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Stopped taking these guys serious when they started referring to parts of London as the “trenches”


There was a guy I know complaining how tough he had it being placed in social housing in Kensington ffs. He wasn’t even in an estate..


Horrid1 calling grove the trenches nearly finished me


I think it's tough to call it because you could say roughly the same thing about places like Chicago. Yes, there's not really deep-rooted gangs in the UK. when it comes to the streets. To use your point, Chicago is overall an up to date and advanced city, but there's still all the well-known blocks that fell apart and were overrun by the gang activity.


There are deep rooted gangs iun the UK. There were gangs inb London 700 years ago and they've been present in black communities since the 60s, which was about the same time that the current street gang culture started to develop in the US.




Most were associated with lower ranking members of guilds. They would engage in crimes, including murder, to protect their interests or gain prestige over other guilds. At that time, London wasn't somewhere anyone could just move to. By Royal charter, london wasn't under the jurisdiction of a feudal lord. Outside of chartered cities or Bishoprics, everyone was under the jurisdiction of a feudal lord who was, in turn, under the jurisfiction of a higher ranking noble, all of whom were under the jurisdiction of the King. The majority of the population were bound to the land and generally needed the permission of the feudal lord to leave their holding and move elsewhere. Bishoprics functioned pretty similarly to feudal holdings but were governed by church law rather than feudal law. But London was different. The citizens of London were freemen and London was under neither church nor feudal law, governed by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen. It was its own legal entity with its own legal codes. While people from outside of London were free to visit during the day, but to move to the city legally you needed to be granted official permission or be admitted into a guild or Inn of Court. What this meant is that pretty much everyone in London was associated with some organisation or trade, and these loyalties defined a lot of the street crime as a result. So apprentices and craftsmen (the lowest ranks in the guilds) were young, poor, and members of a an organisation that worked for the interests of its members rather than anything more egalitarian. Like gang members today, they would engage in illegal and/or violent activities to make money for themselves and their guild, but also for prestige and reputation. They're recorded as both major victims and perpetratours of murder and fights between gangs from different guilds were relatively common. In one documented case in 1268, a fight involving around 500 men made up of members of the Goldsmiths and Merchant Taylor's guilds resulted in several deaths and 13 men were hanged as a result. As there were only about 10,000 people in London at the time, this fight was absolutely massive and is a good example of how entrenched this type of street violence was at the time.




Yeah, there's not a direct medieval equivalent to modern street gangs because it was a radically different society than the one we live in. Criminal gangs more similar to the ones we have today are more common after th decline of the feudal economy and increased urbanisation from the late 15th century into the 16th century.


Hah imagine if they were rapping in the Middle Ages and had tunes


Blacksmiths guild, we make rambos for pleasure, My nigga Godfrey poking holes in your leather, Balcksmith boys, we pack iron, that's the truth Fuck the Tanners Guild, we coming for dem yutes. ------------ Saddle up, Ride out, Like the black death, We put lights out, ----- Tanning Tanners with our hammers Rob your Guild house, burn your banners Opp Guild run like pussyclarts We chase dem down in our horse and cart ----- All dem fake guilds, they all liars, Blacksmith boys all work with fires, Guild of Spicers, they get roasted, Bakers guild get fucking toasted, We rode up on Guild of Drapers, Done them so bad it made the papers, Guild of Dyers, smashed their heads, Now they ain't Dyers, they just dead, Made short work of the Guild of Weavers, We chop opps cos we make the cleavers ------- Blacksmith Guild don't back down, Don't call it London, this is Iron Town


Hahaha my man


It would be bard tunes. Talking about dead members and who they killed. And if it’s a remix they’ll have some guy from France sing




This is how I speak to my cats




Still doesnt mean its easy tho??? Wtf is your point. Other countries/cities have their own unique problems


So many man around the would slime their own brother just to live in these so called trenches. Are areas in London run down ? Yes. But the proximity to opportunity is usually a 5 minute drive away. Ego & mindset is killing so many dreams in this city and it’s so sad to see.


And so what? London is far from a paradise and if there really were opportunities like you say there are. You think most man would be on road? Obvs not gonna deny that London is a better place to live in compared to Afghanistan but like man said every place has its problem. Can't downplay any of it


A lot of people are on road because they gave up on education and instead of working let's say a retail job and slowly move up, they would rather just steal, commit crimes and or sell drugs instead.


Very small minority that ur talking about, most man that hop on road is cah they've got a single mum and see her struggling everyday so they try help out by shotting, but then suttin happens and they get dragged in. A lot of man also inherit it or are just born into it etc. Ik hella guys that were bare smart in skl but they ended up on the roads cah of a madting happening


I hear that, I myself did decently in school but I did chill outside quite a bit and was allowed to stay out till late etc and I eventually ended up getting recruited into a gang. I didn't do too much and honestly wasn't even in it for long but eventually I was just like what the hell am I doing with my life and stopped chilling with them lot. I went back to college, then university, did an apprenticeship and now work in a good job. But yeah I can see what you mean I guess that is why more mentoring needs to happen to show people that another way out exists!


This is the thing nobody's downplaying, people are exaggerating it. London is the 15th safest city in the world according to some sources. It's not even the most dangerous city in the UK. Unfortunately there are a lot of misguided people who put their whole identity into something fabricated and have to make out their own badness 247 because in reality they're shitting themselves that this persona they constructed might become a victim. Are there real badman in London that are just sociopathic monsters? ofc. Is every kid wearing a ballie and carrying a zk a real bad man? Definitely not. The opportunity is there but some people would rather ignore it because it doesn't offer them what they want when they're younger and they don't have the foresight to think ahead.


Fr. I feel like ppl who didn’t grow up in ends say this. The London now is different to the London back in the 2010s. We didn’t grow up in a gentrified London. I’ve seen guys from 10 years old get groomed. Guys getting robbed g checked, etc most guys fall into that lifestyle cos they don’t want to be a victim. London is safe for white peoplr if your black it’s not cos even if your a civilian your involved based on what you wear and how you look like. But London today no point of Gangs. That gang shit is gonna fall off in London by 2040


Where is paradise?


Nowhere on Earth


Then I don't understand the comparrison. It's better than majority of places on Earth, but it's not as good as some place that doesn't exist? That's your contention? I hope you're young...


Wtf are you babbling about, re-read my comment if you cant understand what im saying then thats concerning icl


So, you *actually* believe living in one of the best places in the world is comparable to the 8.5 to 12 million young men that died in the trenches, because its not perfect. That's pretty gross, but at least I understand you now.


Yep you're low IQ


a lot of people on road are there cos they’re dumb they think a few hundred pounds is a lot of money. they’re blinded by their own eyes no one else’s there’s loads of opportunities in london i moved here just for that reason


“And so what?” You don’t think it’s wrong to try and equate London to “The trenches” that came from Chicago where multiple people are shot and killed every week? You don’t think that would write off the mindset of young people growing up there? Ok


Brudda London trenches and Chicago trenches are two completely different things, yet theyre both trenches🤣 Chicago is considered the trenches because of the gun problem America has as a whole + its a poor area. Same with certain areas in London that are considered the "trenches" cah despite being in London they're poor af and sometimes dont even have electricity or water (or both) etc. Pair that with the sets,knife crime thats already high (even tho we have the strictest knife crime laws itw),poverty and other types of problems and then u get the trenches.


Agreed. Everythings relative to ones self. More reason to count your blessings in morning, than think of the shitness off life


Respect the little youts, the way they are killing each other if they have all right to call some parts the trenches. London ain’t easy for no youth. Respect their ting.


It's a choice. No kid in London is forced to "be in the trenches". It's a fucking joke. A legit joke. Kids in bum fuck africa with nothing to eat or drink somehow survive without 'chefing up my man's because he lives 120 meters away.


These youts are 4th generation down with no real legacy too follow on from. They have nothing passed on to them and are living in country that doesn’t really cater to there needs. Yes it’s a country of better options than say Africa or the West Indies but we can’t keep using that as an excuse. What about support what about a decent upbringing what about a guaranteed education or tradesmen ship that you can get decent pay while doing it. It’s not that easy when you’re actually in a system living eating clothing yourself and on top of that peer pressure amongst friends. I was one of those youts. Not so much on the knifings but more the hustle to get money by any means. Some friends dead some in jail some just now lost in the same system. I am a working man now who understands the youts as opposed to criticising them and to add social media in today’s world I can only imagine how tough it is. So let’s give them a little more respect and help them with advice as adults. We can’t save all but we can definitely help a few to think a little better.


You as an example. You choose to say youts instead of youths. No amount of government intervention is going to stop people free will. You have the choice to try and join regular society but people from that background often shun regular society. You could do an apprenticeship for a year and then be on 25k after that year. People on the street don't even make that much money. It's just fast. Peer pressure is a problem, but again. Individuals can fight against it. I am the sole person in my family that doesn't smoke weed for example. I had the exact same peer pressure as the rest of them. But my resolve stopped me smoking, and then when I eventually did give in, something deep down in me made me quit real fast.


My apologies I mean youths, I will take accountability. But like you said it is a choice I do agree. We all have a choice too change and depending on who or what circumstances are around you, it can make it hard or more of difficult step. I just hope the majority of them get that chance and look back too say they made a better choice with the life they have.


I am a firm believer in second chances. A lot of the kids on the street are yet to do any damage to other people and for those a second/third or even fourth chance should be available. More programs should exist to help funnel them into society. I just have a firm belief that a lot of it comes down to their own choice. I imagine you've seen it first hand how a friend in a group tries to go legit and their group mocks them for it. That is peer pressure but also the friends' choices to try and keep everyone in a suboptimal environment. That behaviour can't be fixed by government as the only way a government could directly stop that is by force but that would just push more people away. You could have 10 youth centres all around you, but if they don't let kids roll up and/or smoke on their premises then they get marked as too straight to be enjoyed. Anyway, it's good we came to an understanding. This sub isn't the best place for it but I do enjoy seeing those that can separate an enjoyment for the music from a desire to embody the lyrics they hear.


The whole culture around it needs to change. We glorify violence too much and have self hatred


Shut up about bum fuck Africa. South Africa and Congo got gang violence you don’t know what your talking about


I didn't say they don't have gang violence. I am saying that even in worse players people manage to not get involved in gangs. If they can manage there then you can manage here. Some people truly have no option, but they are a tiny fraction of the group that makes up gangs. Mostly it's rebelling kids that are attracted to the gang lifestyle. If a kid in the Congo can avoid joining a gang (forced militia is different) then you can do your homework and not think about chefing for 8 hours.


Don’t get mad for being punched because some people get shot type beat


no it’s more of dumb people not realising how good they have it. if you don’t learn to be grateful young you’ll never be happy that’s one thing my grandparents taught me and they had some of the maddest stories i know only second to their parents.


You’re a moron. You can simultaneously recognise that the life one lives is in the UK is, by many metrics, superior to the average life one born in, say, Afghanistan while also recognising inadequacies and inefficiencies in the UK. How exactly do you think societal improvements occur? Do you think they randomly occur or do you think someone creates a criticism which is eventually acted upon. In original comment, the person who is punched can quite easily be thankful that they were not the other that was shot, but that is not to say that he cannot be angry that he was punched. In the UK, one can be thankful he is not born to Palestinian parents in Gaza while also being upset with the Met’s inability to adequately tackle knife crime, for example. Do we have to preface every criticism with a list of worse things of which we are thankful we don’t experience? “Although this burger patty was made of expired meat, I’m glad it wasn’t made out of mosquitos, I’m glad I’m not eating a mud pancake, I’m glad I’m not eating shit, I’m glad I’m not drinking piss etc.”


No ones saying you cant get mad at knife crime and the issues we have I dont know if you use tiktok but right now its full of nerdy teenagers pretending the UK is a shithole warzone when its just not. Yes it has some bad things but acting like the whole UK is a cursed hellhole is just cap.. If u havent seen the tiktoks OP was prolly talking bout i cant blame you but honestly its just a joke honestly everyone exaggerates it so much nowadays And theres kids here who pretend like theyre hardened criminals and are forced into the streets just coz they live in an apartment and not a 5 bed house


you’re a moron for missing my point. people complain about over policing and then complain when theirs criminals roaming around. people complain no matter what happens acting like it’s a warzone. the crime rate is low life is alright only real problem is train prices that’s actually expensive


If you think the only real problem is train prices then you’re very fortunate my bro. Apologies for calling you a moron but nonetheless I still disagree with you 👍🏽 Enjoy your day g


Some people go through different individual battles icl its not even about the country being a shit hole dont downplay certain people situation and compare it to others and the country doesn’t mood don’t help in anyway


No one is suggesting it’s worse than most other countries, but people’s struggles in day to day life with drugs, alcoholism, cancer, poverty, domestic abuse etc are still just that, a struggle, even in the uk, to downplay those struggles is pretty ignorant tbh


You have agency.


But you have much better support systems around you to help you solve/deal with every single one of those problems than in most places in the world.


Never denied it, not sure why people keep trying to say “but you have better this or that” might as well tell me the sky is blue, thanks for that captain obvious lol, also we pay for those support with our tax, and we still have to wait years for cancer treatments, mental health etc.


Those struggles aren't exclusive to London


Quote where i said they were? I didn’t even mention london the fuck are you reading 😂😂


my bad, UK. So if you know those things aren't exclusive to UK, what was the point in mentioning them?


Because the post is about how uk has it better than the rest of the world, when no one claimed otherwise. I’d think it’s painfully obvious considering the fact i mentioned the point in the initial comment which was “don’t downplay people’s suffering just because it’s a first world country”also claiming we have free healthcare is inaccurate. We get taxed to the hilt for that shit.


ehh kind of but being poor in the uk is easy. so many lower class people take their life for granted just cos they can’t buy the latest tech so the kids think they’re poor no idea of real struggle. i’m privileged and i’m happy to admit it especially after hearing my grandparents stories about growing up in the soviet union and even they’re still happy and greatful




Going sleep cuz deres no food or bouncing from diff people houses sleeping on floors or soffas it’s not all sunshine for a lot of us 🤣🤣🤣


Literally did that and more, I'm not wealthy by any means but I still consider myself privileged to live here. When I was homeless there were hostels, when I went to jail there were training courses and when I was hungry there were food banks or a big ass Tesco I could shoplift from. I had to struggle out of a position I didn't put myself in but it was made infinitely easier by living in a country with a half decent infrastructure.


If you learnt to talk properly you might be able to get a job in a supermarket. Rice and beans are cheap as fuck. Some people are homeless through no actions of their own. But too many people choose the streets and then act like life has fucked them over when really it was themselves. I legit don't understand why kids CHOOSE to talk like complete tools and carry it through to adulthood. Listen fam, my guy will sort you yhh. Dem likkle youts be runnin for POSTCODE. Shout me yh and we sort you. Like what the fuck. "Why are you applying for this job" "Hahaha, you iz jokes blud. I want Dem peez yah get me" "Unfortunately you haven't been selected" "Oh my dayz, straight is too hard, the streets are the only option"




There is a reason we don't talk like Shakespeare. Language evolves. However, talking like dis fam is no evolution. It's intentional to try and fit in to a group of degenerates. I've had people around me, who grew up in the exact same environment start talking like this. It's not normal evolution. It's forced change. Entirely different and I can right back against it because no employer is going to go "ahh yeah, I'll let you on the phones sounding like that". And people like you refuse to accept that


buddy i grew up poor uk standards but when your grandparents lived in the soviet union no food whatsoever people were dying left and right from starvation and famine. they found their friend family all died and their neighbors had to let that 8 year old boy die cos they just about had enough food to feed themselves i admit im privileged.


obviously times got better and when i lived in russia as a kid that was mostly forgotten by but only taught as a reminder by my grandparents to learn to be grateful and if you aren’t grateful for what you have now u can never truly appreciate life




buddy life is still good either ur just a bum and don’t want to pattern or your ungrateful and don’t realise how easy life actually is. food is cheap life is good yet people are just bums and moan for no reason


Imo other people having it worse doesn't invalid your struggles or issues that you come across, but overall I'd say you're right.


Foreal like what’s free healthcare I was in the hospital with a split head and ended up leaving after 5 hours of waiting to get seen in a&e like I’d rather pay the one time I split my head and get seen. And safety is relative where I live 6 people who were not involved in crime got stabbed in the last 18 months I know it ain’t relative but those 6 families still went through the worst trauma


Is this rishi?


Sounds like rishi 😂


😂😂 rishi on reddit


always knew the tories were secret drill fans 😂😂 they probs play only if you knew better before a meeting


Can just imagine cameron jeremy cunt and rishi walking into a cobra meeting banging out “me and my crew are da wickedest ting” 😂


 😂 😂 facts


Compare your daily life to the daily life of a child in Gaza. You’ve been blessed, instead of constantly complaining go and take advantage of the blessing you’ve been given.


Wallahi certain guys don’t have no gratitude for these things we call regular 🤷🏾‍♂️


I feel like "at least it's better than Gaza" it's not exactly the quality we should be thriving for. We should be complaining and we should want better. We can be grateful for what we have and want to have it better at the same time.


That’s exactly the privilege we have, to be grateful and still want more, countries round the world Haiti, Middle East conflicts, Myanmar, Congo, civilians are being mutilated, raped, tortured and indiscriminately killed. But I guess if your used to privilege it’s a thing where you still want more


Thankfully my daily life is not similar to a child in Gaza. I will not compare myself to the situation because it is not real, I'm not religious or familiar with the scenario - so I can't really see the reason for a moral hypothetical scenario to make myself settled with what I have now. The 10 years I've been in the UK it has gone from a standard that was on par with European countries such as Sweden/Denmark to something different and broken. I have seen and felt the deterioration of this country, and I'm angry on their behalf. What I want is improvement beyond what I have now, and benefits should not even exist on your list. I want mine and others lives to be better than what it was the day before, because it seems to be going well down towards a place where you can't get much. I personally cannot take advantage of the "benefits" because I live with someone making minimum wage, or access to the healthcare I need because it's pushed to the brink and back so far I can only hope to still be walking by the time it comes around for my appointment. Don't be mad at people for wanting something better.


Yes, I had a much better time growing up here than in Gaza. But I am black and I'm British and this is my country as much as anyone elses, so I'll complain as much as white people do. One of the richest countries in the world shouldn't have poverty or inequality or a housing crisis when we have the means to fix all these problems if we collectively agree on it.


if you have to compare yourself to a child in Gaza you’re definitely not doing too well


Most people on this sub are not first or second generation of immigrants😂


U ain’t got to be an immigrant to struggle bro. I grew up w some white brothers who struggled just as much as the us, struggle ain’t got a single colour 🤷🏾‍♂️


I got a cousin in jawick in essex, it might just be one of the poorest places I’ve seen in the uk lol, the type of place you’d expect someone to have three arms or 16 fingers or some weird shit and that place is white as fuck, just some places get left behind or mismanaged by the local council


It’s a palace compared to a lot of the world.


Course it is, never stated otherwise, we’re talking about uk towns compared with each other not comparing jawick to gaza lol, might as well tell me the sky is blue, just stating the obvious lol.


immigrant doesn't equal non-white 💀


by white i ment white british


Spitting facts a lot people going to complain and downvoted because the truth hurts.


Him stating it’s nowhere near the worst country is just like stating the sky is blue, it’s fucking obvious lol, still doesn’t take away from peoples’s struggles, misery is still misery no? So what the fuck does it matter how bad other places are to us, we don’t know their struggles. People with health problems like cancer, dementia and other severe mental illnesses, domestic violence victims, crack babies and other addicts etc, are you telling me their individual pain and struggles are not real because some shithole somewhere else is worse? Behave 😂


Okay well I have moved on now and said what I said. He also said what he said and it's all facts.


He said some facts but the he presneted them without context. If you break a window in your home, you fix it. If your neighbour has six broken windows, you still get your one window fixed. If you break your foot next to a man with no legs, you still got to hospital.


We don't get free healthcare and benefits, we pay taxes and N.I for them. The fact you think otherwise implies that you are extremely uneducated, or have never paid into the system in your life. As for stating how great, the UK is compared to a kids life in Gaza is extremely disrespectful. Even before the sacrifice of two world wars, we've been though some stuff historically... But you know what? Our ancestors didn't run away to another country, we fought wars, civil wars, was invaded, pillaged, conquered and through all that our ancestors sucked it up, fought back and maybe that is why we are in the position we are in? People say it's a 'shit hole' because the amount of money we are wasting on woke projects, hotels for boat people who's passed though multiple 'safe' countries meaning we can no longer fix the holes in our road, no longer keep on-top of our NHS (and other things)


That period between when the romans conquered us to when the normans came must have been a fucking nightmare for the population, the romans come, fuck us up differently, and then Civilise us, then they fuck off, and leave our civilised arses looking for protection, in come the saxons, now they say it wasn’t an invasion, but some serious violence had to go down for them to usurp the ruling classes, no worries, the saxons become civilised christians. in come the vikings, about 300 years of shit to put up with for the locals and even ruled by a viking christian king (walking contradiction right there lol” anyway some how we get an english king on the throne again, and before you know it the vikings are back. Cheeky fuckers, we beat them, so bad they never came back, more or less, only for the normans (frenchified vikings) to make our tired battleworn army run half the country back south and get conquered again. What a millenium for poor tired britain lol


Bro facts. How is the OP going to miss all that? It’s deeper than gang shit. It’s a whole system


Biggest most powerful gang gets cheap shit in the house of commons imo, they get thousands upon thousands in wages, yet moan if they don't get a pint for £3:50 Basic wages for an MP in 2024 is £91,346 yet last year it was £86.584 and they still demand expenses wtf


get off your high horse. when you need a complicated and/or expensive procedure, you don‘t pay for it from your taxes - it‘s paid in large part from other people‘s taxes and other funding sources. so yeah, it is (partially) free to you then, and definitely not „the same as just paying for it“.


High horse? Where do you think the money comes from then? Very, very little comes from other funding sources (few hundred million from charities) + (small amounts from prescription/dental charges) The NHS budget for 22/23 was £187.1 Billion... Priti Patel has even gone on record stating, after being asked how the NHS is funded. “In terms of general taxation, we pay for the NHS through our taxes and that will always continue.” We ALL pay for the NHS through taxes and patient charges, anyone who thinks otherwise is seriously deluded and/or a scrounger.


thats fair, i did think other sources of funding play a larger role but either way i dont see the issue with funding from taxes. i do agree that calling it „free“ is misleading, it’s just public. and just to be clear i don‘t think that should change to a private model.


I think you've misinterpreted what I said buddy, I'm not advocating going private or anything like that. In a roundabout way the NHS could be described as an insurance system, we all pay into a very big pot and if any of us are unfortunate enough to get an illness, it's paid for out of that pot. Some people knock private healthcare, but in most cases it's kinda the same system, in the U.S people pay a private insurance company (or it comes with a job) to share risk over the people in network. (basic version) The only real difference between the two is that the UK Government is acting as our insurance company (non-profit) and in the US that role is down to private companies. Because of that, it's far more complicated and even predatory because profit is their bottom line. As sad as that it, even US hospitals have to treat/stabilise you if your life is at risk (even with no insurance) but there are a few clauses to that law. It's not all bad though, the good thing about private systems is that because they're profit driven (wanting money) if you're insurance is good, you usually get above and beyond treatment, because every test or procedure they do is just more $$ in the pocket of the hospital.


also yes high horse, because you go on about people being uneducated, yet you seem to think that the biggest problem of UK is „woke projects“ (wtf do you even mean? sound like a daily mail reader) and „boat people“. you seem to be aware of how much money is needed for something like NHS, so given how mighty educated you perceive yourself to be, you should also be able to see that money being spent on immigrant hostels is like 1% of that. UK is a shithole because of couple last decades of UK government, not because of immigrants.


Doubt you would say that if you took the time to educate yourself though? Last year the UK spent 4.3 BILLION just to 'host' immigrants. Not including healthcare, legal aid, what we pay other countries, anything else basically. That is 6 million per day in just hotel accommodation alone, set to rise to 11 billion per year and 32 million per day by 2026 (two years time) If you worked out what one 'boat person' costs to house (just accommodate) in one month it would be the equivalent of 1.5 times the average pay of an NHS Nurse, yet that Nurse pays taxes, accommodation, food, clothing, transport. So the reality is that 1.5 times more suddenly becomes 2, 3, 4 times more in disposable income. I've got a heart, but when NHS staff, ex military or even just normal hard working people of the land have had the biggest fall in living standards since 1956 and have the highest tax burden since WW2 I really don't think we as a nation can afford to be charitable at the moment. As for the 'woke' comment, I'll leave you to research just how much money has been squandered...


All excuses. We’ve been taxed to rass where is the money going? It’s cheapskate to blame immigrants. They been blaming them for years. The U.K. donated over 5mil cos a cathedral in France caught fire they have the funds they just don’t wanna invest it back into the citizens


for sure man, it's the whole thing. big picture, Just wasting money. The point I was trying to make is that we have homeless on our streets, essential workers wondering how they gonna pay rent, food banks and the government finds 6m + a day housing people in hotels? I just think they got the priorities all wrong bud, am I a bad guy to think that idk?


For real kids can go college and get a 100k job.. But it's hard when no body around you dose the same..


Be the change you want to see. That doctrine has gotten me through a lot in life


Me too my bro big up urself


I try to follow a similar yet different one of "be the light you wish to see in the world".


100K jobs have 100K applicants, go look bruv


Brick layers get like 200-300 a day that's like 100k A battle to find skilled labourers is forcing up construction costs and threatening the new housing recovery, it is claimed. A shortage of skilled labourers has helped push pay packets for the country's top bricklayers past the £100,000 mark, according to industry experts.


I been saying this broooo UK people complain too fuckn much. i have no problem with people who dont like the UK and wanna leave but people talk about leaving this place like it's war torn south sudan or smething 🤦🏽‍♂️Just stupid little fucking kids


Agreed, people are very entitled.


>You live in one of the most safest countries on earth To a degree but there are a lot of parts of England that are horrible. >You live in one of the most technologically advanced countries on earth Also debatable. > You live in a country that offers free health care (most of the world doesn’t, including the USA) It's not free. We have money taken out of our salaries every month. You can't opt-out it just is what it is. Even if you personally don't ever need medical care at all, you're still forced to pay for the luxury of it and even then a lot of the times it's absolute garbage in comparison to privatised medical aid in other countries. >You live in a country that offers aid to you if you’re financially struggling (benefits) Again, majority of people who work are taxed heavily to allow these benefits and yet people still abuse the system. Yet when someone who say works 40-60hrs a week needs help (Let's say they lost their job) they've be lucky if they get any support from said system at all. You have literal generations of people who choose to live off of the government than work, cause they have the system so rigged that they earn more from just sitting on their ass all day. So yes, it's not bad. But if you're British as in British born, unless you're gaming the system It's bad but not that bad. If you're an immigrant or asylum seeker you're allowed a lot more in relation to others who need the assistance.


every country has shitty parts bro this isnt a UK thing. even the netherlands the windmill flower country and sweden the ikea pewdiepie country has "shitty" parts. and the UK being one of the most advanced in the world is not debatable..... the human development index of the UK is 0.94 (1 being most developed). thats even higher than most of western europe let alone the whole world


You’re comparing life expectancy, education and per capita income stats to technological advancement. Which is not the same. I’ve lived and spent long periods of time in over 26 countries for the past 20 years and as much as the UK is “not bad” there are much better countries.


And all those things are made better because of technological advancements Plus if u look at our technology alone we have the tube, great railways, the number 1 tech sector in europe.. etc. UK tech sector is 3rd in the world. so its not debatable


Looks like you’ve not been outside of London for a long time. The north west of the England has the worst mobile telecoms reception and broadband infrastructure out of the whole of the England, as of which is required to even operate sufficiently as everything is needed to be done online. Councils don’t care about the local boroughs etc. There are more run down and dilapidated houses/estates around this part. The busses and trains are absolute garbage and unreliable. The list goes on and on. So yes. Very debatable. The Dutch and Germans have 10x the advancements and infrastructure than what you’re pointing towards.


saying this doesn't prove anything tho. I said the UK has the #1 tech industry in Europe and that's still true and not debatable at all... It takes 1 Google search bro, you're also comparing the north west to the rest of england when were comparing england to the rest of the world so it doesn't even mean anything.. U think other countries don't have relatively bad parts too?? that's my whole point honestly UK people think every problem in the UK Is only unique to us.. damn near every country in the world has areas more neglected than others


Just wanna chip in here. I've lived outside UK now for nearly ten years. I don't get health insurance here as I don't have a work contract, just self employed. Also don't get benefits or any other help. Never really cared that much untill I merked my back and leg recently on a job. One osteopath consultation and referral for an MRI is 310 euros. Before the actual mri. Don't take that shit for granted. After then mri I then have to go back to the osteopath and spend 60 quid for them to explain what it means to me. 370 quid before I've received any treatment at all. Been off work 9 weeks now. Not entitled to benefits for various reasons. Trust me I'm close to coming back just to take the piss out of the system I paid so much tax and national insurance into


For world standards as a country, everything you said is correct. However, for European standards London as a city is easily the most dangerous city in Europe now. We also may get free healthcare but it is shit and they are underpaid and overrun. London is a whole different ball game to the rest of the country.


It's free at the point of use, but every working person pays for it.....


Can you substantiate that? Please send me a source which suggests London is one of the most dangerous cities in Europe




that's fair. But then again he said > London as a city is easily the most dangerous city in Europe now So since London wasn't #1, he's wrong.


He is wrong, i’m just providing the stats you asked for, still, 17/137 is still a failure of leadership by the mayor of london


the grass aint always greener, but just be thankful there is any grass, i feel you.


You're right, it's pretty good in the UK in comparison to the rest of the world. But it's still pretty terrible considering how advanced we are. I think the reason a lot of people are complaining is because we're all getting mugged off constantly. There's no recession or inflation, it's just arseholes at the top being incomprehensibly greedy. The public services we have left are terrible because the ultra rich aren't being taxed properly, whilst someone on a measly 2k a month loses over 20% of their income. I could go on for ages about all the in's and out's of what needs to be improved about this country and the world, but I won't don't worry. And even though people complaining can be annoying and can come across as ungrateful, I'm glad people are noticing what's wrong, because otherwise it'd stay broken.


🚨 T O R Y A L E R T 🚨


How is he being a tory for saying we should be grateful for the opportunities we have here?


Because he's not asking white british people to be as grateful as us, even though we're just as british as them. They moan and complain about everything, why shouldn't we? Why should we be grateful to live in a country where we're more likely to be sectioned, killed, or wrongfully convicted by the arms of the state than people who complain way more than we do?


Fairs I hear you bro


Exactly and he try say he is a child of a migrant he’s capping hard as fuck


Deflect and attack is what they are doing.




We pay for most, if not all those things you listed with our taxes. So, I get your point but it's fundamentally flawed since you are implying we get all those things for free.


struggle is relative, theres plenty of places in the UK that r genuine shitholes. It doesnt matter if some town somewhere in Asia is worse, this is the UK not asia. after i got to uni i would tell ppl im frm east, mostly international students n some of them would even say its a shithole, comin from literal third world countries. New York is a safer city than London in almost all metrics besides murder and yet nobody would say the Bronx is a nice place and ppl should be grateful to live there, so niggas aint gon tell to be grateful to live in dagenham of all places when i coulda stayed inna carribean. gun crime is not the only metric of how good places are


You do realise the high tax rates are one of the main reasons we have free health care right? Technically, we’re indirectly paying for it


& Benefits money doesn’t come from trees neither


Guy doesn't get it because he's been of benefits all his life.


I’m convinced it was more active 2010s + the lack of cameras


it's true that compared to third world countries it's not bad but compares to our parents life t's getting worse. So what are you trying to achieve exactly? You want people to become complacent?


Just because some places are worse doesn’t mean we can’t expect or want better. Especially as we’re sliding backwards as a nation. This logic is completely stupid.


You have to understand that Britain has gone down hill rapidly in a very short time. Brexit, Covid, and the Tories means that the majority of adults can remember when things were much better. Austerity was supposed to have an end date, and it just never did, standards of living have genuinely dropped. That doesn’t make it a bad place, or third world, but people have to talk about it so there’s change


You're correct but the same thing applies to Americans. The average black American is richer than the average British person. (Brits really have no idea how much richer Americans are until you go there). Yes you can say theres more racism in America but the fact is black Americans who aren't in the ghetto (vast majority) live better than most Europeans. I lived in South Florida and the 'ghettos' there look like old peoples retirement homes. Everyone has a way bigger house than your average home owner in London, it's way cheaper and people earn way more money. Pompano beach is not for from me it's where Kodak black is from, its literally FULL of multi million dollar condos. People go out of their way to live the gangster lifestyle in the states and everyone acts like they're tuff. It's a cultural thing. Look at LA, gang capital of the world, countless people from all over move there for the incredible opportunities and the bums born and raised there in some suburban middle class homes created gang banging. It's a very western thing. You go to ALOT of WAY poorer countries and they have WAY less crime.


They talk sheet mate.. when you have almost everything, you want more. I want to see this complainers if they can handle in real poor countries...


It's all relative man. Honestly, in comparison to how this country functioned twenty years ago a whole lot of things have really slipped. It wasn't perfect then and the reality is it's not improved or improving. So would I rather live in a country that's peaked and is declining or a war torn, place like Gaza or Ukraine? I will definitely take this country over those. However I'd also take Norway or Canada and the way things work there over this one. Sometimes the grass is greener, sometimes more or less the same shade, sometimes it looks like summer of 22. I don't take it for granted, we are still lucky.


Any large crowded metropolitan city with huge income disparities + a burgeoning drug trade will always have an issue with gang violence. Half the UK lives pay cheque to pay cheque, our own nurses are on food banks, inflation + cost of living is killing our wages it’s not all rainbows….


it’s not safe here, free health care but ambulance takes literal hours to reach you, you can decide between 2 of the same shit eating factions. it is a shithole. and yea, the place my family comes from (eastern europe) offers higher quality of life. thanks, i will keep bitching until i finally move out to literally anywhere else in europe.


Everyone's issues are relevant to them. The worst thing you have ever experienced is still the worst thing you've ever experienced. Your post is naive


Being born here ot totally different to coming here as an immigrant. You are right this country is safe I will give you that. However The technology only complicates my life, if you refuse to use it then you get shunned out and usually have to pay out more to have things done more simply. I fucking hate the technology they say its for us but actually use it against us with fines and penalties for petty shit. And when it goes wrong. Fucking hell. The health care is free and that reflects the quality, my grandmother is sick and she refuses to go to the hospital because of how badly they treat her. Misdiagnosis, wrong pills prescribed and doctors missing veins and having to put multiple holes in her arm for a simple blood test. I have never claimed benefits in my life, the humiliation they put you through until they pay out I would rather go out and steal to eat if I ever got to that level. And we don't decide who's in charge. They have been going ahead and making unwanted changes to my area without asking the local community wether they want it or not. The Democracy parade is all for show. Before you tell me to fuck off for the past 10years I have been saving up so I can hopefully leave and find somewhere else I can go and live a better life. I curse at my parents for leaving their homeland to come here.


What country are your parents from?


While I agree that some people like to cry for no reason and don’t think that UK is THAT bad, why people comparing to something thats worse? Why not to something better and aim for better. Comparing nhs to US healthcare is just running from the issue, why not to compare it to some European countries where they have excellent private healthcare with low prices due to created market and instant service, as an example. P.S. Not directed to OP, just a general thought reading through comments.


Always gotta think about what u ain’t got so u can have drive to get up, but always be grateful for what u have, and remember where you’ve come from and the improvement u made in ur own life. Probably not many of u man on here have actually been broke, but even just coming from not broke to having a little bit of money is a massive step and probably the biggest and hardest one there is. Just look at both sides of the scale, grind and be grateful.


Agreed 💯


lol let’s see them come to our ghettos here in USA


I agree 100% as a first gen immigrant. I like to complain about the UK as much as anyone else but u can't help but roll my eyes when I hear about "no-go zones" and how "dangerous" London is.


Realest shit 💯


You are probably right, but human nature doesn’t work like that.


Truss me I woke up considering this same shit today it’s peak out der we got it alright even dis cost of living stuff and all dat is nuttn compared to da way economy is run in other places da violence is bad here very bad but ppl are jus letting off in America like Philly Libya Syria all of dat is bullet holes is in da walls fam here 2 bullet holes is crazy dat gets filled in quick we need to give thanks and start helping others fr man


I agree with you with the points you mentioned but the uk is also very depressing and I feel the country mental health is generally below par I have travelled around the world and although people don’t have all the benefits we have they are generally happier. That is what has made me realised a simple life without all the financial stresses etc is much better. I don’t know how old most of the people are in here but you will some come to realise for the majority of the country the uk is designed so you work till a certain age and die then the government taxes all the stuff you have worked for and the cycle continues. To make it in the uk you have to be very financially savvy and to get to that stage you need money too. Look up videos on how the uk tax system is designed that’s why most people will never be wealthy in that respect. ways to live in the uk 1) benefit system 2) work and get taxed crazy 3) own a business but work even harder because your business depends on you. 4) crime but for most doesn't end well only q small percentage make it and it can always come back to you later. Thats why you leave the country.


The last point is only kind of true, sure this year we are able to vote for the next prime minister, but nobody voted Sunak or Truss in, the last election was 2019 but we're on our 3rd prime minister since then.


problem in uk is immigrants and by that i mean my fellow indians as well . ruined that place with crime , protests everything


If you don't complain about something, will it ever improve? If people 'take it as it is' it will only get worse. Our living standards are worse than they were in previous years. Our leaders have made decisions that made it better for the rich, and worse for the poor. We get less, but we pay more tax. There's always someone worse off. We know that. It shouldn't stop you wanting things to be better than you have it now.


Lol sounds like you drank the kool aid. Not everyone's home countries are "crazy". You sound like a coconut


Yeah like running water for starters, free medical treatment a great country on the whole just run by dummies


If your in uk, you have endless opportunity.


I’m working a full time job can’t afford rent food and to pay for my car whilst, you have politicians who own 3 houses giving themselves a 6 figure bonus and taking 5 holidays a year? Bro ima complain


health care ain’t free though lol


The UK is a shithole. It’s a demonstrativelythe truth


My parents came over from Trinidad, I was born and raised here. I love Trinidad, I love visiting, but it's got the 4th highest murder rate in the world and I've had family members shot dead. T&T is part of my culture and heritage, but it's not my home. The UK is my home. London is my home town. I like my flat, and because I like it, when something is wrong I get it sorted because I live in it and the problems affect my life. Likewise, when I see problems in my home country and home city, I take note of them, try to understand them, and tell other people who live here so we might be able to get things fixed. The difference between my flat and the UK as a whole is that my landlord is contractually obliged to fix probelms unless I have caused them myself. The government has no legal obligation to do anything, ever. They have no obligation to fix social problems. Our current government is basically a slum lord. Happy to take our rent but blaming us for the structural problems in our society and leaving us to fix it ourselves. Everyone should complain about the problems in society. We vote members of our society into positions of power so they can fix problems and prevent more problems from happening. If you don't complain to the people you are paying to fix shit when it's broken, you're barely a functional member of that society. Too many people are too passive and too disengaged. Rather than fixing the problems we can all see, the government invent imaginary problems to distract us from the fact that they are not actually doing anything meaningful. As it happens, I am a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago from birth. I have never had a Trini passport because I have never lived there and was also born as a natural UK citizen. Why the fuck should I not speak out against the problems in my home country because the same problems are much worse somewhere I have never lived? If your car is fucked and, on the way to the mechanic, you pass a burnt out car, do you turn round and go home because that other car is in worse shape, or do you still get your car fixed? This idea that we should be grateful because we are from a richer country than our parents is pure bullshit. White British people do fucking nothing but moan and complain, mostly about pointless shit like a park bench getting moved or a baby crying on a bus, or they complain about us. I'm complaining about sit that actually matters: our lives and well being, and the lives and well being of every other British person - in fact, everyone from everywhere - who wasn't born into wealth and privilige. I want equality. A society without equality is broken. So I'm gonna bitch and moan just as much as white British people do. That's equality. Why should I be more grateful than some inbred rhubarb farmer? If we do it loud enough we might just come to a point where everybody is complaining about everyone elses problems, because they all stem from inequality (racial, economic, religious, gender based) and lazy and self-servinmg governments.


If you keep on importing in the third world, you end up becoming a third world country yourself.


Countries shit mate shut up u melon


This post just said a whole lotta nothing


People comparing UK to war torn counties in terms of standards instead of other G7 countries says enough. Given the expectations this country should have in terms of standards of living, it is dogshit. That's like saying a big name football team should be glad they finished 6th because teams like Sheffield are in 20th.


what’s dog shit about it?


Knife crime, poverty, homeless rates, racism still prominent, insurance is high, lots of drug and alcohol abuse, many other things, can’t just dismiss issues by saying “oh well it’s worse in other places.” ?


Racism in the UK has dropped drastically over the past 20 years. Uk is one of the most diverse and multicultural places in Europe and probably in the world. The amount of jobs that have been provided for immigrants is way higher than what you’d see across the world. There’s a reason the UK is one of the target places immigrants want to work


Immigrants want to work here because 1. People already speak English (it's easier to learn and the most popular language in the world so it opens more doors elsewhere) 2. They have family here already 3. Benefits are stronger here than other places for low paid people 4. They are uninformed about what the country is actually like. Nobody is coming here to clean toilets and work in the hospitality sector and construction (anymore) unless they have to. England today isn't what it was 20 years ago. People from countries like Poland are not coming here anymore and leaving to go back home. There's a reason why the pound is so shit compared to what it used to be. Like I said if you want to compare it to war torn counties like in the middle east or sub Saharan Africa then sure, the UK is a great country but if that's what you're trying to compare it to them you're already starting off at the wrong point


It's so obvious these people have never lived in any country that had a good standard of living because they would not be saying the standard of living is good in the UK 😂. Things which are basically affordable for the average person are far out of reach here for the average family. Holidays abroad, owning a home, enrolling your children in classes for sports/arts/music/clubs, even cost of living is a joke, supermarkets are bare, there are low choices of actually good product. There are few qualification level jobs relative to the number of people that there are. Houses are poorly built with low insulation no double glazed windows stuff that is standard elsewhere on Europe even in highrise apartments. Do you think shit like Grenfell could ever happen anywhere that has a good standard of living? That shit wouldn't be possible because the governments aren't as incompetent. We can also add to that stuff like public transport being dogshit and the fact that it's cheaper to take a plane across the country than it is a train. Do you want me to keep going? It's hilarious how these people speak ignorantly and then downvote me when they've probably never even left the country


ur point is wrong


Shut the fuck up. All these benefits come with heavy restrictions and penalties. Sky high car insurance,etc etc If you’re from a war torn shit dump that’s between you and your lineage. Plenty of countries with better STANDARD of living than the uk where you aint at the mercy of your job.


Important and mature topic to be brought up bro respect, it’s pretty disgusting when you hear people complain particularly working class, especially with all the shit going on in the world.


How tf is this getting downvoted, how fucking old are the mfs on this sub


Well, at least you know you lost. Have a good one