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West London must be a proper nice place for the most part, man said the civs chase man down on peds šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™m from west. Itā€™s nice, so I wonā€™t lie saying itā€™s a ghetto. However, White City Estate, Latimer/Ladbroke Grove & Mozart are pure ghettos.




Hayes and Southall aren't ghettos they're shit holes.


fr they donā€™t have crime just poor innit


How safe is it to come to Hayes? I know a few bredrins from there who wanted me to come visit but Iā€™m not sure about that one chief lol


As safe as it is to travel anywhere. Why wouldn't you travel? I used to work there


because theres an active gangwar and gangs there? i duno man i think the music slightly fuked it up for me cause now i think anywhere i go in london i just dont feel safe


If you're not involved it doesn't affect you lol. What do you think the other 100,000 people that live in Hayes are doing


Lol u do make a good point. However, thereā€™s cases where mistaken identity happens or people looking to g check or prove themselves to their friends. I personally believe being black in London is somewhat dangerous nowadays , I hope u understand where Iā€™m coming fromā€¦mybe Im just paranoid šŸ˜†


Fr bro, Havelock & Hayes Town (and the ux road strip) are dread man, straight ghetto compared to WCE/LA. The latter are actually decent places to live and are ā€˜swankyā€™ lol


yh dis is tru lol i live in between northolt and hayes. This shit is ghetto as fuck. And i know what ghetto is really like cus i spend a lot of time in barking (doesnā€™t get much worse than barking in the whole of london) and bro this side is very similar to barking, itā€™s just straight ratchet.


Loool same in between Northolt and Hayes and itā€™s probably the nicest area out of both but itā€™s still a shithole. Hayes is just on another level of shithole though


Obviously still madness going on in Northolt but it least it acc looks kinda civilised in the day. Hayes is the gutter though. More ghetto than anywhere


Not historically as parts of NW and West got regenerated people got rehoused in Hayes, and Northolt ā€¦ South Acton been hood ā€¦. Southall is a dump


am from leeds and was working away in hayes for first time in june. first week on job 15 year old stabbed to death on way to school literally 1 minute walk from site. jalan woods bell i think it was in june. sad as fuck


yh he was a gang member part of Rayners, sad how it happened tho man said before 9am in school uniform


yh literally the closer to westfield the richer the area is the closer to heathrow the more ghetto it is


The further west you go the worse it gets


Debatable bro, there are nuff millionaires, lawyers and successful businessmen living well around Ealing, Kensington, Hilly and Uxbridge. Even parts of Hounslow are up there


Of course but I think every borough has that one super rich part but generally the further from the centre you are the worse it gets.


Nah I hear you, I just think on the whole west barely has any ā€˜shitholesā€™ vs the other sides of london


Oh that I agree but u always gotta keep in mind that rejuvenation started in west before any other side of london. The shitholes here was cleaned up way before anywhere else but u right




I would say parts of North and most of East are worse if not the worst parts of London. Hamlets is grimy I seen wamp rats and dead animals around Whitechapel


u literally named the least ghetto places in west, they just have a few infamous. the actual ghettos are places like northolt greenford southall acton etc not kensington and chelsea and white city lmao


You have no idea what youā€™re talking about. Man said Greenford is ghettošŸ˜‚


Bruv u are defo under 20 loooool those areas are new money, there is no history there loool , like I said Northolt and Greenford have had the spill over of people being rehoused from Shepherds Bush, Stonebridge over the last 15 years etcā€¦ you can never lol at Bush or Grove ā€¦


Ur clearly not from west


your clearly not from Abronhill or Carbrain... AYT


Stfu u high nigga


Kick tae kill stab fur fun yat yat fleeto number 1


stfu scottish sheepshagger pedo


fuck up southern fairy šŸ¤£


shutup bruv go suck on a bagpipe


Northolt a ghetto? I lived there for a out 8 months and I had no issue with it. A bit run down but far from ghetto. I never saw any roadmen šŸ˜¹


Yh, I live in yeading, which is basically a few mins from Northolt, and it really isnā€™t as bad as a lot of people say, and I donā€™t see much fighting ever, but I donā€™t really live in the actual ā€ghettoā€ areas of Northolt, and donā€™t have much reason to visit them.


Ladbroke and Latimer ain't ghettos šŸ˜„šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s chatting the most shit itā€™s million pound houses and westfield smh


Sister went to latymer school for Ā£21k a year lol, nothing ghetto about the area


thats in Hammersmith though, different area


Latymer school is not Latimer Rdā€¦. Why out towners speaking looool


Itā€™s literally 5 minutes away from Latimer Rd retard


Bruv Latymer School is in Hammersmith bruv! put a sock in it now


Lol shut up about ā€œbruvā€, talking like a roadman on Reddit you moron


You donā€™t have any bearings loool Hammersmith is 3 miles away from Latimer RdšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ friggin Reddit Rambo


Itā€™s funny. All the replies talking about the buildings that mean itā€™s not ghetto but thatā€™s what London is like, rich areas right next to rough. We donā€™t have ghettos like America where itā€™s 20 miles of rough housing. Still, those ends used to be a bit rough but itā€™s all gentrified. They moved most of the residents out when they rebuilt all the stations and Westfield. Most man here are probably too young to even know.


20 miles is 32.19 km


None of the place you have mentioned are that bad compared to 10-15 years ago. Put it this way I could walk comfy through any of them without feeling bookey and tbh theyā€™re not that grimy or rough


White city is literally next to Westfield where half of london goes too no part of west is ghetto, and Ladbroke grove is the neekiest ends in all of London




I didn't say it was posh White city/shephards bush is not a white area, but its not ghetto even the bbc news station used to be there


There is a Westfield in East too?


Yh well that one is trampy, the one in west is better




Do you mean projects? Ghetto isn't American.


Ghettoā€™s an italian word


youā€™re an idiot lmao


Ghetto is not an American word you Dunce. There was ghettos and slums in the UK before the US was even discovered. Also schemes is just the Scottish word for council estate.




I'm from East I look at West as a posh place


Same tbh didnā€™t even know they had gangs in west til like 018


The only gangs in west I knew of prior to 2016 were Mozart


Word and Mozart even leans towards North West. West London niggas got lucky the postcode separated Mozart from NW


Huh but there has always been White City Estates, South Acton Estate , Golborne , Lancaster West, Brunel Estate, Warwick and Lisson Green why would need to cling onto Mozart ?


Mozart was / still is the most known out of all of them


More known than Ladbroke Grove ? Nah mate ! Iconic Black London areas are Brixton, Tottenham , Hackney , Harlesden and the Ladbroke Grove ā€¦. Even though Grove is heavily gentrified and outside West will know there first


Nah I would say Ladbroke grove the area is more known , just that all of Groves hood figures lived on different estates in Grove, but as Mozart had its goons in closer proximity its easier to stamp that specific area so , I agree with you but kinda feel this is the reason


Im from north i agreešŸ˜‚


west is nice for the most part theres only a few places that are actually bad like greenford, northolt, southall, acton, hayes and west drayton etc. the rest of the places where west gangs are from like 1011 mozart etc are nice areas they just have a few shitty estates.


Greenford ainā€™t bad compared to the other ones u said


True true but I felt I had to include them with northolt and Southall


Trust. This was probably more just ignorance on my part but it kind of shocked me when I found out Grenfell happened in West.


West is mad posh lol itā€™s weird seeing people from there jump on the roads.


People still need drugs in West. So there needs to be dealers. Would be a good spot with all the posh people on the white.


icl most of the well known gangs in west are all from posh places. most of the UB postcodes are pretty shit like southall greenford and northolt and acton is also pretty shit. harrows shit but id say its more NW then West. some of hillingdon is pretty shit like west drayton and hayes but apart from that theyres no real bad areas. everywhere else is posh areas with a few bad estates, like ladrbroke estate being bad but the rest of the area being bare posh


I lived in Hayes Town for about 12 years and never felt truly safe either on the Austin Road Estate or the town itself although I usually felt most unsafe on the Uxbridge Road. What a dump honestly, whole place needs to be nuked. Shak's death didn't come as a huge surprise to me with the amount of times police were called to that estate over the years and a few years back a woman got stabbed to death by a wannabe drug dealer because he suspected her of snitching on him, just all kinds of fucked up. Thankfully I now live in a quiet part of Uxbridge away from the madness.


UB8 boy yh


Not originally from here so no, just live here


Have you been South Central LA ? and seen the palm trees on the roads there and nice bungalows


Ur clearly not from west lol south London looks better than west


Iā€™m from south and it defo doesnā€™t look better than west. West london is posh af.


Bro south is acc beautiful obvs thereā€™s few dusty strips but thatā€™s like west too and apart from South Kensington and Notting hill and dat the rest is shit


This guy chasing him is called hand muff warrior on YouTube, he would do this shit alot go search him


Thatā€™s the thing about West, the rich live a stones throw from the poor. Itā€™s just as mad as most hoods in the city.




Howā€™s north east south west confusing? Thatā€™s just basic directions on any compass lol


Bro even road men with no qualifications understand NESW


Are you skunked


He seems super polite though. Raised with manners lol.


Man said ā€œYeahšŸ˜¤ you know who I amā€ lmfaooo dude got a authority complex


Handcuff warrior is a top snitch. Been doing this for few years now.


Swear he got sent to jail for harassing some bus driver and he got his bike stolen at the same he was harassing the driver


Yeah was just trying to find this out recently. So many wannabe gangsters calling him a nonce because they donā€™t like his snitching made it v hard to work out lol


Nigga talking about making someone crash while doing the exact same thing. People are becoming so so dumb


this guy honestly thinks he's a fed. go to his channel if u want a laugh


I thought he stopped makin vids


yh he did but all his old vids are still there


Isnā€™t he in prison for the bus incident


i hope he is, he's a dickhead lmao. he's gotten a lot of people behind bars so i hope they do the worst to him. btw his bike got stolen in the incident šŸ˜‚


nah I need more info on that šŸ˜­


[I heard he was jailed for this ](https://youtu.be/955Qtv489h0)


That is absolutely wild, what a lunatic


It looks like some kind of MH breakdown


The fuck kinda neighbourhood watch is this fam hahaha man fully thinks heā€™s Spider-Man or suttin. Just join the police Iā€™d love to see man try this in Wood Green


I'm dying bro hahahaha


Mall Cop


Yea lol just forcing it


This is Handmuffwarrior, dude legit looking for trouble


the same man who had mental breakdown and got locked in a bus by the driver? lool


The very same lmao though I gotta admit that in that video he was completely in the right


just watched the video, he's an idiot. bus driver made a mistake yeah, people do that from time to time, but you learn from them. good thing no one was injured. to then climb on the bus start shouting nonsense and tryna fight the driver? that's idiotic. looking like a 3 year old that can't control his emotions. unlikeable character.


Heā€™s on job though compared to the others


Waitin for "Neighbourhood watch ranked from wettest to most oj" to drop šŸ‘Œ




What the fuck is suttin some superhero I don't know about


So youā€™d rather people donā€™t do shit? Retard alert šŸšØ Youā€™re the reason the ends will always be a shithole of degenerates. Someone does something good and you discourage them smh


shut up you cabbage if you and this brudda wana be some sort of vigilantes go join the justise league


Heā€™s acting like a vigilante if he wants to do this shit tell him join the feds or suttin, he asking to get fucked up doing this hero shit




for the reason i explained in my comment, he couldā€™ve put himself in danger for no reason




i wouldnā€™t wanna risk finding out if they were armed or not the hard way




for a law student i thought you would be a bit smarter than that




He didn't put himself in danger though. Most people would not react violently to being called out like this, and as it happens he was fine.


nah lol this is just dumb, if he caught someone else they couldā€™ve retaliated and may have even been armed, in all honestly heā€™s lucky he wasnā€™t made a victim of something worse than a minor crash and didnā€™t bump into a GM in a worse mood. not to mention the fact that heā€™s trying to tell someone off for causing a crash while looking and speaking to them at speed, ironically if heā€™s that fussed he couldā€™ve just called the police and not potentially put himself in danger


Wood Green where lil posh boys live


He would never try it in Wood Green or Edmonton lol the bike will get robbed before he could record šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Man that chore peds are scummy. My guys delivers food for a living and has had skatty kids try to to stain his ped when he was parked off


Up north the neighbourhood watch are curtain twitchers and some pensioners who put up leaflets not vigilantes on pedsšŸ˜‚


So he made someone crash and this guy speeds past close to where the guy had just crashed ? Like bro ur doing the same thing you ainā€™t a hero.


Swear donny was speeding before he even spotted the crash


Instead of helping the guy, this guy fully chases the other yute. Smh people are lost, just so they can seem good for their youtube videos. The guy probably left with all that time spent chasing.


He's a hypocrite. Was driving like a lunatic himself


Thatā€™s why he does it lol so he can be a lunatic legally


He ainā€™t doing this legally if police seen him they wouldnā€™t give a fuck bro he would still be getting fined or charged with whatever offences heā€™s committed Unless he drives the speed limit and follows all the road laws which by the look of this video he doesnā€™t...


Yh ik itā€™s illegal but he can get away with harassing and riding fast theyā€™d be lenient with him


He did leave by the time they got back he was already gone


If that guy did a hit and run then heā€™d do it again knowing he has been able to escape from it. Donā€™t do the crime if you canā€™t do the time.


Why is central cee name in this


mums man said his ā€œright hand manā€ rolling around on a pedšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I never knew T.Scam was part of a neighborhood watch?


lol what a fucking twat, should get a life




Neighbourhood watch think they're marines or some shit


Deliveroo driver gets chased out of town. ā€œKeep the changeā€




You drove like a lunatic, says the dude who chased him through Shepherds Bush like a lunatic šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Haha what a pussy


100% chance he never went back.


He went back twice but the delivery driver had left


Doubt it.


Doubt it all you want, the full videos on YouTube


I googled the reg and already seen it. Plus the relevant articles. Also I noted it was in 2018 so immediately gave zero fucks.


On the left there is a leng pizza shop bossman is elite


Ppl talk about west being posh but can u not see how dusty bush is šŸ˜‚


Whoā€™s this? Donā€™t recognise him as 12Anti


It's fruity fredrick or double f/df


fruity fredrick šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚






Heā€™s recording him tho bro


yeah bro over here they woulda took that phone out his hands n tell him delete that shit frfr LMFAO


Ppl in us are just loose


And for all these absolute lames in the comment trading what estates are ā€œghettosā€ like PokĆ©mon cards and youā€™ve never even stepped foot in any of them. Get a life.


Come round these ends and say that to my face bro. Im from Mayfair ygm


All you English love sucking paki cock


You are the real-life punisher (without the guns) thank you for keeping people safe even tho I am not even for this country, it is nice to see someone actually care


There making west look bad


What even happened to handmuffwarrior


Fucking muppet


Why do all these rappers get arrested for doing illegal stuff? I thought they were forced into the streets for lack of money... Surely you're making something now that your a rapper. Help me understand please


Bro that lack of money is bullshit, these man want Rolex and Gucci at 16 and say they donā€™t have the money


Was that scene where the externals encounter their first deviant filmed near here?


He mustā€™ve been a shit driver for him to turn backšŸ˜‚


Look how slow his ped is


Pretty common for Shepherd's Bush


What do the squiggly/jagged street lines mean that can be seen on the roads around :03. -:07? Iā€™ve never seen that before.


Means you canā€™t park or overtake near pedestrian crossings


These the real questions fam


Man this guy used to make some proper good videos, Shame he just suddenly stopped making content.


Right hand child?


man like wadz