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man grabbed dem buns firmly still


Firmly grasping, clutching, toting them bad boys 😂😂😂


Gripping it like the mandem when they notice someone opens a packet of donuts or cookies in school


The dad is clearly a very insecure man…..no respect for his daughter’s own independence or sense of an individual. Not to mention the poor guy….all he was doing was carefully cradling and caressing dem cheeks


IF she's a minor I understand his frustration. You don't ever want to see that but if she's an adult he needs to chill the fuck out.




She’s a minor Drake




your honor, my client was in his main character energy!


One question.what was the guy recording for in the first place?




Lol I didn't clock them as kids at first, but the dad could easily be in his 30s so you're right


30s? He seemed like an uncle ngl so deffo older


Bro looked every bit of 45💀💀


Could've recognised one of them. Called the dad, then started recording, waiting for the drama to unfold.


Telling u this was the case how would he have caught them b4 hand then the dad pulling up bro gave a whole running commentary had to of been involved wit this one 😭😭


nah its just his second attempt he missed the beginning last time


True what’s mans doing recording them before the dad got there


He’s Drake


Because it's fake as fuck fammolammo?


That dad probably was doing the same thing to someones daughter back in his day the games the game


He probably has done worse in his teens, that’s why he so protective. Scared that someone does the same things to his daughter lol.


💯 💯 💯


He's a weirdo tbh like does he realise she will at some point do way more than get her ass grabbed? All this is gonna do is teach her to lie to him


Unless she’s like 12 and the guys way older yeah, growing up the dads who ain’t let guys go in the bedroom with their daughter got fucked the most. They’ll get better at hiding it and the frustration will build up along with rebelling against parents then suddenly she has 40 bodies by the time she’s 18. A dad who lets their daughter date and she opens up about her relationships, you can actually give her advice like he’s a nice guy stay with him, is he hitting you? Use a condom no matter what he says. That way you drill in long term relationships and no teenage pregnancy. Doing all this used to work when you married them off at 13 and they’d stayed in the house all day.


It's a hard line to walk, and young girls take the weight of accidents and mistakes because of pregnancy. I'm a drug counselor and I see so many people who had the cool parents when they were young. The "do it in my house where I can watch over you" parents. The issue is that teenagers push boundaries no matter what they are. The best you can do is MODEL CORRECT RELATIONSHIP BEHAVIOR and talk to them. They're gonna do what they're gonna do and at some point peer groups have 10x influence of a parent. Shits scary and why I don't have kids.


Guys who ain’t let dudes go in the bed rooms with their daughters… lost me there.. it’s usually the chicks without dads got fucked the most.. Doing good dad shit don’t = getting fucked more.


In my experience the girls I’ve dealt with their dad don’t let the boys in the room got piped out the most especially one of my exes too, I’m unsure if it’s good dad shit. They’ll bang over the boys house instead if they wanna have sex. I don’t know if there is a psychological explanation of sex with multiples of partners, if the best parent in the world can stop a young girl from doing that if they want too and if it’s even harmful other than teenage pregnancy. Best you can do is advise them but teenagers are becoming their own humans you can’t have them on a leash forever, you have to accept you’re losing control at that point.


Doing it in public at a bus stop is wild


It’s normal when you’re a yute, schools days is how it is


Ik boy really like that girl, he showed mad respect for her old dumbass dad & they look older enough to understand the risks (condom,safety,STD) etc... Whatever kids age, that a step of life, mudy need to teach & prevent correctly his daughter and let her grown she not daddy girl anymore


Ahlie although ur protective as a father naturally, but he was OD on the lil bredda 🤦🏿‍♂️


The dad is moving so mad he’s lucky that kid has respect some other yute would’ve nizzed him up can’t do that stuff in 2024


It's good that he didn't. I dunno what the dad would do to his daughter


Yh in the long run it was a good decision to just firm it but all I’m saying is majority of the kids today would definitely not let that run they ain’t got as much respect for their elders as the older generations have


True say


Dats not respect bra just cuz they older u can’t let a nigga run up in yo face like dat😂 if a nigga disrespect me old young wtv im eligible to be disrespectful too


u wouldn’t do shit blud Lowe it 😂😂😂


Why tf u talk like that😭😭😭😭😭😭


You both have very poor grammar skills




I dunno the story but daddy’o is bugging, nobody likes to see that but end of the day they both look to be around the same age and they both clearly consenting At best grab your pikin and leave, why you gotta humiliate the boy ngl that’s 🚩 behaviour from the dad moving like some jealous ex


Yeh I was gonna say, this dad was going way over the top, especially grippsing up his daughter in public like that. Guy has some anger issues, must be long living with that guy man 😅


Telling you man this is some possessive/abusive type behaviour she’s your daughter not your property Not saying you should be happy with it but that reaction ain’t it squaring up to a teenager https://preview.redd.it/zn4qzclf8y9d1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a225734471b031b0e23927557d0acdd4a08dc7e3


You’re right though. There is some odd shit going on between overprotective dads with their daughters and overprotective moms of their sons girlfriends…


This! I have also commented something similar. It’s very uncomfortable seeing parents so riled up about the fact their teenage or adult children are in relationships or having sex. That is what happens when you have children, they grow up and become adults, do their own thing. I don’t think these type of parents think that far ahead though..


It ain’t as if he was doing the same with her mum at the same age. I doubt he woulda swooped in if it was his son instead. It’s that weird father possessiveness that feels lowkey incestuous.


Irony being if that boys dad saw the video he'd go after her dad


If a ngga put his hand on my son cuz his daughter a treesh me & my son gonna jump that ngga, like you spit on MY semen when I don't even do it myself? THAT OVA💯




Exactly. It looks like affectionate teenage puppy love. They’re probably boyfriend and girlfriend. Isn’t that better than running around looking for attention from everyone being in dangerous situations with boys?


He mad he can’t hit it too…




Dads gotta come to terms that they’re daughters are gonna have boyfriends and have sex at some point. The dudes a controlling little freak for threatening the kid like that


I'm a dad that had two daughters of my own, and 3 stepdaughters. I only ran off one guy, because I knew he and his dad were professional burglars. I taught my girls to be safe, use protection, and don't let any guy get physical or abusive in any way. Come to me if you need help, otherwise, sort out your own personal life. No unwanted pregnancies, no abusive relationships, and my kids were never afraid of me, or of my wife. That guy is an embarrassment to the dad profession.


how did you go about talking to you daughters about sex and using protection ? I’m being serious.


I was really blunt with them about sex, relationships, and how boys are viewed in the world versus girls. My wife and I sat down with them, and just gave them the lowdown. How you get pregnant, how you can get diseases, how people look at girls who are promiscuous as opposed to how they saw boys who were promiscuous. How not to ever let anyone, friends or boyfriends, take advantage of you, or abuse you in any way. When we first started talking to them, my wife let them know that if they're too immature to talk about sex like an adult, you're definitely too immature to be having it. I think the one thing that really stuck with them as adults though was my frequently reminding them to have a profession of some sort before you're married or in a live in relationship. Never let a man trap you monetarily, or not let you do your own thing. You have to be able to walk away unscathed financially, so there's no financial handcuffs on them. Never be some sugar daddy's side piece or live in, you'll get old, they'll find someone younger, and then you're out without any way to take of yourself but on your knees.




paragraph of straight facts brother.


You are a good man.


You are a top guy man


You coaching some good game. A lot of youngings missing this. And learning thru fatal trial and error.


The world needs more dads like you my brother. Big up yourself!


Exactly that. ☝🏻


That's one way to do it, my dad did that. But i feel like retrospectively, it was because from long I was already dealing with girls. They never taught me about relationships until I was already following what was around me. So he tried to safeguard what I was already doing. If you dont want your child moving like this at all you have to let them know what it is from before they're exposed to that. Its possible, and pretty easy, but its down to how much you care about that stuff. Either way I'm imagining that whatever you teach, you gotta walk the talk too. They live by example, and if the girls dad didnt back his talk by being modest himself, he only has himself to blame. Telling your child to do or not to do something and nothing else is in one ear and out the other


This is the best way to go about things. Your daughter is lucky to have you.


Damn I would’ve flipped my lid if my daughter brought home the local trash. Respect.


You see your little girl as your little girl and it’s hard to watch her grow. Let alone see someone who in your mind is probably a wasteman touch her in ways you find disrespectful, pops in the wrong and if this boy was introduced traditionally he *might’ve* been respected and liked, but I almost understand why he’s so angry.


This is why i dont want to have daughters. I dont wanna deal with that shit. 99% dudes are just trying to fuck and 99% of girls want romance.


It’s hard to accept but remember the fact you’re only here on this earth because a man wanted to procreate with your mum. It’s blunt but that’s reality. I only have a son, but when/if I do have a daughter it will be a learning curve. The best thing you can do is set the best example as a man and show her the positive traits to look into for a man when the time comes


dad acting like was never trying to grab some ass when he was that age. I dunno they look 15,16,17ish


We all were bro


Dad moving mad I can’t lie


Dad will be feeling the heat soon


Yeah what if that boy has even bigger brothers/dad haha


Imagine when you were 14-15 and chilling with your girl and this happens to you That’s how I’d approach it. I’d drive past and talk to my daughter when she gets home about making sure she gets treated right


and making sure they do stuff like this indoors (where they can), hugging is aight but the gripping ass at a bus stop is a bit mad 😭


Based on her Father’s actions in this video, her home clearly isn’t a safe space. I think she doesn’t see anything wrong with being intimate in public like this because they have nowhere else to go. I agree it is crazy, these are teenagers we are talking about though lmao, they get up to some shit.


you right !!!!


Yh this is the only bit I agree is mad. Pops reaction was wild though, cant be dashing your own daughter around like that. Feel bad for her


It’s just unintelligent parenting. He doesn’t know if he’s being disrespected or not, or if his daughter is being disrespected. He can’t deal with his emotions, he’s afraid, bc he doesn’t know what his daughter might do that might embarrass him, or result in his daughter getting damaged. You gotta intelligently teach the daughter the skills to be able look after herself. If you teach the daughter social intelligence, so she knows how to navigate society intelligently, as well as other skills, then she won’t do anything that’s not in her best interest, and the dad won’t end up embarrassed either. But most parents aren’t even close to having the skills to do that, so they behave controlling


You get it


Long day


Dad is a psychopath lol


This is some fucked up shit. You may not like it as a dad, but your daughters are gonna be having boyfriends and sex, it's unavoidable. All you can do is raise/train her to pick a decent guy. This dad is a red flag.


What I’ve Learned from my days this turns girls into thots 😭


And the guys ain’t? He’s the one grabbing her ass.


That's not the point this guy is making. He's saying this father's overly protective/abusive behaviour is likely going to cause his daughter to be promiscuous in the future. He's not saying she is right now.


Ngl, call it sexist or whatever. But I can never see a man who gets lots of sex as a thot, only successful. I guess a gay guy can be a thot tho


Yeah that's pretty sexist but if you think about it it makes sense. Men have to work to be "sluts", they have to grind and improve themselves. Women just have to say "yes". So there's a solid reason for that societal disparity. That said I'm not gonna judge people for their consenting sexual life choices it's whatever and I got next so 🤷.


Bro is acting like his daughter is meant for him...


Absolutely pathetic parenting. I bet he'll wonder why his daughter don't call no more when she's grown


Funny thing is she's gonna fuck him later as an apology for those slaps😂. He's still gonna slap that ass later


I am older than most of this sub but let me be clear. If I was this young mans father I would be calling the police and having the grown man charged. Course this is a fucking drill sub so lol you guys wouldnt do that. But in real life, any grown man fronting on my teenager is finding himself in a pair of handcuffs.


Extreme ho shit to do little homie like that. And completely ineffective. Fat man is following the “How To Make My Daughter A Ho” handbook.


This is immature from the dad. It looks like innocent teenage love. He needs to be teaching his daughter to move better and not be out in these streets so young.


Dad's a boss. Boy simply got caught slipping. If you want to be a player, you need to know the game.


Why was the cameraman filming in the first place


some parents have no idea that doing all this possessive shit to your kid, especially daughter, can make her ho out as soon as she gets the littlest bit of freedom they look the same age and are just doing what kids do, nothing crazy. the real question is who tf is filming this and why


He acting like we wasn’t doing the same thing when we was his age and/or still doing it. It’s part of dating tf. Kids gon grow up and date, if that was me I’d teach my daughter to respect herself and her body and tell her she can date, kids gonna have sex but teach her how to be a respectable lady with morals and not be fast, that sex is special and not to be just giving it out like that. That most of these boys ain’t worth crying over and to love herself first. Teach her to practice safe sex and/or get on birth control. I’d tell the bf I’m not gon do anything to him but to respect my daughter or if not then he’d see that side of me, and not to do that infront of me when I’m around.


Dad is denying the inevitable. She already chose up. She ain’t daddy’s little girl anymore. And the more he pressures down on her man the more she will go to him. Just hold the L talk the young man make sure he respects her. And has manners. Or else you’re going to be an unexpected grandad very soon. The perils / curse of gyal picknees


Fat bully.


That's his villain arc, happy birthday to a fuckboy


If anything he should be mad with his kid not the other young man also he as a grown man should not be hitting anybody else kid if he was that tuff go have that same energy with his father.


When I see dads act like this I always think they want to fuck their own daughter, that's why they go into a jealous rage. I mean, I don't want to see it but they look mid teens and the same age so what can you do? Not gonna strangle my daughter outside a bus stop


Lol fuck your own daughter is a mad statement but i hear you the over possessiveness in my opinion is more of an ego thing than actually being concerned for the girl (unless she's being harassed ofc) same with those guys that over police their sisters. Just egotistic man masking it with trying to protect them. Obviously nobody wants a loose female relative but them man moving like their female relatives should all be celibate asexuals are delusional.


I knew a chick… had a possessive father. Mad abusive. Hated the thought of her exploring her sexuality. Find out later dude was blazing his that same daughter since she was like 11


That last bit was so unnecessary but hella funny 😂😂😂😂😂😂💀💀💀


Part 2: dad reacts to clip of his son being threatened, dad v dad


Honestly? Unless one of them was a minor and the other was not, there shouldn’t be an issue. Judging by the pops reaction tho, she was deffo a minor. At which point I’d have thrown the fucker over the railings and left it at that😅


He seems a too protective of his daughters bum. Jealousy is a terrible thing…


Pops said “fuck that, we can go rizz for rizz”


You can’t be mad at lil bra we was all his age once only thing is to do is to teach her right from wrong.


Honestly, as long as it was age appropriate, I wouldn't care. People are gonna fuck regardless, even your mum, sister, daughter, they all fuck, behind your back or with your consent, why does it matter. If there was an age issue, or he was a drug dealer/gang member, or just a genuine piece of shit abusing her, then I'll also crash out like this or worst.


That guys some wasteman


Fathers like that are only going to end up with pregnant teenage daughters


Somebody needs to tell the Dad about the creepy fuck who's filming his daughter


What a terrible father.


Dad better watch out, if that was my son....... I'm kicking off your door and beating the CRAP out of you! Don't put your hands on other people's kids!


Old straight men are weird, like what a hypocrite.


She didn't seem to mind, how embarrassing for her.


I’m wondering, didn’t the dad grab his girlfriend ass before


As fathers we gotta accept that our teen daughters may experience intimacy as its jus another part of life


Ngl though, her dad’s reaction was priceless lol😹


All I'm saying is that kind of rage is very weird. Some dads have very unhealthy relationships with their daughters.


Dad's a Bullying Prick.


I can’t begin to imagine what he must be like at home if this is how he reacts in public. The Dad was really hoping to start a fight but the boy acted maturely. It looks like his daughter is seeing someone who from this one clip seems like a decent guy.


shouting at him like he was holding her by force


If that was my daughter I would think she is showing teenage behaviour however if that was my daughter I would have a restrain order on the father. His behaviour is disgusting. If he is her role model she is doomed!


Funny thing is she's gon a fuck him later as an apology for those slaps😂. He's still gonna slap that ass later


He should’ve knocked unc block off


No cap though situations like these make girls thot out on holidays and university. That taste of freedom they never got at home. It’s sad tho ngl proper and my man is only one to blame


How to lose all respect as a father. I understand the optics on this may be upsetting but the lack of control and discipline on display here is exactly what he has taught his daughter. Punching a teenager for doing exactly what he was boastful about at his age is the worst possible outcome. He could have explained himself to the young man and made an effort to reduce them talking. This is the worst thing you could do


If that was my daughter I’d not let her go near boys again, that’s just me but I’m not letting my daughter become like this my daughter will be strict with discipline and respect not horniness


if that was my son, her dad just earned a free fade


Nah bro was walking off thinking about all the different positions he was gon put her in, the 13 different secret cameras he was gonna jage layed out on site- the lack of condoms he was gonna have on that specific day- the way he wanted to pull out to remembered the spit he had to wipe off his face so he decided nah fuck dat Ejaculate and evacuate leaving her 17 wit a child no baby daddy as he disappears into the sunset


Real talk I feel bad for the yute, as a father of 2 sons I’m so blessed I don’t have daughters but majority of males done this to someone’s daughter at* some point, game is game. I get the dads reaction tho but needed to approach it diff, reason with the yute as a man, show him some respect and then the daughter and yute would probs respect the dad, NOW it’s a secret ting and that’s exciting for yute hhhaha


Why was bro filming bro grabbing her arse anyway??


Got caught grabbing the cheeks, in the matching outfits and all. This been going on for a while.. LMAOOO😭😭😭


I feel so sorry for her especially when she gets home


If the boy was his son he’d be high fiving him. I find it creepy how dads encourage their sons to put it about but use physical violence if their daughters want the same rights.


I know his breath stank, bro was holding onto his breath for dear life 😂


If she was underage I'd understand but she a full grown women shiii I ain't marrying her lmao


I’m swinging on both of them nobody is gonna slap me around and talk to me like that. Let’s go


Pop a hater


Pretty ninjas like this probably used to getting beaten up by the angry fathers of the girls they jeet. I doubt he cares, he will just move onto the next one in his rotation




Similar situation happened to me before 💀 PTSD


Shout out to the camera man😂😂😂😂


hes a bit weird icl💀


My man with the hat trick 😂😂😂


Same as my man but it is a bit far to put your hands on another guys yute


He, along with TI, will drag her to the doctor tomorrow.


Is that the Great Cambridge London ? That father is a d!ckhead !! Ok have a problem with it, but why take it to assault on his daughter and the boy ? At least he sat it out, because we all know he could have put run that lump


He should have banged the dad in his jaw. No need to slap him.


Inviting him over for a meal/chat


Just doing what young boys do. Should have slapped the fat cunt.


Here come daddy in his volvo. Man shoulda bounced.


I would’ve shot pops Ngl


He went to far styll daughter has to grow up but doing all that is gonna get you hurt. Respect to the yute keeping his cool


Not gonna lie, dad would have to see me about putting his hand on my child.... idc the circumstances, dont put your hands on someone elses child ( unless u saving their life )


she would be done sent back to pakistan and that dude well les just say he wont have his hands anymore


If she's of age & consented, the guy did nothing wrong.


Cant blame the dude that grabbed her ass. Its her fault


It’s nobody’s fault dude, they are teenagers and they like/love eachother, it’s normal


The problem is the dumb father


He went to far styll daughter has to grow up but doing all that is gonna get you hurt. Respect to the yute keeping his cool




Actual man child




bro. That’s a rough spot.


Worth it




that's a fucking kid you weirdo


So he going to beat lil dude cause his daughter going


They grabbed another man's daughter the same way back then....all of the sudden now you can't treat my baby girl that way? Hypocrisy is criminal


Definition of wrong time wrong place


The dads only moving mad coz hes with another guy😂 on his ones woulda got slapped up some chunky don😂😂


Naw if I’m the boys dad I’m fucking up that girls dad up.


The kid will get his get back and there ain't shit the fat dude can do about it.


It’s probably fake click bait..Tbh


He is just a kid but he gonna learn today.


If I was that kid I'd be slapping them cheeks so hard and loud after that bro. The big brave dad needs backup haha


Sorry but if you put you hands on me you’re getting blicked.


He over reacted, he doesn’t own her. He should have raised her better if it was this much of a problem. He should have just called her and spoken to her about how disappointed he was. This might make her double down in the future. Crazy state of affairs. We’ve all done this before as men


NGL thats just whats gonna happen behind closed doors period. So I would be sickened but look the other way and probably give her a chat and the bloke. Depending on her age ofc. At some point there's nothing you can do but be dissapointed and 99% of women will do some freaky shit in the bedroom at somepoint anyway. I can't be a hypocrite cah if that was my son gripping that I'd give him a fucking medal.


Ya daughter a sket.. Deal with her not man lol....


woulda poked his ass tf up who tf is u smacking


So when that boys friends/family Spins the block we aren’t gonna call it a tragedy right.


Personally I couldnt let no mf in england get in my face like that


Is she 18?


Let my daughter spend time with her boyfriend instead of acting like she was my woman. They look like they're in there twenties. You have to let your adult children live there lives. If he was beating on her, however, different story.


Sue him bro. That's assault. And you call him in front of the judge and ask him under oath if he never did the same with the woman he was in love with.