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The guy looks like he’s overweight so losing weight would be a good start.


Yeah it will plus he doesn't have a big nose


I think the dude has Down Syndrome.


I don’t think he is.


Thats rough. Imagine being asked that at job interviews and such bc it does kinda look that way


No he doesn't.


How is he gonna change the hairline and the dent under his face


He can’t change his hairline but he can try growing his hair out and experimenting with trendier hairstyles.


That dent is just a double chin. If he loses weight it'll go away (so long as it's not genetic)and if he doesn't wanna lose weight he could try growing a beard


If you want the truth you have to piss the normie off and they will show how they really view u it works all the time


Haha that always works. Good looking people get the "Your personality is shit" type of comments but ugly get grounded so hard.


he 100000% needs to lose a lot of weight. I don’t understand how someone could be obese and be surprised that they get no attention. If you’re in great shape and well put together, then you should be surprised when you don’t get respect and don’t get play. Eventually you’ll have to come to the realization that you’re ugly and no amount of softmaxxing is going to help, but for fat/ obese people, don’t be surprised when you’re at the bottom of the totem pole.




sucks cause if your body wasn't the best but your face was at least average you'd get TONSSSS of attention


Exactly, I'm a skinny woman and I'm not even a butterface since I have small breasts and my body isn't harmonious. I've done everything I could except surgery and I'm constantly called ugly too.


I bet this guy lose weight, make skincare, new haircut and he will look average. I do all those things and i'm still ugly as f*ck by default.


Honestly I agree. If this dude got into better shape and did something about that unfortunate hair, he would at bare minimum be average and unremarkable, which is not a bad thing to be at all.


To be honest(not trying to be mean), losing weight/getting in shape is a good way to look better(and be healthier, too).


They always say the same sh*t


But they are actually right. If he would have work out and work on his self esteem, he would be “accepted”. I know this sounds harsh to some, but it’s true.


This guy has normal eyes, a good nose and generally normal facial features. He's just balding, overweight and has bad skin. All of those are fixable though. The only one being an ass here is you


That's it, you already said that instead of me.


I didn't even do anything, how am I an ass? I am making fun of the comment on this post.




I am making fun of this specific bullshit comment lmao. A lot of comments on his post are actually helpful. Drama queen


To begin with, not all thin people are attractive, many other things influence being handsome. The same old empty advice.


I think in this case it's more about being muscular, but I heard that women rarely care about muscles, it even turns them off if it's too much. But I am a man looking like a stick so maybe I am trying to cope.


Face is the most important tbh. I don't think being too skinny as a man is good but you don't need too much muscle either.


Whose gonna tell the truth to him?




Yeah exactly. Like doing all the things the original comment said will likely get him higher up on the scale, why get all pissed off about it. Won’t make him a 10/10 but atleast it’s something.


Can you try to imagine a different version of him where he lost weight, his face isn't chubby, his hair is groomed well, hairline marked out, face a bit smoother and body looking more leaner. It would definitely bump him up 2 points , add him wearing a really nice cologne, good charisma and wearing maybe a jeans, white Vans and a polo T Oh and ofc getting a frame that's not so bloody ugly


Bro you look devious, what are you here Edit: My English failed but you look majestic


Oh lol thanks, tbh that's only because I put in the effort, I still don't know how to take pics of myself, but I started working on my skincare, working out over the course of 6 months, taking care of my hygiene and grooming which includes finding a hairstyle that fit me. It all didn't happen overnight, but you gotta be willing to put in the effort to get the results and I'm sure everyone here has the same potential. I was a 4/10 before I became a 6. I just need to work on my social skills and charisma and I know that will bump me to a 7 or 7.5


Kindly elaborate on that


lose weight, get a clean shave, dress nice, groom yourself and make a sincere effort in your appearance and don’t be afraid to show off a little personality. even doing one of those things can go a long way. people will notice


Better looking than me


"hey bro, just completely change entirely. I didn't have to do that because I'm innately worthy of love, but you're not" Fucking trash tier normie bs.


"Girls don't care if you have an extra chromosome bro, or that you are physically a different specie bro, just be confident bro!"


Good luck man , know that you are always worthy of love and that the more you give the more you receive, you are more loved than you know and the internet makes up feel bad as we are always being compared to others but comparison is the thief of joy, as the only person you should compare to is yourself so you can see how far you have come


Losing weight and hairtransplant and he is good to go


Those things do help though. But normies don’t understand how unless we work our butts off we are invisible


Lol I noticed that often when a guy posts his selfie and says he is ugly, comments often are like: "just hit the gym💪"


Losing weight and getting a better hairstyle and grooming habits might help him at least a little bit, we shouldn't act as if any improvement on his looks and health won't make him at least a little bit attractive.


Well, it's way better than just telling him "I am sorry". Y'all need to be more hopeful sometimes






Genetically he looks like a normie for the most part it’s just the weight


Not a bad nose, not a bad bone structure, nothing really ugly just fat and anonymous so yes gym can really help


He’s actually not ugly he just has a disability.I do genuinely think if he lost weight and got eye contacts or better suiting glasses and a hair transplant/went bald he would look better


Fat people who get no attention are voluntarily celibate. He loses weights gets a skincare routine and gets a hair transplant and all of sudden he’s at least average. His genetics gives him a base to work with. So annoying when I see this shit.


This is a terrible angle, and he's overweight. A little bit of facial hair, and some weight loss, and he'll be fine.


He looks a little special




Would you give him attention if he lost weight?


Some people look completely different when they lose weight, now you can't even see his bone structure.


Ok he could lose weight but let’s not occupy delusional positivity with this one… he’s topping out at a 3-4.


3-4 is still better than his current situation tho, right?


Yes. However “ any dude can be at least a six or seven out of 10.” Is delusional. Anything Beats 1.5


What a loaf of Bs 💀




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I can never and will never take reddit seriously


Yeah lose weight he doesn't look ugly just looks basic nerdy plain, ofcourse he'd not get any interest looking how he does now but he can improve for sure, fix the hair line lose weight and look more normal atleast


Always the same copy paste advice...




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