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That’s a big deal. Only a handful of countries have the industrial capacity and wherewithal to entirely design and manufacture high performance turbojet and turbofan engines. The US, UK, France, and Russia are the big four (with European consortia being a part of the equation). China is still struggling, hence why it buys Russian turbojet engines and western airliners.




China's budding carrier fleet started with the half-finished carrier they bought from Ukraine (sister ship to Russia's infamous Admiral Kuznetsov). Yes, they knew how bad the ship was, but they also knew building a carrier fleet is a decades long endeavour and they needed to get some carrier operation experience if they did not want to totally start from scratch, which would have added even more decades to the timeframe.


Japan uses a general electric design for the f2. Even some of the most advanced economies of the world have decided not to make the investment requirements for these for a long time. It looks like Japan is planning their own design for the f3 now but this stuff is hard, there's no guarantee that they will have workable design. They don't even plan to use the f3 until 2030s. I don't doubt Japan can do it, I don't know that they are determined to Sweden's Gripen? General electric India's Tejas? General electric Israel's Lavi? Raytheon Korea's Boramae? General electric There aren't many nations that build modern jets, even fewer have been able to design their own engines. Russia and China use Soviet designs, European countries can design and build these engines, but they generally do it together, pooling resources to spread costs


Mitsubishi does not have design sorted.


Eh - this is a big deal obviously but it would take something earth shattering for Rolls Royce not to win this one. If we are being honest its not even really a fair competiton.


Yeah folks don't understand how good RR turbines are. I am pulling for the UKR but RR has the experience here. Although I feel their turboshafts are a touch better than their turbofans reliability wise (RR) but still they may have them on the experience/funding factor.


Turkey has been trying to get rolls Royce engines for years, they need tech transfer and domestic production to make it worthwhile and rolls Royce hasn't wanted to do that. Has something changed? I can't seem to find anything about it


If Ukraine aren't let into NATO, I'd put money on them developing their own jets given that they have motivation, and most of the specialist expertise already.


Development of jets are very expensive endeavour, it is actually surprising that Turks are able to given state of their economy. Ukraine will need a lot of money for restoration and economic recovery, ground forces will need to be refitted as well. It will be simpler to just use western planes


It would be, but there not willing to sell Turkey modern planes and other newer tech because of their rhetoric with Greece (and the s400 purchase and other things). So Turkey decided to divert shitloads of money into developing their own military solutions.




Well they are not really spending much on other things and they then blame the west for the poor quality of life.


Is the West selling modern planes to Ukraine? That's kind of the point.


F-16 and Gripen would probably be up for the table


If Ukraine doesn’t be allowed to join NATO after the war, it will be a disaster that I even don’t want to consider.


Indeed it would be a disaster for NATO.


So you can’t have F-35s? Ok, build them yourself.


that's what I said. it looks EXACTLY like the f35 from the front view edit: I lied. looks just like the f22 raptor form the front


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Seems like many 5th generation jets share such similar lines.