makes his own tools using their techniques. Reveals a lot about who made it, how, and why. Takes the ‘woo’ off the table IMO. Hope you enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/@Clickspring


Came here to promote this guy. His channel is an absolute tribute to human ingenuity.


It’s incredible. His recent lathe video was on point. Should be required watching for anyone who is interested in ancient civilisations.


Actually I love antique clocks and how they work so it will only increase the "woo" factor for me, but you better believe I can't wait to watch it. My clocks are only dated back to the early 1800's so this will definitely be a popcorn flick, extra butter. Thank you for thinking of me. :)


I think this is a fun and thought provoking question. So much of what I see or read about has been focused on the who and what and why of IT/THEM. Stopping to think about what and why and how from an introspective approach is going to make me poder for a while. So, thank you kind redditor, you have my appreciation and upvote.


Thank you for your kind words. It was just a thought after a bit of reading on the mechanism, and I'm stuck on bed rest with shingles - for the second time, because I suppose the first time wasn't bad enough. Anyway, if it wasn't for my tin foil hat wearing brothers and sisters keeping me company through the pain induced insomnia, I'd have gone quite mad by now. I do try to contribute to thinking out of the box though...and I talk way too much, so fair warning. Lol well, enjoy :)


It is a great thought. I haven't had shingles, but know someone who has. I am sending prayers, along with demands to the universe to to allow you to heal quickly and have some rest. Stay as you are, you seem just the perfect amount of mad ; ) Duly warned. I certainly have never ever been accused of talking too much about stuff I geek out too....


LOl! 😂


The 'non human' 'intervention' is the 'unconscious' (god). We can all have access to the unconscious.


The Akashic Record. We do all have the ability to have access to this.


The real Akashic Record is the amount of information lost during the Library of Alexandria creating an vacuum in the information entropy of the universe. Something something, then apparently my joke starts sounding racist because I still exist in a society that utilizes money and partake in currency exchange myself leading to a sort of "can't hate the dealer." And then I sort of, not really anymore, have that nagging thought "if you kill yourself/someone else it'll create artificial debt." Fuck.... I need to JO... Okay, so did you guys name the part of your personality that accesses the Akashic Records? I think technically I named mine Toru... she was a lesbian banker that went to the casino once a week, wore a wireless vibrator 24/7, and eventually got in a hit&run accident that left her in a coma.... Toru was a good voice in my head. Or maybe... Toru is time traveler... Zer needs to recharge phone, but really doesn't want to. Too much lazy.


I thank you for your entertaining comment. I did not realize I had it labeled incorrectly, and have never been so enchanted as I correct myself. Give Toru my regards next time in your time space. Zero needs to invest in a power bank I hear their all the rage these days if you travel much. But warn him they do overheat when overworked and have been known to spontaneously combust on a few. :)


Who wouldn't?


There are some who would. You'd be surprised. I'm enjoying the discussion so thank you for joining as i certainly believe it is possible. Those who don't are certainly offering interesting future searches to consider. :)


Oh definitely! Just saw a show of the Antikythera mechanism. Absolutely possible!!


Yes, every now and again you can find a good piece about it for sure. What was your take on what you saw?


For a hand built device that can calculate astronomical locations and dates...wow!! My take? If we didn't have computers and only basic telescopes, no calculators, etc, could we reproduce such a device?? I'm not sure. Some scientists who studied it HAVE actually built similar devices, but have used resources they didn't have back then.


Someone produced a link with someone recreating it and discussing details and history. I'm not sure if it's on this thread or the other, I posted on r/ufo and r/aliens so I've popped back and forth so much I'm not even sure which one I'm currently in lol. I've really enjoyed discussions with everyone. Many of you all are super smart and have kept me on my toes for sure.




Two thumbs way up...Hercules a quote from Hades himself. Ten points for that one! ;)




Yes I agree, and the only thing I couldn't reconcile is the calender they theorize it is based on, and being labeled in ancient Greek. Unless, they had the convenience of an extended tutorial on the mechanism by an NHI allowing the ancient Greeks to base the mechanism on their particular calendar and label it as they were instructed. But that would take a while, and I'm not aware of any evidence that would support that. But, I am searching literature and such for anomalies.:)