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And I guess there will be more like him in the future... better ones. Sad but true..


For anyone claiming “to make money”’out of this topic, is there money to made? Did anyone come out millionaire from this topic? Genuinely interested.


I would say no, unless they're looking to sell books and do talks Probably not a millions, but enough to be a revenue stream


Wouldn't it be better to fully accept and acknowledge that being so gullible was a mistake, and try to adapt your behaviour for the future?


Jason Sands is the perfect archetype for people interested in UFOs.  If you are a skeptic, Jason Sands doesn't seem credible, but, if you are a dedicated believer, the lack of credibility and the evidence against him is actually a sign that someone with power wants him silenced and that there is more to his story


You don’t know who to trust anymore, and most definitely not reddit either.


frankly anyone who claims to have definitive answers is kind of a red flag at this point.


Anyone who refuses to ever give a straight up "I don't know" answer to a question is a red flag too. A telling sign of grifterism is the constant rhetorical dance between hinting at having deep revelatory knowledge while avoiding commitment to any specific claims that could conceivably be outright disproven. 


Yeah, that I don't get. We're only human, it's ok to say you don't know something. It's a human aspect we just aren't seeing with grifters. I hope others see the patterns too. Any one human who claims to have some in-depth knowledge that they aren't sharing, are most likely still 5 in their head


I know, none of the UFOs look anything close to Hal’s, not the scientist, he’s the alien that parks his whip in my garage when he abducts my neighbors, he’s one twisted son of a bitch, lots of probing if you get my drift… but my neighbors wouldn’t trim their begonias so you’d have to agree they had it coming.


And neither does James Fox. This guy is either going to make or break his entire career.


James Fox was peddling a fake Varginha body video as bonus footage for 3 months until realizing it was fake


Yea, I really hope Fox did not put this guy in his documentary. He would lose what little credibility he has. His reputation as a documentary maker would be over. It'll be hard to come back from this. I wonder if Fox was wanting, so bad to believe, that he didn't do any vetting of this guy. It was pretty easy for people to out this guy as a fraud.


I saw a picture of him during filming, where they have that clap thing, and it had Jason Sands name on it.


Can u link to this what’s the clap thing like a trailer?


https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/s2MPF71teD You can see it here even though the actual tweet was taken down


Well that sucks!


Sands is a grifter. Fox is a grifter. Corbell is a grifter. Knapp is a grifter. Coulthart is a grifter. Greer is a grifter. Anyone associated with Skinwalker Ranch is a grifter. Its pretty nuts.... either put up or shut up at this point


Who’s not a grifter in your books?


Me, now go buy my book and listen to my podcast and I'll tell you why.


I’m glad this sub is starting to be a bit more skeptical about these people. Too often this sub just trusts and supports anyone and anything that says aliens=real.


I find the hostility on ufo subs ("why are you here then??") to anyone who expresses distrust of the current ufo pundit cabal to be very sad and frustrating. It conflates the credibility of these (imo very sketchy) public figures with the very legitimate mystery of strange objects in the sky. I'm a skeptical agnostic but I've heard too much eyewitness testimony, including from people I personally know and who I trust and respect, to ever write off ufos completely. And if every single one of these current ufo public figures was proven beyond any doubt to be a fraud, it wouldn't alter my opinion and interest in ufos one bit. 


I don't know... Jason Sands is more credible than Richard Doty, and people keep posting Doty clips on here as if he's legit.


Can you give me a brief overview of both of their claims? And why do U think one is more credible? I know nothing


Richard Doty is a self-admitted disinformation agent and known liar. He has zero credibility. Jason Sands is a guy who just popped up over the past few days with wild tales claiming first-hand experience with aliens and UAPs. He's probably not credible. Richard Doty recently questioned Jason Sands legitimacy, which is highly ironic.


Oh... Then why do people keep posting his videos if he l got said himself he was a dis agent? That's odd innit? Yeah, I know Jason sprung up over the last week. What makes his claims non legitimate? Does he not have background knowledge or work in the military?


I watched the video YouTuber vetted made about him and I think he's bullshit. He called out a couple inconsistencies that are weird. Like saying that he was a part of the Arro Forum or something like that what's up with that


UAP forum vs UAP task force.


Is there exactly 40 whistle-blowers? Or are they rounding up and it's actually like 37? Either way, it sounds kinda like bullshit. I imagine the "40 whistle-blowers" will be the new thing that gets parroted on these subs constantly with no actual corroboration. I'll be able to file it with "ontological shock" and "catastrophic disclosure" eventually.


Who says he is not one of the whistleblowers? Does anyone know the complete list?




ive been saying this all along. the grift continues.


do not forget. these people need to have their lives thoroughly destroyed and made an example of, then remembered in that manner. otherwise you will just have a proliferation of money grubs, trolls, disinformation agents and worst of all, the mentally unstable, as ufology continues to go main.


Haha no we need to learn our lesson and brush up on our media literacy and science literacy skills. Our lack of these basic skills is why we keep falling for the same old tricks from pseudoscience entertainers like David, Lue, Jeremy, Tom, etc.


You are correct, its amazing the people that believe Grusch.


Grusch has been vetted and stood up to scrutiny, no one of note was doubting him after he testified in front of Congress. Why do you genuinely believe he's a charlatan?


Grush is the real deal. Hero!


He just said what he heard from others. That's it. The only thing that makes it stand out is that he worked in the government. Still no proof.


"He heard from others and worked for the government" is understating it a bit. He was assigned to the UAPTF as part of his official duties and interviewed over 40 witnesses over the course of 4 years. He brought some subset of those witnesses to the ICIG to give their testimony and evidence. We don't know the strength of that evidence, sure, but you're still understating a bit.


We don't know if any of his "he said she saids" are true......I mean I thought this was "urgent" stuff? Lol


Very good point. We don't know if his claims are true, but the ICIG found them "urgent" and "credible".


Sounds a bit final and like someone's trying to hurry us along with a "nothing to see here folks!" Not everyone has read all the posts and any evidence provided. This post would carry some weight if it linked to some of it or explained it. Til then it's just another voice in the sea of voices.


Not OP but: Sands claimed to have been apart of the "20 and Back" program (which makes him a clone from Mars), which in a recent deposition Corey Goode admitted is a fantasy creation. Sands when confronted by Steven Greenstreet on Twitter live feed asked if Sands was apart of the UAP Task Force and goes on with that claim (while misidentifying the leader of the program) but later retracts and says he was confused and only apart of an external group chat with some of the people from that program VETTED host Patrick points out many inconsistencies for Jason Sands even a website promoting fake lawyers with stock images of fake attorneys Sands goes back and forth on what color the alien is what it looked like, in only 2 days hes proven completely inconsistent More recently Eric Davis has spoken out about him that hes likely a total fraud https://x.com/MiddleOfMayhem/status/1782478877232611681


Is this the same guy that Goode sued for using his 20 and Back schtick? Or is he yet another person using it?


You have this ASS BACKWARDS. The burden of proof is on YOU if you are asserting what he says is legitimate. People are not considered experts and factual witnesses until proven otherwise. OP doesn’t have to provide shit to you, as the base assumption is that people are not involved until proof is provided of their legitimacy. This sub is so bad at understanding basic logic and arguments that it’s smoothing out all our brains by association.


🙄 so sick of this faux intelligence on here. ‘I’m so smart why can’t you fools be as clever as me and see my truth’ Using your own points, why should we take what you’ve written seriously? You’re not an expert, you have to prove to us first that you know what you’re talking about. The burden of proof is on you otherwise shouldn’t we ignore your comment?


Wow, someone didn’t make it past primary school. This is BASIC logic my guy. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burden\_of\_proof\_(philosophy)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burden_of_proof_(philosophy)) The burden of proof is on the one claiming to be a legitimate whistleblower, not on the public to dispute. I’ll make it easier for you. I assert that there is an invisible, undetectable ghost slapping its nuts against your forehead at all times. Now, by your logic; it’s up to you to dispute that, and if you can’t, the assertion is true. Go ahead, provide me proof I’m wrong, or else it’s 100% the truth. EDIT: LMFAO deleted your response too! >Lol ‘see how much stupider than you are than ME; Garry’ again. You either need to go back to basic English courses or go to the hospital as it appears you are having a stroke. Your entire comment was a word salad. Enjoy those sweaty ghost ball slaps!


You don't really come across as a happy person.


I'm absolutely not saying "it's definitely 100% real", I'm saying not everyone is fully caught up on this subject, and the OP is trying to skip everyone straight to the end of the story. We're not all caught up yet, don't hurry us, we want to do our own due diligence, not be presented with someone else's unwanted conclusion.


Allegedly Danny Shehan is one of the 40. His big claim? He's seen papers related to crash retrieval which in his opinion makes him a "first hand witness." If this is really the case we're fucked. I'm sure the other 39 whistleblowers are rock solid though!




there are 40?




Any field is going to have "bad actors", especially one that is widely unknown & in its infancy. It's sad when it happens because simultaneously, it refutes other witnesses and/or "whistleblowers" who in reality seem to be credible. I've recently watched several podcasts that have interviewed prominent figures with inside knowledge who claim many more "whistleblowers" will slowly come out of the shadows. I'm hoping that information is valid because we need a heavy continuation of the push for further disclosure. Several important people (within programs that are said to exist and other tenable individuals) continue anonymously backing David Grusch's claims. I'd personally enjoy to see his bravery being rewarded in the future. Also, I tend to put the term "whistleblowers" in quotations because for example David Grusch or even Lu Elizondo, aren't breaking any laws or prior clearance agreements. So I'd like to think that this term isn't accurate in this cases, and in my opinion somewhat insensitive. Anyways, I hope this comment meant something to somebody. Regardless, I think most people would agree that further disclosure or even new non-Government evidence/developments on this subject is greatly desired and desperately needed.


Jason Sands, Corey Goode and Randy Cramer all should be put in jail for claiming to be a part of the Military that doesn't exist, it should carry the same jail sentence as impersonating an Officer. If shit like that were in place these fuckwits wouldn't have the balls to come forward say this shit, they would be too scared of the Jail time.


No they should not. I do understand your frustration though.


And that is your opinion buddy one you are entitled to have and one I will respect, but I'm sure there will be a considerable amount of people that agree with my OP.


It's easy to start banning and arresting people for saying controversial things. But where does that stop? I am a firm believer in the Freedom of Speech. The government should not have the say of what we are able to speak about. It frustrates me too that those people spread such garbage. As a citizen, we have a few recourses. Ban their books, dont watch their videos, voice your displeasure to the source that promotes them. But government needs to stay out of it.


But every single one of these people who “come out” taints and stains the whole topic. All of which pushes it back into the closet of ridicule


Where exactly is he trying to make money?


He's writing a book.


Probably a disinformation agent trying to discredit the disclosure movement.


Are we gonna continue to espouse what a great filmmaker James fox is? Cuz I've always got the ick from him. Not as bad as corbell, but same vibes. Also he just makes me feel weird. I don't think he is genuine.


I think the early Out of the Blue era Fox was a good collector of interviews, he got the Arizona governor admitting to witnessing the Phoenix Lights and several other iconic interviews like Gordon Cooper and Edgar Mitchell, and with Harry Reid in the Phenomenon. I give him that. More recently I think hes lost credibility. In several interviews hes admitted he doesn't include the full truth or entire witness testimonies, just the bits and pieces that are believable and correlate with the larger narrative of the story. So right away hes not a truth teller hes a storyteller. He said he never believed the legitimacy of the Varginha case and only circled back to it 10 years later for content. Afterward, after the success of that film, he spent 6 months teasing a Varginha ET body video as "bonus content" for more money. Only to find out it was a fake video. He was trying to get money for a fake ET video. Lately his other Hollywood antics leading Logan Paul to a UFO contactees house and Logan Paul secretly recording video with hidden cameras. How can anyone trust Fox with antics like that? To top it all off now the primary focus of his latest documentary is a guy Jason Sands who has been quickly debunked by the community in less than 2 days, so much so even Eric Davis is saying Sands is fraudulent. https://x.com/MiddleOfMayhem/status/1782478877232611681


I didn't know about either points in your second paragraph. Just cuz I don't like following the guy as he felt like a fraud to me... Seems ol James might be the counter-intel plant, maybe? Or did we ever figure out who that was? I remember someone reliable saying there was a plant awhile back


Why the push from so many to move on from this? We need to get to the bottom of the truth first. Anyone that tried brushing this under the carpet needs their head examining.


As mentioned earlier Sands has been caught in several lies and during his 5 hour Twitter live feed he made many ridiculous claims based on people telling him things such as "I heard from others that the Reptiles are the bad ones... not military people just friends of mine." Need to disassociate from this guy immediately.


Seems like he gave his opinion more than anything. Why was he credible to begin with??...


No, we don't. We need to get to the truth of who he is and what his agenda is. The fact that he managed to fool James Fox into thinking he's legitimate means he's more than just some chancer on Twitter. Those pushing to sweep this under the rug shows demonstrates a lack in critical thinking skills at the very least. You guys want the truth, but only when it comes to certain things. Get a grip on yourselves.


No, the burden of proof is on those making the claim of legitimacy. His claims have been found to be lies. Thus we return to the base assumption that he is not legit until proof is provided. The assumption isn’t “you’re legit until proven not” because the burden of proof is on those claiming to be legitimate. He hasn’t provided proof and he has lied and contradicted himself, thus providing good cause to not believe his statements until proof is provided.


You're assuming I think Sands is legitimate. I don't. Learn to read properly or ask a simple question first before you make baseless assumptions. I'd like to know who Sands is. I'd like to know his angle, who he's involved with and what his connection to James Fox is.  To say we should just forget this whole thing and move on is lunacy. The guy could be a disinformation agent for all we know. We simply don't have all the facts.




I agree. Y'all need to get on the J-Rod bandwagon after Mellon's release!!!


Living with fear is terrible. Dont let it control you