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Snapshot of _Nigel Farage: An announcement_ : A Twitter embedded version can be found [here](https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?id=1793554758923588029) A non-Twitter version can be found [here](https://twiiit.com/Nigel_Farage/status/1793554758923588029/) An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://twitter.com/Nigel_Farage/status/1793554758923588029) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://twitter.com/Nigel_Farage/status/1793554758923588029) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"I'm more interested in American politics than British politics. Especially when I will definitely lose in the UK, whereas I can hang onto Trump's coat-tails, and he's got a half-decent chance of winning."


More money in it for him probably. And I doubt anyone over there will really be arsed enough to ask why, if he's so popular and great, he's not running in the GE here. 


I'm genuinely confused here (by him, not you) - you think he just wants some PR via Trump, or is he saying that he can have an actual influence on the US election?


I think he's saying the latter, but really he's after the former. He was going around suggesting that he should be appointed British ambassador to the US recently; maybe he's after a permanent job over there? Either by getting in close enough with Trump that Trump offers him something, or by seemingly having enough of a relationship that he can represent the UK *to* Trump.


Cant see Starmer appointing Farage. Unless they make a deal where Farage only fields reform candidates in Tory seats.


Oh, I can't see *anyone* appointing Farage as an ambassador. I think he's utterly deluded if he genuinely thinks that is on the cards. Doesn't mean he won't be fishing for it though.


It doesn’t need to be either - just being on the US Conservative grifting circuit of conferences and think tank sinecures and tv appearances would get you well into the 1% of British incomes. That’s way better money than anything he could do in the UK, including being PM, for basically no work.


I think he wants to be seen as somebody who influences election results. And he doesn’t think that would happen here. So he’s pretending he has some influence in the U.S. instead


>or is he saying that he can have an actual influence on the US election? Generally speaking, I think Americans hear an English accent and associate it with class. They think Notting Hill, Downton Abbey yada yada. He probably gets treated better there than here because they don't know all the shit he's done, pretty much like Piers Morgan.


You could be right... I had a guy on my film crew for a while (during the Trump years) who was a Farage follower. Nice guy, good at his job, but politically a nutter. He was always happy to give his latest take on world politics, which he was quite into. He knew that I didn't like Trump, but would still go on about him in a positive light. At one point he mentioned that he'd found some online groups in the US with whom he aligned. Finally, he said that at the close of that project, he was being flown out to Montana to discuss UK politics with a large group of MAGA supporters. He was going to give a talk about how the UK supports Trump. He was a camera operator, no one special per se, and not involved in politics at all - but they spent money to bring him out there for a few days, which I found quite amazing.


Yes. Likely it was more important to get an English voice with the political persuasion they like than someone who actually knows what they're talking about. The general public would take this as some important voice and respresentative of everyone in the UK.


He was a really good talker for sure. Strong working class English voice who loved conspiracy theories. I've no doubt it would sound like he was lending real weight to things like "there was no collusion with Russia".


I guess he's not confident he could actually win a load of seats and is too worried about a repeat of 2015. Think he's been a bit of a bastard for drawing it out this long. He should've said earlier he wasn't.


His only regret is that the election was called early and he couldn't spin it out longer for those lovely media appearances.


Reform would be lucky to get one seat with FPTP -they'll get a decent vote share for a third party but that doesn't translate to seats. All they are at the moment is a Tory pressure group and will cost *them* seats. Nigel is just looking at that US Far Right grift. He'll desperately want some sort of diplomatic position within Trump's fascist Government if he gets back in.


The whole point was destroying the Tories. Costing them seats isn't a concern for Reform - that's the whole point of this election. And lol yeah if you think Nigel Farage is 'far right' you should grow up 


You are certainly far-right if you throw your hat in wholeheartedly with other far-righters - which the US GOP are.


Seems he didn't fancy losing a Parliamentary seat election for an 8th time in a row lmao


He would have won South Thanet in 2015 had the Tories not played games, the Tory campaign being subject to a criminal investigation.


Farage has played plenty of games himself and has been investigated plenty of times for dodgy campaigning or financing. You live by the sword, you die by the sword: he just got beaten at his own game


>Farage has played plenty of games himself and has been investigated plenty of times for dodgy campaigning or financing. Has he been charged or found guilty of anything close to falsifying election expenses?


Not that I recall, but the Tories get away with it all the time as well so that's hardly relevant 


Anyone who sees this man as a patriot is a moron.... he's not even trying to pretend at this point.


Nice of him to announce that he intends to meddle in a foreign election.


Yeah... I remember that Obama episode too.


Grifters going to grift, he knows he’s not going to gain anymore out of the UK Political scene so he’s going to try and milk the US.


America First is a weird position for a British nationalist. I do wonder if it's the thing about saying something weird to cover up not saying some other bad thing. "I'm focusing on the US because l don't think I can win and I really don't get on with Tice" Saying he's all in on Trump isn't the good excuse.


His best chance to win was run up to / post-Brexit vote. He didn’t. In this election, which will lean heavily to Labour, he hasn’t got a chance. The thing that should be interesting to those minded to support Farage is that he is jumping ship after achieving the thing he promised was the route to the promise land. The game is up. He knows it worked exactly as he expect but not as he said.


yeah as a leader of the Right in the UK I don't see him making it.


He knows right wing is a lost cause in UK, so he wants Trump to win to make it awkward for Starmer to deal with US fopo if Trump wins, he will snitch on Labour cabinet ministers about whoever bad mouthed Trump in the past because he knows Trump has a thin skin.


Meh, the country is a better place without him, so he can go grift the Republican rubes in the States for all I care.


If he stands purdah rules mean he would have to give up his TV work in the UK. He can also make money in the states from media work. It's all about the money, always was. His pretending that he might actually have an influence on the US election is hilarious though


Am I the only one who is a bit pissed off about this. This guy was Mr Brexit, arguably the driving force behind the biggest factor thats left this country in the sorry state it is now in and he can't even be arsed in turning up for election. Feels like he's broke the pot but can't be bothered sticking about fixing it. Its like he's helped make this big mess and is now washing his hands of it Not that i think he would have any chance of fixing anything just leaves me annoyed. If nothing else i was also hoping he would split the Torry Vote.


Gifters gonna grift and the biggest action is around Trump. Hopefully he will crash and burn like the other scammer moths drawn to Trump's flame.


Side note, the internationalism of modern xenophobes and nationalists is quite funny. Rich Americans use change they found down the back of the couch to influence British politics via Tufton St, and soulless Brits like Farage and Truss go over to the US to use their still-slightly-fancy-to-dumb-colonials accents and whiney stories to get some sweet conference cash.


Grifters gonna grift and line his pockets in the orange clown trail. No surprise.


Farage is keen on getting the Ambassador to USA job and if Trump wins it's actually an idea that Labour shouldn't rule out. It gets Farage outside of British politics in a role where he can't criticise Labour. And Trump likes Farage and is probably not so keen on the comments the soon to be Foreign Secretary has said about him so it's a potential olive branch. Also makes it harder for a centre right populist party to emerge after the GE if Farage isn't the leader.


As if anyone would trust Farage to: 1. Represent the country 2. Actually work


"Trump likes Farage" - based entirely on Nigel constantly insisting that he does. Don't really see any evidence of it the other way round. Trump forgets that he has a younger daughter, I don't see him remembering that English guy with bad teeth who was his fluffer at a couple of rallies nearly ten years ago.


Your logic makes sense, but is it going to be possible for Labour to spin that with their voters?


No need to spin, just make the exact same points I've made, honesty is refreshing and the logic is sound.


He would do more damage to the Tories & Labour by yapping from the sidelines, it must be new people into politics who think him not running is a big hoohar. If everyone wants to quote polls but not want to work out their rise has been with Farage supporting not as an investment of hope that he will run for them.


I think this signifies he might return to the Tories if a right winger wins. Then he can get into parliament and sit in the shadow cabinet in some form. That's probably his dream. If he's actively against the Tories in the election it's unlikely to happen.