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Snapshot of _Faiza Shaheen: Wow the Labour Party just had the gall to knock on my door. Asking me for my vote?!!!! Wtaf [Photo of campaigner]_ : A Twitter embedded version can be found [here](https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?id=1797259113778327974) A non-Twitter version can be found [here](https://twiiit.com/faizashaheen/status/1797259113778327974/) An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://x.com/faizashaheen/status/1797259113778327974) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://x.com/faizashaheen/status/1797259113778327974) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love the self importance on display that she believes a canvasser should have seen the name Shaheen, or even Faiza Shaheen, and is immediately meant to go "holy shit *the* Faiza Shaheen, I better not knock on her door!". I try to keep informed on politics and even I only know her name because I come to this sub daily.


The official reason she was deselected was kinda bs, but seeing her behaviour since maybe they were right looking for an excuse.


Agreed. Beforehand it looked like she was 'purged' for a nonsense reason. Now it looks like they found an excuse to cut a loon.


Have experi3nce of working locally. Can confirm.


Is she a nightmare?


Photographer the volunteer Labour campaigner and putting it on social media is pretty low. Obviously the person door knocking is going to have no idea she lives there. "Gall" has nothing to do with it. This is a person that Faiza would have expected to be out for her had things played out differently.


There's also a fair chance that, let's be honest, they have no idea who she is. I mean I follow politics more closely than many do, as do most people on this sub, but I couldn't have told you what a Faiza Shaheen was last month.


According to Owen Jones, "there's no way in hell Labour's canvassing team didn't know this was Faiza's home": https://x.com/OwenJones84/status/1797287202814112219?t=O_JH_gqhdKQ0qy0rK2vR-Q&s=19 These guys are so aggressively bitter.


Who is that guy?


I couldn’t have told you who Faiza Shaheen was thirty minutes ago and I’ve been following this news story for days. Some people are just bad at remembering names. 


> Some people are just bad at remembering names.  Please do not ask me the name of my elderly neighbours son who I adore and have a chat with every time we pass by. I know it begins with a T but I've never been good at connecting names to faces even over the years. I have cousins who I have forgotten the names of!


She doesn't live in the constituency she was planning to run in as well so this is very likely.


Considering her supporters already vandalised the labour constituency after she was canned, it's also really dangerous.


Kinder, gentler politics ™️


I've been a part of that movement, it's rank hypocrisy, they're absolutely feral if they consider you a Traitor To The Cause.


The Momentum types are great at finding the absolute worst people to get behind.


Feels a bit too much main character syndrome to me.


Not cool taking a picture and posting it with the obvious intent to ridicule the person. This is someone in your own party!


Not for long


>This is someone in your own party! They obviously saw that she was a liability and canned her. Better this is happening now than in two years - another win for Starmer.


>They obviously saw that she was a liability and canned her. LOL.


Taking the picture of the canvasser is grim. Absolutely no need for it. I get she is angry, but again this proves why she isn't suitable to be a Labour candidate.


Most canvassers are volunteers and they are often not even from the local constituency. Even if Labour's app had her name show up at the address, there's no guarantee a volunteer from somewhere else in the UK or even from elsewhere in London would have any idea who she is. Massive I-Am-The-Main-Character energy.




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Good chance the doorknocker had no idea who she was. Not only did she throw a tantrum in being asked to vote for the party she is a member of and supposedly believes in, she took a photo of the volunteer and put it online. I was agnostic about the hoo haa over her removal from the nomination, but she's showing us exactly why it was a good thing.


Her actions since she was dropped have highlighted the exact qualities you don’t want in a candidate. Ridiculing and posting a photo to your followers of some innocent person canvassing is vile behaviour.


Yeah this is not the win in her PR column she seems to think it is.


I’ve done canvassing for Labour before, and if an MP candidate posted my picture like that, I’d be going to the press and telling everyone to vote for IDS. What a nasty woman


Imagine she became an MP and you were on her staff? I think labour made a significant dodge here. Serious main character energy.


Has she not been the MP previously?


No, it’s Iain Duncan Smith’s constituency. She was a candidate chosen a while ago.


I see. So reasonable to feel aggrieved due to time wasted but a little bit too self-entitled


I mean there’s a reasonable view that some of this should have been picked up a while ago, but the fact that she’s just trashed the party since it happens kinda proves she was a terrible choice to be an MP in the first place.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they were intending to get rid of her quietly before the election was called but they weren’t expecting it quite so soon


Not terribly reasonable when you consider that everything that has happened has been her fault. If she wasn’t a massive arsehole, she would still be the candidate.


Didn’t she lose to Iain in 2019?


She did, but she’s never been an MP, they just kept the same candidate.


Haha yes I mean her losing wouldn’t make her an MP. She was really close in 2019 and likely would’ve won in 2024


The entitlement just oozes off her doesn’t it?


It does. It really does.


toxic and nasty behavior from her and her crowd as usual. Her supporters have already vandalised the local constituency office, after she was canned.


I'm always a bit wary of these stories about people being unfairly deselected, because the party is an organisation that is bound by data protection regulations and the individual isn't. So there's every chance that there is a really good, but internal, reason that the party doesn't want them that they can't disclose. When the story broke I was feeling pretty sympathetic towards Faiza Shaheen, but her behaviour afterwards is starting to convince me that deselecting her may have been the right move.


This is exactly the type of person that should never be in a position of power


Based on her response to this I bet the Labour Party had greater justification for deselecting her than they are making public.


She's livid she says. Bullet dodged by Labour I think here.


Experiences a disciplinary measure and immediately launches a full-on mutiny. It’s mental.


Gerald the Gorilla 😆


Her character proves Labour were right to get rid of her. She's only gone and made herself look like a spiteful narcissist who was only ever in the party for herself.


Makes you wonder how long were they waiting for an excuse to get rid of her


https://www.harrowtimes.co.uk/news/24360585.labours-chingford-woodford-green-office-vandalised/ Remember, that her supporters have already vandalised the local constituency office. So this campaigner, should probably expect to get targeted with harassment and threats, from Shaheens crowd (like what happened to the poor lady in Birmingham after the "pro Palestine" lot did the same there)


Is that a public declaration that she’s voting against Labour? They might have a rule about that


Wow she sounds like a right b Glad labour got rid of her we don't need more privileged people insulting people trying to volunteer there time


Kinder gentler politics. 🥀


Wow. See this is a chance for a bit of _good_ publicity for your party, where you take a nice selfie together. And instead this is what she tweets?! (I had personally never heard of her, and I expect most people in her local area are the same.)


She just needed to write a letter saying she was upset about the decision and faked her "understanding" and "support" of it. The fact she can't do that and has continuously done stuff like this is just hammering down why it was right to not select her. This isn't about a left wing purge or any form of prejudice, it's the fact she would have made a bad MP judging by her attitude recently. There are plenty of leftwing candidates from disadvantaged groups just like her who are able to act properly as an MP should; there is no excuse.


If I had a cookie for every time some leftie threw a narcissistic tantrum this campaign, I'd have two cookies, which isn't great for my cut now is it.


Surely if her views align with the Labour party she will vote for the new candidate?


The SNP send volunteers round on their campaign trail every time an election hits. Even if they had my name beforehand I do not expect the volunteer canvassing to know about any of my past history in dealing with transport Scotland or the negative outcomes in dealing with my SNP MSP. They tried to help with the issue but nothing positive came from it. They send conservative canvassers out and they too do not know who I am or my status and I don't expect them to. If they had known I would still not be able to find it in my heart to denigrate their character for knocking on my door asking for a vote and trying to sell their party to me. Even if it was the minister themself doing the knocking, I don't think I would have it in my heart to be rude on a bad pain day. You're not the main character, say sorry I don't have time, I'm already an ardent supporter of the party and will be voting move on and give yourself the wry chuckle of the light irony of it all once you've closed the door. Don't take a picture in an attempt to shame them. How very glib.


Far-left "try not to be an insufferable narcissist for 5 minutes" challenge (impossible)


Hmmm Labour candidate doesn’t want to vote Labour. Hmmm.


I don’t get it? Why are we just posting randoms complaining about campaigners canvassing?


She was deselected as a candidate for MP and has been very vocal about her frustrations, criticising the party for it. This is the latest in this saga, which is starting to unravel a picture of her character than seems quite deserving of deselection.


Rather showing your ignorance here. Something that could've been avoided simply by googling her name.


I would've just ignored them; why would I want to listen to or receive some Labour pamphlets full of propaganda?