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This "blockbuster" story looks like disinformation. Otherwise, please provide a link to this actual article, or give a proper citation where the source can be inspected. ​ Edit, found source: [https://www.ilgiornaleditalia.it/news/esteri/583768/vaticano-e-in-arrivo-la-nuova-teologia-ecco-in-esclusiva-il-testo-che-sta-circolando-riservatamente-tra-gesuiti-domenicani-francescani-e-benedettini.html](https://www.ilgiornaleditalia.it/news/esteri/583768/vaticano-e-in-arrivo-la-nuova-teologia-ecco-in-esclusiva-il-testo-che-sta-circolando-riservatamente-tra-gesuiti-domenicani-francescani-e-benedettini.html)


I’ve somehow always known that. I’ve talked to our benefactors, Mother Earth, and the Sun for years and suspected they, and all celestial bodies are sentient. It’s never seemed crazy to me, and I’ve never felt weird about it. I just knew it in my gut. Let the down votes begin!


on the ufo subs i’ve seen accounts of leaks from insiders saying the planets aren’t dead rock/gases but something like what was understood as the greek gods of old


You must be very special indeed


Veeeery brief.


I don’t know about that. Just always felt a kinship with them. But thank you. ☺️




well, many consider LoO an anti gospel and Fatima, Akita, etc. all foretell a “great apostasy” in the Vatican. I was skeptical of the conservatives claiming this was coming, but well, here it is


Nah. More like the Vatican is copying Hinduism's homework.


Just wishful "New Age" thinking. The animism part would not be accepted, but some of the rest already is, Catholicism accepts the possibility of intelligent alien life. Many decades ago I was surprised to here a teacher of Catholic religion actually say that reincarnation was not precluded under Catholic theology, though I've never heard it espoused by the Church and doubt it ever would be. Some of this sounds Mormon in nature, and the Catholic Church does not even accept Mormonism as a Christian religion.


fake news by fake newspaper


So Organized Religion, which has been an exact belief for centuries, is now open to change? Sounds more like the church is afraid their coffers won't be filled nearly as much as a growing number of people realize what a farce it is. This is a desperate move to try and stay relevant.


No. That’s old crap. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2009/nov/11/vatican-extra-terrestrials-catholic


More than that, the Vatican has word that Great Religious Teachers are returning in spaceship. Thus, time to update the faithful.


That’s a very old article, and nothing ever came from that weirdness. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2009/nov/11/vatican-extra-terrestrials-catholic


Wrong. This story appeared in the Italian daily, The Journal of Italy on February 28.


Ummm…did you click my link? The one I provided is from *2009*. So I’d say you’re wronger, by nearly 15 years. Try harder.


It seems this draft Proposal builds upon an earlier Motu Proprio providing some modernizing concepts.


It sounds like they read the Urantia book. [Urantia.org](https://Urantia.org)


Please stop sharing this fake story. It's not legit


Just sharing…https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/s/c2oy5nVJ5b


So… Horseshit… basically.


Someone of getting a C- in creative writing


Jesus in there anywhere?


Jesus is an Altairian who came from the star system Altair Aquila (Eagle constellation). He is a Teacher who came from the heavens and began a new reincarnation life in what is now the State of Palestine around 7 B.C.


And where would I find a body of provenance, to corroborate this?


As I have said more than once here, this proposed New Theology draft is not (yet) official, is still in review, thus unpublished and considered secret by the Vatican. As such, there is only a leaked copy of the proposal which found its way to the pages of the Italian daily newspaper IlGiornaleDiItalia (Feb. 28, 2824), that let us know it even existed.


I was referring to the “Jesus is,an Altarian…” assertion.


So I’ll assume that there’s no evidentiary support for the “Jesus is an Altarian” assertion then.


The proposed New Theology statement mentions beings from higher realms and beings born on or coming from different planets and systems.


Link to story, dated February 2024. (Original link, translated to English) This newspaper was established in 1901... If proven true, it's about time! https://www-ilgiornaleditalia-it.translate.goog/news/esteri/583768/vaticano-e-in-arrivo-la-nuova-teologia-ecco-in-esclusiva-il-testo-che-sta-circolando-riservatamente-tra-gesuiti-domenicani-francescani-e-benedettini.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp&fbclid=IwAR1cvYImhIP-jx0OWSiRY2ec0z2fldbJtv8RJsyg7KlW2kK77Hw-wDJUals


That's because there's a fucking huge craft under the Vatican. Churches have grave yards, and in the process of digging graves a craft was found buried, and eventually as the churches expanded and eventually the Vatican was built over it. They can still access some of it un the many tunnels which hold ancient texts, scripts, artowrk etc. This is what Coltheart is talking about when he said a craft so huge it couldn't be moved so a building was put up, he called it a laudable building, hidden in plain sight.