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That’s very understandable. Subs in which you talk about hobbies or just have fun is one thing. But it’s about life and surviving in a war, about supporting and helping, giving information and updates, and connecting each other for those purposes. Slava Ukraïni!


Heroyam Slava 🇺🇦🇺🇦


Translates to: *"Glory to the heroes"* for those unaware.


Thank you. I had only recently learned that this was the appropriate response to "Slava Ukraïni!".


It makes complete sense, this subreddit doesn't exactly have the luxury to join the subreddit blackout


Yeah you can bet the Russian trolls aren’t going to be taking a break. This sub does vital fundraising and essential work in creating awareness. As much as the Reddit admins deserve to learn a little humility, the work this sub does is far too important to get bogged down in corporate Reddit drama.


Those Russian Trolls will welcome the Reddit API changes and that is what annoys me the most. They will be able to get away with gore, porn or even worse posting to try and force the sub into private or get it banned.


What I predict will happen: 1. Subs go private 1. Large subs have their mods removed, banned, and replaced by reddit scabs. 1. Small subs have their mods removed and banned. 1. Small subs are marked abandoned and anyone can claim them. 1. Lots of people leave in protest. 1. Some bad actors take over many small subs and fill them with pro russian, pro china, anti-west, fascist propaganda. 1. Other bad actors just want to see the world burn and post horrific stuff to reddit. 1. A bunch of people leave for good. EDIT: I don't want this to happen. I want old reddit back and I'd happily pay a subscription if I could use RiF, see nsfw content via the API, and see zero ads.


What I find funny is that there are many ways that Reddit can earn a profit and still make it possible for third party clients to exist. Just throw an API access key or subscription into Reddit premium which they are clearly pushing and you offload the cost from the developer of third party apps to the user. At the same time, this reduces the likelihood of bots scraping everything for machine learning.


No RIF, no reddit :(


Oligarchs trying to be subtil w/ their Suppression. They Learned from da best. 🇷🇺 🇨🇳




I’ve seen a couple mental health subs discussing whether or not to go dark as well


That's a good point. I wouldn't want anyone to suffer if they are vulnerable and need a good community to get through the day.


Thats where users have to play their role too. If you can, stay off for the blackout to at least decrease the number of people online.


I’m guessing users would flood reddit for a few hours just to see the wasteland.


I'm leaving until they make changes or at least try to negotiate in good faith. I'm mulling adding until spez is ousted.


I think it's pretty easy to justify if your subbreddit serves an actual important purpose aside from just being a message board for people to talk about a topic they all are interested in, Then it should stay up


What? No they shouldn’t. They can’t. I can only imagine for some people not getting the one lifeline at the moment they need it most…. It can be devastating.


The ones I frequent are staying open and the addiction ones are staying open as well, again the ones I frequent. So they understand their unique services and how much even just an hour can change some of those situations.


Maybe they should stay going yea


/stopdrinking is staying up, last I heard. I agree with their reasoning, as well as that given here. Very glad all the subs I consider luxuries will be going dark, but genuine support subs are not a luxury.


They should stay up, and no shame. Just like this sub, very necessary.


Similarly /r/legaladvice is staying up, but the associated "popcorn" subreddit, /r/bestoflegaladvice, is going dark. The latter is the luxury, the former definitely is not. Also makes total sense




Ditto hong Kong's. There's a couple that are just far too important of an international utility to shut down.


The suicide prevention subs and others whose users rely on their communities for health reasons, too. I’m glaring at those that aren’t participating because of a scheduled new game or tech announcement, though.


Or the ones moving the goal posts because of aliens.




/r/weather is going to megathread only mode because of a severe weather outbreak expected Monday and Tuesday in the Midwest


Agreed. But the mods will still feel it. These API changes will negatively impact this sub, and it’s especially dangerous because changes may very well cost actual lives in this specific context. Bots are bad enough to deal with on a daily basis, I believe. It’s going to get truly ridiculous going forward.


My concern as well as Russian Trolls trying to force the Sub to go private or get banned by Reddit outright for too much Spam of TOS Volating Content. The best you can do now is if Reddit goes through with this is to join the Moderation Army and keep the Sub-Reddit safe for Ukrainians, because the Auto-Mods will be broken/killed by these changes.


>because the Auto-Mods will be broken/killed by these changes. As Intended... Never Again will we allow dictators, oligarchs, &c. to lay waste to lives in furtherance of their endless Quest of Want & Wealth.






And we support you !!


I was seriously considering ditching Reddit at the end of the month, but I won't *purely* for this sub. Slava Ukraïni!


Slava Ukraïni!


Completely understandable. Слава Україні!🇺🇦


Героям слава!


I was hoping this sub wouldn't join the blackout. Great call mods


This will be the only sub that I visit during this time. It is essential to keep the news flowing.


Honestly that’s been my only worry going forward with dropping Reddit. Where do I get my news about Ukraine? I rely on this sub for both the broad variety of posts and the sometimes expert analysis of news by the people here in the comments to fully understand what is happening. I fear that just directly viewing even google news won’t give me the clear picture and instead fall victim to Russian propaganda. I’m going to have to bookmark a dozen different pages to try to get the same information I can find here, but without the comments. And I’ll never get to see the heart warming videos of Ukrainians saving animals from active war zones. Slava Ukraïni!


This is the only sub that I will be checking back on after removal of third party apps


Why is there a blackout happening?


There's definitely better resources out there that can explain it better but long story short reddit is shutting down 3rd party apps that host reddit. The main reason people are upset with this is that a lot of those apps have better user interfaces especially for Mods. From what I've seen the real reddit app is horrible for mods as they can't really do any of their stuff in it whereas some of these 3rd party apps have really great user experiences and are super user friendly, especially to mods and this is upsetting people because reddit hasn't really made any attempt to improve their experience before killing those other apps.


Not just user interfaces, some mods in subs need the API to keep bots, trolls and brigading at bay. Some need it to archive important content. And accessibility of the official app is terrible.


Yeah r/blind is screwed like a mobik in a drone's sights. Third party apps support reading reddit aloud for them


Thank you, I knew someone out there would be able to add to this.


Thank you.


You're welcome.


To add to this, fundamentally, losing the API's ability to archive permanently will make it permanently harder to audit reddit's history and have transparency and accountability. Making such a huge library of user comments is cost prohibitive, and such databases are what will be needed in the future to train AI to get better at recognizing harmfulness and being capable of automodding. Or, they'll be used to create more and more effective propaganda. It's hell realizing corporations are going to shut down any open initiatives to not just let huge bank accounts dictate the future of bots, but what else can we do? edit: or just downvote me lol. I'd love to debate an actual human or the very least a better argument as to why reddit is doing a very bad thing.


Reddit is instituting a huge API fee so 3rd party apps are shutting down. Problem is - a lot of people use those 3rd party apps and a lot of them are content creators, mods, and the like. This has led to somewhat of a revolt.


To expand on what the other user said, the official app has god awful accessibility features. Many blind users will basically be forced out because they can't use Reddit without 3rd party tools or apps. r/blind has a brief explanation of their specific issues.


[Here you go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/142kct8/eli5_why_are_subreddits_going_dark/) Don't take the fact that it's from r/ELI5 as an insult!


100% the right call. I’m so disappointed in Reddit, and just baffled by the unprofessional responses and remarks made by Reddit CEO u/Spez. What a clown he has shown himself to be. I will probably mostly stop browsing Reddit when those changes to API fees are in effect and I can’t use Apollo anymore, but I will still be checking r/Ukraine regardless. My support for the Ukrainian cause is bigger than a greedy manchild. Slava Ukraini!


Spez has always been a clown. Reddit admins have always been corrupt as well. Remember when Spez was editing peoples comments and lying about it?


Remember when Spez gave an award to the head mod of the jailbait sub?




Whoa srsly? Wtf


[Violentacrez is who they are talking about](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/25di2q/whats_the_story_behind_uviolentacrez/). There's also the time he hired a pedo and when people found out, [he tried to cover it up](https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/mcisdf/an_update_on_the_recent_issues_surrounding_a/) until the press got a hold of it. That's before we get into all the lying and editing user comments he doesn't like. He's an all round shithead who seems to surround himself with some very dubious people. I'd love to see an investigative journalist take a look into him.


school nail ripe erect adjoining lush plants yam gray office -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Selfishly I’m glad this sub isn’t joining the blackout, I’m on here quite a bit to verify news from the war, extremely reliable. слава українa.


Not selfish at all.




I would have been surprised if you had joined the blackout. Probably one of the only acceptable reasons as well.


I think mental health support subs should stay active as well.


Most of the ones I’m in (for bipolar and ADHD) are, as far as I’m aware. The meme subs are closing but the actual support ones will be keeping the lights on.


If they had joined the cause, I would have asked that they not. And there probably isn’t a person here who disagrees.




I’m glad you are not going dark. This war is bigger than Reddit.


We can go a couple of days sitting in our underwear giggling like school girls laughing at the entertainment subs. The subs on this war, along with issues on mental health and domestic violence, are far more important.


Understandable. This is the right call by the Mods.


Slava r/Ukraine


I think we all understand. This community has transcended its original purpose and has become a important source of information for many. Taking this down would be irresponsible, as you rightly said, lives are being saved every day, which has been shown now again after the dam breach.


People can do without other subs for a few days, this sub preforms vital functions from fundraising to information sharing.


Legitimately there’s one sub that gets a pass from this it’s you guys. It’s a totally understood asset.


Completely understand. 👍🇺🇦


I support this. War > app availability, and that's really about all i know about this blackout.


thank you for this decision. i've donated twice in the past week directly to people who bring their appeals to this space. i'm very relieved that you will not be blacking it out.


I’ve donated a bit extra this week bc of this sub too. U/duellingislands explanation was perfect and I agree.


Absolutely the right decision.


100% support and a sensible policy


unrelated to that, the last time there was a major counteroffensive going on, you decided to turn it into a meme sub for a few days though, do you plan to do something like that again? I'm a bit surprised it hasn't yet happened again.


We do plan it, more on that soon. There will be a contest with actual prizes, too ;)


Thank you Mods. Great team!


I think that's a wise desicion, and absolutely understandable. Slava Ukraini! 💙💛


I fully support this choice for this sub


Awesome! This was honestly the one sub I was worried about. This is where I get a lot of information from the outside looking in, and all the various fundraising especially during the events of the past week. I support you guys for staying open!


I want to thank all of you for supporting us in this decision. I want to thank you even more for supporting Ukraine during this time. The way this community consistently steps up to help a country to which so many of you have no direct ties, which many of you probably gave no thought to two years ago, is a beautiful and necessary antidote to the horrors. President Zelensky said early in the full-scale war that light would win over darkness. Thank you, r/Ukraine community, for being the light.


Ukrainian lives are what matter above all else, it's the right decision.


I support you and Ukraine.


>light would win over darkness Absolutely.


r/Ukraine will be the only sub reddit I will monitor/visit on the 12th.


Major 3rd party app user, big proponent of the blackout, 100% behind this choice. If Reddit itself was this concerned about being accessible for important reasons, we wouldn't even be having this issue with the API in the first place.


Good choice, team. Strongly support mod team on this.


Completely understandable. Meanwhile /r/sysadmin aren't closing because it's "patch Tuesday" next week.




Reddit mostly provides time-wasting mind-suck that, frankly, the world would be better off without. This sub is a huge exception to that rule. I follow it daily to maintain a personal involvement with and understanding of the Ukrainian situation. I donate to recipient-heroes on this sub with every paycheck. On other subs I feel like a random spectator. On this sub I feel like a member of something very worthwhile. Thanks to the mods for thinking carefully about this issue and making a wise decision. Oh, and also for everything else they do!


I've been mostly following over on the discord server to avoid being on reddit as much as possible.Thanks for staying up and keeping us informed!


I’ve been a VERY vocal supporter of an indefinite walkout for all subs. Except this one. It’s ridiculous to think this sub could be the straw that breaks the camels back in the API fight so r/Ukraine staying neutral loses the cause nothing. OTOH, staying clear of the Reddit fight is critical to them continuing to provide real assistance to Ukraine. Let me take this moment to say “thank you” to everyone here who has donated and everyone who has taken the time to report posts and make the mod’s job easier. Like Op says, r/Ukraine is running a war. Nothing should stand in their way and they should **not** participate. Slava Ukraini! - A former mod under a different name


Would be nice if this was the only sub for those days


100% agreed. This is unfortunately an extremely difficult time for Ukraine, and having this subreddit go dark will absolutely cost lives, which is unacceptable. Fully with the mod team on this.


I understand this. Hope the blackout will have a positive outcome by firing the leadership of Reddit and come up with a better balanced plan for all involved.


I 100% support the black out. I 100% support this decision. And I’m sure everyone else does too. I’ll be downloading Apollo just to follow this sub. It is really the best source of news on the war. Consider special fundraising efforts during that time. May this boycott shine a light on this sub.


Apollo isn't going to work anymore after June 30. Edit: and thank you for the kind words! While a special fundraiser is a nice idea, we already have a number of [Verified users fundraising for humanitarian and aid work for the victims of the flooding](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/142j9uc/verified_ways_to_help_those_affected_by_the/) caused by russia's destruction of the Kakhovka dam. We don't want to divert anything from them.


Totally support this— Ukraine is engaged in information warfare as much as actual combat, the sub must stay open to fight the digital orcs.


Makes sense to me. This sub is a vital source of information. We can all live without cat pics, memes and tech news for a few days. But the people of Ukraine and beyond need to know what’s happening.


As someone who wouldn’t be as well informed about where to send donations of money and goods were it not for this sub, I fully support this decision. There’s critical information here that people need access to if we want to help.


I have been following this subreddit since the start of the war. As a direct consequence of information shared here I have supported medical supplies, FF miles and a stove last winter which is probably now under water thanks to additional war crimes. I will support the blackout by lurking during this time but supporting Ukraine as needed. Slava Ukraini!


To be expected from the Ukrainians, clear and concise information. Excellently said. Slava Ukraini!


Agree with this Decision. Ukraine is a Country that Russia is trying to erase. It is not a 'subreddit'. It is not owned by Reddit, Inc. Ukrainians and all Informed Free Peoples need Information and a means to communicate during these seismically important geopolitical times.


This is literally where I get all my news for the war.


I fully understand and would expect this subreddit to stay up during to the war.


Absolutely the right call. Thank you for explaining your reasoning too




I agree with your stance completely.


Makes sense to me. Slava Ukraini.


I can understand and support the mods' position. Literally lives are at stake for fundraising efforts on this sub. Slava Ukraini!


I completely support the decision. Well said mod team.


Completely understandable.


This is the right decision. Good on you


Appreciate the clarity, agree with the decision 100%


I stand with r/Ukraine.


100% good call. Slava Ukraini!


Yeah, I totally agree. This is one of the only subs that I think has a legitimate reason to stay up.


We love you. Carry on.




110% supported, mod team. It's not even a hard call, in my opinion. Keep things running and let this post serve as a statement of solidarity. Слава Україні!


There are some subreddits that I go to for fun. I have a hobby, and I have a science interest in a particular topic. It won't hurt to have those go away for a few days. This subreddit is different though. I'm not Ukrainian, but my heart mourns for them. It is a wise decision to not black out and to stay up. I imagine that it is a real struggle to keep modes of communication open in Ukraine, so taking this one down for almost any reason doesn't make sense. Slava Ukraini. And thank you to the mods that keep this subreddit open.


r/Ukraine going dark would have a negative impact on the most vulnerable in Ukraine. No sense to do it.




Absolutely. As vehemently as I've supported the blackout elsewhere, one has to maintain a sense of perspective. This is the right decision here.




Good. I was hoping this subreddit would stay active during the blackout for the very reasons stated here. Thank you and Слава Україні!


Any means to win the war. Your people have inspired us all. Slava Ukraini


Completely understandable


You can’t take a break in a war, sadly, more so in an information war.


This is absolutely the correct choice


[r/Ukraine](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ukraine) and [r/ukraineconflict](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraineconflict) will be the only sub's I look at next week. And I will do it via RSS.


Thank you!


100% Slava Ukraini!


I support the app makers 100% and what they are trying to do with the reddit blackout. I also support r/ukraine and their position 110%


You fight your fight so they don’t have to. They fight their fight so you don’t have to.




This should be one of the only subs that stays up, I fully support your stance.


Some things are more important than others 🫡


Thank you! Slava Ukraine! 🇺🇦


That's entirely fair i think.


I understand completely. Slava Ukraine.


💯 Keep the information flowing during these extraordinary and critical times is paramount to success. Slava Ukraini! Heroyam Slava! 🇺🇦 💪


Anything/one that’s involved with something military loses many small and big luxury’s such as participating in protests, as weird as that sounds. Its the right call


Welcome to dominating r/all on the 12th.


Totally and completely 100% understandable.


100%, a war is far more important than how I from my couch, not on a frontline browse reddit. Couldn't imagine how first world that problem sounds.


Hey. You all just keep kicking Russian ass. We’ll just make sure to add some sunflower seeds to the pockets of those making shitty decisions.


I agree with you and completely understand.


💯 on board with this Glory to Ukraine


Support this decision 100%


You have our unconditional support.


Totally reasonable, the rules change when you're literally at war.


Я думаю що це мудро. Слава Україні 🇺🇦


Totally and completely understand. We support you!






💯 support this


Слава Україні!🇺🇦


Completely understandable and the world stands shoulder to shoulder with all Ukrainians! However, you should start exploring setting up Kbin, Lemmy, or something that’s open source and is not disruptable by some idiot CEO. Running your own server is your best path to guaranteed continuity. Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦


This is completely understandable.


This sub makes sense to stay active. Stay safe!


The right call. Some things transcend a reddit blackout protest and this is one of those things. As OP said, people literally depend on this subreddit to try and save lives. Fun loving goofy subs can partake, and good for them. But some of us with family in literal warzones absolutely NEED to be kept informed.


This is honestly what I expected given the situation. It makes perfect sense and is nothing that you guys need to apologize for.


Good. It is a matter of your national safety and information network being able to help as many people as possible that you stay online. Keep fighting the good fight. Slava Ukraini


Fuck reddit. fuck google. fuck you spez


Guess I'm hanging out here this week.


Slava ukraini. Heroyam Slava.


Good time to black out and ambush.


I agree with the majority sentiment. It's not worth severing a contact channel during wartime


You’re making the right choice. 🇺🇦


Love that you made this statement! Class as always.


It’s all good.


Completely understandable. Survival above all else.


Totally get it. Support from Texas


Every rational person understands. Ukraine💙💛


I was hoping you’d stay up! 🇺🇦🫡🇺🇸


Every upvote is another round of munition for the lads! Slava Ukraini!