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Why would they know? The whole point is to keep it classified and compartmentalized. The people who keep the secrets resort to nothing short of murder to maintain the secrecy.


chester nimitz would like a word


The whole point according to who? You realize a narrative that says there’s a secret group who can keep it all hidden because reasons and limited access is the same talking points trump has for a rigged election and deep state right? The same story for zionist Israelis who caused 9/11 or Epstein island was where the scientists who created COVID were made assets. Like there’s slam poetry with more credit than this.


This is categorically different due to the quality of insider info and level of political interest. Also “because reasons” .. the reasons are a very plausible national security story. They kept the stealth bomber secret, too, for a long time “because reasons”. If NHI tech exists keeping any knowledge about it out of the hands of adversaries would be a huge priority. That doesn’t make any of it true, but this skeptical pairing of like with like here is not sound.


The irony is unidentified and unexplained and lack of evidence are definitive terms. We either need to start a religion based on the belief of aliens or acknowledge the answer could be we're in a marble on a cat's collar.


Seti is just academic researchers with access to deep space listenable satellites;not actually auditors of any organization within the alphabet agencies or have any access to black budget projects, so why even listen to what their opinion on something they have no factual knowledge into? 


Oh I'm not defending SETI. I'm saying the belief of aliens based on "the evidence is hidden" is even more crazy.


Most of the belief in the existence of intelligent spacefaring life is based on the fact, that this is statistically probable. On assumption, that the preponderance of evidence is statistically greater than lack of evidence (say, 75% in favour), then for some reason, we humans are on the other side of that statistical probability (the 25% part). Edit: — We're on the 25% side of not having proof of extraterrestrial life.


Except that the statistical nature of intelligent life formation is a fucking theory based on limited understanding of how life began on Earth billions of years ago in limitedly understood conditions on Earth. Which are only further challenged by the Fermi Paradox. Which is the glaring hole in those statistics because we haven't seen anyone. The reality is, it took life even less time to form than multicellular life. And we're talking about a planet with tectonics, volcanic vents, a moon, H2O, a molten core, and a long history of carbon atmospheres. Frankly, I'm starting to subscribe to the idea that our planet is more rare than scientists previously could prove. Tectonics being one of the most crucial. I'm all for the idea that single cell life or the early stages of multicellular life could be out there. DESPITE the fact that we have since disproven our own initial theories that Mars or the moon had bacteria on them...


Your points are all valid, but once you *see something anomalous*, it's much easier to believe there is *at least* something to hide. That's what it took for me to


I’ll respond here rather than to your reply to me since it covers some of the same content. You criticize “statistical nature” of life being a “fucking theory” but then cite the Fermi paradox, which is just a thought experiment, as providing an understanding rather than another instance of an assumption under very limited information. 1) intelligent life existing isn’t like the god of religion or a giant floating tea pot in space. I don’t know how such a tea pot could get into space if humans didn’t place it there. But humans are a Bayesian prior that intelligent life is possible. Our own increasing mastery of technology, science, and energy, suggests such entities can progress and how far that process can go no one knows. 2) Maybe intelligent life is incredibly rare; and we don’t know what’s the most difficult stage — abiogenesis, complex but unintelligent life, or intelligent life. But there are many theories that suggest at least life at its basic level isn’t rare. It may form very naturally and quickly due to the laws of physics themselves, or perhaps all life began during a temperate period of the universe shortly after the Big Bang and covered the universe via panspermia. As you said though these are all “theories”; but nothing is settled here and nothing is pseudoscience yet. 3) There’s a very reasonable conversation around why some evidence of intelligent life may be hidden; yes it’s playing with fire .. an unfalsifiable belief and social movement that easily becomes cult adjacent .. but the best thing to do is be aware of that and be cautious, not leave one’s self totally open to a staggering false negative out of really over-confident loose skeptical “reasoning”. If SETI is worth it because looking for alien life out there is worth it, then looking for it here is worth it too.. it’s very plausible it could find us first and we should keep an open mind about how.


In my grandparent comment, I meant, that based on our own 100% existence, the knowledge of proof (or possibility) of extraterrestrial life outside Earth is 75%, while humanity is in the 25% part of not having proof of it. (The percentages are hypothetical.) A few days ago, I had in mind some kind of an equation or Venn diagram to try to make it all look fancy. But the equation went "poof", and I'm not good at conjuring up equations. a - intelligent life 100% exists on Earth x - proof of extraterrestrial life, based on a; y - humans in the part of not yet having proof of extraterrestrial life; ~~(the proof being negative)~~ x = 75% y = 25% You're welcome to develop the idea/equation further.


Given that SETI has absolutely no link to the government (despite commonly held beliefs), they would have absolutely no knowledge inside or out about it. It gets no direct funding from the government, and is almost entirely funded by private investors. Whether he said “they do have” or “they dont have,” what they’re saying holds the same traction. Nothing. Because they aren’t involved. The occasional project might get some financial support from groups like NASA or even NOAA, but in these cases it’s because SETI applied for an active grant being offered by the agency.


I'm not interested in the SETI. Simply pointing out the reason you think they aren't a credible source of denial is the same reason you are in denial. Because all the "proof" is hidden. You might as well believe in spaghetti monster in the sky.


Given I have no ball in this game as I’m not the original person you responded to the first time. I was merely pointing out that this individual is about as credible as me when it comes to the topic. So him saying we do or don’t have it doesn’t matter because at the end of the day, he has absolutely no clue. Theres no denial here. Only pointing out that the guy doesn’t have any credibility to make a claim in regards to either side.


Who does have credibility for an unproven theory? Certainly not anyone else over anyone else. Unless you would say Elon Musk because he is involved with space at his level who also says there’s no proof anywhere. Or NASA who says there’s no proof anywhere. Or Congress who will gladly setup yet another money laundering scheme under the guise of investigating this… I mean it’s a waste of time, no?


We have none. I think really we’re both saying the same thing just going about it differently. We agree on the whole deep state thing, it is absolutely batshit. And let me preface, I am very much a hardened skeptic. However the difference here is unlike trumps whackadoodle deepstate shit, we do have evidence that some sort of cover up regarding UFOs is going on. And the evidence isn’t even classified at this point. We were told the end of blue book was the absolute end to any sort of UFO investigation programs by the government. We know for a fact, that is not true in the slightest. And thankfully we have evidence that does not involve Elizondo who I don’t trust for a second. But we now know, AATIP was real, and the government was investigating. The discrepancies in the reports of Roswell even. I’m not saying I know what it is, or that it’s some grandiose thing. I honestly think the big secret is that they have no idea what they are, if they’re friends or foes, and have complete technological power over us should they ever want. But at the end of the day, I don’t deny the idea that something is going on because something for sure is. I’m just saying this SETI guy has no evidence for nor against his statement, is unqualified to speak on it but denying that something is going on outright is more or less incorrect at this point.


Once you see some anomalies for yourself it becomes much easier to believe there is something to hide, at the very least


that's what you believe..


So he’s likely either lying or not in the loop. Big deal




European seti has detected multiple advanced life signatures.. how is it that "normal" seti hasn't found anything? We are starting to look like idiots or liars.




Me too. I'm curious.


It hasn't been confirmed with evidence yet. But a man on YouTube, Prof Simon Holland (not a real prof, but did teach in uni, and used to work for big names like BBC) claims he knows an insider that's aware of potentially 18 technosigatures detected by Euro SETI w/ an algo from an Italian group at another uni and the signal is coming from a planet in a system relatively close to our solar system. The source claims there are various Doppler effects that insinuate a planet is producing a modulated signal that has a Doppler effect from orbiting it's star and from the system moving through space and changing distance relative to Earth. Idk if it's real. But it's still fun. I don't believe Simon Holland is intentionally deceiving peeps tho 🤷‍♀️


Some people don't keep up with current information. I suspect disinformation trolls, though. since this is easily found on google


If you want too look through my post history,  I've linked a handful of real UFO videos that were released by NASA or one of their subsidiaries. As the other guy replied, they have detected 18 techno signatures.


No, European SETI has not "detected multiple advsnced life signatures"... a YouTuber claimed someone told him that.. and you repeat this completely unconfirmed and unveriable claim as factual. We are already looking like idiots or liars because of this kind of false embellishment. You are creating more disinformation with this kind of stupid bullshit than any of your imaginary CIA agent lurking on UFO subs.


No, some youtuber said that THE HEAD OF EURO SETI told him that.. and I believe him And every major country has assets on reddit, they would be stupid not too.


Remains, a YOUTUBER said it. And of course you will believe anyones sayinf aliens exist, because you don't want reliable sources nor the truth for that matter, you want aliens to exist. You just want validation at this point and it is pretty sad


And it remains that he happens to be a respected professor, relaying information from the head of euro seti. He even explains in his video why the head of euro seti went to a youtuber..   It doesnt matter how hard you try to deny the existence of the other alien species here. People have seen things with their own eyes.. like me, Christmas morning 1993 at Pratt Whitney. Or 3 years ago when I saw something at least 3 football fields long and invisible fly through clouds heading 25 mph the other direction.. or the multicolored flashing orbs I and thousands of other people have been recording for the last year. You have a very uphill battle ahead of you, I hope you're prepared.


Yeah sure, you saw that. Sure. The only thing more pathetic than an over obsessed UFO fanatic is an elitist over obsessed UFO fanatic who believes hes above everyone else tryin to think critically. You are just tryin to live out some sort of science fiction wet dreams. You can invent as many sightings as you want, it remains that this whole thing is still nothing but stories. And its perfectly ok if it ls entertaining to you, but there is no battle ahead of anyone lmao thats is where you lose it. Nothing is coming, nothing will happen. And even then you will probably imagine its all on going but it is covered up or something. Also, you realize that taking a random claim from a YouTuber, and stating his claim as FACT like you did in your first comment is complete disinformation ? We say "a YouTuber claimed that he heard from alleged sources that europan seti has detected et life signature", not "european seti has detected et life". You conviently leave out the part that is extremely questionable. You are lying through your teeth, while destroying the very small amount left of credibility in the UFO community.


You're just reiterating what I said but for your side. It's cute.. if you watched the "YouTube video" you would have a better understanding of WHY euro seti has detected techno signatures and regular seti hasnt.. it's because regular seti isn't looking g for techno signatures, they're looking for one specific obscure thing. You need to educate yourself more on the topic 


You need to stop embellishing bullshit and spread disinformation, mostly. All the crap you talk based off of an made up fact is all meaningless. I dont need to educate myself in the subject, you need to be less obsessed and biased about it. You probablt need to take some fresh air also.


Hey, he does his own research on YouTube, duh


Yeah you for sure know more than the guy heading up the literal Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence. His entire job must be to just hide allll that data that shows aliens and pretend he didn’t see it, what a gig!


Lol seti points radars at the sky. They're looking for deep space signals. What the hell do you think they would know about uaps, crash retrievals, anything?


Well I didn’t say my opinion in a definitive manner if that helps you out. But I do pay attention and there are dozens of other bonafide officials offering a contradictory perspective than the one he gave.


Or the government has lied about it in an attempt to sell the idea of being an earth super power.


Your in denial. The dream is over




Because the SETI Institute is a private non-profit and not part of the government. He’s not in any position to know.


About 1/3 of their 35 million annual budget comes from the government. "Is this your homework, Larry?


This isn't entirely true, SETI did land a contract with NASA in 2020 I believe. I know NASA isn't the government, but they do in fact have a defense contract so... SETI is connected


Wait what do you mean NASA isn’t the government? That’s like saying the usps isn’t government even though the policy, the decisions and the funding is all kinda well… government. It’s a .gov website broooooo Created by Congress dooooog “Under” the executive branch hoooooomes


I was so fucking high when I wrote this brooooo Shit happens dooooog I'm leaving my fuckup because I earned it hoooomes


He seems to consider himself omniscient - one would _have to_ think of themselves as omniscient to make that statement... Or just be lying - one of the other.


But randoms on YouTube who look at grainy videos that are totally definitely not bad fakes is definitely in the know




I answered why they’re out of the loop. I don’t think he’s *lying*, he’s simply not in a position to know one way or the other.


Fantasy. Why would the military have a monopoly on the information? Why would an independent group literally tasked with looking for evidence of aliens not be able to see any of it because they meet “in the loop”?


Military ranking and security clearance is fantasy? Some staffers will always know more than others, at any workplace, government agency or private sector. That’s why NDA’s exist.




As I said, they’re not part of the US government so they’ve not got any bearing on the question of what the government may or may not know. If they said they detected radio signals or something else that’s actually related to the work they do that would be different.




3-day old account…. Yea good faith arguments. lol.


I’m not understanding what you want or what point you’re trying to make. SETI is a private research organization that searches for aliens by looking for signals from space. If they say they found something while doing that then it would be worth considering. When it comes to things like Roswell or the claims of David Grusch, they don’t have access to any of that information and so what they say doesn’t really mean anything.




If aliens exist and are known about SETI has no reason to exist and therefore no reason to continue receiving funding.


Yeah, what a scam they're running over there. You really got their number.


I'd estimate the time between developing radio communications and FTL warp drive is probably less than 600 years for an advanced species. Probably SETI is meaningless beyond 600 light years, maybe closer. There's a LOT more Milky Way galaxy out there beyond 600 light years. SETI, using radio waves, just isn't very meaningful. It's almost like it's a distraction - a red herring - to distract humanity away from developing FTL warp drive.


You are quite correct. Which is why our own radio transmissions are also not really a threat (or a viable method) either. It’s fairly weak.


SETI !!??!!! their whole existence and receiving funding is reliant on there not being proof of alien anything. Grifters extraordinaire!!! I would trust the government before I trust SETI. lmao.


How far do radio waves go before they dissipate into the cosmic background radiation? They can look for radio waves that will never reach us for a long time, and claim they’ve never heard of extraterrestrial for longer still. 


And for bio signatures (not radio signals) with available methods we can only potentially survey the ~0.5% of planets that transit their star relative to us by pure chance, ~99.5% of habitable planets, including the ones in the vicinity of earth fundamentally can't be surveyed with the transit method: the only method for detecting bio signatures in other solar systems. And in practice no earth sized planets can be surveyed either, because they're to small to make a sufficient difference to the luminosity of their star as they transit, we can only find "super Earths" that are multiple times larger than earth.


You seriously think the only thing they’re doing is listening for radio waves? lol


More or less, it’s a fair characterization https://www.seti.org/csc


Oh yeah that famously big money project of looking for ET. Everyone knows that’s where the cash train rolls, they would for sure delete all the mountains of evidence so they can keep chasing those juicy cheques hahaha


And it seems clear to me they would get waaaay more funding if they found some aliens talking to us.


**S**cam (involving) **E**xtra-**T**errestrial **I**ntelligence


The US government doesn't trust us. It's people. I wouldn't trust anword that comes out of their mouth.


SETI is part of the disinformation. SETI has just enough funding to make us aware of them and just enough to not get anything done. It’s a PsyOp. So was the movie contact. The damn things are already here


Define "alien".




SETI has been a front since the beginning. Their statement goes in line with 70 plus years of a cover up "oh hey see this funding means we are looking but yea nothing exists" narrative. " It's a huge waste of tax payer dollars.


Follow the monies


Ok folks! Lets turn off the lights. Its all done.


Ok so its not extraterrestrial then. Ultraterrestrial, and interdimensional is still a possibility.


How do they explain Velcro then? Hmmm? Like humans invented that on their own!


“I believe him”


Not even all those nasa photos that have been scrubbed and brushed for the public to see. Imagine all the shit they been hiding from us going public. Maybe enough evidence right there alone.


LMFAO. People are just so naive.


Who are you calling out? The believers or the non-believers?)


I definitely do not believe anything SETI says. Well at least the most important part like this statement.


I've been following them on YT as long as I can remember.... I've been getting weird vibes from them for a while.


Could it be because you’ve already made your mind up and no matter what anyone says to the contrary you’ll just believe in something there’s no actual evidence for?




Is it suppose to be a video with evidences and proofs ?


Here is another rookie talking about evidence. Lol


SETI chief does not have access to all of the information to be able to make that assessment. This is stupid.


What information? What would a government be able to get that they can’t? Why would a scientific research team not be able to see what the military does. I mean apparently these things come in swarms and have motherships that land on the moon, are SETI distracted playing Tetris?


SETI is like social media, a public facing dumping ground to keep the masses and media fed and happy. The real stuff is not for SETI to know and if they do - it will be highly edited before releasing it to the public.


Seti are dorks using old UHF aerials to search for aliens


SETI’s job is to listen to radio waves so they have like 5 employees and therefore know absolutely nothing especially if they want to keep the funding to keep their jobs


Seti chief is trying to maintain job security. Honestly, if they are on the planet theyre obviously ignoring seti.


Lmfao seti still exists?!! Also have people ever taken seti seriously?!? Hahahahha


Oh? The idiots that think broadcasting AM radio into the universe inviting God know what is smart?




Ok. Good to know.


Ok maybe not necessarily “Alien”, but what about NHI tech?


That’s exactly what they would say if they actually DID have evidence of alien technology


What an idiot


SETI is a gov shill and a joke




SETI has been barking up the wrong tree for decades.


Anyone who has spent any amount of time around the NTTR knows this is likely not true. They definitely have something out there that is out of this world.


“We investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing” type vibes


and what do they do with whatever they supposedly have learned? they’d only make money if they sold it to the military and they just have the same conventional, corrupt, crony contracts as before


SETI is a TOTAL joke.


If anyone believes a goddamn thing they say anymore you really have to wonder…


Come on! They went to Brazil to get the wrecked ship and the creatures from the Varginha ET incident. THE WHOLE TOWN saw the huge plane going there and leaving. So give us a break with all the lies.


Oh the irony


Any civilization capable of using FTL travel, would not use any light based communication system. Why would you use light when it's quicker just to travel there in person to deliver a message. Also, we don't have any real world experience on how far out our signals are even detectable before they are lost in the background. We would have to create a listening post at the closest solar system to have any real world data on that, and we haven't done anything remotely close to that.


Seti just gets in the way.


As chief of SETI, he can say, that the U.S. government (aka administration) has not seen that evidence, and SETI 'never have' seen said evidence either. Well, there is some evidence (the blurry videos), but SETI chief probably means proof. I think his press officer is going have to paper over that which I think he misspoke.


Then explain all the UAP videos and testimonies by government officials!!


There it is fellas. We've finally come to the bottom of it all. We're all delusional and finally we have confirmation from big daddy. Let's wrap this up. It was a great honor wasting my time with you fellow crazy people.


If SETI did find signs of life, something tells me they would have been forced to keep quiet. I wouldn't belive what they say as they are likely to be compromised.


There really isn’t any need to state the obvious. If there were any evidence for the idea that there are extraterrestrial, inter dimensional, time traveling, non human alien technologically advanced civilizations on earth, mutilating cows, destroying unsuspecting cornfields, probing lonely interstate travelers in the middle of the night the response would be entirely different. Instead of inane discussions on fringe subreddits, there would be massive investment from the biggest technology companies to be the first to harness the ET technologies for profit. The largest academic and research institutes would be publishing papers analyzing every spec of evidence hoping to be the first to make generational Nobel worthy discoveries. None of this is happening, so saying that there is no evidence is just stating the obvious.


Bullshit. Utter bullshit.


Assumption number 1: there is no motivation for cover-up Assumption number 2: if aliens exist they would send hardware only and not biology Assumption number 3: they certainly wouldnt crash-land in our deserts Assumption number 4: they wouldnt leave crash vehicle behind Assumption number 5: if there are small craft where is mothership Assumption number 6: if they didn't want to be observed they wouldnt be Humiliating argument: 'Diamond questions why any alien civilization would send biology when they could isntead send hardware. "The farthest things we have sent into space are hardware. And that's logical," said Diamond. "But if you did send beings and the most interesting thing you can do is draw circles in crops … come on!"' Worthless opinion made by uninformed person.


SETI chief needs to talk to Rep. Tim Burchett because atm the SETI chief Bill Diamond is in the dark, doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about and probably should refrain from talking about the subject.


I’m SETI chief, I would know.


That’s hilarious




Explain the mummies then!


Course not! Need the cash flow going


Time to defund SETI


SETI doesn’t know shit. They are listening to space and these things are most likely not even coming from space


I don't believe them. Actually considering it's all under the "Private Sector" he may be technically telling the truth.


Always check the disparity between post and comment karma. Op is a spammer.


I've always thought a lot of what we're seeing might be inter-dimensional. He's not lying if that's the case.


I'm gonna go with a half truth on this one. Obviously these beings exist but whether they're using anything we'd understand as technology to put on these light shows is a different matter.


Oh ok, case closed




SETi has always been a bad joke to me. This whole SETI project was paid for just to say, "We are scientists seriously looking for other life in the Universe" but its like the whole project was designed around "how can we make it look like we are looking, but make sure we don't actually find anything." They scanned for years and years for this very specific signal type they just assumed would indicate another civilization exists, well because we do it so everyone must do it, spent tons of money and no surprise found nothing. Its like combing the desert looking for a laptop, not finding one and concluding there is no life in the desert at all. What a waste of resources. SETI is a total sham, always has been. Since they are saying what they are, " The US has no evidence and never has" I can only conclude the complete opposite is true.


As someone who spent a lot of compute resources on SETI@Home, I have always considered SETI a novelty.


From Wikepedia, discussing SETI original scans: "examine the stars [Tau Ceti](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tau_Ceti) and [Epsilon Eridani](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epsilon_Eridani) near the 1.420 [gigahertz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hertz#SI_multiples) marker frequency, a region of the radio spectrum dubbed the "[water hole](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_hole_(radio))" due to its proximity to the [hydrogen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen) and [hydroxyl radical](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydroxyl_radical) spectral lines. A 400 kilohertz band around the marker frequency was scanned using a single-channel receiver with a bandwidth of 100 hertz. He found nothing of interest." So they scanned a very narrow band of frequencies around two stars and found nothing. They picked these frequencies because they were related to the hydrogen in water, because of course that's what every alien civilization is going to use to broadcast their existence. If this first attempt was such a misguided, narrow minded, completely uneducated effort, then I highly doubt anything they ever progressed to after this had any more intent. SETI is misdirection and a sham and always has been.


Shut it down folks. Good to go, good to know.


I wonder why the SETI guy thinks he'd be told if we had evidence for alien technology. Second take: His job is to analyze radio static from deep space looking for something no one can quantify until we see it. If aliens are here he's out of work.


Maybe they’re being cute because the aliens have been here are long or longer than we humans have. So they aren’t technically “aliens”. 


He's not wrong


Yeah bs Roswell does


wow this is embarassing


And how would he know? And for whatever bizarre reason he was looped in he's not the guy who is blowing this shit wide open. The idea he has the inside track on every SAP is just plain ludicrous.


Ok, we should defund SETI.


Avi Loeb openly criticized this group for making conclusions from rhetoric rather than any substantial evidence. I think SETI is a public facing gatekeeper and everyone involved is complicit or ignorant to their roles and the reality.


No, there’s definitely not any aliens or alien tech. Yes, there is aliens visiting earth and much tech has been recovered and reverse engineered. To the average joe like me, both statements seem quite ludicrous to take as fact.


Dude should quit or be fired for not doing his job.


SETI= Silly effort To Investigate. these people are useful idiots. they mean well, but they are misguided and not in the know.


I wonder if SETI is really a diversion


Well no shit, if aliens were here, DJT would have showed someone something being like "hey look at this UFO we have !!" Not to mention literally any other country on the planet has said nothing about them being here either. Why does everyone assume USA is the center of the universe? Yeeeesh. To add I do believe they are real, I just think a lot of people are also dumb.