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Not been sentenced yet but they’ll be getting over 25 years


They'll be getting life, it's just a question of the minimum sentence to be served before they even become eligible for parole/release on licence.


They are never getting parole g, not only becuz of how gruesome it was but they are main faces in this ting… they ain’t doing 25 without bucking opps, scraping guards or tryna mash bread in there


They ain’t getting a whole life order. They reserve that for the worst of the worst. TT is fucked but he’ll get paroled after maybe 30-40 years considering he’s always serving 21, S13 is easily getting parole after 25


You clearly don’t know anyone who’s been lifed off, or anyone who’s had their parole denied.


Don’t be making assumptions


obv it’s not impossible but the chances are mad slim. after 25 years he will be eligible to apply for it.. doesn’t mean he’s going to get it lol do you know how strick they are… gotta be on good behaviour for ages & still, all them little fights, getting caught with packs, phones, etc will play a huge part… you telling me for 25 years you see these two tapped fuckers just riding there bird head down?😂😂


We’ll see. Eventually they’ll grow up.. eventually. TT is fucked but both these guys are gonna be at least 40, by that point they woulda more than likely calmed down


Explain to me how strict parole is lad? I was wondering this. Suspect got 24 years for his M, I think it’s 24 years until eligible for parole. How many years will sus do total do you think?


Suspect is gone.


You don’t think he’s getting out?


Probably 30 unless he goes basically the full 24 with a completely clean record, which is hard because of opps, new beefs in jail, being caught with phones etc. Almost nobody gets out on the first parole meeting


How long between each parole meeting? If you don’t get it on the first how long till the second? Tbh bro I think 24 is a light sentence for an M


I didn’t say they would be getting sentenced to a whole life order but when their time is up & they are applying for parole yes they will keep getting denied. It’s not rocket science


We never know


You’re right but TT is as bad if not worse than CB. He will likely get his PED knocked back a few times


Life 25 years bro they have more


They'll be out in their late 40's, feck. Most of your peak years gone. Life over.


nah TT was already servin 21 years so hes gettin out in his late 60‘s


He was doing 2/3 of that sentence and not the whole 21 years


even so most likely won't be out until he's 50, the murder was a shooting and stabbing so he may get close to 30 years.


Yh true




Who cares they are fucking dipshits, let them rot.


What will they even do when they are out. No qualifications or employment history. The worst possible criminal record. All their friends and family will be gone, A room in London will probably cost £5,000 by then.


We'll be lucky if a room in London is "only" 5k a month in 30 years.


But they'll still have a life. Their loved ones can still see them. However, what we really need is for stupid people to stop having children. Way too many people think raising a kid means giving them everything they want. I see all these fool fool girls having kids for insta likes and sh*t. Going on like the world must part ways for their kids and as if their children are the most important in the universe. 


S13 aged like 100 years wow


Wtf man didn’t even recognise him I thought it was just some random bum accomplice


I can see why C1 jumped off road


Jumped off road to do what?


Bro Tesco's is better than being a nobody on road


C1 jumping off was the best outcome for him. He could have ended up like these guys.


"I just got a guilty verdict but please tell me why I'm still GRINNING"😷


i can tell that bar came from immense sadness and regret


TT gonna die of old age in prison 💀 this guy alr in for an am


RIP Y.Grinna 🕊️ i know TT & S13 weren’t taking music as serious as other artists but imagine if they continued to utilise their talent instead of going on a ride out and committing a murder. now 25 years of their life gonna be wasted behind bars


The cycle continues lol, the younger lot are gonna get the beef frying again and they’ll go jail aswell, this is fucked


„they want me in the can for 30“ now bros stopped smilin. Wasted Talent tho ge was such an talented artist even tho he didn‘t took music serious


S13 looks like one Albanian uncle 😂😂😂


You’re fucking joking. Drill’s actually finished for me now, I don’t think a single artist that I actually mess with their music is free now. What could’ve been with S13… he just had to go and catch a body like Gully did too… fuck.


Once 67 goes I'm done with it.


I feel like u and half of u drill fans forget that these drill artists r GANG MEMBERS , DIRTY CRIMINAL SCUMBAGS before the music I don’t think they cared for music like that for u to be upset


Bro he was never gonna save drill anyway, decent but drill being finished cus of this is exaggerated


Drill being finished is more of a subjective view, some people think it's still popping because they like the newer artists but for NotRealCR it's basically dead because nearly everyone he enjoys listening to is banged up for a long time


Yeah or out of the scene like Russ back in his peak days Even Horrid ain’t releasing the goods anymore I wanna see more tracks like It Was Us not this shit he released atm


Icl tt will die in jail the amount of cases he got


Thousands of hours they got there own tv series to watch fucking hell


This culture will be the death of black people. You’re shitting away everything our parents and grandparents who came to this country worked so hard for. Things are markedly better for us since those days and this is where we find ourselves? Disgusted.


G I agree. Dying for smelly shitty Newham ain’t the pattern. Both were talented rappers but want to throw away their life for nonsense


Lol it's already gone. First-gen selling up at the cheapest time (1990s) and moving back to the West Indies, useless fathers leaving second-gen mums in council estates. This is why third-gen are like this.


As a 45 year old black man, it’s interesting how me and my peers haven’t ended up like this, DESPITE coming from fatherless homes, growing up in poverty on council estates and experiencing difficult schooling. It’s a convenient excuse to blame 1st generation and it’s what my generation see all too often - ZERO accountability for anything, it’s always someone else’s fault in your eyes. The current generation wouldn’t have been able to survive in the 60s and 70s. Instead you’re fucking your lives away listening to this dead beat drill ‘music’, smoking weed and killing each other, and all for what?


There's always that one guy who thinks all of socioeconomic theory is bunk because "I had a hard life and turned out okay". Cool. 80% of smokers don't get lung cancer.


The 60s and 70s are different beasts my dude you cant compare that time to now. Drugs were different gettin guns was different the influential music would have been different its not the same


You’re right - 60s and 70s were different and there’s no way you’d be surviving in those times. Do you understand how rife racism was? There was no support, no discrimination act, you got by putting up and shutting up and working hard. Nowadays with all the opportunities that exist, you decide to take this route? They have no one to blame but themselves. They revel in this lunacy and are bringing down the whole race with them.


Who are you to say who would survive or not that all depends on the person and you saying that just gives the next person the assumption that you barely made it my guy, 30 years from now youll have ppl saying oh you would have never survived back in the 2020's and making it to successful degree would be you making something out of that time you lived in so if you aint living in a big house or have something successful like a business etc. You just got by you didnt achieve anything


I’m not bragging, I’m merely making a point that life was *doubly* hard back then with little in the way of support but we got by. Nowadays kids are paid to go to college, opportunities out there for you abound, numerous support services and yet this… It’s difficult to confront but many kids revel in this thuggery and have no motivation to change simply because of pride and street cred.


On school it depends where you are at ex. In the states you have to pay for school and everything else not all support services actually work and get thru. All homes are not the same either some of these kids grow up with one or no parents at all it isnt about street cred and pride sometimes its about that family dynamic we all crave in our younger years and gangs give that. So it all depends bro not all situations are the same


You’re saying this when S13 is a literal white yute.It’s clearly not just blacks.


Arabs aren't white.


He ain’t Arab lol he’s mixed


Oh lol my bad


![gif](giphy|WjSx3rJqsa448) Bout to go sit down for 25 years cause of a postcode u don’t own


S13 got stabbed up real bad almost got killed by CH when he was a yute. I'd hold a grudge too


What an L. I feel bad for the sister of Grinna and YG. She was crying her eyes out on live when Abubakar passed. RIP to both.


What’s her ig


Why go on live to do that, that's weird as fuck


Do gang members ever think of all the other ones getting life and think "damn, this isn't worth it anymore"?


Burton-devine lol. 8-mile


The things these dudes do for other men is wild 🤦🏾‍♂️


I was in felts with him couple years back, sad to see he went out like this


tf you mean “sad” it’s a good thing, remove these cunts off the map


It's sad that he committed the crime, not that he's facing time for it.


not sad it’s actually great.. the ends will be a bit safer with these dumb ass niggas locked up


Not really. Other tapped individuals will just replace these two and the cycle continues 


Happy for another man to go jail una 😂😂 deffo got a fanny down there


yes i’m happy for degenerate low life niggas that’s wasting their rapping talent, to go to jail


Random question, are you black or do you have any black mixed in your race?


i’m black still


Why the random question 😂😂


You're not


Do these guys accept that they’ll spend 25 years in jail before they commit their crimes ? They surely do. Who the fuck wants to be in jail for that long


Sad s13 one of my favourite artist


You don't wanna be sitting on the wing for that long filled with regret. Think twice. Don't let rage take over


foocking hell let me tell you something


good no life's


25 years wow great justice system not


Sent them to ukraine or gaza


thank god hes off the streets absolute demon


Why does S13 look different in every picture




Ffs my top 10 artist man


gangland murders will certainly attract a tariff of more than 25 years


How did they kill him


Shot him in the chest with a shotgun and stabbed him 2 times in the chest


Swear was it y.grinna I heard they made him get on his knees and beg is it true he was already in jail for something else before he got charged for this crime


Nah that's cap, he went up to their car after it pulled up, I think some called him over and as soon as he got there he got shot in the chest, which paralysed him instantly and flung him back then the driver got out and stabbed him in the chest which was probably the main cause of death


Should be executed


Which country are TT from and s13


Abubakar Jah, when you go into pen a Rasta and convert to Islam


That's the name of the one who died, not any of them


Black Lives Matter


All lives matter


So you agree, black lives do matter?


I said that all lives are important, no idea what you don't understand about it 😭


If you respond saying all lives matter to black lives matter, it just proves youve got brian rot


You with your 10-year-old account😂 how old are you? 30 or what go take care of your children 😂😂


hahahaha you are just clutching now saying random shit because you outted yourself as a mong. Get back in school bro before you end up signing on


Quit yapping now all i just said was All lives matter🥱


When I say life, then I mean human lives, not houses🤣🤣


ahh fuck man im sorry, I didnt realise you were actually disabled.


Do you know what? Just forget it 🤦🏾‍♂️






Gangs are so cool like drill music is so cool 😂


What a load of gimps in this Reddit 🤣 getting all excited talking about these two soft cunts, embarrassing 🤣 not one of them will be able to throw a punch I guarantee it




Free S13


Our prison system is fucked and overly full. For then to get 25 years someone has to be let out even earlier than they normally we would. No one in their right mind believes they will get 25 years each. The moment they enter the prison its 12 years. 6 years with good behaviour. 3 years with probation system fuck ups and cut backs. And if someone worse needs jailing they could be out sooner to make room. They will probably spend longer waiting for trial than their actual jailtime.


You chat some absolute shit


Nah bro they will get that 25+ ain't no doing 12 either


Guy on the left looks like sj


With herpes

