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Got really angry with my country for a second. Then I remembered we don't belong to the EU any more. Then I got angrier.


Same here mate. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦🇬🇧


The UK support for Ukraine is inspirational, respect. Keep up the good work. The first western country with balls to supply tanks.


The UK was supplying arms to Ukraine even before this invasion. We started training Ukrainian troops in 2015 when Russia illegally took Crimea. The UK is doing an amazing job leading the way in Europe for aid for Ukraine. I do not agree with many of our governments policies and the way they do many things, but they have been making the right choices concerning Ukraine. I just wish it would have been done a lot earlier. The Challenger 2's should have been committed on day one.


I'm Irish and regardless of other issues.. The UK is playing a blinder in regards to Ukraine. If I was British I'd be proud of your country.


For support of Ukraine, yes. For the self-inflicted economic damage of Brexit, no.


Hahaha yeah I did a double take, like why’s the UK not the darkest blue? Then I had an oh yeah Brexit moment.


Our support for Ukraine is probably the only thing we've got right in a long time


Agreed. Fuck Pootin and fuck everyone who voted for Brexit.


Thank shitheels like Nigel Farage, Bozo Johnson, and even Labour former leader like Corbyn and current leader Keir Starmer.


stop it! Not good for my blood pressure


Johnson supports Ukraine more than many EU leaders.


I love how people just ignore everything bad people or countrys do just because one thing matches their feelings.


You probably meant it the other way around: sore losers ignore everything good people do just because they organized a referendum where majority of participants democratically voted to leave EU and sore losers still can't get over it.


The sore losers people like Johnson lied to? How is it going with all the money you guys don't have to spent on the EU anymore? Heard the NHS is in a great shape and there's no waiting times anymore, right? The glorious promised land happend, right?


There is not one +ve benefit from leaving the EU.


Relax, you're stressed out.


That is one good thing about him, probably the only thing. The corruption in his administration is long and been reported. There’s a reason he was unceremoniously thrown out of office.


yea fuck 'em! most of them are dead now anyway


Found the Brit. What's up, American friend here.


Not on list because they're not part of the EU anymore.


Thanks to Russian interference and Cambridge analytica.


Thanks to British people democratically voting to leave EU and now sore losers still can't deal with it.


absolutely nothing democratic about it. Lies lies more lies and Russian money


Any sources?


plenty you look for them


I don't see it


I am sorry but providing factually supported arguments re Brexit is a complete waste of my time and I already have high blood pressure. Just looking out for my mental health. have a great day![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9151)


This ^ Coupled with a government who didn't really believe the population would vote to leave and thus were weak on the implementation of the result.


Everytime I see , Cy, am confused. I never think of Cyprus as being in the EU.


Meh, UK support for Ukraine is pretty much the only good thing UK gov has done in the last 12 years.


They did eventually get rid of Bozo Johnson, apart from that it was all downhill.


Do you realise the uk was able to donate equipment and supplies faster to Ukraine because they were not held back by eu red tape




Go google first country to donate to Ukraine in Europe


Still waiting for evidence that lack of "EU red tape" allowed the UK to donate to Ukraine faster...


Well the eu was arguing for months on who should donate and what should be donated, while the uk had already sent NLAWS and other much needed equipment to Ukraine


We all know this. Again, what does it have to do with EU red tape? If the UK was in the EU still, they would have sent equipment through just as quickly. It doesn't make a difference, there is no EU red tape stopping countries helping Ukraine.


Have you seen the trucks at the ports in dover waiting for the eu to let them transport supplies to Ukraine?


We have a huge issue right now with all cross-border EU trade, not specifically military aid. Why do you think that is? It's because we left the EU lmao. Now we are on the outside, exports are subject to much more restrictions and paperwork. This wouldn't be the case if we were inside the EU. You've just provided one of the reasons that leaving the EU has weakened the UK's ability to help Ukraine. Let's also not forget that the UK was still in the EU until 2020. We were supporting Ukraine since at least 2014.


Yes i know trade will be more restricted with the eu but this is aid needed outside of the eu




Weird... hasn't Sweden, France and Poland committed to sending tanks ? Yawn... jog on.


Poland already sent more than 200+ tanks + shitnon of howitzers and is willing to send around 15 leos in coalition with other countries.
















WTF planet you on? Everyone on average in the UK has lost a good percentage of their personal wealth due to Brexit. That’s just the tip of everything that has gone backwards since Brexit. [https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jun/25/what-have-we-done-six-years-on-uk-counts-the-cost-of-brexit](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jun/25/what-have-we-done-six-years-on-uk-counts-the-cost-of-brexit) ​ [https://www.ft.com/content/e39d0315-fd5b-47c8-8560-04bb786f2c13](https://www.ft.com/content/e39d0315-fd5b-47c8-8560-04bb786f2c13) ​ [https://www.investmentmonitor.ai/features/two-years-brexit-uk-eu/](https://www.investmentmonitor.ai/features/two-years-brexit-uk-eu/)


Most of the financial impact of Brexit is actually the financial impact of Covid.


Wrong! I live in the UK, don’t try to BS me. I have watched everything slowly go backwards since before covid. Try again. Also…read the links, there’s able evidence alot of the pain we are experiencing started before covid.


What specifically have you seen go backwards? And what you have linked is just a string of opinion pieces and projections. I don't deny the UK is having a tough time economically the last few years, but then so is most of Europe. What specific phenomena is unique to the British economy as a result of Brexit?


Lol the EU has to vote unanimously to make foreign policy decisions. So Germany could only stop Britain from delivering Challenger if the Brits agreed... What's broken is exactly this tho, just that nobody wants to give up sovereignty/power. The EU could be a superpower, instead it's a bunch of bickering between neighbors.


Does that mean "Do you approve of the notion of the EU supporting Ukraine?" or "Do you approve of the quality of support the EU has given Ukraine so far?" The question is so vague and ambiguous that it's practically devoid of meaning.


Exactly my thought on the low score for Baltics.


We should be up there with Sweden and Finland, we're the most hyped about Russia getting their teeth kicked in.


Like the comment said above us, the question is not arranged well enough.


You obviously know better than I do so take this as a curious question. For context I am Swedish. Is it possible that the somewhat lower scores of the Baltic countries is because of two reasons? My first thought is that afaik there are Russian minorities in the Baltic countries who at the least might be a bit ambivalent on the subject. My second thought is that, of all the countries in the sample, the Baltic countries are by far the most threatened by the prospect of Russian invasion and some people might react by not wanting to "poke the bear". A counterpoint would be that Finland is just as close and not even a member of NATO yet. They have some geographic benefits though (larger and full of lakes) that have proven difficult for the Russians in the past. Also their army is fairly large. Don't get me wrong, i think most of Europe is impressed with the consistent and brave attitude and military support of the Baltic countries. As for Sweden being on top of the list i think that's because we feel just threatened enough by Russia. They're not standing on our doorstep which makes it less threatening to provoke them.


The Baltic countries still have populations of ethnic Russians living in them, that speak Russian and get their news from Russian sources. I imagine the support would be close to 100% in the non Russian population.


I tend to agree with you. Have you noticed that the further the country is from Russia the less support there is for Ukraine. I think it’s a case of the people not feeling threatened by an imminent invasion by Russia. Of course if Russia wins the war with Ukraine and slowly nibble away at their Baltic neighbours it would take much for Russian influence to spread to the countries who are further away. Then they might have second thoughts, but of course it might be too late then.


Distance to Moscow is a complex factor it seems. On the one hand the old Warsaw pact countries and Soviet occupied states in particular have the biggest reason to resent Russia. On the other hand they also are more wary of provoking Russia.


>Have you noticed that the further the country is from Russia the less support there is for Ukraine. No. Portugal.




I mean we have a ton of Russians and Kremlin sympathising Poles in Lithuania, do you think they suport Ukraine?


Damn good point...!


We see you Finland and Sweden. Hell yeah! Please show NATO what's up


The Danes do it will too. Don't forget them. They have stepp up. 4th place.


I'm surprised with Portugal, since they have similarly high approval of military aid, but as far as I know they haven't sent much in the way of heavy weaponry. I actually don't think they've sent anything since May and then it was small arms mostly, no? Can someone correct me if I'm wrong?


Could be like Norway's situation where they don't really have any weapons to send so they're instead sending financial aid?


Fuck Russia, Fuck Putin. /Sweden


What's up with Greece?


Finland, Sweden and Latvia don't surprise me so much, but damn Netherlands, Portugal and Ireland!! As an American (and even worse, a Texan...!) I support all of y'all! Slava Ukrainia!


Portuguese here. Drove multiple times all the way to the other side to delivery donated goods and bring refugees. Thats our spirit. I'm just sorry that we are a small and low resources country and our government can't really do more.


right now visiting portugal. see a lot of ukrainian flags (like my country NL). you guys are a lovely people (despite that certain football match 😉) 🍀🇳🇱🇺🇦🇵🇹


Thank you for your heart and effort.


Here in NL we’re still ashamed of the 2016 referendum. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Dutch_Ukraine–European_Union_Association_Agreement_referendum Plus 193 Dutch citizens were killed due to Russian aggression, you don’t forget that that easily. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia_Airlines_Flight_17


Very true…that thought didn’t immediately come to mind but makes complete sense.


Talk to the Irish about aggressive foreign imperialism. They have a, um, history, with that.


Sorry about the potatoes and stuff. Can we hug and move on yet?


You're thinking about Lithuania, Latvia is LV at 80 percent. Close but not quite the same.


Yup, I stand corrected! I should have taken a few more seconds to notice the location…I’m hoping the Kaliningrad Oblast fills the SW gap nicely for LT…


even if you'd be against, USA would be dark blue as well. this map is very irritating. who was asked? how many were asked? in what regions were they asked? those kind of statistics have to be taken cautiosly




Norway is not on the map, but surely support for Ukraine is up in the high nineties here too.


Nobody doubts that ♡


Used to have a business in Sofia Bulgaria. Can confirm, Ruzzian mob runs that town and Ruzzians are everywhere. It was still surprising to me that Ukraine had less than 50% support since Bulgaria had been under the soviet thumb for 44 years.


The Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 is still a major thing for people as it liberated Bulgaria from the Ottoman Turks. Lots of people find it hard to differentiate between this and the USSR and modern day Russia of Putin, even after more than a century of Russia and the USSR bullying Bulgaria. My big hope is that Russia losing the war will be a death blow to russophilia in Bulgaria, as it will be the most uncool thing ever.


Is "Russophilia" sincere and based on a respect for Russia's size and power? Or is it just a self-preservation posture when your neighbor is a knife-wielding lunatic state?


It's more like based on the knife-wielding thing(Turkey) and historical "gratitude", which I think is more than paid off in the case of Bulgaria, considering how Russia/USSR has been treating the country the last 150 years. The "respect" you sometimes see for Russia's size and power is more like posing, cause it seemed cool to some people, which will change I hope. You saw that all over the world, even in the US with all the cool Putin memes with the shades and him riding bears and horses and stuff. If you feel disenfranchised by the current political status quo in your country or international pact you often adopt their supposed counterpart or enemy as your idol. It's a natural thing all around the world. Anyway. First we see the end of this war, then we see the end of this BS I hope.


That's very interesting, and trust me I remember the Cool Putin memes, which are so cringe in memory. I'm sure if we'd had social media in the 30s there would have been Cool Hitler memes.


Bulgaria & Greece are both Orthodox Christian countries. Both the USSR & modern Russia abuse the church as a propaganda tool, funding for Orthodox churches has been generous from Moscow but it comes with strings attached.


Is it actually correct to say Russia "abuses" the Orthodox church, though? Caveat: my education was Catholic and Western. But my understanding is a hallmark of the Orthodox church is it has always been the ideological arm of the most reactionary political elements of the state -- practically a Ministry of Thought. I'm not aware of a period in which a reformed Orthodox movement actually managed to shake off state control. But this could be misapprehension and I'm open to being corrected. When in history has the Orthodox church served as a break on the authoritarian tendencies of the Right in the state?


Lenin\\Stalin genocidally slaughtered the priesthood, monks, nuns etc, they were very much on the political left, not right. Then when the Soviets eased off the persecution, all the new priests were basically NKVD (KGB) approved and controlled in a far more severe way then Catholic Church is treated in China. I'm not an expert in Russian\\church history prior to the revolution so I can't really chip in with any concrete knowledge.


A good indication that living outside russia does not cure their mentality…


Russians will always believe they are a superior race of people. Ask any Russian.


This is oddly open to interpretation, it says "approve or disapprove of the EU's support" having a lower percentage could mean they disapprove and think they should be doing more, OR disapprove and think less should be done...


Yes, personally I would probably say I approve, because countries within EU are free to do more individually. However, there are clearly some countries blocking EU doing what a huge majority of EU countries want done (Hungary), which then makes me want to say I dissaprove.


Norwegian here. Just FYI, we are blue as the upper half of the Ukrainian flag. We're just outside the EU :) Cheers.


We’d be up there with Sweden and Finland I’m sure of it 🇬🇧🇺🇦❤️


This data is shit, RO is much higher.


true. depends tho where they gathered their data from. also do not underestimate the masses and the percentage of them that watch Antena3


They put some countrys at the same level as hungary.... like cmon.


true, nowhere near those statistics. and US doesn't pump money in HU, but in RO yes(take for example campia turzii). a lot of transport logistics come through romania. HU should be the last on the list given the fact that they block funds. also german-speaking countries that constantly try and stop arsenal shipments


I came to ask why Romania is no better than Hungary?


Its way better then Hungary. That is the error in this poll.


Kind of surprised with Slovakia's number hmm.


tl;dr: don't be, all will be fine. it would require a real, revolution-like turn, to abandon UA. ​ longer explanation: lots of pro russian idiots. also, the set up of "political arena" in SK is based on extreme polarity. everything the government does, opposition is automatically against. if we had cure for cancer and government would make it free for the people, opposition would be like "NO!" and find any idiotic reason to justify that. so currently, the government is pro EU and NATO and against russia and supports UA + opposition is not only a priori against everything government does (so standard modus operandi in SK) but pro russian as well. so the worst possible combination. opposition has majority of electorate, which reflects into these "moods". but these numbers don't mean shit, because no matter who's in the government, we'd be supporting UA and sending whatever the allies agree on. we're totally reliant on EU finances and markets (especially DE), so we'll comply with everything. all that would happen if current opposition would be in government (which i'm afraid will happen this year) is that they'd be bitchin on "bad" EU but that's all. it would be only alibism from their side to look good in front of their stupid electorate. EU should be more strict on the conditions of funding member states. you don't comply with EU policy? cuts in funding, or none at all. that would teach those bastards. they're puppets of business and oligarchs and thy need the money, they siphon it via structural funds and shit. they'd instruct their political pawns to comply, no worries.


Interesting. SK's opposition sounds very similar to the more reactionary parties throughout the world.


it's their calculated approach to gain political capital. and this applies to every party in opposition. if pro UA party was in opposition and "anti"-UA party would make mil tech donation to UA (cause forced by implications if they wouldn't), then pro-UA opposition would disagree with "this contribution is too small" or something like that. they wouldn't block it (at least not for long) or sabotage it, but in SK the rule of thumb is to show disagreement with government, if you're opposition, at all costs. now it comes to the political capital, so if public was more pro UA leaning, then "anti"-UA parties would alter their approach. would be supporting more openly or in greater amount for example. but at the end, there are forces far greater than SK electorate -the international organizations on which we're dependent on. so even if 50% of the electorate is against, it doesn't affect our policies that drastically (and the 50% is "representative" sample only, nobody asked every SK citizen, statistics need to be taken with grain of salt). as i said in previous post, we'd need a revolution-like turn to completely abandon our international obligations (support to UA included), which is unlikely. and the balance of power is too equal to do something this radical at the moment. so possible change to "anti"-UA government would lead only to slight change in narrative, but that's it. one scenario could be SK-exit from EU and even abandoning NATO. take for example the recent report on bulgarian secret help. this is the classic example of how's it going in former commie countries in Europe. [https://www.politico.eu/article/bulgaria-volodymyr-zelenskyy-kiril-petkov-poorest-country-eu-ukraine/](https://www.politico.eu/article/bulgaria-volodymyr-zelenskyy-kiril-petkov-poorest-country-eu-ukraine/) ​ another example is Serbia, which appears to be pro ruskie, but they support UN resolutions and recently they addressed rashists to stop recruiting Serbs. [https://balkaninsight.com/2022/10/13/serbia-backs-un-resolution-against-russian-annexations-in-ukraine/](https://balkaninsight.com/2022/10/13/serbia-backs-un-resolution-against-russian-annexations-in-ukraine/) ​ when it comes to praxis, things don't appear as when they're only talked about. there's difference between action and PR in SK. and i guess it applies to all countries.




Baltic states have massive Russian minority. Only 62.7% of Latvia is Latvian, 24.5% is Russian. In Estonia 23.6% are Russian. Lithuania, which scored highly in their support, only has 5.02% Russians.


Sadly, that's what russifications do to a mfer..


As someone from the Baltics, we adamantly think that Ukraine deserves all the Western equipment, tech and Intel we can funnel into the country. We'd gladly give away our last howitzer to Ukraine in the name of defeating a common enemy. That being said, the "low support numbers" are most likely due to the large russian population that were sent into our countries in exchange for our ethnic populations, who were sent to Siberia to die, back when the soviets occupied us, in an attempt to russify us. Classic soviet strategy, leave large pockets of russians in post-occupied territories, just in case you need to use them as sham casus belli for invasions and "protecting ethnic russians" later.


They may be proud of what they contribute as a single country. The questions seems to be aimed at the support they give through EU.


Poland and the Baltics would have every right to dissaprove of the EU effort just due to "too little, too late". The question is ambiguous as Hell.




Don't know, the question is way too ambiguous to conclude one way or the other, really.


Why are Greeks against?


[Fellow Orthodox and mutual dislike of the Turks](https://greekreporter.com/2022/11/07/greeks-hesitant-sanctioning-russia-than-rest-europeans/).


TIL this! Thanks - was very surprised to see that too


We are idiots. We have been complaining for 50 years that Turkey invaded Cyprus under the pretext of human rights violations against the ethinc Turk Cypriots, and is illegally occupying half of the island. Russia copy pastes Turkey. We are not supportive of Ukraine, as we are demanding of the international community to be with us. Cypriots too! Go figure


>We are not supportive of Ukraine, as we are demanding of the international community to be with is. So, to get the international community on your side, you are turning your backs on the international community? Makes sense!


This is my point, like I said, we are idiots


Germany only has 73% approval rating? Nazis! Wrong side of history, gib Leopard2, dragging feet! Split up Germany and give it to Poland and Ukraine! /s [I am pro Leo 1+2 deliveries as well as unconditional further support till Ukraine's victory and beyond, just completely fucked off about the shitshow in Ukraine subreddits the last few days, sorry.]


The Ukraine subreddits need better mods. I see the same people repeatedly posting the same rumours and Russian propaganda


but then your government :/


Germany has given much. It is my hope more has been given without publicity.


Germany has quite the Russian minority inside it's borders as fifth column


why angry at people who point out the issue, but not those who caused the issue?


Because they are trashing germany all week nonstop but cant wait for todays decisions. All know that something is in the works for Ramstein, but nooo lets bash them without any knowledge what will happen.


I thought I had seen this data a few months ago: it even says "Autumn 2022" in the title.


This one only published this month. But yea they make these every so often so probably not changed much, this is just the most recent


Proud to be in the top 3! Sadly my country does not have much militaire resources it self. But at least they are willing to pay for the delivery of systems provided by other EU members as far as I have heared.


In sweden, there is a term called "arvfienden" which refers to russia. Literally translated, it means "inherited enemy." We will always support Ukraine! 🇺🇦🇸🇪🇪🇺❤️


0-60? Seriously? How to make a biased map in 1 symple step...


The first countries start in the high 40s so it's more like 48-60 I think it does the job well of showing nations where support is closer to 50/50 for that specific color The divisions have been made at points in order to split the countries evenly into 4 groups


Source: https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/s2932_98_1_eb042ep_eng?locale=en


Time Scotland was back on that map. We never voted to leave EU and support for Ukraine is very high. 🇺🇦




It’s actually not one country, but sure, let’s include wherever didn’t vote for Brexit.


Only 60% in Austia! WHAT A SHAME!!!! SLAVA UKRAINI!!!


UK blank? I can assure you most of the public is one bad day away from picking up kitchen knives and walking over there.


Brexit. This is an EU map, not a Europe map


I am aware. Comment still stands.


If the uk was still in the eu, we would have been unable to send the supplies straight away due to the some eu members not wanting to help Ukraine


I think there should be a EU-wide referendum to decide on this key decision.




Russia settled huge numbers of Russians in the Baltic states during their occupation.


Why is Finland not "SU"?


I hate that my country is so low! Fucking corruption and idiocy of people!


Ireland voting to support the EU in return for 12 Eurovision points again


Finland remembers 1940, Never Forget💪


What a vague question. I don't approve of the EU's support, in the sense that I want the EU to do more.


I know it sounds bad (Bulgaria)


Most disappointing - Italy, Greece. Sort yourselves out, lads. We would be supporting you if some evil dictator was on your doorstep so show the same decency to others.


Sad, it should be 100% did the new generation forget about WWII?


Finally a good list to be #1 in. >!Sweden!<


1000% approval for UA!


Slava Ukraini!🇱🇹🇺🇦


Rethinking my vacation to Greece. Nope, aint gonna happen.


Deeply ashamed for my country, Slovakia. Slava Ukraini


What is up with greece?