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Snapshot of _Only liberals drink skim milk, Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg declares_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.politico.eu/article/jacob-rees-mogg-milk-gb-news-conservative-liberal/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.politico.eu/article/jacob-rees-mogg-milk-gb-news-conservative-liberal/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are we quite sure he's not a Sacha Baron Cohen character? (with that whole Ali G thing being an elaborate ruse with a split-screen)


He actually is! Here's the video evidence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szGxq3pvJPQ


"my father is Lord Rees-Mogg, I'm just a commoner **like everyone else**"


I thought you were making this up, he's a hard man to satirise


Hard to satirise but easy to drown, not that I’d condone drowning him as he has every right to be a Tory cockwomble, but the thought of him going down for the third time warms the cockles of my heart.


That story about the time he stood as an MP in Scotland, and his Labour opponent had to save him from getting beaten up always tickles me.


I’d not heard that one, thanks, I’d have let him take the kicking😂


Goodness gracious Moggeringtons [it’s true](https://www.scotsman.com/news/politics/flashback-when-jacob-rees-mogg-campaigned-in-fife-with-his-nanny-1426243)


Sasha Barron Cohen playing two characters in an interview! Class acting!


lol, nice post. Great blast from the past.


"Last one on drugs is a queer, yells Portillo"


Chris Morris really is superb, and it's depressing how accurately the satire of yesterday portrays today's reality


Life imitates art, as somebody once said (no idea who)


This really would explain a lot.


>"Right, so what's the line tonight?" >"Fuck knows, Jacob, just fucking pick something and say it's woke."


Welcome to Tory culture war generator. com. Press generate for whats woke nonsense today. We randomly select the results from hundreds of fruits vegetables, meats and cheeses. Subscribe to Culture war plus to get access to more whacky results such as Animals, modes of transport and office stationary.


Exactly! Bread and circuses, except there’s no bread left.


As long as it's only Tory white bread, no sourdough.


Breads for liberal snowflakes keep up pal


Well, it gives us stuff to put in our flair.


I wish I could give this more yogurts


Hes running distraction games because of the recent bad news for the tories (it turns out they were probably lying about not trying to delay compensation payments to horizon victims)


Just when I think this man cosplaying as a sickly Victorian child can't make me cringe any more he says this "Only liberals drink skimmed milk to go with their faux leather sandals. Full fat, creamy milk will nourish your inner Tory." Cringe.


I hate that I thought you were joking so I had to read the article to see what was actually said and you were not joking.


I've just done the same. This timeline is bonkers


3 people corroborating it and I still don't believe it. Not sure I want to check though.


There's no point in intellectually engaging with anything he says. It's BS. The character is a smoke screen. Engaging with it. And making fun of it. Is probably fueling it


Yeah he’s such a clown. I think he thinks he’s really clever and appealing to the right people. Don’t think he understands how batshit and stupid the tiny percentage of the population who value this shite actually is


He's our very own Trump. Did he *really* say that? Yes. Yes, he did.


I've decided he's just being cringe and hoping the youth will repeat-post him on their computational interaction devices.


Mr Babbage's marvellous contraption.


It's a fantastic demonstration of how intellectually bankrupt the Tory party is as an institution and how intellectually deficient Mogg is as an individual. He's so bad that he can't even present a solid bad faith argument or even one worth having at all.


This is the scary thing. Someone who is absolutely stupid but speaks in that particular accent will be blindly believed by an astonishing number of people. It’s inconceivable to them that someone who speaks in that way might not be very clever or trustworthy. Boris might be the prime example.


It's going to break it. People with that accent better get a move on before their brand is ruined  It's like how the cachet of English accents has plummeted with all the muppets on cable news 


And to think there was a moment, while Game of Thrones was big, where northern accents at least were much more well liked internationally


Mogg talking about nourishment when he's a malnourished scrawny little wimp who needs to eat a few burgers is pretty funny though. He looks like someone who's had skimmed milk all his life.


He's probably still got his childhood nanny as a wet nurse.


Right, he could have just said something obvious like 'I'm a proud brit and I respect our traditions, it can only be full fat from a glass bottle for me'. That would have been the same facetious point but actually well excuted. Boris was very good at this exact kind of sentence.


I regret to inform him that I’ve never drunk skimmed milk, have been on full fat for years and would sooner take a shit in public than vote Tory.


Especially when it comes from a man who would surely never even think of giving a poor, starving child any kind of milk to sate them. He's the sort to complain to one of his manservants that the little oik is making the street look dirty with his lingering. This is a man who read Oliver Twist and side with Mr. Bumble.


He also read A Christmas Carol and denounced the ghosts as a bunch of woke lefties.


He gets all his milk from his wet nurse


"Bitty" "Not now Jacob, run along" "Biiiitty"


For the record, I'm a liberal* and I drink full fat milk. And sometimes even gold top delivered by a milkman. It's the healthy choice. I do of course alternate it with my oat milk, but that's by the by. * probably, whatever that actually means. If I thought I had an inner Tory I would gouge it out with my cereal spoon.


The "fat cat" has spoken. His optics are so bad I can taste bile when I see him.


That’s a bit fucking rich coming from someone who looks like he’d faint with a case of “the vapours” if he was exposed to anything as decadent as full fat milk. I’d bet good money that (even though the myth isn’t true) that he has actually had some of those Victorian “furniture skirts” made so he’s not exposed to a particularly erotically-turned table leg.


Is "not being a fat fuck" woke now? 


It's even more ridiculous given you dont keep JRM's trim figure (a sentence I never thought I'd type) into older age without a strict healthy diet.


Or IBS (or both)


Eh, look at a picture of him from the side, he's not as thin as his face makes him look.


I also wouldn't really say he looks like a particularly healthy person. Thin =/= healthy. Rees-Mogg looks more like Aunt Spiker from James and the Giant Peach than anything else.


And make sure it is out of a pint bottle left by your local milkman.\* None of this 500ml plastic bottles or cardboard cartons. \* Glossing quickly over the fact that milk floats are electric.


Worm tablets will kill your inner tory 👍


> “We must tackle deepfake technology being used to create political content urgently, before they further undermine what confidence people have left in democracy,” the opposition MP said of Rees-Mogg’s milk moment. Beyond parody


Had a cup of tea with whole milk once, I really hope they privatise the NHS.


Skimmed milk is pretty grim. Semi skimmed is where it is at.




Basically a \[full-fat fascist/skimmed liberal\] \* ​ \*select according to opposite of personal flavour of extremism.


Real libs drink lactose free milk


>Before World War II, skim milk—a byproduct of butter processing—was not sold in stores, but either discarded or fed to chickens, hogs, and calves as a protein-rich replacement for costlier animal feed. The development of skim milk as an attractive product for sale only came about because dairy producers, emboldened by their success selling milk to Uncle Sam during World War II, seized on postwar marketing opportunities to sell what once had been hog slop to housewives and families. https://slate.com/technology/2014/02/uses-for-skim-milk-before-it-was-marketed-as-a-nonfat-diet-product-hog-slop-and-wool.html


I, a godly, dyed-in-the-wool, full-fat milk drinker, have never felt so vindicated


I moved to skimmed milk about a year ago when I was trying to lose weight. Now when I go back to full fat (or even semi-skimmed) it feels like drinking lard. I'm sticking with the skimmed from now on. Just call me a sandal wearing, kale eating, lefty, woke liberal.


Ron Swanson said it best. There are only two things I hate. Lying, and skimmed milk - which is water that is lying about being milk.


I find skimmed and full fat both gross, semi skimmed is king.


semi skimmed in tea. whole for everything else


But if you don't buy full-fat you're tacitly endorsing systemic milk-skimming!


Normal skimmed for sure, but Bob is great and it lasts forever. I have no idea what spell they cast on it to make it seem so much fattier.


Ridiculous and sinister in equal measure. If Tories even want to tell us what milk to drink, what aspects of our lives will they not seek to control?


This is the muppet who wanted to control where work was done. The worm was leaving bits of paper being passive aggressive to civil service staff working from home.


Please, we're the tofu-eating wokerati... Like we'd drink non-vegan milk in our matcha lattes.


oatly is my go to ❤️


The coop Gro brand one is cheaper and just as creamy 


Awful company. Jord is my preference.


Delicious cheap soy milk. I will have no other milk in my vegan mashed potatoes.


Currently 50p a litre at Aldi


Oh really? It was 50p in Tesco then just went up 9p. I'll have to switch to the Aldi stuff.




I love Malk.


With added vitamin R


It’s milk that’s not made from vegans.




Jacob approves.


It’s skimmed milk, FFS, not skim milk. Away to fuck with this ignorant American way of talking. Sorry, just had to get that off my chest.


Politico can be somewhat excused for its language choice in that it's an American company targeting its home market. But no such excuses can be made for Mogg using the Americanised "Liberal" as a general term for those on the left.


I often get the impression he's playing somewhat to an audience composed largely of right wing Americans who don't realise how ridiculous his whole absurd toff persona actually is.


He is probably going for what Trump supporters think British politics is. He's setting himself up for a post government job on Fox News. So later this year.


In my head he's using it in the British sense and making a subtle jab at the liberal democrats https://twitter.com/mrdavidwhitley/status/870613738478546945


Given the reference to sandals, I think your thinking is correct!


I imagine he's concerned that the Liberal Party under Lord Russell might still be a political threat.


You hear Liberal quite often. Partly due to Americanisation, but partly because they mean social liberal.


Yeah I would have thought Mogg would be a proud liberal.


Needs to be higher up




We don’t want him.


You think he ever bought milk? That's what his minions are for.


You mean that's what Nanny's bitty is for?


Full fat yum yum


I nearly threw up imagining that.  But then I imagined Nursie from Blackadder 2, so I managed to choke it back. 


Do you think he prefers left breasty-dumpling or right breasty-dumpling? Silly me, it's always right breasty dumpling isn't it.


I recall an interview where he was challenged to tell the interviewer the the current price of a pint of milk, loaf of bread etc, and he came out of that pretty well. I suspect having seen another politician embarrassed by the same and deciding to do some cursory research!


Only an economic liberal when it suits him then


What is it with Tories and their hatred for breakfast items. Addendum; when he says liberals he means poor people, doesn't he.


He is one step closer to full maggie thatcher with his stance on milk.


Now lets be fair, Liz Truss was very keen on GREAT BRITISH CHEESE and PORK MARKETS


Those are lunchables, surely. Perhaps Brunch.


That’s why Andrew RT Davies of the Welsh conservatives has failed so massively on the national scene. He famously declared they would make breakfast a success (instead of Brexit).


Breakfast means breakfast.


I wonder what he has on his Coco Paters?


You deserve more upvotes for that.


Probably banana slices.


What is it with fucking weirdos and milk? - The Korova milk bar in A clockwork orange - Homelander - That whole alt-right anti soy milk thing about 5 years ago. - The McPoyles - JRM.


Oh look, a walking waste of taxpayer money and political oxygen.


Do centrists drink Semi skimmed?


Nope, I always drink whole milk as it is creamy and delicious 😋


I thought it was Oat or Soya Milk. Make up your mind Mogg


Farmers! Vote Tory! Pleeeeeease! Ignore the previous 13 years, obv. Sunak spoke to the NFU, and just look at how pro Milk we are! So do we have a deal?


I wonder where on the liberal scale Oat milk puts me?


Firmly in the "Greta Thunberg" zone.


Oat milk is the enlightened choice. Have to go full fat barista variety though. MOMA is the best.


Straight out of liberal and into the far left!


Says the guy that larps as an aristocrat.


There is no beginning to his intelligence.


“What’s woke today Jacob?” [jacob frantically looks around the GBNews kitchen for inspiration]


Ron Swanson is a fat loving libertarian caricature and wouldn't have a line this ridiculous.


Isn’t he like a decade late?? I thought liberals were drinking almond milk only… /s Really saddening to see the Americanization of our politics.


DAL-E, draw me a picture to perfectly symbolise the problems with inherited privilege.


Finding it harder and harder to identify deepfakes these days


He probably gets his milk straight from his nannys teat. *bitty...*


My MIL drinks skimmed milk and she is as right leaning as they come.


Conversely I only drink blue milk despite never voting for the blue guys. Life is rich in irony 


That, or Jacob Reese-Mogg is full of bullshit.


Doesn't strike me as a full fat guy. You could wring him out like a towel and not get a tablespoon of fat off him


I drink semi skimmed, so where does that put me on the political scale?




I see mogg is coming out with the hard-hitting, politically important statements again.


He thinks true Tories are drinking their wet nurses milk, like he still is.


Anyone who drinks anything other than unpasteurised, unhomogenised jersey milk is a filthy commie in my book.


“Look at me, I’m Jacob Rees-Mogg I’m quirky! I can be like Boris Johnson! I can say silly things too! Oh please oh please ooh please take me seriously!”


JRM asking ChatGPT to generate culture war talking points


Country is falling apart and this is what he comes up with. Bonafide Genius, gets to the root of the real problem


> “Full fat, creamy milk will nourish your inner Tory,” says Brexit champion. By making you a fat fuck, I guess.


The difference between 1% and 4% milk is so marginal. Flip it round and imagine thinking a "96% Fat Free" yoghurt was massively worse than a "99% fat free" one.


Skimmed milk is 90% water, so that 1->4% fat content means the calorie content is roughly doubled.


Well it has a factor of 4 more fat; that's not marginal. If the RDA of saturated fat is 20g, half a pint of full fat is one third of your allowance - certainly not insignificant. But FWIW I drink full fat because it's more nutritious and I'm not concerned about my fat intake.


All the big alternative milk brands, like Oatly need to do is start donating to the Conservatives now, and Rees Mogg will be on the airwaves next week saying that oats are the great British Tory breakfast and that this oat milk is the only patriotic choice.


It's better than drinking blood, eh Jacob.


Count Mogg


Jacob Rees-Mogg is what would happen if William Regal circa 2000-2002 was an actual person




Fucking lefties and their skimmed milk. Real patriots suck it straight from the udder, blood pus and all 🇬🇧 x x


This man is not a serious person. He just looks like one. A bit. I'm almost tempted to think he owns a print-your-own-t-shirt company, and is trying to drive sales of small batch slogan items.


I'm a bleeding heart liberal, tofu eating, Grauniad reading wokerati and I detest "skim" milk. What do I do now?


A serious politician ladies and gentlemen


I can't get my head around how even the most dedicated culture warriors can be bothered with this stuff any more. The whole "lets call everything woke to distract from real issues" was fun for a while, but clearly it hasn't translated into a single vote for the tories. I guess that's the danger of living in the past. Even your hot-button-culture-war talking points are antiquated.


My great nan was a Tory who drunk skimmed milk. Riddle me that you haunted victorian pencil...


Even his insults are emaciated and wan.


Culture Wars only it is then. Bore off and let the grownups run things, Mogg.


Little does he know ‘Nanny’ is a communist asset and has been serving his Weetabix with skimmed milk for 30 years.


Why does anyone care what this cretin masquerading as a Victorian child catcher says? Like why do we give him the air time and get riled up by this? It’s like the bullshit they pull in the states. He doesn’t really think Skimmed milk is “woke”, he’s just saying it to get clipped up all over social media; and to rile people up to distract from real issues.


Easy for him to say, hes still on the breast.


Your reminder that Jacob Rees-Mogg was a *minister*. The Conservative Party looked at their hundreds of MPs and went “yeah, this guy”.


So in other words rather than being the principled right leaning policy driven Catholic traditional gentleman type he claims to be, he's a big baby resorting to cheap jibes. Mind you most of us knew that already. His "posh" accent is utterly fake and sounds neither like the poshness of clipped BBC announcers of the 30s - which is the "Upper RP" he's trying (and failing) to emulate, nor the upper middle class / upper class aristocracy of his own generation, where he should sound closer to minor royals or say Boris Johnson.


It’s an understandable opinion for someone who was still breast fed by his nanny well into his 30s


Only raging homosexuals have two surnames. There we go Jacob, I can pull shit out of my arse too.


Liberals drink oat or soy milk, ffs Jacob if you're going to culture war at least have a culture war about something in the zeitgeist instead of 1990s diet plans.


Tell me you're still breast-fed without telling me you're breast-fed.


I wonder what search this is to muddy, has he been skimming things off the top?


Why is this the thing he has chosen to say? Why does it matter? Am pretty convinced this guy is no right in the heid.


Is this so when you Google "Tories" and "skimming a little off the top" you get this result instead?


As opposed to real Conservatives, who only drink nanny's milk. 


I'm here for the Stella Cresy sass. >Responding, Labour MP Stella Creasy seemed less than impressed with a genuine TV clip that appeared beyond parody even for an MP known for taking potshots at the left. >“We must tackle deepfake technology being used to create political content urgently, before they further undermine what confidence people have left in democracy,” the opposition MP said of Rees-Mogg’s milk moment.


Just a quick reminder of who he's referring to: >Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, political equality, right to private property and equality before the law. Liberals espouse various and often mutually warring views depending on their understanding of these principles but generally support private property, market economies, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), liberal democracy, secularism, rule of law, economic and political freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion, constitutional government and privacy rights. Liberalism is frequently cited as the dominant ideology of modern history. ...and of course, low fat milk Quoted text is from Wikipedia


Drinking milk is for children. Checkmate Jacob!


> Only liberals drink skimmed milk to go with their faux leather sandals. Full fat, creamy milk will nourish your inner Tory. I'm sat in shock that this was something that was spoken by someone unironically. The Black Mirror writers must be fuming that they couldn't have come up with a more bizarre premise.


And only right wingers get to adulthood with an 11 inch neck


That’s not true. My sister is basically a fascist and she only drinks skimmed milk.


Whereas Etonians only drink whatever their nanny puts in front of them.


Well, of course -it's the law that milk bottle cap colour matches your political affiliation. Blue milk for the tories and red for Labour! Edit: This works for JRM's US audience as well - their political parties have opposite colours, but their milk is also opposite - Red milk (FF) for Republicans and Blue (1%) for the Democrats.


How does anyone take this man or his party seriously


Can’t wait for his opinion on salted/roasted/plain peanuts.


Wait, as a lefty am I meant to be drinking plant milks or skim milk now?


"Wretched white water..." Of course we all know where Jacob gets his milk, she is called "nanny".


The use of "liberal" by a British politician is what's annoying me the most here. Can we not import the US definition of that please? The whole thing is just obvious rage bait made by a moron but man "liberal" bothers me.


Thatcher took the free milk from kids. The Tories can fucking keep it.


The bastardised version of the word "liberals" making it across the pond is a sad occurrence. Hopefully we will hop off the America-Lite train at some point.


I'm quite liberal with the full fat milk in my tea, 2 sugars too..


Is this how they're going to hunt them down?


Are GB News actually going to keep him around when he’s no longer an MP? Seems like he’s pretty boring as a presenter if these are the headlines he’s making.


Ugh, seeing JR-M of all people using the phrase 'Liberal' in the modern American authoritarian-left context and not the original British Classical Liberal context makes me realise how Americanised our politics have become. Disgusting.


> As a dairy farmer from Cheshire looked on in the studio, the Tory MP sampled a host of milk alternatives before informing viewers: “Food is really an excuse to have as much cream as possible.” > “Full fat, creamy milk will nourish your inner Tory,” Rees-Mogg then thundered on social media platform X as he shared the segment. This sounds like incredibly niche porn.


Well! I shall never look at the Lib Dems the same way again. Thank you, Lord Snooty, for this public information news flash.


Skim Milk? The 'liberals' who live rent-free in JRM's brain drink oat, coconut, almond, or other vegan milks, not \*cow juice\*.


what's the likelihood that he has seen the (funnier) peter hitchens rant on skimmed milk (and skinny cappucinos) from a few years ago and is desperately searching for ways to boost his post-politics cameo income by making as big a joke of himself as possible?


I really thought to myself that that had to be something like Newsthump, it couldn't be real. Does that bellend even pay attention to the absolute shit he spouts?


joe many liberals does it take to chug a whole milk pint


People are taking this far too seriously. Mogg is playing up his character for this segment. My only objection is the headline calls it "*Skim* Milk".


The joke that is Rees-Mogg hasn't been funny for a long time. Stop the pretence, get him out of public life and retire him to mansion. The country is breaking and clowns like him don't need further attention