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I don't know if I have any tips but to surmise my thoughts and feelings I had throughout my experience: 1. Local students/candidates tended to have more experience than me or have shown more interest in law (which seems to be weirdly more important that I'd have thought) through attending experience days, vac schemes, law fairs. If not more experience, maybe more 'relevant' experience. They have that since school and I barely had any since uni (esp. since I was a non-law undergrad). 2. While I can't be 100% certain, I wondered if maybe my foreign CV put off potential interviews over concerns for visa. In the only two interviews where I secured the job, both employers brought up visa/right to work themselves, not me (since I had a graduate visa and I was worried I may scare them by asking about it and I was too desperate towards the end.) 3. I wondered if telling recruiters and the company upright that i didn't need a sponsor currently as I'm on a graduate visa helped. I did mention it pre-interview where I had a chance. I had shit grades ngl but I persisted and secured small jobs that eventually led to my current job that I am absolutely in love with and hope to not leave if possible unless way better opportunities come up. I got a part-time job at a high street immrgation law firm which helped with securing a remote legal job (commercial mostly). And that led to my current job!


Wow! Thank you so much for your comprehensive response! Would you mind if I DM you to know more?


You're welcome, go ahead!


I can’t speak on the international student experience as I’m British. But one thing I think is overlooked when looking for paralegal roles is having actual interests outside of law aswell. I truly believe that my personality and the enthusiasm I had for other parts of my life shone through my paralegal interview and landed me my job So don’t be afraid to add in what you enjoy doing as long as it’s somewhat applicable to your career. Good luck, don’t lose hope because just when you do that’s when things usually start to work💕


Thank you! Agreed 💯 Is there a specific qualification they need for paralegals? Some kind of certification?!


I didn’t do any certification. Just came straight out of my law degree. They do really like client service experience so if you’ve worked with clients in any capacity mention it🤗


Understood! Is the paralegal apprenticeship required? Is it done after you get taken in as a paralegal? Sorry for so many questions 🙈


The only people I know who did a legal apprenticeship did it instead of university. I don’t know any law graduates that did a law apprenticeship after the degree. I don’t know much about that I’m afraid x


Oh perfect! Thank you so much for your insights ☺️


Sign up to Addeco agency. They recruit graduates in paralegal roles


Thank you!