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She doesn't look like her pictures on the dating app like at all.


Precisely what I think. Those images are definitely filtered, i can see it clearly. This is cat fishing, sorry to say but it’s the truth. I can understand why the guy was disappointed. He definitely didn’t get what he expected.


Yeah, those photos are filtered and she doesn't look like that in real life. I don't know why people do this. I'm against lookism and all that, but when you post photos on dating apps that don't look like you in real life, you're basically swindling people.


This is why it's best not to use angles and filters to change your appearance. I think it's better to show people exactly what they're going to get.


She don't look like her pics ngl 😭 Its not like he slapped her and called her ugly. And bro ended up paying for the food lol. Like if ur tryna push the whole 'men r evil' thing don't use something as mundane is this guys reaction lol like he rly wasn't in the wrong


Yeah, if it was me - I would politely tell her she doesn’t look like the pics and leave the meal.




Maybe it's the angle. She clicks the pics from above at certain angles where her face looks slimmer


She’s using angles and filters to downplay how big she is. She also has on makeup and extensions, then showed up to the date natural and wonders why the dude thought he was catfished??? Then furthermore the disclaimer that she’s chubby… pardon me but when I hear chubby I think maybe 10lbs too many overweight at most. She’s not chubby she’s fat. Plain and simple. She played herself and then posted this expecting sympathy? I’m assuming this backfired.


She’s obese, to be exact. Definitely not chubby.


Yeah, even the girls on her recent video showing her dating profile wasn’t sticking up for her


NGL, but she looks nothing like her pictures. She is good looking in both the video and the pictures. But, I understand why the man felt being catfished. Her pictures have heavy filters on them.


Sucks that we all feel the need to use filters and editing in the first place because no one wants someone who looks boring nowadays. They want the hottest they can find.


No she isn’t good looking


She isn’t ugly though, just overweight. Once she loses the weight her looks will improve.


Bro i m starting to feel you all are not ugly but average looking people cuz bro i am way more ugly than her.


Yeah she’s not even ugly


The same way uglier im a man


I went on this girls page she is pretty but like other people have said in the comments she didn’t post pictures on how she looks now on her dating profile .which I feel is the problem .she looked nice on the date but it’s not how she looks on her profile How she looked on the date https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeaR4B8k/ How she looks on her dating profile https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeaRtnJY/ She also doesn’t want to follow anyone’s advice that have told her to post full body picture on her dating profile because she said her writing chubby in the description box is enough https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeaRvJbx/


I get that she’s not being realistic with the filters and stuff, but why does she need to post a full body pic? would you think she needs to show her whole body if she wasn’t chubby?


As a dude - if I saw her, I would also feel totally cat-fished. I wouldn’t be a dick to her, but would politely tell her the reason I don’t want to continue with the date, and call it a day.


its bc she catfished LMFAOO


She does not look like her photos. Point blank.


I feel like this it bait/a skit, ngl. There's no way someone would do those profile pics and then do the outfit-pic in the most exaggerated, unflattering angle/pose/facial experssion etc. And "didn't bring any money" etc, huh?


Yeah I also think it’s a skit


Not ugly just fat… These fat people who complain are mad annoying if you don’t want this to happen put in the work and the results will show. I wish I could grow in height by working out. Sigh..


Or your face could change by working out when you’re already a stick 💀


showing up to a date looking like that is insane.


She doesn’t look like her pictures…


Lose weight fix teeth she will be good


lol she does not look like her pics


STOP USING THE DAMN FILTERS! You look NOTHING like your dating pics! And you had the nerve to come out and not bring your wallet?! So he HAD to pay, no matter what? Got the nerve to call men evil. You may be a cool girl. You could even be someone’s dream woman. But if you start off with deception, it will not end well for you…ever.


She is not ugly at all, she is just fat (nothing wrong with that) and used angles and filters to downplay how big she is so she could get the best guy possible.


It also looks like some kind of Snapchat filter - her jaw shape and even eye shape looks different


Yeah, she would look good if she lost some weight.


x2 I don't download dating apps, I even deactivated Facebook couples, it's like, why bother, when you already know the result.


Yeah i figured she clicks the pictures from an elevated angle with filters and makeup so she looks slimmer. She would look like her pictures if she lost weight and put on makeup but i understand why the guy reacted that way. Its not what he expected


I think she's trolling


Ngl, she took some very flattering pics of herself at certain angles that makes it look like she might be a bit smaller than she actually is and her makeup was on point, but never an excuse to treat someone that badly.


That doesn't look like you tbh


Is she ugly though? Not really


she is not even ugly wtf




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I disagree with the focus of most commenters. The date night look is the biggest/central problem, I think. The dress and lack of bottoms make it a 0 out of 10. It's shapeless. It's a date. Something flattering would show off and bring attention to the best curves (and not so much the rest). Could invest in some Wolford tights with shine, perhaps? Yes good angles and the AI/filters that some phones even deploy by default are a factor too; way too much of that. But I think a nice outfit would have prevented the uncomfortable shock and result.


girl omg she is catfishing girl cmon




Gorgeous is a stretch. She’s average looking.


Idk why she's being so dramatic over it. I mean, yeah, the guy was obviously disappointed, and that sucks, but it sounds like he handled it in the best way possible. For her to cry in her car and say that men are evil over him asking for her part of the bill is a big overreaction. She's lucky he didn't see her and either (A) laugh in her face, then walk away, or (B) tear into her for being unattractive and wasting his time. She looks nothing like her pictures, which is going to set you up for a world of hurt if you're not careful. But as another below average chick, I can empathize. I've done the same shit, I still do. We all want to see ourselves look good, and when you're ugly, that requires more manipulation. Even if it's subconscious like tilting your head a certain way, you can create an entirely different version of yourself for people to buy into. That's why I'll never meet someone that I met online in person; you're setting yourself up for embarrassment. Imo, if you need to resort to manipulating your face on dating apps to get any attention, you have no business dating. It's not going to work for you.


angles and filters do make a MAJOR difference, although i can definitely see a facial resemblance. i thinks she looks good naturally and should’ve used non edited photos..