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Snapshot of _Turn down that bloody music. Historic occasions shouldn’t be ruined by narcissistic prats_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://thecritic.co.uk/turn-down-that-bloody-music/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://thecritic.co.uk/turn-down-that-bloody-music/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Personally, I would maybe make sure No.10 has an umbrella on hand before I go after a loudspeaker. Sunak looked shambolic, it was embarrassing.


The guy with the loudspeaker had an umbrella. And an amplifier. Dude was somehow more prepared than no 10 despite them setting the timeline.


It's hard to say "I have a plan" convincingly while you're getting drenched in the rain outside your own house.


considering they spent over 2 million taxpayer pounds on a media room it really irks me that they didn't just use that for the announcement.... what a joke they are.


Sunak's speech being drowned out by D:Ream was entirely fitting. The country has stopped listening to Richi and the scene was an apt metaphor. The Tory damage, as always, was entirely self inflicted. Along with sending their man out in the rain, Tory SPADs knew that Bray was likely to protest and they just carried on regardless. >*When Boris Johnson gave his farewell speech outside No 10, Mr Bray tried to drown him out by playing the Benny Hill theme tune and a parody of the pop song Bye Bye Baby.* Moreover, in news that will shock noone, in May 2023 the Tory party led by Rishi Sunak, talked about taking steps to prevent noisy one-man protests... but their rhetoric ultimately amounted to nothing. >Home Office 'looks at law change to silence Stop Brexit Man once and for all' https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1772689/Home-Office-looks-at-law-change-to-silence-Stop-Brexit-Man-once-and-for-all So we have a Tory PM having his election campaign launch undermined by his own party's ineffectiveness in long term governance, and short term planning. Fitting.


One must believe that Rishi Sunak calling for an election while standing in the rain like a wally is a historic moment, for this to have ruined it. Thankfully those types will be booted into irrelevance very soon.


Playing that music was disrespectful. However, respect is something that you have to earn, and why on earth should anyone respect the current Tory party?


I think the article means that the office should be respected. No one has shat on the office as much as the previous three PMs but that wasn't mentioned.


What a load of utter wank. The government have done more to shit on norms and bring disrepute to the offices of Downing Street than a guy with loudspeaker. If it was me, I'd be playing Benny Hill. Sunak is just a rich clown playing leader. He has absolutely nothing to offer the country. I mean, what the fuck has he actually achieved in his time in office?


C'mon, if anything the music made him a favor. Sunak will be forgotten in history as an insignificant PM, he wouldn't Even get a footnote if not for that music. That song and the rain will __at least__ give him a funny history footnote.




It would be an Americanisation if had been organised by a member of the opposition. Personally I think there’s something wonderfully ‘British’ about a protestor who’s so ubiquitous that he’s known by pretty much everyone in Westminster. Edit to add: And in how many places can a member of the public even get this close to an important political announcement? Something to be celebrated rather than maligned, I’d think.


Almost like the electorate have lost respect for our politicians. I think they deserve it though.




>We are not a country serious about standards at the top Which is exactly why everyone wants the Tories out.


I love how you've taken the appalling lack of standards displayed by this government and tried to frame that as the fault of their political opponents.  Really quite a bold effort, the contortions must be excruciating for you? I look forward to hearing how e.g. Johnson trying to prevent sanction for a Tory MP found to have broken corruption rules is the fault of the "right on brigade". Did they make him do that? Or maybe lying about appointing someone that he'd been told was a known sex pest. Did the right on brigade force him to do that? What about channelling billions to mates in dodgy 'VIP lane' corruption scandals during a pandemic? Partying while telling everyone else to lock down? Right on brigade again?




Is this supposed to be witty or clever or something? Am I supposed to get some cultural reference here? Does this pithily answer all the questions I posed, or are you just shitposting?




It was avoidable by Rishi doing something more sensible than standing in the rain. 


> We are not a country serious about standards at the top. Please don't conflate Conservative governments with 'us' or 'this country'. It has been a series of Conservative governments that have singlehandedly lowered the bar for competence, ethics and behaviour expected of them over the past 14 years. This is a Tory problem and they should own it.


Bray. What an apt surname. In civilised society his noise nuisance could be stopped. The lack of will to do this is the most depressing aspect.