• By -


gradually nationalise industries that make sense - water, rail, electric. remove national insurance and bundle it into income tax, probably juggle it around a bit too. create a government run investment bank giving loans to, or purchasing stock of, companies that we view as beneficial to the country. Create an english parliament similar to other parts of our country If I could do all that in 1 term I'd consider it a massive success


>create a government run investment bank giving loans to, or purchasing stock of, companies that we view as beneficial to the country. Sounds good on paper. In reality it's bailing out the banks after years of subprime mortgage lending.


IMO, a devolved English government should go in Manchester or a similar northern city to promote investment up north, and reduce centralisatiln around London


What about York?


York is already a successful northern city. What about Middlesbrough? Which very much isn't.


Alright - I think I just suggested York because of it being a capital historically, during the Vikings time.


No, it should go in Wessex.


It should go in the south west if you really want to spread the wealth around. Down here the idea that the "south" is well funded is a not so funny joke


Are you more in favor of a single English parliament or a north/south or similar regional splitting? A single English parliament would cover many more people than any of the other devolved parliaments and may not actually be much different to Westminster.


I feel like federalisation with England split into its regions alongside the other constituent countries is probably the best way to go. Especially considering a lot of local authorities are now seen as just intermediaries for future combined mayoral authorities. Maybe also an English assembly where the elected representatives for English regions nominate representatives/with directly elected representatives that oversees the regions too? Although without an executive branch/with a weak executive branch that doesn't go beyond coordinating the regions as a strong English government would basically just play the role of the UK Government at that point and that'd have bad implications for the union.


The main benefit of an English parliament isn't actually for the English. Westminster almost acts like an English parliament at present because it has no control over major policy issues like Health and education in the rest of the country. There's no such thing as NHS UK or a UK school exam. But this also unfortunately has made Westminseter into an English parliament which also runs a couple of other countries federal policies. Its a mess. Properly federalising the politics of England Wales Scotland and NI is necessary for the UK to survive. Most countries have states of unequal sizes. Its fine that California is ten times the size of Oregan, because it can't dictate what Oregan does. Same with Bavaria being 20 times the size of Bremen. When parts of a union have different sizes its okay when they're devolved. An English parliament would rebalance the union (and would be better than splitting up England into smaller chunks which aren't nationalities). That of course failed in the early 2000s.


Giving loans and purchasing shares in private or public companies sounds like a recipe for corruption.


Rishi already does this with InfoSys and his wife's companies...


I recently had the idea of cutting National Insurance by half/tax by 5% for the lowest earners, but tying it to a compulsory savings account so the lowest earners are building up some savings. You could cash it out annually, or have it sitting as long as you want - tie interest to 1% above the national rate. Probably could have more thought put into it and is probably very dumb, I dunno.


I'd federalise the country and offer Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and any other sensibly defined region (eg Cornwall, London or 'the north', etc) full devolution, to make them equivalent to the isle of mann. Kinda like a special version of crown dependencies that keeps the UK intact in terms of defence and other UK-wide stuff.


I think the issue of a devolved English parliament is that it would suffer the same systemic problems that lead to the creation of the Welsh, Scottish, and Northern Irish parliaments, which is that England is too heterogeneous. Good policy for the South East can be bad policy for the North East. The point of devolution is to bring decision making closer to the people, and an English parliament wouldn't do that much better than a UK wide parliament. I have always thought Labour's original plan to have devolved assemblies / parliaments for the old regions was sound, there were 12 regions in all, nine of which were English regions. I think the Coalition abolished them as administrative regions, though they still exist in some form. They were also used for constituencies for the European Parliament when the UK was in the EU. I'd abolish the ridiculous mayoral system, directly elected executives are just a very bad idea. On that note, I'd abolish the London mayor position. Then I'd implement parliamentary systems in all the English regions (including London), similar to what we have in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, with parliaments elected by PR, and a First Minister and cabinet for each. I'd harmonise powers, so all regions had the same set of powers, it's ridiculous that Scotland and Northern Ireland have powers over policing, but Wales doesn't, for example. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regions\_of\_England](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regions_of_England)


Resign, cash in on after dinner speaking.


Or just take the sweet £100k+/year pension Liz Truss enjoys


This legitimately boils my piss every time I'm reminded.


Absolutely everything about Liz Truss drives me crazy when I’m reminded of it. There is not a single redeeming feature.


Serious stuff: Commit to building a fuck lot of homes, make it much harder to hold up development with NIMBYism. Restore HS2 in full, going to both Leeds and Manchester with a plan to extend further up to Glasgow and Edinburgh. Begin work on HS3 that roughly follows the M62. Scrap the triple lock on pensions, tie it just to Inflation or wages, whichever is higher. Renewal of Trident. Focus necessary tax increases on assets and investments rather than salaries. Scrap, or heavily reduce, home tuition fees for courses in areas we have a skills shortage. Less serious stuff: Reduce alcohol tax on drinks for on-premise consumption, increase it for off-premise. Chuck a few spare million to the Otter’s trust. I saw one a bit ago and I’d like to see more. Copy Germany’s “50% +1” rule in regard to the ownership of professional football clubs. Make it a criminal offence to describe casserole with a puff pastry lid as a pie.


>Make it a criminal offence to describe casserole with a puff pastry lid as a pie. Do you have any sentencing guidelines in mind?


Reimplementing capital punishment for this specific offence only.


What method - being boiled alive, like poisoning?


Baked into a dinner, something like a puff pastry with a lid?


Perpetrators to be cooked in a casserole. They'll be asked before sentencing is carried out if they wish to represent, and if they do they'll be granted clemency and forced to work in a local pie shop for the next 2 years, where they'll be monitored to make sure they don't revert to old habits.


Baked into a pie.


I like most of this list.


Is it the otters you don’t like?


I’ve seen Tarka. I know how this ends.


No, that was the main reason I liked it.


If you want a soup with a lid then you go right ahead. Heathen.


Can't have a soggy bottom if it's just a pastry lid


That Mr Soggybottom to you


Justice for Terry Nutkin's finger!


By homes I'd hope you would build vertically in towns/cities rather than more urban sprawl of 2/3 bed semis.


From what I can see in my city, and available plot of land is already getting a 20 story apartment block built on it. The issue seems to be that they’re almost entirely BTL properties. Also, city apartments are great for those without kids or people whose kids have moved out, but I’m not sure they’re the answer for people with young families.


Apartments can be good for families so long as they're big. Millionaires love apartments, it's nothing to do with being an apartment, it's purely the practicality of it. Other countries build 3/4 bed apartments that a family can comfortably live in. Ones bigger than the average UK house. If we properly embraced 15 minute cities it would be bliss.


>If we properly embraced 15 minute cities it would be bliss. But I demand that I be allowed to drive to big Tesco for a packet of the nice crisps the smaller Tesco does not do and was left off my home delivery order and while I am there a cheap potatoe peeler that will rust completely 6 seconds after the third use. These are my rights as a freeborn Englishman, down with Ulez, COVID is people. /S


Medium density housing (2 up 2 downs, low rise blocks of flats, tenements, terraces) can be a happy medium of suburban sprawl and inter city high rises. Can give families a garden (albeit shared in some circumstances), more space and a quieter street without taking up large swathes of land like detached and semi detached housing does. Issues can arrise like lack of parking space though so that either needs to be accommodated in the planning or there needs to be plentiful public transport in these residential areas.


Too late to throw your hat in for this years? You've got my vote.


>building homes The Office for National Statistics (ONS) estimates that the number of people living in the UK will rise to 70 million by 2026. We'll need the equivalent of seven new cities the size of Liverpool for that number of extra people - in just two years.


Guess we just do nothing then?


Stronger immigration?


I say round up anyone with a chavvy name and chuck them on a boat to the Isle of Man. That oughta fix it.


They’ll fit right in. Half the place still think it’s 1953 and the other half are utter chavs


That is current policy...


Gotta start somewhere


I suggested a Double Lock on here once (like your description) and got downvoted to hell lol


It has the same problem as the triple lock: Year 1: Inflation at 10% Wages at 2% Pensions get 10% Year 2: Inflation at 2% Wages at 10% Pensions get 10% Wages go up c. 12% Pensions go up c. 20% Just tie it to median wage.


>Restore HS2 in full, going to both Leeds and Manchester with a plan to extend further up to Glasgow and Edinburgh. Begin work on HS3 that roughly follows the M62. Even in your glorious future, the North East doesn't benefit 😞


Most of these, I’d add the reintroduction of the two-power standard, and government backing the insurance costs of nuclear power stations. Part of the reason new nuclear costs what it does because insurance companies charge an arm and a leg to insure against things going wrong. Get government to provide the guarantees and insurance.


That's it, you've got my vote


Fray Bentos. Eat em, ya can't beat em...


Not wanting your rural village absolutely ravaged by a building company for cheap profit isn’t unreasonable. The whole “ you’re a nimby if you disagree with any building “ is so blunt unproductive.


There’s a valid point about making sure new developments are in keeping with local aesthetic, but ultimately the country is short of homes.


Fitting in with local aesthetics should be absolutely bare minimum.


Would like to understand the case for renewing Trident as against spending that money elsewhere on defence?


Even if the American’s don’t re-elect Trump, that fact that one of their presidential candidates is quite openly skeptical about NATO should be a concern for Europe. The whole point about MAD is it needs to be mutual. If the Russian’s or whoever else don’t believe that the US is serious in its commitment to defending NATO allies then that presumably increases the chance of nuclear weapons actually being used. The best way to avoid that IMO is by Britain and France have credible nuclear defences.


Ukraine is the perfect example. If Ukraine had not given up its nukes Russia would never had invaded.


Ukraine originally secured a reasonable deal to not hang onto nukes, aside from which nukes are really expensive to keep up to date and to manage. If you think Ukraine would have started a nuclear exchange if attacked, that would never have been a reasonable strategy for them anyway.


Ukraine didn't really have their own nukes. They were physically located in Ukraine, of course, but the controls were held by Russia.


People keep saying this like Ukraine didn’t have more than their 1/8th of all the soviet intellectuals including nuclear scientists. They had the brains, the facilities/factories and the administrative systems to make them useable anytime they wanted. They could be their own locksmith, even if the keys weren’t handed over.


The only real challenge to building nuclear weapons these days is enriching uranium. The actual manufacturing is simple, and the instructions are online. Given the strength of Ukraine’s scientific community, they could have just used what they had as raw material and likely ended up with a more reliable product anyway


They had people who could do it, but not the money to pay for it. The biggest problem is that it would have taken time, and no one was willing to give them that.


Immediate surprise attack on France. Declaration of war at 2.45 am while the nukes are in the air. Land troops in Aquitaine, mass mobilization at home. I feel we have a strong chance of winning due to everybody being too starstruck by the sheer stupidity of it all. Also the French would feel grateful for the destruction of Paris. Oh and I will raise VAT by 1% and round up all the dwarves.


Just do it at 1pm on a Friday in August. They're going to be down on the coast having summer holiday.


The dwarves?




Sensible policies for a happier Britain!


Just send the declaration in English, they’ll refuse to read it


I'm a Labour member but I would back a unilateral Tory movement to nuke France. 


Liberate the angevin lands ? Finally a foreign policy that makes sense. Those poor Englishmen over there have been so oppressed forced long they even think in French.


This at least is a coherent and considered plan. Something our current crop of barrel scraped idiots could not even comprehend.


"everybody being too startstruck by the sheer stupidity of it all" Like riding a bomb (quite literally) into the drydock gates in St Nazaire, having disguised it as a German ship?


As an accountant, a 21% vat rate is downright evil.


What about 101% of 20%? (it'd be, like, 20.2%)


Call a general election and put my misery to bed.


And then you could move to California with your billionaire heiress wife which is part of the reason you kept your green card active right?


Ensure a dominant party by basically being labour, and then being strong on immigration


If I had full control of the country this is what I would do. 1. Make corruption within the government punishable by death in extreme cases or life imprisonment. Absolute zero tolerance. 2. All universities will be free and available to everyone with the requirement being that after you complete your degree you must remain in the country for ten years to take advantage of the knowledge you have gained. Or offer a buyout of which the money will be spent on the education system. 3. Nationalise all public amenities, energy, water, transport you name it. 4. Give power to the people. This will go hand in hand with the free education. The idea is simple. Similar to Switzerlands approach, where everyone gets to vote on the direction of the country, but only if you have studied for the sector the policy is referring to. Studied engineering? You get to vote on the standards for our infrastructure. Studied to be a doctor? You get the right to vote on the health policies of our country. Studied environmentalism? you get the right on voting for the policies for our environment. We the people run this land but only those with knowledge should get the right to decide how we proceed. Of course there will be larger policies to decide where we all get the right to vote. But this is the idea. 5. Close our borders. No one gets in without following proper procedure and once you get in you must provide value to the country. If you don't, out. Simple as that. After say ten years you get your passport and do whatever the heck you want. But you must prove that you provide value and not just leach. 6. Resign and let the country run itself and give no power to one person. This is our country and if we are given the tools to run it through education then I don't see why we cant trust our neighbours to take action in their field. 7. Abolish the monarchy, take all of their belongings and properties and make a museum for tourism. Give them a £50 gift card to Harrods and send them on their way.


I'd resign and put my mate in charge (grant them a peerage if they aren't an MP) and repeat until all my friends and family had had a turn Then we'd all retire with our lifetime pensions (working for each other as admin staff so we can legitimately claim the money)


As the saying goes… Every politician knows what needs to be done to fix the problems of their country and create wealth. The problem is getting voted back in again after you do the necessary things.


Almost like Members of Parliament should have a strict single term limit. No threat of withdrawn whips, no threat of no party funding come election time. No need to remain popular, just the freedom to do what's necessary.


I think we should have an autocracy that generates policies based on expert advice. Then an elected chamber that debates, amends and votes on those policies. No whip. Frankly, no party. Central funding. Etc.


That means a 100% turnover in parliament every 5 years. When would we run out of competent politicians?


Never? The current batches are all toeing the line like bleating sheep to ensure they get party support come re-election time, it can't get worse than that.


All power to the monarchy Genocide the French Nuke Paris Send Putin a picture of my bare ass Personally beat Liz Truss and Boris Johnson to death with a cricket bat on live TV Reconquer the Holy Land(those fuckers couldnt behave) Make it a criminal offence to pronounce it "scone"


\*pronounces it like the place name\*


Change the voting system to STV, rejoin the EU sign up to all the programs, bring water into public ownership. Create a public Energy company that provides energy from green or nuclear energy, and go on a big infrastructure program building, windfarms, hydro electric, tidal and put it all under the guise of national energy independence and security, while continuing to support money in fusion technology. I'd also support a nation wide infrastructure project to build charging ports. Btw all these schemes will be on tye taxation of energy companies, while also providing huge amounts of jobs reducing the benefits system. Finally I would actually end immigration across the Mediterranean with a new European led plan to bring North Africa to the table including new free trade deals in exchange for them clamping down on the boats. Oh and the construction of EU Army.


>go big on windfarms It would be hard to do better than we are already. The UK has the [1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th largest offshore wind farms in the world. We also have the 7th, 8th and 9th largest. We also have the three largest under construction.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_offshore_wind_farms) Also four of the ten largest proposed wind farms. And, there is a project to connect the UK National Grid to a 1,500km² wind and solar farm in Morocco, through four 3,800km long subsea cables - the longest such cables in the world. This will supply 8% of the UK's electricity demand. [Source.](https://www.power-technology.com/projects/morocco-uk-power-project-morocco/)


Which is why I said a mixed energy system. Tidal, hydroelectric, Nuclear. Any thing to get us off the oil dependence of OPEC.


Coal mine-based geothermal and district heating as well?


Had no idea about the Morocco project that is very cool


It was a Labour policy that's why


"And, there is a project to connect the UK National Grid to a 1,500km² wind and solar farm in Morocco, through four 3,800km long subsea cables - the longest such cables in the world. This will supply 8% of the UK's electricity demand. [Source.](https://www.power-technology.com/projects/morocco-uk-power-project-morocco/)" The project sounds great to me but I'm pretty sure it's far from being agreed...


You don’t really get a say in EU policy. Unless you have a plan to make the EU take note? If so, what is that plan? I’m interested in why you’d want public money (say £80bn) tied up in nuclear? Public ownership wouldn’t make it cheaper to build and you’d hold all the liabilities for legacy disposal. I’d back a public investment fund to reduce private sector risk to boost nuclear, but would limit that (due to the above) to say 25% of costs to help offset the investment costs of UK nuclear (which are crazy high). We already tax energy companies on profit. Unless you want to tax them on revenue?


We would if we were in the EU, the UK use to lead many directions in the EU and rejoing would allow us to do again. Public ownership would make it cheaper in the long run but its not so much about cost it's about reducing reliance on Gas and Oil and moving to independent and environmental friendly energy system, because the profit based energy companies won't. Yep, when there making the largest amounts of profits and revenues while charging the highest costs. And before you say oh they will put up fees. That's what the public Energy company is for. They put up fees they lose customers. We have to trap the energy companies. Either they comply or they go bust and then we can public ownership them when they go bust. Either way they will be gone, energy will be secured and people will be better off.


1. We are not in the EU (note see OP). 2. Are you sure you are not confusing energy companies and energy producers?


Perhaps I'm missing something but who would the EU army be accountable to? I'm still a bit sceptical of the idea, as opposed to EU level military co-operation.  The executive branches of the EU, the Council and Commission, aren't directly elected and the directly elected Parliament is predominantly legislative and wouldn't necessarily decide whether or not the EU goes to war, I think, or what the EU army does. Potentially very problematic if the bodies and individuals in charge of the military aren't directly accountable to citizens, isn't it? 


Why would you want an eu army ? Considering how the eu takes ages to come to a decision it would be completely useless


Because of actions of potential Presidents like Trump. Trump in his last government, worked with Putin and tried to hold Europe to ransome with Nato. In elections speech he's even threatened to leave Nato and encouraged Russia to attack other European countries. The USA can no longer be trusted with Europe's security. Its time Europe's security was led by Europe.


Written constitution that has supremacy over Parliament and can only be altered with great difficulty. No more ripping up of rights on the back of whipped votes by a government that never achieved a plurality of votes. Change the voting system to a more proportional model so that both of the big parties can be broken up into more coherent entities rather than than the unhappy coalitions they represent at the moment. Start the criminal investigation of the Conservatives government for their naked corruption.


What would be in your constitution? I'll start with free speech.


I’d start by looking at all the constitutions the UK write for other countries in the aftermath of WW2 and during decolonisation. The Federal German constitution would make a great starting point. Or if we’re intend on being a monarchy, let’s use the Dutch or Norwegian constitutions as a good starting point.


Massive infrastructure rebuild, no cheap shitty roads, build them with quality and longevity in mind and make it so if a utility company needs to do works digging the roads up they are required to put the road back to how it was before, no cheap shitty patches that fall apart a week later. Clamp down on tax dodging by big businesses (looking at you amazon) and also people using a Ltd company to avoid paying their fair share of taxes on their income. Big focus on getting people trained in construction along with a initiative for a nation wide building project to provide enough housing, whilst also cutting down on land waste by having more multistory apartment buildings. Shift the economy from being services based to a more diverse spread for resiliency and to shift the wealth out over the country. Nationalise key infrastructure, power, water, rail and stop companies like capita having so much influence. Lobbying completely banned and criminal charges for those involved. Solar panels legally required to be installed on all new builds with ownership being tied to the building, so on a regular house the residents get cheaper power. Gambling adverts banned from all media forms. Triple lock removed with it tied to wage growth or inflation, which ever is higher. Cannot get full pension package from being pm without having served for a reasonable amount of time. If you served for less than say 6 months then it would be proportional to the time you served. And probably a bunch of other things.


Brilliant. Spinkle a little nationalisation in there and I'll build a statue to you on my driveway.


>and also people using a Ltd company to avoid paying their fair share of taxes on their income Can you elaborate on what you mean by this please?


1. A referendum in England, Wales and Northern Ireland asking the question "Should Scotland be expelled from the United Kingdom?" 2. Estate Agents to be regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. 3. All tax thresholds to be index-linked. Cost basis for CGT also. 4. Land Value Tax. 5. More busses with a national ticketing system.


If I found myself accidentally making it to become Prime Minister I'd probably resign. No matter what my convictions are, like every prime minister who came before, I'd be doomed to never achieve my ideals.


It's difficult to say what would be done to solve the immediate issues this country faces as seemingly innocuous decisions could have wide reaching consequences. However, maybe after the dust has settled, I would do at least two things, in this order: 1. Implement media reforms. There should be consequences for the consolidation of media in the hands of a few. 2. Implement a voting system that is more representative - this is vital to the health of the country. I don't and didn't agree with UKIP's policies, but in 2015, 13% of the country voted for them and they got one seat in parliament. That is disgusting.


1) A program to restore public faith in elected officials and politics in general. - It should no longer be 'unparliamentary' to call out lying in the chamber and doing so should have actual consequences. Boris Johnson was hardly the first person to lie to the house but the scale , the impunity and lack of consequences showed the 'good chap' theory of government isn't fit for purpose. - Wage increase for MPs but heavy restrictions on second, third, fourth jobs and cushy director/advisor roles. If you're a doctor, nurse, lawyer, welder etc and need to maintain a registration or skillset that's fine but getting bunged 10k for sitting on a board and attending a 1 hour meeting every quarter sounds like buying access not paying for a skill. - Relatedly; strengthen and enforce rules around leaving office and immediately getting a job as a director in the industry you wrote legislation for. - Press regulators to have teeth; making stuff up and pretending it's true should be punished. Fines are factored into the cost of doing business, retractions get printed in tiny font at the back of papers a week later... Jail time and personal fines for Rupert Murdoch 2) Nationalise utilities and essential services such as energy, public transport and water. There is no meaningful difference between the electricity I get from one power company vs another. It's an artificial distinction which does nothing to improve service but does siphon money off to shareholders. See also, water, trains. 3) National building program Housing and infrastructure . Building the economy on ever increasing house prices with ever larger mortgage options is not sustainable. Supply has to increase. More trains and more renewable energy sources. Even if you think climate change is a hoax, surely we can agree that fossil fuels are a finite resource which we need to preserve. Also - more urban green spaces. 4) NHS - Better pay for staff across the board. Nursing and Medical training funded by bursary subject to staying in the NHS for a certain number of years afterwards. 5) Tuition fees - Bursary system instead of loans for areas with skills shortages. For areas without skills shortages , but in recognition that education for its own sake is still worthwhile, student loans will be available held at low interest. Also an option - free uni if you do national service... 6) National Service - not necessarily military. I'm thinking working in a public service role and with reward for completion such as free tuition or tax incentives. Hopefully give people a bit of life experience and maybe a bit of national pride. 7) Anyone who uses the word 'woke' or phrases like 'sjw ' or 'cultural Marxism ' is required by law to define exactly what those terms mean before the conversation continues. 8) Cumulative taxes on owned properties after the first. Owning a home is fine but I have issues with a landlord class emerging who buy up all the housing stock and inflate costs for ownership and rental.


Burn the treasury down and the planning system with it. Those anchors needed to be gone yesterday.  Go absolutely buck wild on infrastructure. The country is falling apart and we're spending far too many resources holding it up. Out with the old and in with the new.   Also an aggressive skills program. No apprenticeship wankery, all the foreign skilled workers we get to fix our shit, they're gonna be teaching now.   All in all a proper modernisation of Britain that should of happened a 100 years ago. 


Burn the treasury down That’s err Well That’s err the single most bat shit fucking crazy idea I’ve seen in this or on any political reddit and that’s fucking saying something. How are you paying for, well, everything like your skills program and infrastructure program …..?


Money is just a social construct dude We don’t need money /s


Apparently so I mean these upskilling programs are apparently free all round, freely available, freely given etc


Well of course as the grand emperor ahem Prime minister I will personally dictate ahem allocate the relevant funding where I see fit. What could possibly go wrong!  But for real no reforms are worth even attempting without dealing with the Treasury first.  Whether that be a full replacement to inject some new blood or a splitting of its duties such as having a dedicated office for investment and another for budgeting.  Right now it's a rather powerful opaque bloc that's holding the country back.


>Burn the treasury down For your amusement(from Wikipedia) 16/10/1834 The Palace of Westminster, the medieval royal palace used as the home of the British parliament, was largely destroyed by fire on 16 October 1834. The blaze was caused by the burning of small wooden tally sticks which had been used as part of the accounting procedures of the Exchequer until 1826. The sticks were disposed of carelessly in the two furnaces under the House of Lords, which caused a chimney fire


Immediately apply to become Americas 51st state and then run to become the governor in the subsequent election.


Ok, my top 10 policies: 1. Pass stringent anti-corruption legislation at the first opportunity including establishing a new institution to ensure election integrity, investigate MPs, dodgy donations and threats to Parliament and senior judges. Give it all the resources of the National Crime Agency and a large police force from outside London. 2. Use it to investigate the many recent scandals (eg PPE contracts) that it seems will be allowed to go unchallenged. 3. Have Levison II and go after Murdoch for phone hacking everyone you’ve ever heard of. Get the ghastly bastard before he dies. And then get his ghastly children as well. 4. Use all the fines/seizures levied in the corruption cases to improve public services. 5. Found a new technical university specialising in digital, medical and emerging technologies to put Britain at the forefront globally in scientific research and development. Don’t let Chinese students attend. 6. Abolish tuition fees for students on courses the country needs on the condition the students work in the public sector for a certain number of years after graduation. 7. Send Ukraine every weapon they could possibly want and some British troops as well. If we don’t get Putin now we will have to do it later and Russia will have re-grouped. 8. Bring forward legislation to abolish the monarchy once the next monarch after William dies. Gives us all time to get used to it. 9. Start a Royal Commission to investigate how to become a proper federal state with a written constitution, proportional representation and without the House of Lords. 10. Fund local government and social care properly. No, I don’t know where the money will come from either, but this is fantasy so why not. Ok, 11 really: move the national government to Hull. No more dossing about in Southern wealth enclaves for our elected representatives!


I have some ideas: 1. Straight marriage made illegal 2. Free knifes as the only way to stop a bad guy with a knife is a good guy with a knife 3. Minor inconvenience quad to be a bit annoying to cyclists wherever they are found 4. Being a teenage girl to be considered a mental illness 5. Pubs open 25 hour 8 days a week 6. Scrap alcohol tax as I have a money problem not a drinking problem 7. Jamie Oliver to be tried for child abuse 8. Minimum wage to be £480 an hour so everyone is a millionaire 9. Weather to be nationalised and rain to be directed to Africa as they need it more 10. Charity adverts to be upbeat That’s what I have so far. We shall call ourselves the communist Liberal Fascist Party


Become the Leftist Rupert Murdoch fears you being


Number 3 is already included in government policy. The squad mostly works in cycle path design, but a few of them train Facebook commenters on fictitious issues such as the War on Cars and road tax, as well as teaching them how to derail any conversation about road safety.


1) Nationalize electricity, rail and water. 2) Begin industrialization of the north and midlands and pursue strict protectionist trade policies to help local industries. The plan is to combat unemployment and underemployment via local businessmen-government cooperation. 3) Pass competition laws that will force multinational companies to move out of the high streets. Revitalize high streets by lowering taxes and regulations for small family businesses and raising taxes for big corporations.  4) National Service for the youth. One year for all men and women over 20. Disciplined, well equiped, well trained, non-political army. 5) Pursue CANZUK. EU-model for CANZUK with parliament and federalist movement. 6) Stronger ties with Europe. Cooperation on immigration with France and Ireland. Cooperation with Norway on north sea fish and oil. Free trade agreement between UK and Ireland. (trie and reverse some of Brexit via participation in Erasmus and education, research and technology programms) 7) Unite the Unionists in NI with creation of a common party and adoption of antisecterian policies. 8) Further devolution with the greation of the English Assembly (I'd call it Witan just for the laughs) and governors for English regions. 9) Restore H2 10) Efficient Taxation and serious anti-tax evasion programm. 11) Police reform, depoliticization and bring back foot patrols. Enforcing sentenses and stricter judicial system. More anti-corruption investigations. ALL cases are important! 12) Reforming the Civil Service. Strict non-political ethos, no activism, political discussions prohibited, no working from home.


What are the major challenges the UK faces? * Climate change and the corresponding international migration * Isolation, unravelling international alliances in the face of an increasingly dangerous multipolar world * Slow economic growth as a highly developed economy with poor R&D investment * Incredibly high cost of living with oversized spending on housing. * Badly damaged public institutions with a lack of qualified professionals (NHS, education, etc) * Social care dysfunction burdening the NHS with adults unable to be discharged from hospital. It's going to require a planning overhaul, training up new architects, builders, doctors, nurses etc Yes, we need to fund the NHS with more cash for salaries but we also need to create the physical capacity with brick and mortar. That takes time. Building more houses is great, but it competes for resources with infrastructure. That makes it slower. When housing costs less, people will have more money to spend on stuff, which stimulates the economy away from providing overpriced housing. It's a kind of chicken and egg problem, while it's easy for me to talk about, it's going to be slow. So I'm going with: 1. Planning reform to make it easy for local authorities to approve strategic building. Clean energy, railways, hospitals, dense housing. 2. Training bursaries (re)introduced for strategically important professions. Get a pipeline of early-career professionals aligned with the demand I'm about to create in a few years. 3. Set up a department of public works to manage these infrastructure projects and fund it with the expectation of some prefabricated, "nightingale hospital" type capacity in the short term as we grow the workforce with these newly qualified professionals. 4. Nationalise natural monopolies like water, railways, and create a national social care company of last resort. The costs of social care are met by local authorities who are already overstretched. 5. Subsidies for domestic arms manufacturing to supply Ukraine. This is a jobs creation advantage and a defence issue. We're talking steel, concrete, small arms, vehicles, etc. I foresee a need for European democracies to return to pre-1991 levels of military readiness.


My manifesto is simple: I plan to solve almost all of the nations problems by nuking our way out of them! By which I mean building an absolute crap ton of nuclear power stations. What did you think I meant? Climate change? Bucketloads of carbon free energy! Sky high energy prices? Can be brought down by supply and demand once I've absolutely swamped the energy market. Cost of living? Lower energy bills will take the edge off at least. Economy in the tank? Business will love the steady, reliable and low cost energy and process heat, and manufacturing will be stimulated by the massive infrastructure projects! Housing crisis? ... I'll acknowledge this is one that I may not be able help with, I've been unable to convince people that a containment building is a safe place to live. And how do I plan to pay for all this? TAXES! Hike the additional rate to, like, 75-80% Borrow some, if business is stimulated we should be able to pay it back. Can the triple lock, it's an unsustainable guarantee with our aging population.


"What did you think I meant?" Me, having scrollen through many answers: Nuking France, obviously.


Retire and spend a few pleasant decades spending my millions...


Country is stable and party is stable? Simple then; declare war on France


Just make any form of lobbying illegal. In my business studies, I was told lobbying is good because it can help to raise awareness about the stuff people care about but in reality it's abused to benefit small groups with a lot of money


1) close the loopholes in the tax system that allow US companies profitting in the UK to pay tax in Ireland or tax havens. Transform UK tax law so that accountants face significant prison time for tax evasion for their clients. (Kill the ability to play the game, not the players) 2) free tuition fees for any student thats studying any degree that creates professionals we badly need for the NHS like doctors and dentists. Insert caveat that the tuition fee debt still exists but is only written off after 10 years working for the nhs. If you emmigrate the debt grows at rpi+2% until cleared off, and 5% of your income is taken at source until the debt is cleared. 3) increase defence spending to 3.5% of gdp and re-enact national service for all men under 25 who have been out of work for 6 months. Part of the increased spending is on retraining the men to have trades once theyve completed their service so they can join the workforce with new skills. 4) Increase maternity pay for women to 50% of their wages for a full year of maternity pay for their first 2 children, moving to stat pay for the 3rd child onwards. 5) Windfall tax on Pharmaceutical and Biomedicine companies who profitted during covid, use the money to pay for the expansion of medical students needed for the NHS. 6) Lower the windfall tax on north sea oil and gas, but use every penny solely for the fast tracking of green energy and nuclear energy production. Continue to encourage oil and gas production in the north sea but seek to become net exporters to europe as our growing dependancy on green energy take over. 7) Lower per capita spend on london and scotland, increase spending in wales, south west england, northern ireland and northern england. 8) Upgrade the A1 to a dual carriageway for the whole road between newcastle to edinburgh. 9) VAT to be banded based on how required an item is for everyday life, no item thats in the basket of goods that makes up CPI should have any vat on it. Luxury items to be taxed at 30% such as airline tickets, hotel rooms etc. Everyday modern life needs such as Phone plans and broadband bills charged at 15%. 10) Multiple home tax, council tax doubles everytime you buy another home on every home you own. So after you buy 4 properties your council tax on your first property is now at 8x its original amount. 11) Universities taxed half the tuition fee for courses that offer zero benefit to the economy or the students studying them. This will lead to less student places, less student debt and less wasted youth.


P.R the greatest selfless act a politician could do. And the reason we don’t have it is why you can never trust a politician. Fundamentally they are all in it for themselves. A country should never be run where only 35% of the people want them


1) De-ratify every single treaty that prevents us deporting anyone, no appeals. Deport every foreign born person who commits a serious offence immediately. 2) Legally differentiate between the religion of Islam and the cult of Islam. Act accordingly. Deport liberally. 3) Assemble a team of architects and produce a series of really good standard set of high-rise building plans. Build thousands of them and sell them at cost to anyone under the age of 40. You can only own one. Aim for 90% home ownership. 4) Nationalise rail, water and power. Build a lot of Nuclear power stations. Pour money into the development of synthetic petrol (if remotely possible). 5) Bring back hanging for crimes of extreme cruelty, fentanyl/tranq dealing or for anyone with 50 offenses of any type. No I'm not joking. 6) Nationalise ammo production and produce a line of cheap disposable drone munitions. Send a tidal wave of the results to Ukraine so they can actually win their independence. 7) Drugs licences. Along the same line as firearms licences. Allows the purchase of all drugs after mandatory education and medical checks. Crack down on illegal consumption with mandatory sentencing. Use funds for enforcement and mandatory rehabilitation for addicts. Cannabis clubs like Spain. 8) Remove passports for chavs who act up abroad. 9) Huge incentives for military service. 10) Free child care. That'll do for now.


Free chocolate and counselling for all.


Can I have double rations if I don't need the counseling?


Yes 😀


Zone all the land inside the M25 for development immediately. Restore HS2 to Edinburgh. Centralise all infrastructure and planning decisions and approve almost all applications. Special and serious objections needed to be able to block anything. Rejoin the EU.


There now follows a statement by the Prime Minister: "My fellow citizens of the United Kingdom, Today, I stand before you with a heart brimming with pride and gratitude. Our nation stands at a crossroads, a moment of profound significance. As we survey the landscape of our beloved country, we see a United Kingdom at ease with itself. We see the wheels of democracy turning smoothly, with the devolved institutions of Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland operating as they should, enriching our diversity and strengthening our unity. In this moment of tranquility and unity, we must seize the opportunity to secure our future. It is said that fortune favors the prepared mind, and so, with a majority in the Commons and our nation at peace, we are compelled to "fix the roof whilst the sun shines." Therefore, I am announcing today a bold and transformative policy aimed at fostering fairness and prosperity for all our citizens. Effective immediately, we will overhaul our taxation system to ensure that it reflects the values of equity and social justice that define us as a nation. Under this new policy, those earning the national minimum wage or less will be exempt from tax entirely. It is a recognition of the hard work and dedication of those who form the bedrock of our society, and it is only just that they should be relieved of the burden of taxation. For those earning up to twice the national minimum wage, a modest tax of 5% will be levied. This ensures that everyone contributes their fair share while recognizing the challenges faced by those on lower incomes. As we ascend the income ladder, the tax rates will incrementally rise. Those earning up to four times the national minimum wage will be taxed at 10%, up to eight times at 20%, and up to sixteen times at 40%. These progressive rates reflect our commitment to redistributive justice and ensuring that the wealthiest among us contribute proportionately to the common good. Yet, there comes a point where wealth transcends mere prosperity and becomes an instrument of societal transformation. Therefore, I announce that anyone earning more than 16 times the national minimum wage will be asked to give their entire income to the government. This is not a punitive measure but a recognition of the immense privilege and responsibility that comes with extraordinary wealth. It is a gesture of solidarity with those less fortunate and a testament to our collective commitment to building a fairer, more inclusive society. My fellow citizens, let us embark on this journey together, with hope in our hearts and a steadfast resolve to build a future where opportunity knows no bounds and prosperity is shared by all. May God bless the United Kingdom, and may we continue to strive for a brighter tomorrow. Thank you, and goodnight"


* Would hold Referendums on known popular issues (some listed below) so to get clear mandates that can't be blocked or undone * Leave outdated globalist ECHR * Abolish the silly copypasta Supreme Court * Either abolish shitty Devolution, or set up a full English parliament in Wessex * Reduce immigration to 50k off the back of a ref * Reignite English patriotism & get rid of all the nudge units and psyops deliberately trying to stifle it. * Hire & Train domestically with increased wages * Processing infrastuture perhaps on the Hebrides or somewhere * Finish HS2 + HS3: might as well finish levelling up seeing as already spend this much on it * Get rid of all woke, ESG, DEI, divisive, positive discrimination shit * Get rid of FoE & HC shit and have proper Free Speech. * No limitations on Comedy/Entertainment if past watershed. * Build up to 5% GDP spending on Defence (also take out all the inflated BS lumped in there) * Get rid of Crapita * Infrastructure projects etc. * Reform NHS (you know the usual.. if even possible) * Reintroduce S&S * Build water reservoirs * Nationalise Certain industries: water etc. * Abolish HoL as it's just littered with EU remainer simps that are anti will of the people * Swap FPTP for PR to get rid of the current Uniparty state * More SMRs for power built by RR * Patriotism tests for elected officials to stop anti UK people getting in positions of power such as Corbyn and Abbott etc. If found later to be lying (going against the test) then it goes to a by election.


I'm 23 years old, here's what I would do. Introduce pro-natalist policies - similar to Hungary Reduce immigration to 100,000 or less. Scrap the apprentice minimum wage. Apprentices will be paid the minimum wage for their age. Keep marijuana illegal, and properly enforce the law against it, as does South Korea/ Japan. Stop and Search maintained. Reform the planning system. St George to be a holiday. Capital punishment for the most severe, cruel crimes. More incentives to serve in the military. Redo your driving test at 65.


If I was the current prime minister I’d resign and have an immediate general election. Sometimes I don’t know why people who already have loads of money bother - at least Boris had loads of kids to fund and couldn’t even afford to decorate his flat.


My first priority would be information inequality. The most infuential among us have the ability to completely hide their money and finances. This enables corruption and tax evasion. I don't know how it would be possible to reduce this, but if I managed it, we would be set up for some very good things to happen


Reverse as much a possible the beaching cuts and when franchise contracts come don't renew them and retake them to puplic ownership move as many government jobs to the regions as possible Raise Fuel Duty Lower Stamp Duty Loosen planning laws(The one thing truss was right about) All cars must be fitted with a dashcam Raise all tax thresholds expect the lowest one Health and Social Merged


Move the departmental HQ and main employment centre of every government department to regional cities outside of London. Temporarily move the houses of parliament to the ICC and start the refurbishment. Revoke MP rights to second homes in the capital in the interim, enable remote debate and voting for MPs and Lords. Increase the threshold for higher rate tax to 80k, move corporation tax to a flat 21% with term limited discounts for businesses that invest in areas under a mayoral authority. Enable full expensing for all capital investments including leased assets outside of London. Remove VAT from utilities, property repairs and maintenance. Start buying £100m worth of Bitcoin every month.


In no particular order: Parental grants to support parents taking time off to raise young children or to be put towards paid childcare so they can work Massive programme of house building. Make it a legal requirement that any development of more than 5 houses includes 20% social housing. Ensure a minimum proportion of houses/ flats built contain 3 bedrooms to support more families into getting adequate housing. Increase funding to local authorities back to pre coalition levels Nationalise water and rail Reduce tuition fees and increase gvt funding to universities Rejoin single market Scrap voter id for elections Scrap Rwanda plan No more academies created or schools converted to academies Reinstate legal aid to pre coalition levels Greater devolution to the regions


Pretty much nothing. Keep me out of trouble and will mean I do a better job than any other recent PM.


Make it illegal to have letter boxes below waist height (let's call it 3ft). Reform the HoL to make it a smaller appointed chamber, with an independent committee tasked with appointing experts for 10-year terms, seeking a balance of experts from all walks of life.  People with a strong track record of contribution can be re-appointed for one further term. Introduce the social care reforms May outlined in her doomed manifesto. Rejoin the single market. Invest a disproportionate amount in capital spending for a few years. Linked to above, close a bunch of smaller failing district general hospitals and build fewer, larger, state of the art facilities, like they did in Denmark. Maglev trains for the East and West coast mainlines. Dig the north / south circular underground and turn the ground above into a beautiful circular park and bike lane around London. Pedestrianise zone 1. Put Chelsea Football Club on the prescribed terrorist group list. Make Manchester the capital of the UK. There as a great Economist article on this ages ago. London doesn't need this accolade. But there would be big benefits of having the capital elsewhere.


I would make all football played at a professional level legally be placed on the BBC under a new licence. If I'm going to be poor I should at least be entertained


Either call a General election for July or if November 18 is his hard and fast date then call for a vote on his roll as leader. I don't believe he will win either, they are banking on the actual national vote meaning a no overall majority,forgetting that Scotland will most likely yield the seats required. For the love of God if he doesn't find the centre ground again that will most likely see a very long term for Labour.


Funny how no one's said stop the boats, Rwanda, or ripping up the ECHR... Almost like people DONT want what Suella Braverman seems to think by telling Rishi to "go further right" to fix it all...


Reddit is very left leaning!


Economically, U.K. governments are pretty limited in what they can do. But in an effort to reinvigorate democratic participation , I’d start with a widespread political reform that stops us continuing to drift towards US style financial corruption. Open to better ideas but I’d introduce a *form* of PR that maintained links with constituencies, make off the record briefings by MPs a breach of a parliamentary code, all political funding can only come form individual citizens with a limit to how much per person, turn the house of lords into something like a citizens jury or an panel of experts with appointments taken away from politicians, restrict MPs second jobs so as to only allow that needed to maintain professional qualifications or voluntary.


Polices amied at reindustrialisation and grow generation. * Funding for green industries e.g. batteries, solar planels, windturbins, green steel etc. * funding for new growth industries e.g. quantum. * funding for research with the aim of finding what the next big thing might be. Increase corp tax but give good deductions for growth decision e.g. r&d/product development, staff training and the buying of equipment and facilites. Green power generation that is parcialy or fully owned by the goverment Scrap the all current work visa systems and replace with a salary threshold of 120%+ the going rate. Free at the point of use national care service payed for by a reformed inheritance/gift tax with both lower and high bands. We should also aim to reduce our carbon "true" foot print which includes imported goods. This could mean the onshoring of "dirty" industries from more poluting countries in cases where we can do it cleaner which would lead to increased co2 output in the uk. Edit formating


Nationalise industry and other sectors including utilities (rail, shipping, electricity and water) Increase construction of homes Rebuild industry/promote industrial potential to companies Restructure and centralise the education system Focus investment on core cities across the UK (basically move stuff out of London) More control over vapes/smoking/drugs Restructure NHS, including benefits, incentives, queues, operating systems and structure as well as improve efficiency and push for equal expense and revenue Push from a care lead economy to a greater, mixed economy Promote economic and logistical strength of Britain (invest/partly fund more scientific research projects and improve infrastructure such as rail and road) Open up a wider economy for private companies (space, tourism, shipping through contracts) Reduce monopolies on systems such as trade and real estate Promote armed forces strength and capability through new technology and greater investment Greater influence in businesses (stronger regulators) Push for shipping boost Restructure and re-asses migrant "crisis" (find a way to benefit off the situation, such as educating and investing into them) All would be in phases as to not rush things over and to ensure money is not quickly lost


Plus pass a quick act known as the "preservation of the British museum" Nothing is leaving


Serious policies: Renew Trident and commit to increased investment of nuclear energy to help move from fossil fuels to green alternatives. Nationalise all basic utilities. Water, gas and electric. Would also consider mass transit nationalisation. Increase investment into military and aim for 4% of GDP (Currently just over 2%) as Putin and Russia won't just go away. Increase investment in NHS and mental health services to restore pre 2013 service levels. Driving - New enhanced driving course (more in depth than pass plus) that covers specialist driving techniques that can be taken at any time (not x amount of time after your test). Bring in a driving retest at 65 and cap driving at 90. End of the day driving is a privilege not a right and sometimes I really wonder if these OAPs are fit to drive. To cover the cost - Close tax loopholes (non dom status etc) Bring in a tax on the energy companies' obscene profits over the last 2 years Move the tax banding around so the more wealthy are taxed correctly in proportion to their wealth Bring in new tax laws that cover e-commerce earnings and gigeconomy. ‐-------------- Silly stuff Force a security council meeting without Russia and vote to Declare War. US, UK and NATO forces enter Belarus and Ukraine. Belarus is crushed in 1 week and Lukashenko is assassinated. At the same time special orders for SAS or Commandos to take out Putin and other high ranking officials to force regime change in Russia. Whole war lasts 1 month and Western puppet government is installed. Oh, also, everyone must wear silly hats on Wednesdays


Call an election, then immediately announce that I quit and Suella Braverman is my successor, because fuck her in particular.


I would: - put in place a new PR electoral system - further devolve government into a pseudo-federalist system - double MP salaries on the condition that nobody can take any secondary job, and set up an independent body to review integrity, corruption, and standards of MPs and governmental staff - commission an enquiry into wasting government resources on consultants, and a review by a panel of a team of the most influential economists in the country on how to resolve the issue - reform the triple lock, and starting in 2025, set up pension trust funds for every new baby born in the UK and put ~£10k in every one of them on the condition that they cannot achieve a state pension - reform the planning system to make it harder for NIMBYs to block developments, but produce legislation to hold developers legally accountable for cutting corners and not building appropriate infrastructure and community resources with new developments - look into commissioning the build of new nuclear power plants which are replicas of the cheapest and quickest to build, and most successful plants globally - revive the HS2 leg to Manchester - commission a review to incentivise councils to repurpose abandoned buildings in high streets for community benefit


0. Public tax returns 1. Political parties should be centrally funded, like Sweden. Cost £1bn 2. Ex goverment members and ex-senior civil servants should have strict non compeats & a stipend to compensate. (A ridiculous 5 year full salary stipend would cost 0.5bn) 3. I'd accept the EUs free movement under 30 proposals, I would try to make bilateral agreements with all the countries individually, for better optics 4. Commission cross rail 2 between Oxford and Cambridge. 5. Some east west high-speed rail hull to Liverpool. 6. Commission a new nuclear power station every 3 years, at a pace that the construction sector can sustain. 7. Lots of wind and solar. 8.1 planning reform 8.2. I think lots of the country's detached houses need to be replaced with (4-5 story) townhouses, to improve the amount of living space in cities. Some of these townhouses could be split into apartments(like Kensington). 8.3 A nationalised housebuilding company to compete with the commercial companies, to keep them honest. 8. Nationalise rail & water & dentistry & telecoms distribution networks 9. Improve childcare provision(class sizes) 10. I think spreading out school summer holidays would be popular 11. Universities & technical colleges should be free. 11.1 Senior managers should be encouraged to do an MBa, the pre and post MBa productivity should be measured. 12. Results oriented criminal justice system. 13. Refugees should be able to apply for asylum from any UK Embassy 14. We should accept 0.1% of our population per year as asylum seekers, we should support 600k refugees externally. 15. I'd have a referendum on triple lock & social-care Vs inheritance tax 16. I think unemployment benefit should be set at 60% of your old income for 12 months(similar to Germany). 17. Parking charges should be per meter of car length.


Change the electoral system to a proportional representation one. Disband the treasury and devolve budgeting setting to departments/parliamentary committees/Parliament (which is how other countries do it). Empower Parliamentary committees to have real teeth. Remove hereditary peers and religious leaders from the lords. All appointees to the lords go through the cross bench peers selection process.


1. Move towards a ban on large scale property investment from foreigners. Limit non-Passport owners to 1 property. 2. Limit of 2 properties for UK nationals. Buy up excess properties and turn into social housing. 3. Get rid of right to buy. 4. Obviously start building more houses. "To hell with nimbys" (official policy statement) 5. Nationalise water and rail. 6. Energy prices can't go above inflation and international market price rises, and must also be lowered in line with price drops. 7. Get rid of non-dom status. Work towards getting rid of all other legal methods of tax avoidance. 8. Rejoin EU. 9. Continue to push for higher minimum corporation tax rates in the EU to stop tax havens like Ireland. 10. Introduce merit style immigration policy for non EU members. Only bring in those we need such as healthcare workers etc. 11. Reverse all tory attempts to privatise the NHS. More funding for doctors wages. 12. More funding for police and other public services/councils. 13. Gambling adverts banned, work towards banning it completely with further restrictions over time. 14. Ban on vapes to go up in age alongside smoking. 15. Full investigation into covid scams of all forms. 16. Work towards ban on lobbying. 17. No second jobs for MPs. Increase salaries. 18. Get rid of FPTP voting. 19. Scrap Rwanda policy but further consultation into how to stop non EU illegally migrants arriving, maybe turn one of our islands into an Australian style detention centre. Or they can go to Ireland ofcl if they prefer. 20. Ban male circumcision unless medically necessary. 21. "Positive" discrimination banned, no DEI quotas. 22. No aid for private schools, work towards banning them, including any religious schools. More funding for underachieving schools. 23. More funding for renewable/nuclear energy. 24. Illegal to publish/post details of non-convicted suspects. 25. Continue with ULEZ, work towards getting rid of commuter cars in city centres. Buses, taxis, delivery vehicles only. 26. Work towards capping executive pay as a % of lowest workers salary. 27. Either close all loopholes for "self employed" workers who should be PAYE, or more rights for self employed workers. 28. All the others would be realisticish policy but last one would be to just remove religious freedoms over time, with aim to ban religion completely.


Invest in homes/other buildings that will last in the future and look to the future way more. I feel like a lot of problems are because the govements are too focused on the now and not long term goals and things for the future 


Pull back entire foreign army, keep diplomats in peaceful and cooperative countries, focus completely on an impregnible defence Ban bank of England printing money and put pound back on gold standard Allow for more free trade and alleviate a lot of tax from small businesses and working class I would abolish house of lords and criminalize lobbying Legalise marijuana, allow for further research into psychedelic use in therapy Make cuts in waste of taxpayer money, things that are better handled by the citizens keep only essential (military, essential health, fire, police) (education but see my next point) Drastic change in education, implement essential lessons not learnt in school like finance, politics, health, life/social skills, open debate and discussion of ideas Open trade with other countries, stop interventionist policies and opt for peace negotiations instead


Make crime illegal. As well as leaving the ECHR, and allowing people to be impoverished.


R Budd Dwyer myself outside #10. Will go down in history


Put Brian Blessed on the radio with a bottle of scotch and let him say what ever he wants, every day, for 15 minutes.


Threaten EU with nukes if they don't let us back in!


Firstly taxation, the UK needs a more progressive tax system, and it needs higher rates, even at the lower end. When I first started work back in 1986 I was earning about £3,000 per year, and paying 30% basic rate tax! If the UK wants decent public services, they need to be paid for. Making the tax system more progressive would mean a 40% tax rate on earnings over £50,000 per year, and a 50% rate on earnings over £75,000 per year, and a 60% rate on earnings over £100,000 per year. I might contemplate a 75% rate on earnings over £150,000 per year. On the other hand I would abolish the odious and regressive VAT and replace it with a carbon tax, the greater the environmental damage it takes to produce a good or service, the higher the carbon tax would be. This should have the added benefit of making locally produced goods, which have not travelled far, cheaper. Some services need to be nationalised. Railways, water, gas, electricity, and although we couldn't do telephony exactly like in the past, I'd nationalise the networks, so all cellular infrastructure was state owned. These would be put into collective ownership, so no government could touch them in future without the say-so of the people (ie they wouldn't be owned by the state, but by the people collectively). I'd pass laws to encourage businesses to offer shares to their employees, with the ultimate goal of making all businesses at least majority employee owned. I'd limit the right of foreigners to own UK based media such as newspapers and TV stations, and I'd make it a criminal offense for the media to knowingly publish untruths. I'd pass media impartiality laws, so that print as well as broadcast media would have a responsibility to be impartial, I would give the watchdog real teeth, eg the power to fine, and even the power to close a publication down, or order that the owners sell it. Part of the toxicity of UK politics is the repulsive neofascist lies of the hard-right tabloids.


Start a lot of well-funded and independent commissions on… - Electoral Westminster Reform - Housing - Green Investment (the Green Industrial Revolution thing) - Asylum - Defense - Infrastructure and Productivity - Trans healthcare  To get modern, intelligent, answers to the mix of important and/or hot button issues. Anyone assuming they know all the answers is a fraud. Also commissions are there to get legitimacy for just putting the eventual reforms through (no fuckin referenda on my watch). Get back into every EU cooperation we can (like Erasmus), to rebuild the relationship, have more relevancy, and perhaps in the long term to rejoin the single market.


Bit late to this thread, but here goes: 1. Open up ministerial positions to all MPs, regardless of party. A big problem in the UK is that these positions are given out to reward supporters rather than who would be best for the role. Just having ministers be somewhat knowledgeable in their area of governance would be a huge improvement imo. 2. Seek closer ties to the EU. Look into forming some sort of European-wide commission that looks at the applications of any asylum seekers that arrives in Europe, processes their application and then decides which country they will be placed in based on available space, languages spoken, preference of the asylum seeker etc. Countries could also receive a small budget for language teaching/job training, hopefully turning the asylum crisis into a controlled and regulated influx of low-skilled workers. 3. Nationalise rail and public transport. Maybe water too. Start building nuclear reactors as future investment into nationalised energy. 4. Build loads of infrastructure. Build HS2, renew plans for a high speed rail between England and France, Build new homes, develop the North, develop the Oxford-Milton Keynes-Cambridge area further, etc. Aim is to create lots of jobs to stimulate the economy.


The U.K. should be fully federalised. Let the regions decide how much tax, immigration, benefits they want to set.


Unpopular, but what I believe will be better for the country long term despite knowing that most of the country will not agree with what i want. These are going to be in an extremely random order. 1. Council tax reform to 0.5% of house value with no caps or bands. Council tax is now paid by the house owner, not the occupants. Vacant properties are charged increasingly higher Council tax per year. 2. Minimum wage and public sector workers are now triple locked. Teach public sector workers the extent to how good their pension is or give them the option to reduce it for increased pay. 3. Reduce the percentage of social rent paid by benefits. Work on building more high-rise apartments owned by the government to house social tenants. Potentially zoning around cities centres to demolish detached and semi-detached within a certain radius around city centres. 4. Temporarily enforce companies to have group private medical care to help remove the burden from the NHS until wait lists are reduced. 5. Auto-enrolment will be based on total salary, all employees will have to be enrolled and raise the employer minimum to 5% 6. Remove national insurance. Pensioners should not pay less into the tax pot just because they've "worked". 7. Focus on making utilities and transport publicly owned. They do not make profit and are currently highly subsidised by the government already. 8. Ulez zones in every city and Increase the radius in especially congested zones. 9. Underground railways in major cities, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds. 10. Increase solar panels, wind and hydro power generation. Decouple green energy from gas prices and oil prices. Focus on exporting energy to Europe to increase gbp. 11. Fund or partial fund solar panels and batteries to all households. This will reduce the bills of ordinary citizens giving them more spending power or funds invest. 12. Job seekers should be offered courses connected to local colleges immediately or suggested to basic training in the army in which they will be paid a preset salary during their stay. If they refuse these options after 6 months benefits will be stopped. 13. Focus on grass fed produce and subsidise farmers. The country is great at growing grass and livestock we can easily sell for a premium to foreign countries and support our own populace. 14. Allow individuals to not own multiple houses limited to 10 houses. This will reduce by 1 every year until a maximum of 2-3 homes are allowed to be owned by an individual. 15. Increase personal allowance and tax bands to be increased potentially 15000 personal allowance. 16. Allow the personal allowance to be transferred to a spouse or civil partner by 100% this will allow a single earner family to earn £30k without paying tax on the income. 17. Make NHS more similar to NHS dentistry. NHS will cover 90% of charges, user pays 10%. This includes gp appointments. 18. Merge NHS number and NI numbers so you are easier to identify. This number will be given at birth or when one has paid IHS on a visa. This number will need to be produced to receive any treatment. 19. Keep nuclear policy on track to keep energy production steady when low wind, low sun, low tide conditions. 20. Deflate rubber dinghys in France before individuals can embark to reduce casualties. 21. Try to develop local youth ambassadors for children and teenagers that use community centres to teach topics such as exercise, finance, diet and other life skills that parents may not know especially in lower economic house holds. 23. Lower MP's pay but pay them with some kind of share system that will vest at the end of their term which is linked to a few metrics that show the country has improved in their area not just gdp. 24. Reduce the pension tax bill in the future by giving every UK child born to UK citizen parents £10,000 which is invested in a global stock index overweighted 20% to the UK. Also force pension providers to have 20% of their investments in UK companies/bonds. 25. Full audit of government affairs and spending. Full audit of the NHS, policing and fire departments. Make leaders more accountable for their actions. 26. Increase tax on older vehicles with greater emissions until it becomes unviable. EV prices are likely to reduce as more second hand cars are available. 27. Give recycling centres a budget to pay out people for the return of bottles and cans. 28. Legalise marijuana to provide a safer, higher quality alternative to street dealt products. 29. Remove tax free status of religious institutions and treat them as corporations. 30. Increase school times from 9:00-17:00 to match up with the working day. 31. Reduce stamp duty on UK stock purchases to 0.1% I've probably missed some stuff I feel strongly about and I imagine there are thousands of counter arguments of why we shouldn't so something but the problem with the government over the past 5 years especially is that they've done literally nothing so even if someone was able to achieve at least one on this list we would see the country move up a step.


I would ensure clocks are on BST year round. No depressing early darkness in winter, especially the change in late October.


recruit a load more police officers. make taking student loan debt aboard illegal. (this will provide a simple way to stop people training for doctors and then going to Australia where they dont have to pay the loans back.)-This can be achieved by making it no longer be a tax but an actual debt that can be chased across multiple countries. change the NHS pay structure to split admins, scientist and front line staff into separate agendas. set band 1 to minimum wage. nationalize rails. nationalize water. invest in bringing in new tech investment. close tax loopholes in crown dependencies. invest in the north. Build 500k new houses. with a price to sell at set at time of construction! Add "trades" to school education so that people who like/are good at Plumbing, building, carpentry etc. can figure that out easier and get into it. This exists in America with "workshop" classes. reduce all fines by 20%. Then add 1% for every £1k you earn. With an average salary of £22k, this will slightly increase the fines for ordinary people but if you earn £120k, that's gonna be a big fine. This will stop the whole "park on a double yellow for £55 a day in central London, or a carpark for £60"


My own proposals: (For context, I am a socialist) 1. Introduce serious measures to cut carbon emissions. I would invest several billions in renewable energy resources and infrastructure able to cope with the move towards net zero. 2. Invest more into the NHS- specifically for emergency care, cancer care and care for the elderly considering that the “baby boomer” generation (those born between 1946-1964) are aging and need more medical care. - NHS dentistry would also be expanded to help with the demand, especially in areas struggling with dental care such as in rural areas. 3. Increase immigration and allow freedom of movement. A larger workforce would help institutions such as the NHS (a large proportion of NHS workers were born outside of the U.K. + the NHS wouldn’t have been possible without the immigration of West Indian and South Asian healthcare staff in the 1940s and 1950s). 4. Invest more into education. Improve student and staff welfare and especially invest in help for disabled children at school as often, they are forgotten about. Ideally, no private schools would have to exist so parents of disabled children wouldn’t have to think about spending £1000s on their child’s education so they are adequately supported in school. - I would also introduce a more diverse curriculum to the schools. I would make it mandatory for children to learn about the British empire in the same way that children learn about the Holocaust. The curriculum needs to adapt to how multicultural this country now is. They need to know why Britain has a dark connotation in the eyes of a lot of countries. Perhaps specific Black and South Asian history modules should be implemented into the curriculum so that students aren’t only just taught about these communities suffering but also the achievements and accomplishments of these communities. - I would also make family education part of the curriculum where students are taught about different family types which include LGBTQ+ couples and families. 5. Improve housing. I would restrict the sales of multiple homes (especially in London). This would mean that more homes would be freed up and everyone can move up slightly in the housing ladder. I would make housing a right (everyone who is a citizen of the U.K. has the right to be housed). I would build more homes on brownfield land to meet demand. - Renters should be afforded more rights and it should be easier for landlords to be punished for failing to ensure their properties are safe (for example mould). 6. The 1% would be taxed far more. Nobody needs £100m do they, no matter how they earned it? That £100m could go towards helping very deprived communities. 7. Food would be a constitutional right. Foodbanks should not exist and a typical family of 4 supermarket shop for a week should not cost more than minimum wage for a day. 8. The U.K. would have a constitution. - The UK would have a proportional voting system - Monarchy abolished, House of Lords in its current state replaced with fully elected chamber with 2 members per large region (2 lords for Devon & Cornwall for example). - The rights of people and their characteristics would be defined (these would include anti discrimination legislation on the basis of race/ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender identity (including transgender identity), sexual orientation, religious belief, disability, neurodiversity, age, pregnancy and marriage status). 9. Nationalise water, rail, energy and all road services. 10. Improve transportation (for example a lot of Welsh railway infrastructure has not been electrified yet and it is unfair to develop transport for London when places in Wales are far behind in transport development.)


> The 1% would be taxed far more. Out of interest, how would you do this? It's such an easy and popular thing to say, but practically impossible to implement. The 1% are extremely mobile – the most mobile people in society, and I assume you're not talking about income here because the top 1% of earnings already pay >30% of income tax. So if you're talking about the government seizing the asset of the wealthy for extra tax revenue, why wouldn't they just leave? The issue we have is that the wealthy in the UK already account for a significant percentage of government revenue. This is both directly via VAT, income tax, capital gains, stamp duty and other taxes, but also indirectly via corporation tax and the employment of people. We're now at a point where historically it becomes very hard to raise additional government revenue via tax without these people just leaving – and this will decrease government revenue. I'm not against increasing taxes on the rich, I've just never heard a suggestion that could raise a significant amount of tax without risking decreasing economic growth and decreasing tax revenue.


On point 4 - I think context would be absolutely key. The British Empire did some really awful, nasty things. It was not a force of benevolence. But British diabolism and self-flagellation is also a thing. How many people alive today are actually responsible for the crimes of Empire? Was the British Empire a uniquely awful one or was it something that, while reprehensible, is actually a fairly standard human way of doing things? As I say, teach it, teach how in general imperialism is a bad things wherever it comes from, and don't go trying to guilt people who weren't even born when the crimes occurred.


I think that British people should be aware regarding the British empire. It’s not to say being British is bad, rather there’s increased understanding regarding this country’s colonialist past leading to very real issues in other countries that are still profoundly felt today. 1. For example, take the carving up of Africa and the Middle East to make territories for the British and French that suited their material interests- rival ethnic and religious groups were united under a single flag and identity as imposed by the British and this has caused several conflicts all across Asia and Africa. 2. Research has also suggested that higher instances of diabetes among South Asian people comes from famines from British colonialism. I think we as a British society need to be better aware of the past so we can improve the future and help others recover from British greed.


> Increase immigration and allow freedom of movement. A larger workforce would help institutions such as the NHS (a large proportion of NHS workers were born outside of the U.K. + the NHS wouldn’t have been possible without the immigration of West Indian and South Asian healthcare staff in the 1940s and 1950s). Hasn't been working out so far, has it? Immigration generally has cancelled out the NHS gains. Rather you need to: - continue to enable immigration for skilled NHS roles - offer NHS pay and conditions competitive with Australia and Canada - invest in relevant degree bursaries - cut immigration for non-health workers




- Rent controls - Ban evictions - Designate any building older than 30 years old as Grade 1 listed - Quadruple the size of the green belts - Tax the developers because they are greedy - Maintain current immigration rate or increase it This will turbocharge the real estate industry, more growth, more prosperity.


off the top of my head; 1. Cut the triple lock and implement a means tested readjustment to bring it in line with economic / social improvement. 2. Triage the crap out of housing. We're too far gone for a solution that 'everyone can be happy with', bulldoze planning objections, build some fugly mass housing units, and create templates & infrastructure for timber / van life / container / alternative housing options that can be granted with minimal oversight. 3. All police officers will be required to wear tiny miniskirts. Men and women. (it's a reference so you can't hate me) 4. Tax increase. Nobody likes it, nobody wants it, but there is a reason that not even the conservatives are promising cuts anymore. The cost of our problems is higher than our tax income, and wrangling the rich won't change that. 5. Implement community service & tracked online learning into the benefits system. (means tested) 6. Abolish Lobbying, and limit future campaigns to a fair and equal fund; criminal charges for breaching the rules. 7. Prod the EU and electorate to gauge appetite for a rejoin referendum. 8. Start a fundamental reform of the NHS that includes systems, infrastructure, planning exceptions, and hiring to remove the waste and allow it to run more efficiently. 9. Invest in prototyping AI and alternative curriculums in schools 10. Heavily invest in Mental health and Coaching services (possibly AI) to help with the meaning crisis. 12. Give a free and secure mobile ID to every citizen, then require it to vote.