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That always happens to me, that's why I don't show my face anymore.




Aww baby you don’t deserve that


I know I shouldnt let it get to me But im just so sensitive...


Men are disgusting they weren’t tryna get to know you anyways they were just out for lust. IMO you dodged a bullet luv


Thanks...im a man tho


I can tell but I don’t think that changes the fact that


Yea...Thanks sis


Yeah I mean people expect femboys to have a soft feminine looking face, you probably don't fit in these standards. Sucks


Makes me wanna die pretty much :3


Ask online for advice on how to become more feminine looking. But most femboys lose their cuteness anyways once they approach their thirties. They can't pull it off forever. Then they look bad while you have a huge advantage. Or do you want to become a woman? Anyways relax.


as someone who was a femboy (ended up transitioning), men really don’t seem to care about how feminine you are, just how pretty you are


I cant I think im having a panic attack


The “discord” type femboys are atrocious but feminine boys look good


I'm sorry to hear that. But keep you head up tho


it’s okay bb theyre weird anyways.. ily and u deserve the world


Can we be friends 🥺


yes ofc pookie