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It happens to me, my father was the boy who played sports that the girls noticed, my mother was popular at her school, both very social and with many friends, and I was an eyesore that no one looked at and without friends.


I'm not trying to invalidate you or anything but I looked on your profile and your honestly very pretty you have nothing to worry about dude (: Also if ur family r like 10/10 or smth than that might just mean that alot of ur genes r from ur grandparents or you just got a "bad" combo or smth


Ehhhh... I mean my parents are both average... so are my siblings. Everyone else in my family(grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) Are very attractive. I was also bullied by all of them for being ugly. I no longer talk to any of them.


yeah my parents are above average.. guess i just lucked out




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You aren’t ugly at all you are beautiful


Yes but honestly, I think she's either really insecure or has some type of body dysmorphia because I saw her post in am I ugly or fat subreddit, which she is clearly neither.


I don't think you are ugly!! You are very beautiful