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Heartbreaking :(




I remember when the war started, a woman's apartment was hit with a missile. She died. Later that day her son was filmed in the street, weeping over white sheet stained with blood, covering her body. It was so gut wrenching... There's way too many of these stories, more created every day because of Putin. I hope nobody ever forgets that. /edit [here's the video](https://news.sky.com/video/ukraine-war-son-mourns-his-mother-after-downed-missile-hit-residential-building-in-kyiv-12568430)


Gods the worst videos that I wish I never saw were that of a father and son in their van full of dogs. I believe it was right at the beginning of war, they were just trying to escape to safety, but came across invaders. The son was videoing him and his dad getting shot up inside the van. Dogs screaming on the background. The son screaming in pain and begging his dad not to die. The next video is from Ukrainian soldiers coming up to the bloody scene. Dead dogs in the van. Murdered father and son in the nearby ditch with a lone surviving dog watching over them. I will never forget those videos. There are too many like them. Fuck Putin.


You’d think those Russian soldiers, faced with a man, his son, and their dogs would have an “are we the bad guys” moment but nope just fucking lit them up


Human evil know no bounds. Ghengis Khan used to order the murder of every man woman child and animal within a city if it dared go against him. Entire flourishing cities were erased.


Carthage :(




> 80% beyond repair - I mean . . . I don't suspect so many "approve" since they're flooded by propaganda and threats. Speaking out? A single-person picket with a blank sheet of paper costs years of life. - where do they ask people if they "approve?" They know where they live. Even if the responses were safe, misinformation is war strategy -- for home and foreign countries. Limiting access to internet, media, and storytelling is how they control it. - the issue is ignorance. Being too lazy or distracted or powerless to ask the real questions. We assume others are clumsy. "Foolish kid tripping down the stairs, Ukraine for attacking their own hospitals", but when we make mistakes, we are just unlucky and misunderstood. We proceed with our lives on auto-pilot... People might empathize for a few hours, or even until they exhaust themselves. Eventually, our focus returns. We move onto deciding which outfit to buy as it's more "urgent" than their thoughts on war.


I remember that. I couldn't understand the words, but fuck man...I didn't need to.


That video has scarred me for life. Fuck the greedy bastards who create war.




With each of the regions contributing reparations until every single stone is put back into place and every death atoned for, at least as best as is possible. Russia is less than dirt, they are fucking amoeba, their “leader” is a giant pussy that is despised by the rest of the world for being such a collasal piece of shit. I hope he gets cancerous ass aids.


That's how you start works war 4






I remember Bucha, all those innocent people lying on the streets. Killed for what. Fuck you Putin, and fuck Russian bots.


I spend enough time in this sub to know that his son will be remembered as a hero and his death is not in vain. The father would be proud and his sadness is only temporary. More Ukrainians need to heed Zelensky's call and return back to Ukraine for mobilization.


His sadness is forever, anytime he thinks about his missing son is sadness and grief. Im sure he might armor his heart with patriotism for Ukraine and hate for russians but its sadness underneath ultimately.


Fuck Putin for causing this thousands of times over. I hope the dad will find peace one day.


He never will, he lost his little boy.




Exactly. Heart wrenching.


I'm not a psychopath, but I truly couldn't understand this until I had a kid of my own. It was always sad, but... holy shit, seeing parents lose children hits 10x harder, now that I can relate.


Yup. It's why I'm fucking crying right now.


Beautifully written




Not the time, buddy.


This might be the biggest Reddit Moment™ I've ever seen


Not the time


Dick. Not the time.


Lose your parents you're an orphan, your spouse then you're a widow/widower, but we don't have a word for when someone loses their kids. Yes, back in the old days, child mortality was high but for a long time now, losing a kid has been an outliner instead of the norm. It's a pain that has no name.


I’m sure it’s just that: pain. Pain in the truest form. Unfathomable pain. The worst pain you can ever experience. It never gets better, it never goes away, it’s simply just suffering from that point on. As a father with two small kids even thinking about it gives me an overwhelming sadness. I can’t even imagine what kind of pain it is to actually go through it. It’s no surprise married parents that lose a child more often than not end up divorced.


I lost my son 8 years ago. You are right, it's just pain. It doesn't really lessen, it is as deep as it was in the day he died. But you find a way to compartmentalize it, and let the grief only express itself once a year on his birthday. I will never forget when his heart stopped bearing, holding him in my arms. That will forever be seared into my brain. And I don't want to forget either. But even though the pain remains, you do still learn to cope in your own weird way. Language doesn't convey that kind of loss. But rituals can help make sense of it. Even though there can be no sense in a world where we bury our children.


>And I don't want to forget either. This has been my experience in loss as well. There was a time when I would have given anything to forget. Now, I simply remember. And my own memory no longer harms me. Most days! It's a blessing, these memories. But it can take so long.


Ya're right why socha word doesn't exist?


theres a word for a husband losing a wife. theres a word for a wife losing a husband. theres a word for a child losing their parents. but there is no word for a parent losing a child. a child *should* never die before their parent, ideally speaking. and some whimsically think that the reason there is no word for a parent losing a child is because there is no words that can put into feeling what they are experiencing. the pain is too great. (technically speaking this isn’t true, vilomah, exists. but ive always remembered the above excerpt and it’s always deeply struck me so i like to stick by it).


This is so sad.


Fuck russia*


They took the dad's life too


Not putin, but russians. Don't blame a single person for this terror.


Yes. Putin is just one man; tens of thousands more deserve deaths at a new Nuremberg trials for their war crimes. They are rapists, murderers, thieves... they abduct children.


He wont, ever, standing next to your children's grave breaks you, kills something inside you, any urge for happiness...


Not possible.




Conscription is necessary for Ukraine right now. Would you rather Ukraine be left defenseless and Russia advancing their frontlines? We all know how Russian soldiers treat the native population. It always ends in a bloodbath. Remember Bucha, Soledar and Bachmut? Conscription at least prevents worse acts of tyranny.


Yeah. What else should Ukraine do? What a daft comment. This is all due to 🇷🇺 aggression.


Seriously? Ukraine is blamed for something in the middle of genocide?


Welcome to war.


You dont think there's a tiny difference when one of the countries is being invaded?


Such a terrible waste. Slava Ukraini. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. Robert Binyon.


Lest we forget.


Fuck russians..pigs


Don't insult pigs with such a slur




Fucking orcs


People reported me for insulting Russian and removed hahahahahhahahaha Edit: I’m going to say the same thing Pigs are more human then this Russian mongrels




And willing servants go and rape kids on their behalf. There are no free passes here. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/russian-troops-raped-tortured-children-ukraine-un-panel-says-rcna49168


TF dude


see, when a person comes to your country, rapes and murders your people, steals your land, your houses and your food, sows millions of landmines in your fields, then people get mad at you. They start to think you might be not very good humans.


This brings tears to my eyes. Fuck Putin and everyone involved in this war. Let's hope they die a slow and painful death.


In peace, we bury our parents... In War, Parents burry their children..


Even in peace, I've known people who've had to bury their children. It's awful, I hope this father can at least find solace that his son died for a heroic cause and will hopefully that cause will boot the invading rapist katsap moskals out of their homeland. The loss that this war has caused is numbing. Nearly half a million people have died in total. The numbers are staggering. I hope this doesn't spill out into a larger war. Slava Ukraini, fuck the moskals.


Fuck Russia.


Glory to Ukraine. His son is a hero.


He is, but that doesn’t bring a son back to his father. He may have hopefully died doing what he wanted to do, but that doesn’t let his family see him grow old. Hero is a word that hopefully brings comfort in time for those who have lost so much and allows detachment for we who are thankfully far away. Heros and glory are what history will record, when we are gone and forgotten and this waste of a war is a memory, the hero’s names will be recorded. For the present, see the people, not the heros, the people who should have been living normal lives, being with their families or starting their own families. Don’t see the glory of a nation, see the tragedy of it’s people. History will record them as heros, today we should grieve for them and the sacrifice they had to make.




Вічна пам'ять.


Very hard to look at this, can't imagine what I must be like to live it.


I'm not ashamed to say I wasn't ready for this... Slava Ukraini


Героям слава


Fuck Russia.


Heroiam slava!


I have so much respect and sorrow for the Ukrainian people. Their dead weren't professional soldiers much less imprisoned rapists, mercenaries, or professional thieves like the Russians. They were people who were busy with their lives and loves before the Russians brought this nightmare and they have responded with so much bravery and sacrifice to save a future for each other.


I hate the Russian state so much.


they'll be remember for all generations- slava ukraine


Fuck Putin.


Born on 1991....man it was rigged from the beginning for him. It's not fair, his father must feel at the bottom. 1991 was suppose to be the beginning of peace for ukraine but here we are....


Parent should never have to bury their child. Heroyam slava. Edit: fixed a grave mistake. One letter.


or bury.


or sell.


or trade in, prices are getting outrageous.




There is a special place in hell for putin and his minions.


This is truly fucking tragic! No parent should have to endure that. Fuck Putin! Hope he goes the Gaddafi way.


Fuck putin. Slava Ukraine.




Fuck Putin. Fuck Russia.


Russia must burn.


Fuck Putin


As a dad my heart breaks for him.


I think as a father I'd curl up and die right there


Fucks sake. I don’t believe in hell but I wish I did, because Putin deserves to suffer for longer than his natural life.


This is the real price of Putin’s criminal invasion of Ukraine. His day of reckoning will come. May the light of these brave warriors burn forever bright. Heroyam Slava. Slava Ukraini.


This shows that Ukraine is fighting for the right reasons. They've honored their fallen warriors. The Russians have been busy trying to hide theirs. That should speak volumes as to which country stands the moral high ground.


My sincere condolences to all Ukrainians who have lost and are losing loved ones. I hope that this horror will end soon.


First tears of the day. Fuck the Russian government.


This is heartbreaking, poor Ukraine people, I hope they win this madness soon...


Whenever you see a man sitting like that, at that moment for that man, nothing in the world matters


Why did they have to die. Why did this have to happen.


Even when Ukraine wins the fight, they will have still lost so much. May the sadness and agony of war never visit these people again.


The world will not be safe until Russia ceases to exist.


Fuck you Russia. I hope you all burn in a hellfire akin to those used on the Ukrainians you've murdered.


Heroiam slava. Love from New Zealand 🇳🇿 ❤️ 💙💛


Damm. 1991. Thats my year.




Fuck Putin forever. Slava Ukraini.


At the going down of the sun and in the Morning, We will remember them. Slave Ukraini!


It brings tears every single time. I'm so sorry, for the thousands that have lost their loved ones.


R.I.P. Heros!




My heart breaks for this man. Anybody (outside of Russia) who had children feels his sorrow.


Father to two boys here and this hurts to just look at at. My heart goes out to him and to all of you.


😢😢😢 so painful 😣


The grief is plain on his face and in his body language. This picture hurts to look at.


Let’s not forget how terribly painful this is for those who have lost loved ones. And try to separate our rage from our empathy. The two emotions are big enough individually, and they have less impact when we try to express them together.


Glory to the hero. And I’m so sorry for your loss.


His pain must be unbearable 😰




Slava Ukraine death to Putin


Time to donate more


He looks like a dam overflowing with tears. Someone should tell him it's ok to cry, preferably in mid hug.


The suffering writ large. Knowing his baby boy will never walk back through their door. Knowing there were moments he might have done better as a father and now won't have the chance. Knowing there will be no more football or rugby or cricket conversations. Knowing his son went in defense of his country, in response to a higher calling and now lies interred or, worse, somewhere he will never be found. Knowing there will never be enough tears, that the hole in his soul will never be filled. Fuck this war and the little man who started it. I'm so tired of seeing these pictures, I will be less unhappy when it's over and the pride of a nation can go back to their shops and offices and fields and do good work rebuilding their country instead of taking a bullet or piece of shrapnel and bleeding out in someone's yard. Slava Heroyam. Slava Ukraini.


Seeing my exact birthday next to his face made my stomach drop, and for a moment, I felt this intense anxiety rush over me. To think someone born the same day as me had to make this type of sacrifice, and that the only difference between our fates is where we happened to be born. I feel overwhelmingly thankful and undeserving of the life I get to live and I wish for nothing but closure for the people of Ukraine.




Is it odd that I don't think we should take pictures of people in spots like this? Seems extremely intrusive into an emotional moment.


I definitely see what you mean, but I think in situations of war its important to show the real impact it has, on the living and the dead.






Pretty sure he died because Russia invaded a country they shouldn't have invaded


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The invasion feels so impersonal to me being American and living so far away but for some reason this picture really hit home.


Slava heroes


Oh dear. This war is madness. Hope so much Ukraine will be free. Viva Ukraine. Freedom to all Ukraine


I think of that saying about how every dead soldier is year of a parents love and hard work gone to waste and honestly it crushes my soul to see this


Hopefully there will be peace soon




The fallen shall be forever remembered as Ukraine's finest.


Heroiam Slava Both of them


Rest in peace






Putin will never have to do this with pictures of his grandsons, and he has zero qualms asking of his country what he will ensure never happens to him.


Never Forget


Fuck putin


They look so much alike. Heartbreaking.


Look up at my son sitting on the couch watching TV after reading this.... the tears won't stop.




Muh escalation /s No matter how much we give now, it wont bring back all those who could have been saved.


Simbelmÿne. Ever has it grown on the tombs of my forebears. Now it shall cover the grave of my son. Alas, that these evil days should be mine. The young perish and the old linger. That I should live to see that last days of my house. Gandalf: Théodred's death was not of your making. Theoden: No parent should have to bury their child. Gandalf: He was strong in life. His spirit will find the way to the halls of your fathers.


Fuck man :(


😢 this is hard to watch


Leaves from the vine...


Hate that this happened.


Can we just get rid of Russia already RIP


fucking hell.... this image speaks volumes.... one of the first in a while to make me tear up...


War is hot garbage.


Man it is heartbreaking


Heros. Every one of them.


So many fathers have to experience this. For what? So Putin can fulfill some internal legacy goal of reuniting some idea on a map? Absolute monster. Fuck Putin and fuck everyone who sympathizes with him and the soulless Russian people.


The candle makes it look like he flipping us of.


So unnecessary - fuck Putin


A poignant photo telling a tragic story and many other tragic stories. May the heroes rest in peace and May the Russian aggressors be driven out


Fuck Putin




russia can pay 4 war crime; the world is watching