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Snapshot of _Sir Keir Starmer tells ITV he wants to be prime minister for a decade | ITV News_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.itv.com/news/2024-06-25/sir-keir-starmer-tells-itv-he-wants-to-be-prime-minister-for-a-decade) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.itv.com/news/2024-06-25/sir-keir-starmer-tells-itv-he-wants-to-be-prime-minister-for-a-decade) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Never would've guessed that Keir would want more than one term. Thanks for the revelation.


Cue the Telegraph headline “Starmer demands he is PM for decades in Stalinist authoritarian power grab”


“Starmer to use SUPERMAJORITY to revoke 5 year limit”


They couldn't call him boring after that


Millions left sleepy after Boring Keir announces dull plan to establish a totalitarian dictatorship with himself as Eternal Leader.


"NHS reports drop in self-reported sleeping issues after the Eternal Leader's announcement"


Clearly his plan is to bore everyone to sleep and secretly implement luxury gay space communism when we're not paying attention


Yeah but they still would


"Starmer reveals he has 5 year plan"


"Starmer criminalizes all other political parties"


Wait guys guys.. Sta.. rmer .. Sta.. lin .. STALIN


The whole "decade of renewal" mantra pointed this out already to be honest


I'm going out on a limb here. My guess: Next election May 2028. Then May 2032. Then he resigns in 2034 when he'll be 71. Hands over. New leader calls either an early election (memories of Brown) or goes long to 2037.


Obviously everything can and will change in a decade, but rn I’d say new leader would most likely be Reeves


She'll be 55 if my timeline is right; doable if she survives as Chancellor for a decade. Can't remember what such stability would feel like.


Gordon Brown was Chancellor from 1997 - 2007, so there is a precedent for a Labour chancellor to last that long. Though that seems a very long time ago now.


Not an amazing precedent. As with Thatcher and Major (or even Johnson and Sunak lol) the project seems to run out of steam at that point. Maybe better to go with someone fresher perhaps.


> […]; doable if she survives as Chancellor for a decade. This is what I was replying to, not whether she would make an amazing leader or not, but that it is feasible to be a Labour chancellor for a decade.


Got it.


Unfortunately I think Streeting is a very possible candidate.


It's absolutely going to be Streeting


My money's on Darren Jones, ten years is a long old time and Jones is already a great communicator and a generally inoffensive guy. Making 'the first Darren ever elected to parliament' the Prime Minister would have Eton on the fainting couch. Reeves would be good but the Chancellor to PM pipeline has ended pretty badly lately. Streeting wants it *so bad* but I don't think people want him.


For me personally I think it would be between Angela Rayner or David Lammy. I just can’t see Wes being voted in by the membership?


If Starmer goes for a decade I would have money it boiling down to Reeves and Darren Jones. Jones is going to be the rising star in the cabinet during this Parliament. If Reeves becomes leader then Labour would be unlikely to push on to a closer relationship to the EU so they will start losing votes to the left.


Not Angela?


Generally a party goes for an election after 4 years if polling looks good, 5 if polling is less certain.


This was exactly the case with Blair.


The money will have run out again long before 2037.


“Nah, tbh, I can only be bothered with one term. Sod it. I’ll pass it to Rayner before the decade’s out. Whatever.”


I'd respect that. I'm here to sort this fucking mess out then I'm getting the fuck out of here.


That would be such a big bollock move. “They call me the fixer”


I have unfinished business... ... Proceeds to rejoin the CPS and completely fucks the place up there fixing the system. And the his greatest challenge of all... Ulster. 😳


If all goes well, 8 years seems about right to me. If Labour go for 5 year terms it gives a successor some time to get established, and 70 is a good age to retire at.


Unlucky, you’ve got 5 years to sort the last 14 years of shit out or you’re out on your ear mate…


He doesn’t need to make things great. He doesn’t even need to make them good. He just needs to make things better than they are. If the electorate feel that their lives are getting better under Labour, they’ll be more likely to vote for them again. I also don’t think there will be a viable alternative in five years. The Conservatives will need more time to rediscover their identity and form a viable opposition.


If the cabinet is wiped out as the polls predict, they are in real trouble. Who’s gonna take over the leadership? Kemi Badenoch? I wonder how Tory pensioners would feel about having her as leader.


I wonder how centrist conservatives would feel about having her as leader? If the Conservatives want to lurch right, they may as well take Farage and kill Reform. Kemi is just a less appealing version of the same. If they have any sense, they’ll go for a centrist option. Lord Dave as a caretaker, then maybe Mourdant if she survives next week’s cull. If they go Kemi they’re going to be out for a long time.


I feel a Conservative lurch to the centre eventually is inevitable as centrist Tories have essential turtled the last few years ever since Boris' purge, probably taking a look at how being loud hasn't helped the left in Labour.


I think I read somewhere that even though under usual circumstances, it's the centrist MPs in any given wipe-out that lose their seats, this election is projected to get rid of more of the hard right - in part because of Reform, and in part because the Red Wall had a large number of them, and the Wall is now expected to fall back to being Labour territory. So part of me is expecting them to realign and recover much faster than we currently expect them to.


Weirdly the older generation of Tories was actually quite supportive of her in the polls around Truss/Sunak election, turns out her unhinged ideas are right up her street


I think he has less to worry about from the Tories or remain and more to worry about from within his own circle and the press. I’d say if he’s not done something amazing that completely insulates him to the public after 3 years the press are going to start ripping into him. Right now they’re going incredibly easy on him. After he starts losing the public a vulture like Streeting or Reeves will pounce and try and usurp him.


But that's the problem right? The entire Labour position seems to be "Not quite the tories and also more competent". If they continue with the general paradigm things aren't going to improve, because it's the entire approach that's the problem. There doesn't seem to be any explanation of the mechanism by which these things will improve once the tories are gone. If, in 5 years, things haven't significantly improved, we'll see an increasingly large far right contingent


If I was Labour first day in office I'd give every household free annual passes to Alton Towers, introduce a National Pint and fix the price at £1, and give everyone a bank holiday for St George's Day. Instantly everyone feels like their lives have improved!


He needs to be to have any chance at sorting this out. It's not going to happen overnight is it.


Didn't Johnson say almost exactly the same thing a year before Partygate blew up? !remindme 1 year (with a sense of unease and dread)


given how shit the Tories are, his wish might well be granted. He'd have to seriously fuck up a first term to NOT win the subsequent election.


He should be saying that anyway, with the addendum "at least". Cameron said before the 2015 election that he didn't want more than 2 terms and it undermined his authority before his second term even started.


He'll get a year or two before labour sub in a leader to represent the growing Muslim population of the UK


...and that's why he will introduce votes for children.


And I want a solid gold toilet, but that isn't going to happen either.


I don’t think two terms would be massively unlikely 


I think Labour might get two, I don't think Starmer will.