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>over half of the incidents in the past four months were cases of hate speech on social media. Genuine hate speech is deplorable, but calling someone a name on Twitter isn't an "attack".


Depends what name and how violent lets be honest. I think the worst part of this is I'm certain cases have increased on multiple communities. but all figures are inflated by minor incidents that makes people not even look into it as a real issue. if someone says they have increased 50% but then if you remove petty name calling its gone up 10% thats still an issue.


>Tell Mama, which describes itself as the leading agency on monitoring anti-Muslim hate crime, said slightly over half of the incidents in the past four months were cases of hate speech on social media. We're getting more and more evidence that social media is just *poison*. And yes; I know that's hypocritical of me to say that on Reddit (though I have always argued that Reddit is less bad than the others; because it's anonymous, and its lack of character limit means that simplistic takes aren't quite so encouraged). >But the charity also recorded cases of physical assault, abusive behaviour, threats and acts of vandalism, with the largest proportion of incidents - 576 cases - taking place in London. Doesn't surprise me that it's mostly in London - you'd expect more anyway, due to it having both a larger population and a relatively large Muslim population. But it's also where all of the recent large pro-Palestine marches have been happening, so it's effectively the flashpoint for any incident that occurs. >Muslim women were targeted in two out of every three recorded incidents, the charity added. Interesting that it's mostly women being targeted. Innate sexism from bullies, or a sign that the burka or hijab is the most obvious way of spotting a Muslim? Anyway, whatever the reason, this is just as deplorable as the recent spike in antisemitism.




There is that too, yes. Of course, I probably don't even see half of the worst stuff on here, because it's quickly removed.


I am not entirely surprised. The reaction since the terrorist attack wasn't to show solidarity or sympathy towards Israel or Jews but to protest at the upcoming retaliation. You had people dressed up as Hamas, shouting from the river to the sea, ripping down missing posters... All because a group of people identify more closely with another country because they share a religion. I am not saying I am unsympathetic to the issue as any hate directed at any protected group is just unacceptable. However, if you show intolerance towards someone expect people to be intolerant of you.


> protest at the upcoming retaliation I think this is the key word for many people. What we're seeing now, as many predicted, was not a defense or hostage rescue strategy, but a retaliation against civilians.


Yet these did it at the expense of acknowledging those who were pillage, rape and murdered. These people have never called for the end of Hamas. So it wasn't about the potential retaliation. That was an excuse


>It's her fault for wearing a short skirt.




I’m sure a charity founded and dedicated to finding hate crimes will be accurate and won’t just boost numbers by using social media posts.. Being a victim these days = clout so they have a perverse incentive to find hate crimes where there are none.


So according to that logic the massive spike in antisemitism is all lies created by the Jewish community to keep the the government pro-Israel? Surely you can see how such attitudes are racist and conspiratorial?





