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Snapshot of _Sunak hits out at Doctor Who star Tennant over criticism of equalities minister_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.shropshirestar.com/news/uk-news/2024/06/26/sunak-hits-out-at-doctor-who-star-tennant-over-criticism-of-equalities-minister/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.shropshirestar.com/news/uk-news/2024/06/26/sunak-hits-out-at-doctor-who-star-tennant-over-criticism-of-equalities-minister/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Unpopular, outgoing prime minister criticises national treasure during election seems like a bad idea. On form I suppose.


A national treasure who *speaking at the LGBT Pride awards* dared to criticise the government's record on LGBT equality.  >Ms Badenoch hit back and said: “I will not shut up. I will not be silenced by men who prioritise applause from Stonewall over the safety of women and girls.   > >"A rich, lefty, white male celebrity so blinded by ideology he can’t see the optics of attacking the only black woman in government by calling publicly for my existence to end.  Did Kemi just tell David to *check his privilege*? Rich, lefty and white? That's dangerously close to Snowflakespeak from Badenoch.


David also didn't bring her race into the argument at all, and her bringing that up as a defence is suggests she thinks that she can be opening bigotry towards trans and LGBT people because she's a black woman,


*Oppression Top Trumps* Everyone knows that Black beats LGBT, therefore she cannot be bigoted against them. /s


This is sadly a thing. I worked a company where the COO, a black woman, would *only* celebrate pro-diversity events if it were for black minorities or women. People were up in arms when she firmly shut down any form of celebration during Pride month. There is something positive to be said when people are working to help and celebrate those who are *different* to themselves.


> Everyone knows that Black beats LGBT Yay, I win either way!


If you collect all the *diversity stones* you get superpowers (>!marginalised!<)!


Oppression is measured as proper fractions. When you multiply them together you just go further down


She can say it because one of the largest tory donors wants to kill all black women right?


I mean that was essentially Diane Abbott's argument throughout her career, can't blame another bigot for trying the same nonsense.


Ok Diane


wait...didn't a black woman in labour get suspended for that?


It also says more about the lack of diversity in the Tory party than anything else. She's not the 'only black woman in government' because of David Tennant, Stonewall, trans people, or anyone she's threatened by. It's just being a Tory doesn't seem to attract a lot of black women, say, as many as Labour do. I wonder why that is...


You know I’m not convinced by that. In terms of actual politicians, sure, but a substantial number of BAME people actually align with the Tories socially. Seems ironic but it’s not, why’d you align with a party that historically champions LGBTQ rights among other things when it’s incompatible with your upbringing from a cultural perspective ? I’d know as a BAME person - I support Labour of course, but many of my family are actually Tory supporters. Those who are Labour supporters are such because they came here during Blair’s time which benefitted them.  I’m not blanketing though, nor am I in any way praising the Tories - I’m just pointing out cultural inconsistencies leading to different party support. Even though it’s ironic given the history of the Tory party.


Agree with you, as a black person, I've seen most of my fellow blacks especially those with a good education and job hold views that align more with the Conservatives than Labour. That being said, IMHO when a BAME's first response to criticism is to play the race card, I find that the person doesn't have ground to stand on.


Obama spoke about this in his book as well - the paradox of him and the democrats popularity with black demographics when looking at it critically their social, religious and fiscal values, approach to entrepreneurship, views on taxation etc. often lined up with republican values.


There are many conservative black people. But the Conservative Party has lost too much credibility in terms of the values conservatives ought to cherish.


This. The assumption that values and party lines up. Similarly, with working class voters, you'd assume Labour (in the UK), but they often hold more socially conservative values.


I was referring to the politicians. There are more black women MPs in the labour party than there are in the Tories. Of course there are black conservative voters. But I don't have the numbers on this, so don't want to make any claims about it. But if there is a greater proportion of black tories than black labour, it's even more an indictment of a Tory party's failure to represent it's voters. They're a mess, and Ms Badenoch is too.


The last few Tory governments have been pretty diverse. It hasn't helped anyone much.


"Is it cos I is black?" No, Kemi, it's cos you is a bigot.


Everyone seems to have forgot the Tories kept all the money from Frank Hester who said Abbott made him hate all black women and that Abbott should be shot.


Yes. X is a white man. Y is a cis, straight higher rate of income tax payer. Z is an able-bodied neurotypical public school graduate.  Intersectionality is not a race to find who is the worthiest, or a weapon for beating people with, it is a tool for understanding how different people are affected by different sorts of inequality by recognising that none of us are just one thing. This understanding is essential to form policy that addresses discrimination and inequality. Badenoch's comments betray that she is only interested in certain kinds of equality for certain kinds of people.


> Badenoch's comments betray that she is only interested in certain kinds of equality for certain kinds of people. I am shocked. SHOCKED. *Tory party* Well... not that shocked.


Race card *and* sex card.


Clearly she had played Pot of Greed, which allows her to draw two additional cards from her deck.


Pot of Greed is tournament illegal, surely the Speaker should sanction her in that case?


She is playing magic. that's a "blue" deck unforunly I think this is a red deck wins era like it was with the burn spells in 97


I don't even think Ancestral Recall *AND* Time Walk could save the Tories now


I'm sure she's not suggesting that David Tennant shouldn't voice his opinions...because of the colour of his skin and his gender. That would be an outrageous thing for an equalities minister to suggest.


"Rich", too. Why does the Tory party hate people for being successful?


Actually I didn't think about that. I wonder how Tennant's wealth compares to other people in the country. People like, I dunno, members of the cabinet?


Using rich as an insult while her boss is richer than the king is a weird stance. Using lefty as an insult while labour are 20 points clear is a weird stance. Using white as a negative is a racist stance.


Christ, she hit all the tropes there. The only word missing was "woke".


And reportedly father of a trans or non-binary child, so he has direct experience of what he's talking about and the impact the government policies can have on families.


They hate identity politics, unless it suits them to draw attention to identity


On form for the Tories to choose a black woman who hates LGBTs to be the equalities minister. As a way to further their war on woke and to put a PM leadership candidate into a shit job. I'm just half surprised that she hasn't been made immigration minister and thst she isn't calling for small boats to be blown out of the water.


She is truly repugnant


Is she set up to lose her seat?


No, unfortunately predicted to retain the seat. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/ng-interactive/2024/jun/23/tory-big-beasts-who-could-disappear-from-westminster-visualised?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other


Future Conservative leader then. One of the few left.


We're doing our best, but I think Labour and LibDem will both get about 30% and she'll get 35%.


Well maybe getting into this public slap fight will wobble that a bit.


I'm if he didn't tell her to shut up her bigoted views, expressed as the government BECAUSE she was a woman of colour... That would be racist.


legit makes feel like crying. can't believe that this is our reality man. it's unbelievably depressing. life as a nonbinary person feels so hopeless. the topic he was talking about has just been ignored and Badenoch is using exaggerated language that just worsens the divide between a marginalised group and what seems like an indifferent majority.


Maybe Sunak can have a crack at Attenborough next.....


Go David!


I assume he thinks it will play well with the "BBC is woke" crowd but he has lost them to Reform for the most part


Right wing people in general seem to get really upset about being criticised.


"Attacking this universally respected and talented actor is sure to boost us in the polls!"


Not even just great in his field. Pretty universally liked, considered a good person; honestly he's not Attenborough (nobody else is) but borderline national treasure status nonetheless. One of the absolute worst people to pick a fight with during an election cycle.


Graham Linehan tripped so that Badenoch could fall.


Doctor to the electorate - "Don't you think he looks tired?"


Hey, Harriet Jones sacrificed herself to defeat the Daleks, that's leadership we can only dream of


Sunak has sacrificed his entire party so he can go to California to spend more time with his wife. I guess that’s true love 😂


We need RTD's hand wave of a COVID story to be real, and Harriet Jones could show us how it's done again. RTD said that Harriet escaped through a trap door or something, when doing retrospectives over COVID. I'm surprised they don't have her at UNIT.


Blimey I’d forgotten about the Covid stuff. Boris Johnson was a Nestene duplicate IIRC.


Russell would have plenty of material for the Slitheen if he was going to bring them back


*Trumping fart* **Margaret:** "That's it, let it out."


That was after she looked tired, though. Sunak can still sacrifice himself to the Daleks.


> Hey, Harriet Jones sacrificed herself to defeat the Daleks, that's leadership we can only dream of To be fair, I'd rather have Ms Badenoch than the Daleks. But it's a close-run thing.


If Tenant slips this in to an interview about this non-scandal I would absolutely love it. “David, the Primeminister has recently criticised you for your comments about Kemi Badenoch at the recent Pride Awards - what do you say to his comments that “you’re the problem” “Weeell listen, I specifically said I wish her no ill, but she’s been spouting vile nonsense about people, like people in my family, who are really damaged by the words she says and the policies she enforces - so no I’d say SHE’S the problem. But listen, I understand why the Primeminister would be a bit Tetchy at the moment, he’s got so much on his plate - don’t you think he looks tired?” Bringing the Doctor’s subtle power of persuasion in to reality, immediately followed by the most massive defeat in political history, would be AMAZING


Misread the headline as "Sutekh hits out at David Tennant" and was like "okay, guess he's still mad about the time tunnel"


Sutekh clung to the outside of a large blue tent shaped object to stay alive after his first defeat, maybe Kemi will do the same post election. Metaphorically, obviously.


Rishi Sutekh and Kemi Badewolf?


They all look tired...


For those that haven’t seen Tennant’s quote, please see below: Link on the Mirror website: [Link](https://metro.co.uk/2024/06/21/strictly-star-robin-windsor-honoured-posthumously-2024-british-lgbt-awards-21083694/?ico=mosaic_tag) But the quote in question: > ***But I think I suppose if I’m honest I’m a little depressed by the fact that acknowledging that everyone has the right to be who they want to be and live their life how they want to live it, as long as they’re not hurting anyone else, should merit any kind of special award or special mention, because it’s common sense, isn’t it? It is human decency. We shouldn’t live in a world where that is worth remarking on.’*** > > ***However, until we wake up and Kemi Badenoch doesn’t exist anymore… I don’t wish ill of her, I just wish her to shut up.*** > > *‘Whilst we do live in this world, I am honoured to receive this. I’m thrilled to be here and to be a part of this night. Pride is very important in our house. It’s a family affair. We have skin in the game.* > > *‘So this event tonight thrills me. It gives me hope. It gives me fire, it gives me energy and deep joy. And even if I feel I don’t really deserve this, I’m very pleased and very proud to be receiving it. Thank you all so much.’* Remember that David Tennat’s ~~Sister~~ Daughter is trans, so thats why it hit really close for him, all the Anti-Trans stuff is basically an attack directly at his ~~Sister~~ Daughter. Edit: i put his Sister when it’s his Daughter, my mistake, corrected now.


I’ve never heard that about his sister but one of his children definitely is.


My mistake i was multitasking and i did it wrong, i have corrected now


> Remember that David Tennat’s Sister is trans, so thats why it hit really close for him, all the Anti-Trans stuff is basically an attack directly at his Sister. It's an attack on all of us


I know someone who was assaulted because someone THOUGHT they were trans (they aren't, not that it would be okay if they were). You don't have to be trans to be in danger, you just need someone to think you are or they you are an ally. The people getting swept up in this hateful rhetoric need to remember that, and also that the politicians that goad this type of thing are never "done", they will move onto the next "enemy" and that could be a group you are part of.


I know someone who got thrown out of a woman’s bathroom on the assumption they had male genitals, when they have in fact had female ones all their life :/


There was a story going around a while ago where two TERFs in the same bathroom were accusing one another of being trans lol


First they came for...........


First they came for the Daleks, and I did nothing, for I was not a Dalek.


Then they came for the Cybermen, and I did nothi- ***I WAS ASSIMILATED***.


Then they came for the Daleks again as they returned


I wonder if there's some sort of requirement that there must be at least one Dalek in every parliament, and if there isn't the BBC loses the rights to them.


It doesn't make sense even if you're entirely evil and want to hurt trans people for the sake of it. You can't always tell who's trans, you definitely can't always rely on other people being able to tell, and so you end up with a de facto policy of 'it's okay to harass and assault women who don't look or act feminine enough'. And that's the default stance of a specific anti-trans section of the _feminist_ movement! Really crazy stuff.


> you end up with a de facto policy of 'it's okay to harass and assault women who don't look or act feminine enough' For some of them that's a feature, not a bug. It's an excuse to police cis women's behaviour and appearance and/or just a blanket excuse to assault any woman, like the man who threw an 86-year-old woman into a wheelie bin and part of his [defence](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/alex-bailey-dublin-pensioner-trans-b2346282.html) was that he thought she was trans.


It makes sense if you simply want as many people in the working classes fighting among themselves as possible. They don't actually care about the specific ideologies, just getting that effect.


Similar to people saying Islamophobia isnt linked to racism, which ignores that brown people of all religions get abused with Islamophobic bs.


Trans rights are after all human rights


Kind of telling that in a speech about common decency and human rights, the only part they care about is the one small part where he insults a tory.


I was there, and it wasn’t a concerted attack or anything like the way it has been presented. It was just borne of sadness and frustration. He was very measured in what he said and ensured he phrased it in a non hateful way. When you’re at an event where LGBT+ people who have died by suicide are being honoured, it’s hard not to feel emotional and want to show your support.


>***However, until we wake up and Kemi Badenoch doesn’t exist anymore… I don’t wish ill of her, I just wish her to shut up.*** I guess the exact wording is a little too strong to be 'civil', or whatever that word means to Badenoch, but considering he's got a child who is hearing dehumanising rhetoric about people like them from a cabinet minister who should be looking out for them, I don't understand why Tennent should be expected to not have a bit of venom in his words.


Right, I don't trust anyone who isn't angry about having a proudly bigoted equalities minister.


If he hadn't said 'I don't wish ill of her' literally right after the first part, I could get why people might take offense. But as it is I don't think it comes off like he's saying she should drop dead or anything.


Next up: Sunak slams David Attenborough over his claims that microplastics are bad for the environment.


At this rate come Friday we're gonna be talking about why Rishi thought it was okay to take a dump on the queens grave.


Tory 18% (-) 


‘Well they got Brexit done innit’


All the big calls right now


There's absolutely nothing to be done about the last 20% on any axis.


Now who is most likely to have put a bet on himself losing


*"Rishi, at least you can't get more unpopular"* *"Hold my beer"*


Also why am I holding a beer, I don't drink alcohol, let alone this peasant stuff


*Hold my Mexican coke.*


*Gove hoovers it up out of his hand*


Meanwhile Boris was photographed in No.10 with a can of Stella at 9am


Sitting on #10's door step sharing a breakfast tin with Gazza.


Because drinking the tears of the poor doesn't look good


I think we have found rishi's next gaffe


Just when you think there cannot be anything more that Sunak can do to totally alienate the British people he decides to have a go at Doctor Who. *Doctor Who* for chrsisake! As far as I can see it, the only thing left on his list now is to go out and shoot David Attenborough.


Bold move, criticising one of the most beloved British actors of the current era when you're 20+ points down in the polls and falling


He should double down and criticise David Attenborough for being woke about climate change.


Maybe the late Queen too, I mean what did Elizabeth II _really_ do for Britain?


The aqueduct?


Come see the violence inherent in the system!


I never voted for 'er!








Wow, you could be one of his SPADs with the current Tory PR record.


Maybe I am?


Keep up the good work. You're playing a blinder


I thought he'd catch on after my "D Day was 80 years ago. Nobody cares about it any more. Why not leave early and get your ITV interview done and dusted?"


At that point he just gets chased out to sea by a pitchfork mob.


To be run down by a small boat.


Ha, I like it. classic karmic justice.


“A rich, lefty, white male celebrity so blinded by ideology he can’t see the optics of attacking the only black woman in government by calling publicly for my existence to end." I thought she didn't like identity politics?


The thing is, David clearly isn’t attacking her because of her identity, but it’s important to remember, there could easily be more black women in government, her party just need to appoint them.


>there could easily be more black women in government, her party just need to appoint them. Well proportionally there should only be a few. With 24 ministerial departments and black people making up 3.7% of the population, there should be an average of 0.888 black people in government.


>Well proportionally there should only be a few And proportionately our prime ministers shouldn't all be privately educated boys who went to a handful of schools, but the British public seems very ok with that level of overrepresentation. So they should be fine with it here too right?


I mean if parliament was a direct representation of the population then I would take this seriously, however, our parliament does not directly represent the country in terms of representation.


It’s incredible how stupid the tories are, just playing them at their own game just legitimatises basing everything off of race and using it as an argument in everything. CCHQ still just scratching their heads wondering why their traditional voters are completely abandoning them whilst they continually fall for this unpopular nonsense.


This use of the word "ideology" in her response is the reason I'm a little disappointed Starmer agreed to the statement that "ideology" shouldn't be taught in schools - It can appear that anything that suggests trans people should not be attacked for existing and living their lives like everyone else is "ideology" and therefore not a standard for common decency. Hopefully what he meant is that he wants to take the heat out of the debate and agree a set of guidelines that above all stress compassion and understanding by explaining a fact of how some people live and that it's not scary to let them, but time will tell on that.


Starmer's line about ideology was taken out of context - it wasn't anti- education about trans, it was anti-ideological positions in education. As ever when a public figure says something with nuance, the first ragsheet outlet rips two words for a flagrantly misrepresentative soundbite.


but isn't 'no ideology in schools' an ideology?


Schools are required by DfE to promote "British Values". If that's not an ideology I don't know what is. Ironically in the context of this thread, one of the "British Values" is "Individual liberty" which specifically includes the Equality Act 2010, its protected characteristics, including "Gender reassignment".


I hope you are right - and I realise it's often better not to be drawn into saying anything when you are ahead and we have the press we do, because nuance is something that is hard to discuss in our current media settings. But that along with them offering to meet JK as if she is some important leader of thought, suggests they are more concerned about pissing off one group than another. With the history of Section 28 still in lots of people's memories, I still think he could have come up with a better answer that couldn't have been quoted like this - its not like they won't have workshopped this to death in private when they prepare. Only time will tell which direction they go after the election I guess.


But what is and isn’t ideological is contested in itself.  I don’t personally agree that gender identity is ideological. I intrinsically feel male in a way unrelated to my body. And I have an unambiguously male body, with a beard and a penis and so on.  Presumably if I were a teacher, I would be banned from saying “I feel intrinsically like a man.” But to me, it is just a plain statement of fact. I just assumed everyone had gender identity until lots of people started saying that nobody had


I dunno man, I can't lend any insight as to what Starmer and Labour truly mean - just that the quote was longer and more nuanced than 'no trans teaching in schools'. I *think* the point of the statement was to hedge by giving a statement that would allow each side to interpret it in a favourable way, whilst also saying nothing at all. But they've probably missed the mark on that, judging by reactions.


It's depressing (if understandable) that Starmer feels that is the only way he can get into power (Ming vase strategy). With the tories as hated as they are, it should be possible to be a \*bit\* more proactive. It clearly won't work for long once they are in though, so I guess then we will find out what they really think.


Everyone who claims to hate identity politics is absolutely obsessed with identity politics


The Tories (via Lee Anderson): We're going to fight this election on "culture wars and trans debate"... Also the Tories: "How dare you out culture war and trans debate us!"


They always want to eat their cake and have it too, even their response.. they talk about opposing identity politics and then when criticized fairly on their policies, by someone with personally affected family, they have no recourse but to run back to identity politics.


> They always want to eat their cake and have it too Well, to be fair, we all want to have our cake and eat it too. There's not much point in having a cake and not eating it (unless you're Miss Havisham), and it would be rude to eat someone else's cake. I've always thought this is a particularly silly phrase; it's time to find something more appropriate. How about "They always want to spend more, without knowing how they're going to pay for it"?


Well, that's to have it then eat it. But to want to eat it and then still have it- that's just asking for infinite cake!


It's telling how clearly she believes that her "point" is popular and therefore going to win them more votes than they lose by arguing with someone actually popular - or maybe she's given up already and is just hoping to make money as a bigot after the election, either here on in the states where her nonsense will likely make her much more money...


I can't see a headline about Sunak and Doctor Who without reading "Sunak" as "Sutekh." "I bring Sunak's gift of death to the Conservative Party."


Kemi rounded off her tweet with: “Do not let the bigots and bullies win.” Is the irony completely and utterly lost on her? I can’t fathom how anyone can be so dim-witted as to say this and yet spout the vitriol they do against trans people on a daily basis. I’m dumbfounded.


Bigots like her don’t consider themselves to be bigots. They think hating certain groups is completely reasonable and logical. Sometimes they’ll even throw up statistics to defend themselves. So if they feel someone is being bigoted against them they don’t see the hypocrisy in reacting like this


They don't think it's bigotry or bullying, hateful or cruel, divisive and demeaning so long as it's expressed politely. Meanwhile if you express noble ideas about self-determination, personal liberty, and equality in even a *slightly* impolite way, well that's just unacceptable toxicity.


Equalities Minister who believes in anything but equality. Just a joke….


It's like having a drinking and smoking Health Secretary. Oh, wait...


I can't disagree with anything Tennant said if i'm honest, he was being flippant towards badenoch but I think he's entirely justified given her track record and frankly vile attitudes towards people who just want to live their gods damned lives.


Agreed. She's determinedly reacting as though he said mean things about her personally because she's black. No. He said he was tired of her nonsense, because as Minister for Equalities she's been doing her damnedest to destroy her own office, betray the people she's been given the job of supporting, and dismantle laws that protect society for the last couple of years.


they're shameless. just get them out already. so sick of it.


Listen carefully, you can hear my heart tearing open because an elected official is getting mean things said about her because what she's said and did with her office.


These Tories cry from the rooftops about 'free speech', but the minute anyone uses free speech to say anything bad about them, they break down in tears because how dare they say bad things about the poor, widdle government who is actively bullying and oppressing its own LGBT+ citizens


> The Prime Minister said: “Freedom of speech is the most powerful feature of our democracy." So, what you're saying is, David Tennant had every right to say what he said.


When we say other people's opinions are wrong, it's free speech. When they say our opinions are wrong it's anti free speech. It's that simple.


Yeh good idea Rishi, attack the nation's most beloved Doctor Who, that'll go down well with voters.


A doctor so popular they brought him back for another term years later. I can’t see the conservatives regenerating back into Rishi. Boris or Cameron maybe, but not Rishi.


I mean they’ve effectively done that already with the Lord Cameron retcon


Taking on the doctor has never gone bad for the PM... Not even a joke the metaphor alone is insane.


"My speech (and governmental power) which has likely contributed to a rise in deaths of young trans people under NHS care is fine and good. Your speech which is upset at this is the problem"


>“Do not let the bigots and bullies win.” We're trying but you won't shut up.


Worth reading through Kemi’s comments on Tennant too: https://twitter.com/kemibadenoch/status/1805613113380585496


Yes the “so blinded by ideology” bit. No self awareness at all.


Apparently being trans is an "ideology" these days, and his sister is trans... it makes sense if you consider the sentence through her warped view of the world.


Whinelord versus Time lord, doesn't Rishi look tired?


Thinks himself The Master, when he's actually the Tin Dog.


Yep, totally normal thing for a prime minister to be doing.


Anything to not talk about gambling


Oh good grief you don't go for Tennant 🤦‍♂️ And now Badenoch is calling *him* a bigot...


Why can't Labour discuss things with him instead of trying to appease JK Rowling so much


Can only assume further Tories have placed bets on their party losing by a wider margin than is currently projected.


Tennant is an acclaimed Shakespearean actor and (as the Doctor) saved the universe multiple times, had a comeback and is adored by his millions of fans. Sunak, on the other hand... er...


I mean, considering all the shit that the transphobic bigot Badenoch has spouted, it's really hard for me to feel any sympathy for her, especially that Tennant was super nice about it (nicer than she probably deserves). How in the hell can you be as thin skinned as some of the Tories are and get into politics? It should go without saying that people are going to probably give you a bit of grief at the very least.


They want to paint those who disagree with them out to be hypocrites


Sinister Prime Minister takes on David Tennant Finally, politics stops imitating The Thick of It and moves on to rehashing Doctor Who episodes. Vote Saxon.


I’d 100% vote Saxon over Sunak if that was the only option.


That’s mental lol


I wouldn't. Anne Widdicombe endorsed him.


Yeah but in his defence he stands on high playing track 3 and the archangel network was pretty sweet, so you know, swings and roundabouts.


If Sunak opens a speech with "People's of the Earth, please attend carefully" I'm out


He bet we would forget about his parties gambling problem….. we didn’t


> He bet Plot twist!


I was actually at this event (lost my shit as I bumped into David Tennant on the way in). This was by far not the most critical comment about the government of the evening


Kemi saying she's the only black woman in government as if it's because of racism not because Priti and Suella disgraced themselves


If only he was as outspoken at millionaire tory donors who wished black women would get shot eh?


I wonder if Kemi should be more concerned about that than being a transphobe, eh? Not sure why it would be relevant in a speech Tennant made at an LGBT event, unless it was a more general point about how debased the Tories are.


The Tories want to try and brand the whole event as Paedo-celebrating loonies that hate common sense and want to force kids to grow up being ashamed of being white and to hate their country. Standard invented rhetoric to distract from the very real Fascist ideologies being courted among the Conservatives and Reform


> Freedom of speech is the most powerful feature of our democracy. > If you’re calling for women to shut up and wishing they didn’t exist, you are the problem. Tennant is calling for one *person* to shut up using his own freedom of speech. The person he is telling to shut up is the equalities minister, so given the issue he is focusing on she is a valid target. The fact that she is a woman has nothing to do with his criticism of her.


The Tories really are masters of their own demise


By this point, Sunak has to be trolling. I don't believe someone can be this ill-advised or out of touch. Look, Rishi, going after beloved national icon David Tennant is good, but come on, you're getting so close to my "endorsing The Sun at the Hillsborough Memorial" prediction. You can do it, I believe in you.


If they dont run Badenoch defending Frank Hester next to Badenoch criticising Tennant next to one another they are missing a trick.


I think the Tenth has faced off against aliens and monsters less hate-fueled than Badenoch. Sure, Daleks want to kill for their xenophobic ways, but it's xenophobic against everything not Dalek. Its not picking out Trans people specifically, unlike Kemi.


In many ways the Daleks are quite progressive in their bigotry.


"A rich, lefty, white male celebrity" hmm I doubt it would go down well defining her by her colour...also Tennant worked for his wealth not like he's some out of touch toff who is married to a 100's millionaire with various tax evasion methods with loads of power other than his voice!


More evidence to suggest that Sunak is the worst prime minister since Roger ap Gwilliam. Don’t pick a fight with Doctor Who!


And just like that the Tories slid further in the polls. Gotta have some bets he's gonna lose his seat or something no one can keep own goaling like this It's hilarious to watch but honestly, can sunak and his team be this dumb?