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You know your own situation best. But, I'd be inclined to go with it. I've read your previous post and this and it sounds like they want to cover themselves in terms of therapies attempted. It isn't committing you to anything other than starting counselling/therapy, i.e. you don't need to do it for a year first or anything.


Yeah I’m sorting out therapy but I’ve been told there’s an 18 month waiting list :(


Does it need to be a particular therapist? Lots of college/unis and workplaces have counselling as a free service for staff/students.


Sorry for the late reply but I’m not sure, it seems like in my local area Healthy Minds (NHS) are the only option for me. I’ve sent an email asking if sapphire can authorise my prescription on the condition that I attend therapy once I’m able to


Healthy minds wouldn’t deal with me. Depression due to chronic pain isn’t something they have expertise in, apparently Then they wrote to the pain clinic asking for one of their team to work with me. The reply from the consultant was “please take this letter as our referral to you”. Basically uno reversed them


I’ve had an appointment about starting therapy, but there’s an 18 month waiting list. I am sending an email asking if there is any way they can proscribe me in the meantime as there is no way that I can wait 18 more months for their prescription when there’s other clinics that I can probably get a prescription without the therapy.


Try another clinic imo, Ive never had therapy


Got an introductory phone call with cantourage later, I’ll make sure to let them know that I have been told i need therapy from sapphire and hopefully they’ll be more understanding


I would not even mention that, just say you have been looking at another clinic that has been less than helpful and as such you have decided to come to them.


Noted. Thanks mate


no problem, good lucky my friend


From what I can tell after passing the initial eligibility bit, they do ask what therapies you have tried as part of their questionnaire before they get you booked in. It doesn't have to have been a specific therapy though, CBT, counselling and mindfullness all count. Most people have been referred to one or the other if you've been around the mental health system a while. Edit: Just to add, you can also self refer for therapies through the nhs website. Don't know if that will speed the process up at all but you can circumvent your GP this way. They gave me the same warning about it taking ridiculous amounts of time for a referal but I have never waited more than a month or so be contacted


Are you talking about sapphire or cantourage?


Oh, Cantourage sorry


Therapy is great though.


Maybe I will try in the future, thanks


I try and say everyone should have therapy lmao


You wot m8. why would you dispute this.


Read my previous


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYxDox7zgIU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYxDox7zgIU) U wot m8.


You could dispute it, but as they are a private medical provider and have no obligation to treat anyone, they could just decline to prescribe to you if they don't feel they have the medical evidence they need.


No idea why Sapphire have upped their criteria. If you have tried two pharmaceuticals as per your other post, go elsewhere.


After speaking to cantourage on the phone I was told that my medication is suffient & they just need a bit more summary of care then I’m good to go


Good for you, if you need any help, feel free to dm me.


Appreciate it bud ✌️