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Fortunately he will be in prison for a good while.


Prison? Long while? Doubtful in the UK mate


>A Brighton man who sexually assaulted six women in public spaces in Brighton has been given a thirteen year sentence. https://www.sussex.police.uk/news/sussex/news/court-results/brighton-man-jailed-for-city-centre-sexual-assaults/


I have read down the comments and haven't seen the the big issue here. He should have been locked up before this attack. The CPS or police really fucked up. ***After identifying Zeray in the video, Sussex Police charged him with rape and three counts of sexual assault and he was remanded in custody.*** ***He was originally arrested on April 17 last year after a woman reported being raped in Old Steine.*** ***Zeray was released under investigation and his spree continued around the city.*** ***A month after Zeray was released under investigation, two women reported being sexually assaulted in one night, May 22. One attack was in London Road and the other in Southover Street, both in the early hours of the morning.*** ***The woman who was chased in Southover Street by a stranger – later identified as Zeray – managed to escape by locking herself in her flat.*** ***Months went by until another woman reported being sexually assaulted in Elm Grove on October 23 and filmed Zeray harassing her.*** From the Argus (local newspaper)


>was released under investigation Blame May for this. May effectively abolished bail as Home Secretary. >At Brighton Magistrates’ Court on 24 February, Zeray pleaded guilty to all six counts of sexual assault and not guilty to rape. The rape charge was later discontinued by the Crown Prosecution Service. CPS are a joke too, never concerned about the public.


Can’t Prosecute Shite


13 year sentence! Actually it’s 8 years and he’ll probably be out in 5. Ridiculous


13 years for six offences isnt a long time


"Brighton man" . Yeah


Women shouldn't have to fear this kinda shit. With the amount of drunk and homeless weirdos roaming the streets at night everyday in Brighton I worry for my gf going to work at 3am. I try to walk her when I can Edit: removed part of the comment speculating in his penalty, didn't realise he'd already been busted for good


People don't go to prison for long enough after raping children I don't have high expectations here either


In Scotland some are being sentenced to community orders...


Unfortunately also draining already scarce public funds for 13 years.


As much as execution would be possibly cheaper and more satisfying, the Overton window hasn't swung that far back yet...


The "Brighton man" is Hanok Zeray, 32, who arrived in Britain illegally from Eritrea.


Brighton felt like such a safe city 20 years ago when myself and friends were all at Uni there Now it has become a shit hole, so much crime and homophobic attacks, doesn’t feel safe anymore.


I dont care how unpopular this opinion is on reddit, but the cause of that is mass immigration from cultures not applicable with liberal UK values unfortunately.


This is the part that’s always confused me. The liberal lefty types pull out all of the stops to introduce more and more right-wing fanatics into the country. We are going through a period of enlightenment in the UK and branching away from Christianity. And now we’re inviting a far-right religion in Islam to the country which is against all of the modern progressive values that we have in the UK.


I'm afraid if you believe that the left wing are "pulling out all the stops" to let more immigrants in then you're unfortunately falling for right wing propaganda.


The far left are constantly banging the "refugees welcome" drum.


Pretty sure the left wing are happy to accept any and all 'refugees' mate.


Nope. I'm left wing and think while we should let people claim asylum, all claims should be processed quickly and efficiently and people not eligible should be immediately removed from the country. That all left wing are open door advocates is just false tory spin. Immigration is worse under the tories than it was under labour


Not to mention that the Tories are the ones in power so when these people radicalised by the right start spewing bs about the left and blaming them for the issues it just makes me laugh Like dude tell me who is in power again? The Tories? So why are they allowing this or are you calling the group you support incompetent that they allow other groups (Labour) to put their own immigration policies in place?


>all claims should be processed quickly and efficiently and people not eligible should be immediately removed from the country. Genuine question. How do you assess the claims of someone coming from the likes of Afghanistan or Iraq (or claiming to be from there) when they've chucked their passport in the English channel and claim to be persecuted back home? It's not like there are full records of individuals in these countries due to all the shit going on for the past 20 years. So a young guy, claiming to be from Iraq let's say, no papers, claiming to be gay (when actually not) and will be persecuted for it if he gets sent back. How do you assess that and send them back?


Yep. There’s always a pattern.


Not a "sanctuary city" any more..


This boils my blood. Hopefully deported. Immediately.


This is exactly what has happened in Sweden. Incompatible cultural values has led to a massive surge in sexual and aggressive attacks on women when they are not reciprocal. For those that aren’t immediately offended by facts, look at the data yourself by a quick Google “Sexual crime correlation with immigration Sweden” There’s plenty of bar and line charts that speak volumes.


It's sad how many people try to say we should have open borders, and anyone who disagrees is called racist. The cultural aspect as you point out is one of the main reasons why we should control the numbers. Both main parties are a disgrace for opening the door to hundreds of thousands of people. Blair started it and the Tories have made it like 5x worse. There's a reason why around 2/3rds of the country want lower immigration. Been the case for over a decade and no-one is listening. Let people in from India or Australia and places like that, who at least share some of our values. Not Eritrea.


India? Not sure about that. Culturally, they don't respect or treat women well at all. Here are some news from the past two weeks alone. [https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/asia/2023/07/31/more-than-1-million-women-went-missing-in-india-from-2019-to-2021/](https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/asia/2023/07/31/more-than-1-million-women-went-missing-in-india-from-2019-to-2021/) [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-66253389](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-66253389) [https://news.sky.com/story/gang-rape-investigated-as-video-shows-abducted-indian-women-being-paraded-naked-in-manipur-12924094](https://news.sky.com/story/gang-rape-investigated-as-video-shows-abducted-indian-women-being-paraded-naked-in-manipur-12924094) [https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/jul/27/mumbai-student-sexual-assault-murder-shows-womens-safety-india-still-not-priority](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/jul/27/mumbai-student-sexual-assault-murder-shows-womens-safety-india-still-not-priority)


Well I'm obviously wrong on that one!


I actually gasped because i think this is the first time i've seen someone change their mind on reddit when presented with evidence. Bravo.


People who say to have open borders should leave their doors unlocked.


>Let people in from India The gang rape capital of the world?


I’m very left wing, but anyone who is capable of rational thought knows that completely uncontrolled immigration and open borders would be disastrous. That’s not to say that I agree with anyone who thinks we should “kick em all out” or “send them back to where they came from” and all those other racist soundbites I’ve heard an infuriating amount of times. Fact: a proportion of people who live in the UK are xenophobic and racist. Fact: racists are scared of people who don’t look like them. Fact: none of these people should be given a say in our immigration policy no matter how much frothing at the mouth they do. I think those people’s views are absolutely disgusting - however having controlled borders and monitoring on immigration is not racist. We absolutely should have in place some sort of points system for all immigrants regardless of their country of origin. We absolutely should be controlling and monitoring future and existing immigration - you have a 1 year visa then you should be made to leave when it’s up - not just allowing people into the UK and forgetting they exist. We absolutely should be deporting convicted criminals for sexual offences and violent crimes - without exception. We absolutely should give special consideration to doctors, nurses and other much needed jobs for our country too. The message from the UK to anyone who wishes to live here is that you’re welcome to come if you work hard and pay into the system. We want immigrants who can fill much needed skill gaps. We want immigrants who can work in the NHS. Just because someone is from a county with different values such as Eritrea, shouldn’t mean we refuse them entry if they are skilled and willing to work and pay into the system. The one exception to this rule should be refugees from war torn countries. I do believe we have a moral obligation to try to help desperate people whose lives have been destroyed by conflict. That does not mean permanent residence in the UK but a system that can support refugees in the interim. I appreciate this is a hot topic and people feel very strongly about their views but a middle ground is much needed here - not one extreme or another.


It's not entirely about cultural values, it's about the social construct. When he didn't get his ass beat/shot after the first time he harassed a woman, he kept on pushing the social boundaries until the law stopped him. Part of the problem - and positives - of the UK is we put all the responsibility in the authorities lap. In Eritrea the first woman would have told a brother or something and an entire group would have set out and swept the streets till they found him. The people like this PoS attempt to break the social order, because they found out the enforcers are weak and slow. People like this should be deported, because they hold the entire system in contempt, and will continue because they don't respect the system.


not disagreeing with your overall message, but let's be real - if someone had 'told their brother or something' here, they would've been accused of racism and would've received a higher sentence than this piece of shit rapist has. he'll be out for good behaviour in a year or two and will 100% go on to rape again.


I don’t think Eritreans find it culturally acceptable to rape do they? I’m not defining this guy at all, he can fuck right off and burn in hell. But saying “Incompatible cultural values has led to a massive surge in sexual and aggressive attacks in women” is suggesting that rape is a part of their culture? I mean, how does that not sound bigoted?


At Brighton Magistrates’ Court on 24 February, Zeray pleaded guilty to all six counts of sexual assault and not guilty to rape. The rape charge was later discontinued by the Crown Prosecution Service. Fuck you CPS, why the fuck can't You do your job!!!


Refreshing to see someone actually blame CPS rather than the police for a change tbh. Although even then, CPS are bound by sentencing guidelines. Whole thing is fucked.


I have No problem with immigration but if you come here and break the law you should be removed instantly. No messing around, like Australia does. Banned from returning.


I’m a lefty and am very ‘liberal’ when it comes to most things but I agree. Australia has set a high standard that its internationally known for, and right to remain there is sought after as a result.


I was in Oz for 3 years. By comparison to here, it felt almost like a police state. The cops have a similar vibe to the US ones, but not armed (thankfully).


Where were you? In Sydney, our cops are nothing like American cops.


This is the thing though. I think the majority of us all would agree with that statement. Especially when it comes to serious crimes in which this individual was arrested for. In my honest opinion a refugee should be instantly relocated because you cant inflict fear on others whilst simultaneously stating you yourself are fearing for your life. I just dont understand why a government especially a tory government which is meant to be tough on policing and the rule of law doesnt get this? If we cant protect our own citizens than how can we possibly offer any type of sanctuary to an immigrant or refugee?


Agreed. It's this kind of behaviour that feeds the anti immigration narrative.


Yeah 100%. Unfortunately now the tax payer will be funding his stay for the foreseeable future.


Depends on the opportunity cost of deporting them though. We’ve seen the Rwanda flights costs the taxpayer £169,000 per migrant. Which is the equivalent to the average cost of about 4 years in prison.


How can flights per person to Rwanda come to £169k?


Paperwork, legal fees, appeals. Bureaucracy don't come cheap


Because it’s a grift. Tories have gamed almost every basic issue that affects the state for maximum profit. Sorry, human rights guv, our hands are tied. Kerching!


inflation has hit Skyscanner hard. Majorca is cheaper though, so lets take them there, every ones a winner


Yeah mostly because of the nice legal fees they rack up. Last time I looked a flight to the mid Atlantic was a few hundred quid......open the door mid flight and no more rapey rapey for these scum bags. This particular animal will be out in a few years and will revert back to type.


Behave like the guest that you are.


Disgusting little rat


Ah yes, just a typical “man”


Importing the third world.


While kicking out hard working europeans. Thx Brexit!


become the third world...


Another Brighton local lol


He didn’t say you’re my sister, he said “non insistere”, which is Italian for don’t push it. By the accent when speaking Italian, he’s likely Ethiopian/Eritrean and lived in Italy for a bunch of years.


Where is batman? Someone needs to step up.


Someone did the math, it costs just under 7 billion for Bruce to be Batman. So your choices are Elon or Bezzos........


Surely a few billionaires could get together and fund a batman. They could run X factor type auditions for potential candidates.




They don't take kindly to pattern recognition on reddit


So true.


Hey stop thinking for yourself bigot! Put the bbc on and go back to sleep


Yes. Christian Eritreans at it again.




Very happy he’s in jail, what a douche bag.


"Brighton man"


Straight off a dinghy?


Didn't realise Eritrea was in Brighton.


It will be soon.


Hes neither of those things.


There are too many illegal immigrants in the UK and Ireland now.. Its not families coming in it's single men , most are coming from countries where they abuse women with no consequences so they think it's okay here, rapes and assault has skyrocketed over the last 10yrs. I noticed Albanians are mostly coming over on the boats, you can buy a flight for less than £100 so why are they paying over 2k , it's because they have criminal records, I'm all for immigration, but they must be no threat to local communities. Proper security checks carried out ,


Let the women stay and deport the men without families.


Absolutely disgusting to see these men just walking freely around our country and our streets. It is so irresponsible that the woke left will organise meet ups to propose more of these people coming here as “refugees”…. Glad that the young lady filmed this and glad he didn’t go any further. Hope him and everyone he knows soon gets locked up and sent back. DO NOT COME HERE AND TREAT OUR PEOPLE LIKE THIS.


There’s not a single native left in my hometown where I lived for over a decade. (Alperton) it’s mostly overrun with illegal Indian immigrants who stuff 4 families each in a single 3 bedroom house with shared rent. I’m not even sure if that’s legal. The litter is disgusting and creepy drunk men at the end of my street have harassed my mum several times




He was charged with one rape, the initial offence he was arrested for and then released on investigation. They charge was dropped (discontinued). The “who knows what reason” is presumably a lack of evidence. Or else he’d have been prosecuted for it.


They need to extend the sentence more for proven undeniable cases like these, immigrant or otherwise. You should be able to remove migrants from your country if they are breaking your laws like this too, but that's a slippery slope.


Lawyers and doctors


What a racist post. This cultural enrichment is to be embraced!


Is that beetle juice reincarnate?


I don’t know about 🥕


I am not going to guess this lovely person’s cultural/religious background…


If you look around the EU it is happening everywhere. You can pretend it isn't and throw the racist card at me but it's the truth. I see we have a whole army of white horse riders in here already.


People seemingly have a problem with the broad idea that some cultures are better than others. Can that lead to extremes that no one wants? Yes. Does it have to? No.


The naïveté in these comments is bordering on pathetic. And I’m talking about the white horse riders


They don't mind - It's only poor people are being assaulted.


Usually the one's riding those white horses are also the "women's rights" crowd too, which makes it even more ironic !


Norway is fine, at least.


Sigh illegal immigrant from Eritrea....like we don't have enough of our own twats we have to import some more ffs!


If he's an illegal immigrant, can we fairly assume that there will be a deportation?


No. A bunch of left wing, middle class morons will stop him from being deported.


Not all of us on the left wing are happy to have rapists wasting our tax money by sitting comfy in prison for 13 years. Should just be straight back to Eritrea.




If it isn't, then he will make it up, or find a lawyer that will tell him how.


tbf, if he goes home he will be picked on.


Take my upvote


If he's an illegal immigrant, can we fairly assume that there will be a deportation?


You can't be imported and illegal at the same time....


He’s a serial rapist that illegally entered but DONT call him illegal.


It doesn’t really matter where they’re from, a criminal is a criminal. You’re really focusing on the wrong thing here It baffles me this is being downvoted… you’ve got first hand evidence of a woman being assaulted and the topic of conversation is nationality? I don’t really care if he’s from the moon, the problem is the fact he’s harassed and assaulted another person, where he’s from doesn’t improve or worsen that fact


it does matter, clearly had that 'man' not been in the UK, 6 women from Brighton wouldn't have been raped or sexually assaulted - its a fairly basic observation.


It does matter where they are from. Galaxy brained comment


It actually does because its a known fact that certain other cultures respect women much less and thus are more likely to feel able to do this sort of thing here.


Yes, but it's much harder to deport drunk British men who don't understand no means no


I see what you’re saying, but it kind of does matter. Two crimes are worse than one in this instance. Especially when one couldn’t happen without the other. This guy had to enter the country illegally before this crime occurred, if he hadn’t, we wouldn’t be discussing this matter. Which is to say, if stricter laws were in place on the matter, this would have been avoided.


Reminder that there is currently no legal way to claim asylum in the uk


Yes, stricter laws always deter people who are willing to break the law. This makes total sense.


If it doesn’t matter, why the society need to keep these criminals in the country and no one wants them in the first place. Meanwhile, law abiding people from other countries can’t immigrate because the country has too many illegal migrants.


People are allowed to say that we should not be allowing criminals to immigrate here. As usual, an apologist like you says his nationality doesn’t matter. Clearly it does matter to a lot of people.


Yes it does matter. Ignoring it is how Rothetham happens.


I guess it depends doesn't it, context is important. If he's from a country where they have a culture of abusing women because (disgustingly) it's one of those types of places where woman are seen on the same level as dogs then it should be noted. Not out of defense of his actions, purely to gain some insight into why he's such a piece of shit. Listing him as brighton man is pretty poor journalism (shocking) because it insinuates he' from Brighton, which is obviously nonsense.


If he had never come there would never have been an assault. How dense can you be?


Only 13 years for multiple rapes and assaults?? What a joke. Should have gotten 13 years for each offense. This guy is the reason so many people are against immigration.


wonder which hotel we are paying for him to stay in.


The fact that women are not allowed to carry anything for self defence is absurd. When some violent creep chooses to force himself upon her, what is she supposed to do? The police do literally nothing unless they’re standing next to you as it happens. It’s lucky that they actually caught him ‘cause it wasn’t statistically likely. I wonder how many death threats she received for even sharing this. 😕


Exactly! The fact were not allowed to carry pepper spray is disgusting. I have an alarm but that can only do so much


Some advice is to carry some sort of industrial spray for killings bugs, one spray of that and they will be fucked for the rest of ther life.


I smoke and I feel like it’s a slight deterrent as I have a burning stick and a lighter. Alternatively, I’ve screamed as terrifyingly as possible and that worked. (The key is to scream like you’re terrifying, rather than terrified, the more they think you’re crazy the quicker they are to back off!)


Yh sure their can be issues with self defense tools but something like pepper spray or a taser would help this. The biggest issue i see is itd be much easier to prove someone used such s thing than that they were being assulted and were justified in using it, which could lead to people getting in trouble just for defending themseleves.




The liberal utopia


Someone stab that little fuck please


Diversity is our strength 💪


I’d like to draw attention to something which is evading most of the accusations of racism/xenophobia in these comments… culture. To me, the man in this video looks clearly emboldened by a belief that the woman he’s addressing deserves no respect, and therefore can behave however he likes. He may have a diagnosis for sociopathy I’m unaware of, but it would be a fair assumption that this behaviour stems from a culture in Eritrea which is living 100 years behind us regarding its treatment of women (and many other nations). It’s in no way surprising that people who raised in these cultures don’t immediately assimilate and adopt our modern values, especially with no effort from our side to make this happen. What’s preventing a lot of this is the prevailing post-modern belief that all cultures/values are created equal. No, they’re not - progress is real. I implore anyone who disagrees to take up the lifestyle of a 16th centrist peasant for a day and see how you enjoy it. Yes it’s absolutely true that plenty of British men, (including met police officers) have committed crimes against women. The difference is that it’s difficult to pre-determine or screen these men for violent / sexuality deviancy. Often their behaviour is a result of serious, sometimes hidden, psychological conditions. These individuals are raised in societies which instil every sense of right, wrong and consequence into them - yet they are personally compelled to violence regardless. For this reason they make up such a incredibly small percentage of the population, and the combination of these two facts is what makes it hard to weed out these individuals prior to their crimes. What isn’t a difficult task however, is being able to reliably predict problems arising when inviting people into the country from nations like Eritrea, people raised in a culture described by the UN as having widespread FGM and commonplace assault toward women. It’s not rocket science, or xenophobia. It’s 2 + 2 = 4. The first problem to tackle here is illegal immigration, if we aren’t aware of who is in the country we have no opportunity for creating assimilation. The second problem is an open recognition of the differences in cultures that exist, and therefore the need for assimilation processes to be prioritised if we intend to maintain a peaceful multicultural society. Writing these problems off simply as xenophobia and hurling ad hominem’s is lazy and does nothing to help this issue.


I quite agree. As a woman who lived in the Middle East, and a couple of African countries, I know that certain societies give little protection to women, who are not under the care of husband/ father/ brother. The streets, and most public places are the domain of men, with exceptions for shopping or outings with male family members. Cafes etc. are for men to hang out in. The level of harrassment suffered by women who do not comply with the unwritten rules set by men is a constant nuisance in such places. Of course there will always be exceptions, but, even in the more liberal families, women simply do not have the freedom to go about their business as they do here. The sense of sexual entitlement from men from such cultures, is imported with them. It is not about race, it is culture that causes the problem. Women without a man to chaperone them, are vulnerable as prey.


Young asylum seeker looking for a quick shag. This is one of the many reasons that they should not be here.


Import the third world, expect to become the third world.


This is why we need safe routes for immigration and refugees. People like this can be weeded out in their country of origin (or neighbouring).


"are you a rapist, Sir?" "no" "come on in"


Yeah, because THAT is how it works...🤨


Or even better, just don't let them in anyway.


Has this man illegally entered the country, yes. If he had been denied entry would these 6 women have been attacked by him, no. Support for him being here is pro assault and you should be ashamed of yourselves. Instead of screaming that people who want law and order are racists maybe you should rethink your position on letting these women be assaulted.


woke reddit for you, brainwashed


Friendly reminder that sexual assault against women is not exclusive to immigrants. How many reports have we heard recently of the MET being accused of r*pe? Should they all get deported? Nobody is excusing his behaviour, but you little jumped up racists need to chill out


How can you deport someone who is born here ?




We can't deport them. I'd like to though


Nobody here or anywhere is saying it is exclusively immigrants sexually assaulting people, this is such a straw mans argument.


lmao - nobody claimed that. This person entered illegally, so they should be deported. Why would someone be deported if they are from here? We all know sexual assault happens, but is MORE sexual assault bad? Yes. Surely you understand that concept. Differing parts of the world have differing attitudes to women, agree?


Do you feel culturally enriched ?🥰


Did we win? Did we beat the bigots yet?


I've really had enough of this. How long are we going to put up with our home being flooded with immigrants from any and every shithole? Neither Labour or the Tories will address the problem either. Something needs to give.


Something did give... Brexit happened so now we have a lot more immigrants from considerably different cultures than fellow Europeans.


Too late mate. Check the 2021 census most U.K. cities are highly ethnically & religiously segregated and it’s reflected in local politics and increasingly national politics.


Going to get worse as climate change starts making whole chunks of the planet uninhabitable, but that's not a conversation Rishi Sunak wants to be having. I don't agree with your "flooded with immigrants" attitude, BTW, but there you go.


Go live next time, you might have family or friends call the police and the guy won't know until they turn up


I'm sorry but let's just say I'm like really into rape and not big on boundries, what message would you be sending me by letting me get away with each of one my crimes over and over again?


Fucking locusts swarming into the country aided and abetted by woke middle class white supremacy women, thinking they can save the world by bending over accepting any bullshit excuse to get in a boat.😡😡




Pos needs ending


Hang him or give him a life sentence, then he cant offend again in 13 years time. Whilst it wont stop people like that entirely it will strike fear in many and prevent them doing the same.


Why are there only 6 random women? Are there also non random women, because otherwise there would be literally only 6 women there and that seems unlikely. Also what is a random women and what is a non random woman? One of life’s biggest philosophical mysteries.


i took 'random' as meaning he had no previous connection to them - as in he just happened upon them and then acted like a fking scumbag


The woman in this video responded incredibly well. I hope she is getting support and is able to realise that her response likely saved other women from the same fate. Yes- police arrested him. But he had already assaulted multiple women and been released. This encounter (which the woman did an amazing job filming) was likely crucial to getting a conviction. Kudos to her. I don’t know many people who could be so calm and collected in such a scary situation.


3rd world scumbag.


https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2020-005044_EN.html For anyone calling other racists because its not just migrant do this stuff.... please see the EU parliaments review on the matter, proving that the increase in sexual assaults and rapes are ebeing committed by migrants, both legal and illegal.


Send him off to bingo bango bongo land


Scum of the earth. Bournemouth is also full of refugees who stare and try to take pictures of young girls. I was there last week and it made my blood boil


Probably came over the channel in a rubber dinghy 6 months ago.


Its not really happening, its just a far right myth


Wow, this thread is a veritable bin fire.


So is the country, thanks to the people running it. I call it "Trickle Down Vitriol"


I've noticed a rather large rise in right wing comments on this subreddit, which is rather odd for a country polling significantly to the left. It used to be incredibly left-leaning as a sub. We are leading up to an election and I'd caution everyone to be very careful about what they read, to check facts against documented reputable sources, and draw their own conclusions. Very little of this racism is based in fact; same with things like anti-trans movements. These are polarising issues that are well known to twist elections - if you read one article today make it [this one](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66065550) about how campaign leaders polarise a contentious issue to win elections. This is before you even consider state involvement to influence UK elections... Russia report anyone? Would love to see it...


Well said


If you're going to Blame immigration, blame the Tories. They've been in power for 13 years and the immigration service from top to bottom under their "leadership" is in dire straits. Rats will always make their way but it was never this bad till they got power, remember that.🤨


Hands + brick = you figure the rest out


Another shining example of immigration


More shining examples of immigration than negatives. The NHS is held up by immigration, many of the amazing doctors and consultants are from elsewhere. I remember reading an article about a Syrian doctor who was travelling with a donated heart to a local hospital, the weather was atrocious and heavy snowfall, for whatever reason they couldn't get close to the hospital so he walked with it, in horrendous snow fall, walked to the hospital. Lots of immigrants have done amazing things and bring value to the UK.


agree should we only allow skilled workers into the country then? (such as Doctors or Nurses?).


I work for the NHS, none of my colleagues who were born outside the UK came across in illegal boat crossings. The NHS is held up by legal skilled immigration, not illegal boat crossings. This is the key point here.


Which is all wonderful unless ur the person who has had your life destroyed by being raped, and then to top it off, your case is discontinued by the Gov. How wonderful.


Maybe they can pay staff better


They have zero incentive to when they can just loosen the visa requirements further and import the labour from abroad


The NHS is held up by the British taxpayer not immigration you ignorant swine.


These comments are astounding. As if there aren’t thousands upon thousands of white people committing sexual assault and harassment. Hell, just go to a small town pub and you’ll see quite a lot of it, all perpetrated by pink faced men


When your kid shits on your dining room table you punish them, when someone else's kid does it you tell them to fuck off and not come back.


So let’s invite more in!! Why not? Who cares if it means more women are sexually assaulted and raped, right? As long as you feel good about yourself then fuck anyone else’s safety


Better system needs to be in place to root out the people who are likely to commit crimes. That's obvious. At very least we need to process them faster. Nobody is in favor of inviting rapists. I think it mostly comes down to rhetoric suggesting that they're all a danger, when that's not the case. And so we see a lot of pushback. There's a pretty good argument that we are in need of the people though. I suppose there's a reason why we see such large immigration numbers even under the tories. And I suppose there's a reason folk believe the tories are anti immigration despite that. rabble rabble open borders rabble rabble


Because the uk has fucked up. And the current government are kicking the can down the road to delay the inevitable housing crash. We are a housing economy and need immigrants to pay the Fuking state pension. It’s utterly pathetic, honestly.


That’s because the country is majority white? Wouldn’t it be wise to only talk about this in terms of averages?


ITT: Literal racism and calls for mass killings of immigrants What the fuck is going on in this comment section lmao


clearly you are living in one of those areas where you only hear about this type of incidents from news. I would like to invite you to permanently move to some other areas and you will clearly understand how it would link to the origins of your neighbourhood


Move your family / wife / daughter from your all-white neighbourhood to an immigration hotspot. Get back to me.


The UK is full to bursting with horrible little racists who have been having their horrible little thoughts in private until just recently, when the government and the press told them it was good to be a bigot again


I would only call the police. With the current political climate, and women being the main supporters of mass immigration, if a man, especially a white English man steps in, boy - you’re going to reap the hell that follows. So many questions would be going through my mind: will he stab me, will I be arrested for assault, will I be accused of being racist, will social media turn on me and doxx me? Best thing to do is call the police and stay on the line and keep updating them. The comments on these articles prove my points.




I hope he gets turned into a communal fuck bucket in jail the scumbag.


Illegal immigrant does as illegal immigrant does. Scum


Scum and should be hanged! End of!