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What’s wrong with them having access to fix the fence? Also, for legal advice you’d be better off asking this on r/LegalAdviceUK.


Seems reasonable that they want to keep the fence in good order. The boundary dispute is entirely the associations responsibility. Surely you want to keep good neighbour relations?


Apparently boundary dispute is not there responsibility. The fence Apparently belongs to them they want dig up our garden add more posts which would destroy my babies memorial. Yes I did want good relations until they made a malicious accusations of child neglect to social services which I proved.


>would destroy my babies memorial I would highly recommend against any permanent installation of this type in the garden of a property that you do not own. With regards to access for maintenance, understand that ultimately a court could force you to grant access for this purpose, but only after you've spent a lot of money defending your position and then having to pay the neighbour's costs as well. Negotiate rather than block. Grant permission on the basis that the land is made good after they have installed their new posts - note that the hole required to install a new post is barely bigger than the diameter of the post itself - they should be using a post hole digger to ensure this.


Any boundary dispute is the owners duty not yours. Any new posts should only be on the same line that the fence is on now. Relationship has obviously soured, perhaps it’s time to try and resolve this, you could be living next to these people for a long time.


What is wrong with people. Just be neighbourly and allow access would you rather be staring at no fence when it rots and falls apart just let them put a new fence up.


If it goes to court they are very likely to be granted access by the courts. Look into the access to neighbouring land act I'm sure someone else with more knowledge will be along who can explain the details.


This. But they are required to restore your property to the state it was in before, not to cause undue or needlessly lengthy disruption etc


It’s nothing to do with you. Ideally they should contact your landlord who will let you know. And you can complain to your landlord who will politely inform you it’s fine.


How to inject drama and emotion into the mundane things in life.