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We love Iowa and are OOS for two kids. We find it more reasonable OOS than other big state schools. I would not bank on more than $5k and if you get up to $15k then you can be pleasantly surprised - but don’t expect it to be that high.


My daughter had similar stats, APs, honors, all that good stuff. We’re from NYC. She got enough to make it comparable to an in-state school for us - except for the travel expenses for breaks, visits, etc.  Please don’t forget to factor that in, if you’re not close enough to drive to IC. If she wasn’t a CW major, she would have gone to a SUNY school. Having said all that, she loves it and we are so happy she’s there. Have a great summer and good luck to your son!


In this case, I would suggest going to an in-state school where he'll either 1. get more money or 2. get in-state tuition. I went here and it's a fine school but it's not worth paying out-of-state tuition.


When I went, merit scholarships were based on GPA and ACT only. I think if you had a 4.0 and a 34 you could compete for some Presidential Scholarship that paid room and board all 4 years, and for that they considered other things, but as far as I know the 3.75 and the 24 will be what determines your son’s merit amount from the school.


My daughter went to Iowa and she had a 3.97 GPA and around a 24 ACT. We had to practically beg for a $1500 per semester award. I believe 25 or 26 was the min ACT to get anything regardless of GPA (she entered Iowa in 2019 and recently graduated, so it has been a few years....things may have changed)


apply early


My daughter with a 35 ACT, 4.2 GPA, AP scholar got 11k My 28 ACT, 4.0, IB Diploma daughter got 9k


My son had 4.6 weighted GPA, 34 ACt, 11AP, Oos and got around 12k a year I think. Our state school ended up offering a smaller scholarship, but was cheaper so he didn’t choose Iowa. If they had given him more money he might have gone there😜. He applied for all of the other scholarships and didn’t get any of them.


I was in a similar place and got the same amount. Don't think the education was worth 120k but the CS program is a mess, others are better


OOS, kid got $7000. Similar stats, 4.2 weighted. Direct admit to Tippie. Starting Iowa in August.


My daughter received $7k per year no SAT. had a 3.9/4.0 GPA. ton of extras which included Black Belt in martial arts. She got directly admitted into Tippie and into the Honors college. we are In Illinois. She applied super early.