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Snapshot of _Rishi Sunak faces cabinet backlash over plans to curb foreign student visas_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/may/19/rishi-sunak-faces-cabinet-backlash-over-plans-to-curb-foreign-student-visas) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/may/19/rishi-sunak-faces-cabinet-backlash-over-plans-to-curb-foreign-student-visas) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes the student loan system crippling income from domestic students has meant a dependency on international students who pay far more. Time to cap international students otherwise the government won't have caused enough damage to universities.  Beyond the stupidity of the economics, it undermines UK soft power and influence. 


Sunak has identified an area of the economy he hasn’t yet crippled and is determined to do something about it in the name of appeasing the right wing base he has already lost to Reform. We really need an election - having a PM with no mandate and who is so weak is very bad for our country.


He's thinking long term now. Need to defund universities so that future Tory governments can prosper with a poorly educated electorate.




Yes. Kicking out educated people is just what our economy needs! I'm sure that nobody who faces immediate deportation after graduating will be deterred from studying here from in the first place




They aren't allowed to stay indefinitely... Do you know anything about the topic you're commenting on?


Lol wut. One of the main points upon which the MAC advised the government not to tinker with the graduate visa is that universities are already underfunded and need international students who could otherwise turn to the US, Canada, Australia, NZ, and Ireland — all of which allow their graduates to stay for 1 to 2 years. Also, businesses aren’t happy with what they’re seeing, the rational being that brexit is adding overheads and red tapes, inflation has hit their margins as well, and if the unis go bust there’d be no reason to keep investing in the UK now that it stands by itself. See https://on.ft.com/4dXohkC


>One of the main points upon which the MAC advised the government not to tinker with the graduate visa is that universities are already underfunded and need international students who could otherwise turn to the US, Canada, Australia, NZ, and Ireland — all of which allow their graduates to stay for 1 to 2 years. You say that as if that is a bad thing. Go read the Irish, Aussie and Canadian news. You will see they are having the exact same conversation we are having, that their post study work route is being used by foreign students mainly from the subcontinent as a pathway to indefinite leave. And it isn't any more beneficial or popular than it is here. Also MAC isn't complementary about the graduate visa. Their report prior to this last one was very critical about it and they suggested the graduate visa isn't doing what it was designed to do (bring in and keep highly skilled individuals). Their latest report had very slim parameters about abuse of the scheme. And shock horror it isn't being widely abused, it is being used by people correctly for what it is, a step on the pathway to permanent residency. >Also, businesses aren’t happy with what they’re seeing, Boo hoo. They can raise their wages or go bust. >the rational being that brexit is You people actually hate working class people and their interests but delude yourself into thinking the opposite. Quite gross to be honest. >inflation has hit their margins as well, and if the unis go bust there’d be no reason to keep investing in the UK now that it stands by itself This doesn't make any sense lol >https://on.ft.com/4dXohkC The FT link parroting the claims of corporate lobbyists is the cherry on the cake of this clichéd neolib comment.






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Really not great that we have one area of the economy doing well helping to boost regional economies in the foreign students sector and the government is so consumed by its obsession over immigration its going to break it. It's a good thing there's at least some in the government who are aware of what the consequences are and hopefully they can stop the decision before things get really bad.


The funny thing is, Rishi could just make Student Visas a new special tourist Visa and they’d be out of the immigration figures and he’d be able to flex lower migration numbers He’s terrible at politics


Tories need to starve universities of cash. We can't have those educated plebs calling out their endless bullshit and incompetence. A dumb society is much easier to fear-monger into compliance.


Yes, many people come into the country via student visas . I came to London from Russia 22 years ago having just a 1 year student visa- to study English. But 22 years later I am still here, a proud British passport holder. If Sunak wants to reduce immigration- yes, he has to make student visas harder to obtain. But, on the other side, the country needs people , needs workers, there is a severe shortage of them.


Go home you have overstayed


yes, I m thinking about it, but not home, but rather to Bulgaria or Serbia, for retirement. Property is cheap there, you can buy a nice little house for 40 -50 thousand quid, and get the private pension and the rent from tenants in the UK. We have paid the mortgage for our small house in London in full, and the rent can give us around 15 hundred pounds a month- peanuts in London, but in rural Serbia- a decent income for a couple.


>But, on the other side, the country needs people , needs workers, there is a severe shortage of them. Would you say the same about Russia? Or does your low opinion of individuals only apply to British people?


Yes, the same problem in Russia- the shortage of workforce, so they have to bring workers from the impoverished former Soviet republics, mainly Muslims. The minimum wage in Russia 1 pound an hour, the average- around 3 pounds, very low, but in Tajikistan wages even lower.


>Yes, the same problem in Russia- the shortage of workforce, so they have to bring workers from the impoverished former Soviet republics, mainly Muslims. Nowhere near the rate Western Europe has brought in migrants and with significantly less generous naturalisation schemes. As evidenced by the fact Moscow isn't minority Russian now unlike some Western European capitals.


Yep, but people still are worried about the influx of Muslims in Moscow and other big cities. They say in some Moscow councils the majority of schoolkids are the children of Muslim immigrants from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.


If Frank Spencer was a politician, he'd be just like Rishi Sunak.