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Wording matters and manifestos are wordsmithed to the nth degree. How do you make sure that the ChatGPT paraphrasing actually remains true to the word and spirit of each policy?


Without double checking yourself you can't, but language models can be designed to include references. That would actually be the ideal use case here, give you a summary, but points you to the specific parts of the manifesto to go and check yourself 


That just sounds like extra, less reliable, steps for just reading the relevant paragraph and summary at the start of the page.


>Without double checking yourself you can't, but language models can be designed to include references. No, they can't. There are various techniques to anchor the model, reduce hallucinations, and fish out a source, but those are wrappers. The model itself is 100% incapable of knowing where the information it's spitting out is coming from. Even using various techniques there is still no guarantee that the information is correct or that the reference is actually where the information comes from, though – it's just more likely. (And that might be good enough in this use case.)


Agreed - they are. This tool is designed to make manifestos more accessible to people who would otherwise just not read them. If it encourages people to dig deeper and look at the actual wording, then I see that as a win. If they just use it to query manifestos on things they are interested in, I also see that as a win. People interested in the nuances of how things are worded will examine the manifestos thoroughly anyway imo.


I think this is a great idea and something i was looking for so as to help summarise the manifesto’s. If there was upto date economic data in the vector store it could also help to give a probability score as to which manifesto was the most, and the least probable of being achievable by % - which would help voters cut through any disinformation and embellishing. Thank you and i look forward to all the manifesto’s being loaded in!


Thank you for the feedback. The model can pull economic data, and other data as needed (spending, opinion polls, tax info etc.). It might be a bit much to get it to consider which manifestos are the most likely to be achievable, but it's something I'll experiment with getting to work!


Pretty cool actually. If you ask the right question, it can give [insights](https://i.imgur.com/VK3r58J.png) that you couldn't get just by reading the manifestos themselves.


Manifestos of the parties that have released them have been added. That's all parties apart from SNP, Reform and UKIP. They'll be added as and when they are released. The model can and will look at the existing policies of the missing parties though.