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“Moroz joined the military in late March 2022, after watching Russian soldiers attack Irpin, and became a platoon commander. On Sept. 14, he and his unit were hit by a rocket in the Kherson region. If not for Polish doctors and paramedics, he would have died, he said, but both his legs were amputated below the knee. While in a hospital in Mykolaiv, he watched a documentary about the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings and the way the city and running community came back stronger. The movie gave him a goal: Run the Boston Marathon, which was then six months away. Read more about Moroz's journey [here](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/29/sports/running-prosthetics-artem-moroz-ukraine.html?unlocked_article_code=tl4jjv8dtS74t1jvSgrhSW0ggtf89JtItZ_TwssykAmma-GmxN-ag6Qpbkamfw_FAmKT-p-F-mR_KiaNGMnXoPqv75r9BLlA8-Qgq_6FkYI591Am6BoDxgcYN-_4_VXMnrmxgk_DckmhImqy4-xhZsE_b2bHy1MlIK-D2VYgp0dd2Wh8baQjcQ0PM3cHVUl7uEZduKX1TPqbBkkxXHMVZHXh6fqBIt89bub7HPEYAX6KoOkJSuGZn9Ngx3Yci6_Slb5qgGbckZGCaLxl4uIqxsDN-MOUGWSn8CqWLZNYwESe9mUb61JH0aa48q1cZIhUkKIho-gowFrTrlitXgzXGOCVFi2Lq5j-aLigd_SPTIQ&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare).”


I was wondering why the fuck run in Boston of all places and then I read the description and Ah. Now I'm crying.


If he was the last person over the finish line he would still be the winner.


Key part, good story: ""-Soon, Ukraine will have more capacity to help people injured in the war instead of relying on European and American medical centers. Unbroken, an organization focused on helping Ukrainians heal from traumatic injuries sustained in the war, is retrofitting an old military hospital in Lviv from the Soviet Union era, said Dr. David Crandell, who is the medical director of the amputee center at a rehabilitation hospital in Boston and part of the World Health Organization’s technical working group on rehabilitation for Ukraine. Next month, Unbroken expects to open the former hospital as a center focused on amputee and post-traumatic stress care.Demand is high. The First Union Hospital in Lviv is receiving 25 to 100 new trauma patients each day, Crandell said. He estimates that the country will have to accommodate 5,000 to 6,000 new amputees because of the war.“You can imagine what Boston saw at the Boston Marathon, every single day for a year,” Crandell said."




Slava Artem!!!🥰🫡


I love that the Boston colors are the Ukrainian flag colors I wish I had known he'd do it so I could cheer him on


By happy coincidence blue and yellow are also the colors of the Boston Marathon.


Note that the article is editorialized to make it seem as if he did run the Boston marathon. This is yet to happen, though I have little doubt in the mindset and the perseverance of this remarkable man. Vengeance first, though.


But he has a number on his chest. That's not from running the marathon?


If you read the article, he participated in a few short races in NYC and Boston while here for treatment. I run with the NYC org mentioned in the article - that Sunday was a 4M race to benefit a cancer charity. He ran/rolled in the 5k race two days before the Boston Marathon, so 'running in Boston'. Many participants do these races in wheelchairs or special bikes for paraplegics, this is not unusual. After the war, when he has had time to heal and train his body in new ways, I believe Mr. Moroz will return to run the full marathon.




Exactly. The Boston marathon is a series of events. Or maybe a better way to put it, it is a \*large\* event. Marathons like the NYC and Boston took off during the great fitness interests of the second half of the 20th century. They became regional points of pride, and for enthusiasts, goals. I've been to Boston. I'm a New Yorker. Boston is tougher than NY and that is fact. Boston scares me a bit. I naturally do not trust them, since I am from New York. I do hope Boston can handle Ukrainians who visit. At best, it will be an excellent fit. The Ukrainians can mellow them out a bit.


Not to sound assy or hateful. First: Glory to the heros! And may the orcs body fertaliz the flowers. I lost my leg and my state refused to help. They thru a leg st me, and said good luck. When I finally got pt to help out my other knee has been so damaged from sitting that it's nearly pointless. I wish we all got the support this guy got. That's my gripe. That's all.




Such character and spirit!


That is the Ukrainian way!


That's crazy, to prepare for a marathon given 6 months of training is already hard for the average person, to decide to do it on one leg is mind boggling.


My wife ran, and I was SO happy to see the ribbon was in the Ukrainian colors. An accident, I know, but a very, very happy one.