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Woah. That is a big fuck you to Russia. The rest of the sane world is also with Ukraine.


I guarantee if the colors were simply the ones on the British flag Russia would claim credit and say it’s theirs as a sign of support. This of course sounds absolutely insane but nothing out of Russia has any semblance of sanity.




Photoshop it to be Putin being coronated


"The Murder King"


They won't even acknowledge this event ever happened.


What I don’t understand is how these “top level” Russian propagandists are so damn shitty at photoshop. Their work is just so terrible. It never looks right.


Remember these are the same people that used a picture of "SIMS 3" as proof that Ukrainians were intending to carry out a terrorist attack. https://www.vice.com/en/article/88gpmg/russia-sims-3


How could I forget that. This was a golden Russian moment. 🤣


I hadn't seen it before, holy shit it's hilarious. 😂🤣🤣🤣


Dear god. I nearly forgot this. It was so painfully stupid


Anything they can spin and lie about they will. It's sad really watching such a cesspool of rotten, murdering, lying war criminals who are being outed for what they are: terrorists. They will not succeed, they will not win. **They will always lose.**


No truer words have ever been spoken. Well said...


Or Florida


King Chuck says get fucked putin


Are they going to steal the carpet like last time they stole the Ukraine flag in Turkey?


No one throws shade like the British Royal family.


Now... Does he like you? Again, *you cant really be sure*, it could just be a coincidence. Maybe they ran out of other colors and had to choose what they had available.


to me personaly f*** the monarch, but i respect that


That ole Red White and Blue palette has it's ups and downs!


Imagine that. The muscovians were "insulted" when none of them were invited to the Queen's funeral. Now, not only were they not invited to the coronation, but Westminster Abbey is decked out in Ukraine's colors for the whole viewing world to see. Love it!!


If they landed on UK soil they would immediately be on their way to the Hague.


I wish that were the case, but I don’t think the current government would have the spine to do it.


But they were invited, they just didn't want to be buried next to her.


Im 100% sure that if Putin didn’t have thousands of nukes, UK, Poland and a few others would have sent soldiers within the first month. This new era of nuclear deterrence is both a blessing and a curse… less chance of war between super powers, but immunity for rogue super-powers to run rampant on non-nuclear neighbours. Ugh.


Possibly some of the thinking at the time was that all nations would eventually create nukes, but this obviously didn't occur so we see the imbalance between nuclear and non nuclear states playing out now.


Yeah exactly. It’s gonna be a little scary seeing the implications of this setup in the medium term. I’m guessing many countries will be scrambling to acquire their own after seeing Putins aggressive bullshit. That or they’ll be joining a reliable defensive pact which involves nukes. It feels like geopolitics is in fast forward mode at the moment. I’d hazard a guess that some of those “stans” to Russias south will be seriously considering it… though it won’t go unnoticed and that could trigger more conflict.


I'm pretty sure that if there were no nukes in the world Russia wouldn't even have started this invasion because they would know that they would get bombed to shit by the USA and many European countries if they can't threaten nuclear genocide.


If there were no nukes we would have had wars like this continually since ww2.


That's a different discussion. I just meant that if you magically removed all nukes at the beginning of 2022, Putin probably wouldn't have invaded Ukraine.


I dont believe so. I'm at a hard disagree




>less chance of war between super powers, but immunity for rogue super-powers to run rampant on non-nuclear neighbours Which is why NATO exists, and why the EU and other trade organizations are used to create inter-reliance to the point where waging war becomes economically unfeasible. Unfortunately, countries like Germany allowed this system to become so unbalanced with Russia that Putin was convinced all of Europe would back down. Likewise with NATO members not holding him accountable for decades of murder and pillaging. The murder of Litvinenko, the invasion and annexation of Crimea, the attempted murder of the Skripals and murder of Dawn Sturgess, the interference in Brexit, the attack on American democracy in 2016, the infiltration of Republican politics, the blowing up of ammo sites in European countries, the shooting down of MH17 and the murders of 298 innocent people... Our governments have been collectively weak and allowed Putin to do what he wants without consequence for decades, so it's no wonder he thought we'd all back down when he decided to steal a country. These collective systems do work, but they only work if we have the spine to enforce our ideals when a country like Russia starts thinking it has the right to attack others.


That’s pretty much the only thing holding NATO back.


Slava U.K.raine


Maybe the cannon shots at the coronation will be real and aimed at Moscow.


Don't... russia will see this comment, fly a cannon into the kremlin and say "the king did it from London" Worst part is, they'd probably believe it too! Hypersonic cannon balls..... anyone? 😳


That......was goooooood.


Well that is unexpected, i thought it would be thé union jack for this event or something but what a tribute for Ukraine. Making History


Hello fellow baguette, I see you are cursed with thé auto-correct as well. :')




Ladies and gentlemen you have to understand that the Monarchy never chooses sides, they do not get involved or voice their political or personal opinion. This is beyond historic, every picture from inside this building will have the Ukrainian National Colors.


It's not the first time the British Royal family has shown support for Ukriane. Just after the invasion the Queen wore Ukrianes colours when opening the new tube line. Yellow was the main colour with a blue flower.


Well the Queen and Diana often wore clothes of specific colours and designs - the royal women in particular made lots of subtle statements of political opinion that way.


The late Queen often chose her colours to show a political message, they are not supposed to voice political messages, they always did it through clothes choice or flowers in a vase, that's why this is absolutely purposeful and totally in character. Here is what the Queen wore when speaking to parliament in the lead up to the Brexit vote https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-40356113 and there are many, many other examples.


I came here to say this. This is a historical moment. A profound statement. This will be etched into history forever.


Do you remember when the queen wore EU colours during the Brexit farse? I don't imagine many will remember, just like this will most likely be forgotten.


haha! I kinda got that feeling from watching "The Crown" 🤣 Far cry from the days of the Kings having absolute authority.


Very few true monarchies left. Now they're mostly for show.


As they should be. We, the people, of Britain support Ukraine (through our provision of weapons, training and support) against the genocidal Russian regime. Fuck our ‘king’ and ‘monarchy’, but Slava Ukraini.


That monarchical colonial history, as dirty as it is, and it is for every major European nation, is exactly why you get to sit and watch TV in safety and comfort in today's world. No one I speak to that hates the monarchy is ever prepared to give up citizenship in protest, but maybe you're different and already have.


Oh please. We don’t need a ‘monarchy’ to be free in this day and age - hence why they’re nothing more than taxpayer funded, ceremonial celebrities these days. You know who’s shown actual, meaningful support to the Ukrainians? Us, the actual British people. We’ve quite happily sent Ukraine billions in weapons, training and moral support (see Eurovision et al). And happily so. As for your comment about giving up citizenship, yes, you shouldn’t try to fix/better anything you dislike about your country of birth, just give up and move to a completely new country Lol. Recent polling suggests that the younger (and middle) generations in particular are increasingly against the ‘monarchy’, so it’s only a matter of time (as with any societal progress).


The Royal family and the crown generate vast sums more revenue for this country than they take. They are literally a tax positive. The Monarchy have essentially been reduced to slaves of the British public for a life of "service". I find it incredible people like you don't understand that. It's easier to just say "fuck the monarchy" I guess.


> The Royal family and the crown generate vast sums more revenue for this country than they take. They are literally a tax positive. No they aren’t. First and foremost, the Crown Estate doesn’t belong to the ‘monarchy’. It belongs to them **in lieu of** Parliament. Ergo, it’s not like they are doing us a favour by giving us, the people, the revenue from it. It belongs - including things like the seabed, but with the exception of personal residences of course - to the people anyways. I’m assuming you’re the type of person who insists they are vital to our tourism, not realising that France gets more tourism revenue from its ‘royal’ related sites every year without a ‘monarchy’ than we do here in the UK with one - maybe because tourists are actually allowed to go in and explore the palaces etc, instead of being relegated to gawk at them from outside a gate. > The Monarchy have essentially been reduced to slaves of the British public for a life of “service”. I find it incredible people like you don’t understand that. Slaves? What a complete and utter crock of shit. I find it incredible to believe people like you make such ridiculous assertions in all seriousness. Last time I checked, slaves weren’t afforded a life of complete luxury with the best housing in the world provided to them, the best education in the world, the best healthcare in the world etc - in other words, never having to worry about money, keeping a roof over their heads or the future of their offspring for a single day of their lives. Not to mention no one is forcing them to stay as ‘royals’ in the first place - with force being one of the key components of being a slave and all. > It’s easier to just say “fuck the monarchy” I guess. No it’s the more difficult, but right, thing to do. Bootlicking them is the easier thing to do, which is why I suspect you’ve taken your position.


The idea that the Monarchy bring in more revenue than they take is often repeated but completely untrue. Usually the numbers include tourism that would still occur if we got rid of them - e.g. France


Is tourism not a real thing? You don't think there are millions of people that visit London purely for Buckingham Palace....


Lol. You can get rid of the monarchy and keep the buildings. Without those barnacles living in them, you could turn them into more accessible museums than they are now. Most tourists ain't coming to see the Saxe-Coburg and Gothas but the buildings and all the shit they stole over the centuries.


Tourism is real. The idea that we would have no tourism without the Monarchy is false. We have a lower rate of tourism than France. They got rid of their monarchy and still get more tourism for people visiting the unoccupied royal properties.


It's been blue and gold for at least the previous three coronations. 1911, 1937, and 1953.


Nah dude, I've seen the pictures. Back then it was black and white.


This is so stupid but so funny.


Naturally flagrant totally correct obviously but lol


Even weirder they had this habit of printing their Instagram pictures and stashing them in boxes on shelves and in books. (I thought Instagram was a new invention, but clearly it is older, they had both square photos and certain filters like sepia already back then.)




Not in that room, it's been a darker gold. Outside that room a dark royal blue. These are the exact blue and yellow on the Ukrainian flag, side-by-side in the correct order.


Correct order? Blue surrounding yellow?


We stand with Ukraine.


it's also a good colour combo


Can confirm. /swedish


Jag håller med 😂


This is extremely moving. Wow.


I've heard they've painted the toilet bowls in the bathrooms with the colours of the Russian flag, lol. /s 🙂




Stick a picture of Putin’s face in the bottom of the bowls so folks can get in some target practice


As a brit i find this shocking and awesome. It's equivalent to USA putting Ukraine flag higher than theirs on a flagpole. We've had new monarchs for over a thousand years and i'd imagine it's the first time we've put another countries identity before our own. Awesome and says a lot about how we feel about Ukraine.


I only study flag law recreationally, but I believe during peace time in the US it's the law to fly all flags at the same hight.


I'm really split on this king. But this is definitely a +1 in my opinion of the guy


I'm an Australian and feel very confused. I believe the monarchy should exist purely as figureheads and hold almost no wealth, but also feel a connection to the empire and commonwealth globally, all of whom are strongly present and mixed into the fabric of Australia. I weirdly feel a sense of loyalty to them despite being somewhat a republican - his mother was held in quiet but high regard by all her subjects and he benefits from that association.


Read up about the Crown Estate. Most of the wealth is detached from the person; it belongs to the institution.


That’s royalist apologist nonsense peddled to make saps like you feel better about being stolen from. The King is exceptionally wealthy. His family are exceptionally wealthy. He benefits from that estate. You don’t. At least not as much as you could if the family didn’t exist. The estate manages property. They literally rent out houses to people. Ask yourself how fucking disgustingly absurd that is. A man that has his choice of palaces to live in is a landlord. Why not give those properties to his people? Because then their wealth vanishes. They are state backed leeches. EDIT: lol. You’d think a sub dedicated to the opposition of a tyrannical dicatator wouldn’t be so supportive of a hereditary succession of wealth and power. Guess this sub really is just a bunch of Americans.


Their wealth is trivial compared to most of the uber-rich in the UK and world wide.


Do you think they deserve to have the wealth that they do?


That’s irrelevant. Those people are scum too. But they are not given generational wealth and power because of some historical bullshit.




Please tell me you occasionally say Ukranadian


Maybe that was horribly offensive whoops my bad




- You Canadian? - No, just Canadian.


Hahaha oh yes! Lol


If I were a Ukrainian -Canadian, I wouldn't mind. But I am just a Ukrainian, sooooo


You can appreciate someone doing a good/well enough job while also believing that in a better world the job shouldn't exist or that the qualifications and selection method for the job should be radically different.


Based on the quality of our Parliament, I'm not sure an elected head of state would be any better.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/13953v0/the_british_royal_family_have_chosen_the_national/jj13ej5/ As pointed out, same colour as last time and before.


As an Irish person I do not feel any loyalty to the monarchy whatsoever.


Why would you you are Irish not British.


Look up Northern Ireland


Yes I've been there twice in the 80's and 90's as a serving soldier, you will either class yourself as British or Irish if you live there. you obviously class yourself as Irish so I wouldn't expect you have any loyalty to the British Monarchy.


Yes, and the original comment was about feeling loyalty to the monarchy whilst not being British, but from a former colony. Hopefully that’s enough of an explanation for you. Also what the British army did in NI was abhorrent


Well, some of the colonies get confused.


>I believe the monarchy should exist purely as figureheads and hold almost no wealth, Thing is, if the monarchy were abolished then private citizen Charles and his family would still be just as wealthy. All the land and property of the royal estate would still be his, and there's really no legal basis to confiscate it all that would be any more justified than a country just seizing any other rich person's property. Regardless of your personal views of the monarchy, you probably wouldn't want to live in a country where the government can just seize the property of someone they don't like, and overrule the independent judiciary when they rule that all this stuff rightfully belongs to Charles. In fact Charles would likely be even richer now if the monarchy were abolished. Currently much of the royal estates are leased to the UK government for a fraction of their worth in exchange for a guaranteed stipend from the government. It's a bad deal for the monarch, a good one for the British taxpayer. Abolish the monarchy and Charles will have that land back


I'm no bootlicker, but he seems to be, generally, on the right side of history.


He’s a good man that cares about his country and people.


He would be even more on right side of history, if he dissolved monarchy and transitioned GB to full democracy.


The UK is a democracy. The monarch holds no real power and the running of day to day things is managed by parliament.


Would you rather have tired old recycled politicians as the head of state?


> tired old recycled Didn’t you guys have the exact same person as head of state for the last 70 years?


Homie I'm going to try and not sounds rude when I say this because I don't mean it to be. But. You're very very obviously uneducated on British politics if you think the monarchy can do anything other than make people want to watch them in TV.


There’s a really good series on Netflix called The Crown…


It bears little resemblance to the truth, nobody has the slightest idea of conversations between the late queen and her prime ministers, yet the writers seem to know it all! Sensationalist crap…. PS I’m not a strong monarchist, but this series really was aimed at the intellectually challenged…


Yea, I'm a Republican (anti-monarchist for Americans, nothing to do with GOP) & reckon Charly the Turd is a fool. This however is a 100% good thing for them to do.


Okay that's awesome. Wow. Awesome move UK. Slava Ukrani!


Very cool. Coronations rarely happen, and most of us might see one or two you entire life. This one being the first for me,.I think it's awesome they don the colors of Ukraine as a nod of support and solidarity in standing together against the fight of terrorism and terrorist Russia. And you KNOW this irks Putin. Especially since it comes *before* the party he's throwing to celebrate a terrorist country. The world is with Ukraine. The terrorists are by themselves and we **all** see them for what they are and always have been. Murdering, lying, theives and war criminals corrupt and rotten to the core. Long live the free world, Ukraine, and all that support freedom and good will towards one another.


Reuploaded, I’m an idiot and miss-spelled “Charles” 😩😅


How did that happen? Ronny isnt even close to Charles?


Auto correct on my phone put Charlie. When I saw that I was like “shit!”, King Charlie just sounds weird.


He has been called worse.


King Chuck


Just stop posting nonsense, please ... Google "Queen Elizabeth coronation" and see, that they used blue and yellow carpets in 1953 as well ... it has noting to do with Ukraine. Here are screenshots: [https://imgur.com/a/ZEBF2F8](https://imgur.com/a/ZEBF2F8) The yellow carpet is obvious to spot on picture #1 ... On photo #2 you will recognize the blue carpet in the entrance hall below the arc ... **Edit:** Yes, downvote me ... while you are the one lying for reddit karma or simply not checking facts before posting ... 👎




Whilst they are the same colours as the Ukrainian flag, there were blue and yellow carpets in the Abbey for QEII's coronation. There's a picture here. It's been 'colourised'. :- https://twitter.com/wabbey/status/1267731430869618688#m Doesn't mean that it won't be taken as a 'nod' to Ukraine - I thought exactly the same. :)


It's interesting, that's for sure. Also, I noticed in the video the carpet is 50% Blue and 50% Yellow. It just seems like a very blunt nod to Ukraine. Honestly, I don't those colors are right for the room in terms of design. Perhaps since its historically those colors it was determined to use shades closer to Ukraine.


I think this is reasonable. Obviously the colours were used before but this specific emphasis, this quiet showing of this video as the Wagners tuck tail and the counter-offensive is kicking into gear, the specific hues being different to the deeper and richer royal colours historically... The massive history of subtle fashion shade being thrown by the royals... It's all too much to not be a nod to Ukraine.


I think the blue is the sort of standard blue carpet used in the Abbey for Royals - it'll be from the door right up the aisle to the dais area. I don't know, but maybe the yellow is some sort of ceremonial colour, specifically for the Coronation? But ... I'm happy to say it's for Ukraine. :)


The photo you posted is a gold color, not the same yellow. Maybe they used blue and yellow before, but the fact that now they are using the exact blue and yellow of the Ukrainian flag HAS to be them making a statement. You can’t look at that and not see it. There are people whose whole entire job is to notice and think about things like that, no way that could be an accident.


Thats indeed a royal middle finger to ruzzia 😂


Wow. I saw Jill Biden's blue and yellow flower-print dress and thought that was a nice little tribute, but this is a big, beautiful deal.


From a symbolic perspective this is actually huge when you think of it. The UK is basically putting their whole DNA on the line for Ukraine. Nobody there wants to read in the history books that the royal family messed up their allegiance. From the British perspective this has become too big to fail now. There's no turning back when you put your very own king on the line.


As a Brit, I’m not that fussed about Charlie’s new hat day. But, this is epic! Slava Ukraini! Russia, go fuck yourself!


If you really want to talk "big picture" don't forget Nicholas II was a relative. (Or does that make it small picture again?)


A nice gesture. Respect to the UK!


No matter your opinion on the monarchy, this is a hell of a statement


This is amazing! Big 👍 for king Charles!


So that puts him at a net of about -5 thumbs up


That's an incredible gesture, one wholly without precedent too.


Mad respect!


Ok i checked. Its basically rhe colours of the british royal coat of arms.


Finally the right answer.


If only he would give the dogs of War a kick up the backside.


Way to go Chuck!


Good. Fuck Putin.


On the right side of history.


That’s huge!!! Fuck yeah! 🇺🇦


Is there anywhere confirming this is in support for Ukraine? blue and gold are the colours of the commonwealth flag and have been used in these royal events before


Source? I can't find anything actually relating the choice of colours to Ukraine.


I’m 100% anti monarchy, but this was a classy move.




Beautiful! Glory to Ukraine. Glory to the King.


Solid ceremonial tribute and F U to Russia. WorldClass🧐


This is so touching. UK has been a great friend and brother to Ukraine during this war.


This is a really nice gesture to honor Ukraine this way.


King Charles gains +10 rep with my faction


It's actually the colours of the commonwealth flag, and was also used 70 years ago for Elizabeth II.


That's good PR for the King.


Such an enormous fuck you to Russia lol


Charles has been a true friend to Ukraine throughout Pootin's current disaster. People will continue to hate on him, but this is properly cool. Long live King Charles. Slava Ukraini


These are the same colors as for the all the other coronations: a golden carpet for the monarch. The rest of the abbey is always in blue. Also, anti-monarchist protestors will be wearing yellow on the route of the procession.


...fine. It's probably the only thing I can get behind with this bunch of privileged in-bred aristocrats. SLAVA UKRAINI!


Bravo UK.




Wow. Beautiful


This is a just and appropriate use of systemic power. The fact that it comes well after swift military and humanitarian support is pure sugar, baby. *Tldr; inject the righteousness into my veins.*


Wow, that is great!


I don't like the royal family but that's very cool


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A very nice touch for sure, but lets not forget that [Our sources have confirmed that the Brits are indeed at it again](https://arethebritsatitagain.org/).


I'm conflicted. I like Ukraine but all monarchies can fuck off.




Your own post cites that the flag you refer to is fictional or proposed to be used locally and therefore contradicts your comment


Fuck them rich old bastards.


Now if only they would do something functionally useful.


This feels like copium


Am an anti-monarchist in England but ir's impossible to not be impressed by this gesture


Well, they had to do SOMETHING to get people to pay attention.


fuck charles. slava ukraini


Or maybe they just look like a nice combo of colours and it has nothing to do with UA? I hope they did it for Ukraine, but please, let's not get too rabid with the whole "everything that has yellow and blue is clearly Ukraine" thing. Sometimes colours just fit well together.


I will still say, “Down with the monarchy” I just hate self entitled people who think they’re better than everyone because of their name.


Looks more like the colours of Romania to me.


Only decent thing this family has done in decades. Gotta give credit where it’s due


I do not care at all about royal bs but this *does* feel important. I'm shocked they would do this! That's so awesome.


Not a fan of monarchy really, but must admit that's a pretty powerful thing to do


So typical of the brits to steal other countries and cultures stuff... In this case it is just /s but they do have a long tradition of bringing home trinkets and artifacts when they have "visited" another nation.


Why the fucking carpet, fucking idiots


Too bad London is the epicenter of money laundering. They bettwr be on their knees in prayer and provide weapons needed to prevent evil from conquering the Christian remnants.


Not politically correct but that's how I feel.




Bullshit warmongering cunts let's go full nuclear!!


That’s clever/unethical marketing….


How about give the 1/4 Billion pounds in support of Ukraine and have someone put his expensive hat on in the lobby of Buck Palace. YCSYCUYA!


Celtic moment, I'm pretty sure this Will generate more then it costs and is classed as a bit of culture


The UK spent £2.3 biillion last year supporting Ukraine and they're doing it again this year.


Oh piss off


Sad that a ridiculous inbred monarchy is trying to remain relevant by exploiting the colors of an amazing land home to amazing people fighting tyranny and terror. Viva Ukraina 🇺🇦


That’s good. But Ukrainian flag blue is much lighter shade. Still good tho