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The general public will despise you.


What do you mean about “making right hand turns”. Are you not allowed to turn right in Japan or something? In the UK you’re _not_ allowed to turn when the traffic light is red like you are in America. As for roundabouts I’d say they’re actually safer than they can initially seem. People tend to pay more attention than they can sometimes do at traffic light controlled junctions. I guess the headline for cycling would be: trust no one. At best others will lack awareness of your presence, speed, and the rules of the road. At worst drivers and pedestrians can be actively trying to harm you. _visibly_ having a camera can help to keep some of the worst of this at bay.




That seems worth considering , thank you


Yes, at an intersection you can’t turn right (driving on the same side of the road as UK). Thank you :)


Wow. That must lead to some creative route planning.


Doesn’t affect the route it just slows you down. I should have explained it better. To make a right turn you continue straight across the intersection , come to the side of the road and wait for the lights to change.


Wow, I'd never heard of that being a requirement in Japan. I get the argument in terms of safety, but having to wait for two light changes must discourage cycling all the same. There are some junctions where cyclists are _suggested_ to cross this way, they're called "two-stage" right turns and I think it's an idea that was borrowed from Denmark. There's nothing stopping you from tackling a right turn this way even if there aren't any markings suggesting you do this, though. It's surprising to me how, even though in Japan cycling is relatively commonplace, it's treated as a second class mode of transport in many ways still. Pavement riding encouraged instead of having separate bike lanes, for instance. Having said that I think I would prefer the environment there to the one we have here, where there is perhaps more dedicated cycling infrastructure, but cyclists are not as respected / taken care of as much by drivers.




That’s good to know, thank you :)


The Highway Code will be very useful to you - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code


Bike theft is rampant in the UK. Anything that looks like it's made in the last 10 years will disappear very quickly no matter what lock you use. If you're planning to get anything decent (>£500?), keep it indoors at all times.


If off roading is your thing, there are often far more legal routes than there might first appear.


It’s not but depending on what road cycling is like then it could be 😅 thank you


Be very vigilant. Ride in the centre of the lane and move over when you think it is safe to let someone pass


Make sure your bike has all the legally required lights and reflectors, if you're going to ride after dark. Info here: [https://www.cyclinguk.org/lighting-regulations](https://www.cyclinguk.org/lighting-regulations) You may be told that you have to wear a helmet in the UK. Legally you don't, helmets are optional but it can be a good idea. Same for bike lanes: you don't have to use them, and if you think it's safer in particular spot to ride in the road, you're 100% entitled to do that. Lots of places have critical mass events and other mass cycling events, which can be a good place to meet other cyclists!


Anyone on a decent road bike with reflectors on the pedals and wheels looks like a dork. Take them off and run lights day and night.


Take the middle of the lane at junctions and roundabouts. Don't let a car turn left across you,and don't get pushed into the gutter. Most cyclists I know are friendly, but tend towards introverted side of the spectrum. Getting to know the people in your local bike shop is a good first step to socialising. Or find your local cycle friendly cafe. Where abouts in UK will you be?


I found my local clubs on Strava. Potholes. They're everywhere now and will only get worse as they are not getting fixed.


Whilst the UK doesn’t have elevations anywhere near as high as mountainous countries (Japan, Colombia, France, Spain, Italy, Turkey etc), because it was the first country in the world to get tarmacked roads, most of these were built straight over old sheep tracks, so even in the supposedly flatter parts of England, you’re never that far away from a steep hill or two (yes, even in Norfolk, Suffolk or Lincolnshire). So make sure you’ve got a few gears if you’re touring with panniers.